by Abrams, Fran
Canada, child migration to 106, 109, 135–6
cancer, and diet 235
cannabis 182
Cannell, Phillis 140
Cannon, Richard 148–9, 159
care, freedom from 201–2
Care and Feeding of Children (Holt) 61
career options 203, 205, 248
Carlile, Kimberley 198
Carrington, C. A. 130–1
Chelsea Babies Club 94
Chelsea Boys 19–20
Chester, HMS 83
Chesterton, G. K. 98
child abuse 144–7, 202
battered child syndrome 198
missed warnings 195, 196, 197, 199
recognition of problem 194–9
sexual 215–19
child consumerism 227, 248
child development 244
Bowlby’s theory of attachment 150
stages 93–4, 174
child development movement 52
child indoctrination, inter-war years 113–17
child migration
inter-war years 105–9
World War II 135
child murderers 101–5, 192–4, 220–3
child murders 190–4, 202, 224, 237
child neglect 12–13
child prostitution 14–15, 212
child psychology 48, 94
child rearing
Edwardian approach 48–52
natural approach 48
child sex-trafficking 14
child sexual abuse 15, 215–19
child starvation 12–13
child wellbeing 230–8, 244
childcare experts
Edwardian 48–52
inter-war years 95, 96
childcare manuals 60
childhood, changing attitudes to 1–8, 187–90
childishness, importance of 42–3
added value 228–9
as burden 209–10
financial liability of 247–8
investment in 245
as investment in the future 240
as lifestyle choice 225
myths about 240–2
parental fears about 223–5, 228
purpose of 208
put first 195, 223–5
role of 246
state investment in 243–4
Children Act 1948 146–7
Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act, 1955 158
children first 195, 223–5
Children’s Act 1908 104
Children’s Angry Brigade 185
Children’s Charter 9–15
Children’s Commissioner for England 5–6
Children’s Express 229
children’s homes, sexual abuse accusations 216
Children’s Legal Centre 213
children’s literature
career novels 204–5
Edwardian 44–5
girls 204–5
inter-war years 95–6
children’s mental health system 181
Children’s Overseas Reception Board 135–6
children’s rights 5, 185–6, 189–90, 199, 213, 214–15, 234, 242
Children’s Rights (magazine) 185
Child’s Play 3 (film) 221
Christian Action Research Education Campaigns 212
Churchill, Winston 139
cigarettes 56
cinema 63–4, 156–7
City of Benares, SS, sinking of 135–6
Clark, Gill and Neil 225
class divide, the 66–9
Cleveland child sexual abuse case 216–18
Clinton, Hillary Rodham 189
Cold War, the 155–9, 203–4
collective investment 243–4
Colwell, Maria 194–9
Colwell, Pauline 194–5, 195–7
Colwell, Raymond 195–6
Comăneci, Nadia 203–4
Comic Cuts 63
comics and comic strips 62–3, 157–8
communism 115–17
Communist Sunday Schools 115–16
comprehensive schools 175–6
computers 236
Condon, John 82–3
confidence 253
conformity, post-war 149–50
Connor, John 20
consent, age of 15
Conservative Political Centre 168–9
Contented Little Baby Book (Ford) 243
contraception 59, 184, 212–13
Coon, Caroline 215
Cooper, Bob and Doris 195, 196
Copsey, Emma 32
Cornwell, Jack 83
corruption, fear of 241–2
Court, David 181
crime 100
Criminal Law Amendment Act 15
criminal punishment 104
criminality, and childhood experience 193–4
Crompton, Richmal 96
Croydon High School 28
cruelty 3
Cuban Missile Crisis 159
Curry, Bill 113, 118, 131
Daily Mail 22, 59, 63, 115, 221–2, 225, 235
Daily News 104
Daily Telegraph 116, 238
Daily Worker 116
Dalgety, Susan 237
dangers 32–3, 219–20
Dartington Hall School 111–13, 118, 130–2
Darwin, Charles 51, 98, 105
Darwinism 51
Davies, Maureen 219
Dawson, Judith 218
Day, Sidney 75–6, 86, 89–92, 97
de Vere Stacpoole, Henry 45
de Witt, Dorothy 131
death, attitude to 33–4
defective children 100
Degeneration (Nordau) 55–6, 71
Denham, Buckinghamshire 122–3, 128–9
Dennis, Felix 187
dependency 189
Derwent, Lord 170
deserting fathers 167–9
Devine, Alexander 20–1
Dewar, Dora 81
Dick Barton (radio crime series) 163–4
Dickens, Charles 12, 19
diet 4, 34, 56–7, 74, 140, 227, 235, 242
disabled children
changing attitudes to 178–81
special schools advocated 100
Disappearance of Childhood, The (Postman) 207–8
discipline, Locke on 2
