by Abrams, Fran
milk, pasteurized 60–1
millennium, the 236
miners strikes 207
Miss Pears competition 229
mistakes, freedom to make 213–14
mobile phones 229, 240
Monckton, Sir Walter 144, 145, 146
Montessori, Maria 110
Montgomery, Heather 205, 206–7
Moorhouse, Rose 84–5
Moors murders 190–1, 193
moral decline 58, 225
moral perfection 105
Moral Rearmament 212
Morris, Reverend Marcus 157
Mortimer, John 187
Moss, Tyler 248–9
mothers and motherhood
cult of 49
Edwardian 51–3
evacuee 126
feminizing of childhood 53
post-war 149–50
role of 51–2, 94
war work 129–30
motivation 253
Mrs Blossom on Babies (Hodgson) 60
muscular Christianity 27
myths 7, 240–2, 246
Nabarro, Sir Gerald 184
nannies 48–9, 69
Natal, HMS 82–3
National Child Development Study 172
National Council for Civil Liberties 184, 186
National Health Service 127, 140
National Minority Movement 117
national prosperity 151, 242
national service 159
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) 12–14
National Union of Teachers 23, 157
children’s closeness to 240–1
and nurture 99, 101–3
naval cadets 82–3
Neill, Alexander Sutherland 111, 114–15, 185, 246
Nesbit, E. 44
Neville, Richard 187
New Labour 233
New York Babies’ Hospital 61
New York City Department of Charities 10
New York, Hell’s Kitchen 10–11
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 11
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 11
New Zealand 106, 135, 136–7
Newbold Infants’ School riot 181
Newport Corporation 146
Newquay 90–1
News Chronicle 150
newspapers, growth of 19
Nijinsky 70
noble savages 45
Nordau, Max 55–6, 71
Notting Hill race riots, 1958 161
NSPCC. see National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
nurseries 129–30
nurture, and nature 99, 101–3
obesity 152, 235
Obscene Publications Squad 184, 187
Observer, the 170–1, 173, 174–5, 177, 223, 229
Oman, Elsie 63, 72, 73–4, 86
Omen, The (film) 220, 241
On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 98
O’Neill, Dennis 144–7, 194, 197
O’Neill, Terry 144–5
Opie, Peter and Iona 178
opinions, children not allowed to express 95
opportunity, lack of 248–51
oppression 187–8
optimism 3
lack of 250
loss of post-war 164–5
Order of the Child 117
original sin 1, 42, 105, 241
Orkney 218–19
orphans 33
Oswin, Maureen 178–9
over-protectiveness 237, 239–40
Overseas Settlement Board 106, 109
Oz (magazine) 186–7
obscenity trial 187
paedophiles 216
Page, Leo 162
Pakefield, Suffolk 132–3
Pall Mall Gazette 14–15
Pankhurst, Emmeline 5, 28
Pankhurst, Sylvia 74–6, 81–2
parent–child relations, over-enthusiastic 210
parents, parenting and parenthood
ambitious 228–9, 230
American style 177
as choice 209
failure to bond with 238
fear of failure 236
fears about children 223–5, 228
financial reality of 247–8
guilt 245
investment in children 245, 254
lifestyle choice 225
power relations 242–3
relationships with 50–2, 65
single 211, 251
worst mistake 52
parents rights 213, 215
Parliamentary Family and Child Protection Group 212
part-time work 182
Payne, Sarah 237
Peaky Blinders 19
Pease, Joseph 81
Pengelly, Rose 81–2
penny dinners 60
penny dreadful literature 21–2
Pepler, Hilary 49
Peter Pan 44
Peter Pan (Barrie) 5
Peterborough 80
Phillips, Jonathan 182
Phillips, Melanie 223
physique and physical fitness decline in 56–61
improvement in 78, 95
and inequality 172
Piaget, Jean 174
Pithers, David 223
play 42–3, 178
play centres 43
playground games 178
Plowden Report 174–5
pocket money 151–2, 202, 245
politicization 206–7
Poor Law Reform Act 1834, Bastardy Clause 36
poor laws 13
Popham, Peter 167–8, 183, 186, 187
population growth 151
Porter, Jim 135–7, 137, 141
Porter, Joyce 136–7, 141
Postman, Neil 207–8
post-war austerity 151
Potter, Beatrix 45
poverty 4, 15, 24, 34, 56–8, 74–6, 127, 234
Practical Motherhood (Campbell) 51
pre-school education 233–4
on children 227
effects of 230–8
Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children Act 1889 9–15
progress 4
prosperity 182
prostitution 14–15, 212
psychoanalysis 103
psychograms 100
psychology 94, 95, 100
public health
decline in 56–61
reforms 139
public schools 27–8
Pumphrey, George 157
punishment 104
purity 2, 58
racial degradation 99
radical ideas, exposure to 114–17, 184–5
radicalism, child, emergence of 181–90
radicalization, of children 114–17
Ragged Schools 25
Railway Children, The (Nesbit) 44
Rangitata, SS 136
Ransome, Arthur 96
rationing 74, 75–6, 151–2
Rayner, Claire 177
Reachout 219
Reade, Pauline 191
Rebel Without a Cause (film) 161
Reflex Relaxation and Anal Dilation 216–18
Renaissance of Motherhood, The (Key) 52
Renvoize, Jean 215–16
retrenchment 253
Rhyl 171–2, 175, 180