danger of 32–3
evacuees 125
World War II deaths 139
disposable income 182, 245
disturbed children 169–70
divorce 167–9, 211, 223, 225, 251
doing nothing 163
Downey, Lesley Ann 191
Dowse, Natalie 201–4
Dr.Barnardo’s homes 46–7
Edwardian 47–8
Scuttlers 21
and youth culture 160–1
drinking 24, 98, 233, 242
drugs and drug abuse 182–3, 184, 233
Dulwich College Preparatory School 236
dummies 60
Dundee 57, 60
Dyer, Amelia 37–8
Eagle (comic) 157
Economist, the 206
Edinburgh Evening News 237
driving up standards 233
elementary 29–30
European refugee presence 130–1
evacuees and 124
free secondary 153
girls 28–9, 203, 205
grammar school applications 154–5
inter-war years 109–17, 118
investment in 244
late-Victorian 25–30
liberal 174–5
mixed sex classes 22–3
national curriculum 233
and the Plowden Report 174–5
pre-school 233–4
private 27–8
private lessons 173–4
progressive 109–17, 118
reform 140–1, 172–6
religious 26
state role 6
ring World War I 81
and youth violence 22–4
Education Act 1944 140–1, 153
educational under-achievement 234, 236, 252–3
Edward VII, King 41, 47, 68
Elementary Education Act 1870 25–6, 28, 39
eleven plus exam 100, 153, 154, 155, 173–4
Elizabeth II, Queen, marriage 147–8
Ella from the West Country 229
Elton, Lord 27
emboldenment, children’s 181–2
emigration 60
Émile, Ou de l’éducationi (Rousseau) 2
emotional capital 248
emotional investment 17
Empire Settlement Act 1923 106
Englishness 53
Enlightenment, the 2, 92–3
errands 77
Estonia, refugees from 155–6
eugenics 97–9
evacuees 106, 121–9
sent overseas 135–7
Evans, Edward 190–1
Everson, Olive 50, 57, 62, 66–7, 69, 74
evil 3, 193, 220, 241, 246
evolution 51
Factory Acts 13
Fairbridge, Kingsley 106, 108
false expectations 254
breakdown 223
Edwardian 47
importance as social unit 15–16
late-Victorian times 15–19
loss of power 6
post-war 148–51
power relations 242–3
sanctity of 225
Family Allowances 127, 140, 151
Family and Youth Concern 212
family size
decline in 5, 58–9, 94–5, 147, 245
need for large 139
Farley, Albert 82–3
deserting 167–9
post-war 149
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 28
feelings, expression of 230–3
Feldman, Marty 187
femininity, Edwardian 47
films, featuring Satanic children 220
Firestone, Shulamith 187–8, 202
Firth Park Grammar School 153–4
Fisher Boys 160
flogging 20
Foley, Alice 1–2, 16–17, 24, 29–30, 33–4
food additives 227
Ford, Gina 243
Foreman, Michael 132–3, 141, 154, 155, 155–6, 157, 158–9, 160–1
Forster, William 25, 28, 39
Foucault, Michel 188–9
Fox, Penny 224
freedom 42, 213–14, 246
fresh air, benefits of 95
Freud, Sigmund 48, 92, 94, 98–9, 244, 246
Frith, Simon 207
frustration 251
future, uncertainty about 3, 238, 239, 242, 254
general election, 1945 139–40
generation gap, narrowing of 201–2
genetic testing 225
Germany 58
Gibran, Kahlil 190
Gibson, Yasmin 224
Gillick, Victoria 212–13, 214
girl gangs 22
Girl Guides 78, 80
career options 203, 205
changing role 202–4
education 28–9, 203, 205
juvenile delinquency 164
reading material 204–5
and sex 210–12
Girls’ Public Day School Trust 205
Girls’ Realm 46
golden age 7, 251
Golding, William 3, 164–5, 221–2, 224–5, 241
good life, exclusion from 251
Goodyear, Warner 55
Gordon, Lizzie 22
Gough, Reginald and Esther 144–5
governesses 48–9
Grahame, Kenneth 45
grammar schools 100, 153–5, 172–3, 175
Green, J. Barcham 79
Green, John 22
Grim Fairy Tales (comic) 158
Growing Up (film) 185
Guardian 94, 95, 126, 169, 176, 181, 183, 185, 212, 215, 218
gymnastics craze, 1970s 203–4
Handbook for Girl Guides 80
Handyside, Richard 184
Hardie, Keir 80–1
Harker, Lizzie Allen 52
Harmsworth, Alfred 63
Harry Potter books 233
Hartlepool,, German bombardment of 85
Health, Department of 219
health and safety 231
health services 4
Hemingway, Diane 177
Henry, Tyra 198
heredity 98–9, 105
Hey, Spurley 64
Hicks, Athelstan Braxton 35–6
Higgins, W. Francis 23
Higgs, Marietta 216–18
Hindley, Myra 190–1
Hitler, Adolf 118
Hodgson, Helen 60
Hogan, Louise 51
holiday schemes, 1909 43
Holt, John 189
Holt, Luther Emmett 60–1
homicide rate, infants 34–5
Hooligans 19, 22
hope 3
loss of 248–53
horror comics 157–8
household budget, children’s contribution 39
housing 4, 127, 152–3, 182, 244
Howe, Brian 193, 220
Hoyles, Martin 187–9
Hudson, Mary 210
Huffington Post 248–9
Huggate 26, 33
Hughes, David 171–2, 175, 179–81
Hughes, Graham 179–81
Hughes, Thomas 27
Hulme, Manchester 77, 87
human development, theories of 93
human nature 51
human rights 186
hyperactivity 189
Ibsen, Henrik 55–6
ideal child, the 244–5
idealized state, childhood as 42
identity, emergence of child’s 6
illegitimate children 36–7, 76, 170
Illustrated Chips 63
Imperial Cancer Research Fund 235
imperial expansion 27
incest 15, 215–16
Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools 236
independence 18
Independent, the 223
individual choice, limiting of 235
individuals, children as 2, 9, 49, 93–4, 100, 178, 246
inequality 171–3
Infant Health Societies 60
Infant Life Protection Act 1897 38
infant mortality 59, 251
decline in 4, 34, 46, 60, 244
Edwardian 46
late-Victorian 25, 33, 34
Manchester 36
infant purity 42
infanticide 34–6, 38
injustice 207
innocence 42–3, 58, 190
loss of 227–9
Interdepartmental Committee on Physical Deterioration report 1904 59
Inter-Departmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services 138
International Times (magazine) 186
International Year of the Child 189
internet, the 236
IQ testing 100, 103
IVF 225
Jackson, T. A. 116
Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile 110
Jeffries, Mrs 14–15
Jewish Refugee Children Movement 133
Jews, Nazi persecution 133
Jex-Blake, Sonia 61
Johnson, S. C. 59–60
Jones, Jeremiah 101–5
junk food 227, 242
Jutland, Battle of 83
juvenile delinquency
American 177
Burt on 100–5
causes 162–3
and the cinema 63–4
decline in convictions 164
girls 164
post-war 161–4
Kasumba, Stanley 230–1, 233, 252
Kempe, C. Henry 198
Keppel, Alice 47–8, 50–1, 65, 67–9, 121
Keppel, Sonia 41–2, 47–8, 50–1, 64–5,
67–9, 70–2, 86–7
Keppel, Violet 70–1, 87
Kepple, William 196–7
Kerr, Mark 117
Key, Ellen 49, 52
Kilbride, John 191
Kindertransport 105, 133–4
Kingsley, Charles 25, 241
kisses, lack of 11
Kohn, Hana 133, 143–4
Kops, Bernard 117–18, 122–3, 128–9, 141
Korbut, Olga 203
Koseda, Heidi 198
La Fontaine, Jean 219
Lack, David 112
Ladies Sanitary Association 60
Lambeth 35
Lancet 59
Landers, Ann 208
Lane, Homer 110–11
Lane, John 108–9
League of Militant Godless 115–16
Leavenheath, Suffolk 36
Leech, Kenneth 191
Lees, Diana 197
leisure 62–5, 163, 178
Lennon, John 187
Leopold, King of the Belgians 14
Lewis, Jonathan 177
lice 124, 130
life expectancy 60, 251
Little Commonwealth, the 110–11
Little Red School Book, The 184–5
Little White Bird, The (Barrie) 70
Liverpool 7 173
Liverpool Patriotic Society 56
Llewellyn, Hermione 72–3, 76, 87–8, 92–3
Lloyd George, David 97
local authorities 147
Locke, John 2
London 43
the Blitz 129
East End 74–6
poverty in 57
riots, 2011 250
World War I air raids 84–5, 85–6
London County Council, child rearing handbook 49
Lord of the Flies (Golding) 164–5, 241
loss, fear of 44
Lowestoft 160–1
LSD 183
Lusack, Zita 228–9
Lyme Regis 111
McCormack, Thomas 10
Mackay of Clashfern, Lord 225
Macpherson, Annie 106
Mail on Sunday 228–9
Major, John 233–4
Malthusian League 97
Malyon, George 32
Man, Morrice 17–18, 27–8
cinema attendance 64
girl gangs 22
Hulme 77, 87
infant mortality rate 36
Scuttlers 19–22
Manchester Grammar School 154–5
Manchester Guardian 46, 121
Manchester School Board 24
Manchester Teachers’ Association 173–4
marriage 211
marriage breakups 167–9, 223, 251
Marxism Today 207
Masefield, John 52–3
Masham of Ilton, Baroness 211–12
Mason, Doreen 199
Mass Observation organization 119, 156
report of 1940 127–8
Massacre of the Innocents, The (Rose) 34–5
Mauger, Peter 157, 158
meals 123, 125
Melly, George 187
Melton Mowbray 105
mental illness 179–81
mental testing 99–100, 103
MI5 113–16, 130–1
Middle Earth Club 183
middle-classes 18, 59
migrant workers 206
migration 60