riots, 2011 250, 251, 253
risk assessment 224–5
Robinson, Stella 184
Rochdale 181, 218–19
Rose, Lionel 34–5
Rosemary’s Baby (film) 220
Rosenior, Juanita 229
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 2, 42
Rowntree, Joseph 4, 6
Rowntree, Seebohm 24, 34, 57–8
Royal Navy, cadets 82–3
Rugby school 27
runaways 214
rural life 42, 43, 53, 58, 96, 146
Russell, Bertrand 98
Russell, Countess Dora 114
Rye, Maria
safety 202
St. John’s Church, Wortley, Leeds, fire tragedy 30–2
St. Pancras School for Mothers 60
Salford 63, 250
Salisbury, Bishop of 189–90
Saltoun, Lord 183
Sanderson, Emily 32–3
Satanic children, films featuring 220
Satanism and satanic abuse 131, 219
Save the Children 235
School Board system 22–3
school meals, free 140
school strikes, 1911 66
attendance figures 26
comprehensive 175–6
curriculum 26
European refugee presence 130–1
evacuees and 124
girls 28–9
grammar 100, 153–5, 172–3, 175
progressive 109–17, 118, 130–2
reform 140–1
secondary modern 155
segregation 205
Scotsman 227–8
Scouting for Boys (Baden-Powell) 62
Scuttlers 19–22
Seduction of the Innocent, The 158
Seebohm Report 195
self-belief 253
self-worth 254
sentimentality, breakdown in 208–9
Sereny, Gita 193–4, 214, 223
Edwardian double standards 69–71
fear of 210
promiscuity 210–13
sex, choosing child’s 225
sex education 98, 183, 185
sex outside marriage, inter-war years advice on 98
sexual abuse 15, 215–19
sexual degeneracy 69–71
Shaftesbury, Lord 13, 25–6
Sheffield 152–4
single parents 211, 251
Skinner, Atkinson 26, 33
slum clearance 59, 152
smallpox 61
Smith, Cyril 181
Smith, David and Maureen 190–1
Smith, Emma (nee Hallsmith) 90–1
Smith, Samuel 21–2
smoking 56
Smyth, Norah 75
social attitudes, changes in 177–8
social cohesion, breakdown in 225
social evils 4, 6
Social Medical Research Unit 163
social problems 245
social reform 127
social work departments 195
Socialism 56
Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress 97
Some Thoughts Concerning Education (Locke) 2
Sommerville, John 208, 239, 248
soul 1–2
South Africa 135
Sowerbutts, Edith 57
Spanish Civil War 105, 118
spare time 41, 163
special educational needs 238
special schools 100
Spectator 104
Spencer, Anne 177
Spock, Benjamin 246
spontaneous self-development 110
Stallings, Tricia 209
state, the
first intervention in parent child relations 9–15
intervention 1990s 233–4
powers 146–7
role 6, 147, 243–4
Stead, W. T. 14–15
Stephens, Mrs Frank 50
Sterilization Bill 1931 97
Stockport 194
Stopes, Marie 95, 97–8
Streatfeild, Noel 204
Street Arabs 23–5
Study of a Child (Hogan) 51
subservience 189
suffrage movement 28, 52
sugar, de-rationing of 151–2
sunbathing 95
Sunday Times 213, 219
Sure Start programme 234
Sutton Coldfield 64
Swallows and Amazons (Ransome) 96
sweets 151–2
Switzerland 94
teachers 175–6
Teachers Labour League 117
technology, fear of obsession with 236
Teddy Boys 160–1
teenage pregnancy 183–4, 210
teenage sex, inter-war years 114–15
television 7, 208
thalidomide 179
Thatcher, Margaret 207, 214
theatre 64–5
Thomas, Peter 112–13, 118
Thompson, Jon 220–3
threat perception 219–20
Time and Tide magazine 140
The Times 12, 13, 23, 43, 53, 64, 66, 147–8, 154–5, 161, 162, 164, 172, 182, 186, 191
Times Literary Supplement 70
Tobin, Daniel 12–13
Tobin, John 12
Tom Brown’s Schooldays (Hughes) 27
Tottenham 252
Toxic Childhood 237–8
Toynbee, Polly 213–14
Truby King, Sir Frederick 95, 96, 99
Tweedie, Jill 176
typhoid 33
Ufizzi gallery, Florence 238
Uncle, A. F 73
unemployment 56, 206, 247–8, 251, 252, 253–4
Unicef, child wellbeing report 231
United Nations 189
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 6, 214–15, 234
United States of America 106, 133, 151, 177, 219, 231, 234
university 233, 249
unmarried mothers 36–7, 38, 76
urbanization 58, 69
urchins 57
vaccinations 61
Venables, Robert 220–3
venereal disease 98
vices, adult 233
Victoria Cross awards 83
video games 7
video nasties 221
Vietnam War 159
Volendam, SS 136
völkisch movement 58
vulnerability 241–2
war work
World War I 77–82
World War II 123–4, 129–30
Ward, C. 85
Ward, Mrs Humphrey 43
Warner, Jack 163
wasted lives 22
wastrels 97
Water Babies, The (Kingsley) 25, 241
Watkin, Harry 77, 87
Waugh, Benjamin 12–14
Webb, Sidney 59
Webster, Miss 174
Welfare State 146, 149, 152, 170–1
West, Henry 20
West Side Story 162
Westmorland 126
What Fathers Should Tell Their Sons 98
What Mothers Must Tell Their Children 98
Wheeler, Etta Angell 10–11
whipping 11
Whitehouse, Mary 184
Whiteing, Mary 46–7
Whiting, Roy 237
Wilde, Oscar 55–6
Williamson, Sir Hedworth 65
Wilson, Francis 10
Wilson, Harold 175
Wilson, Mary Ellen 10–11, 199
Wilson, Thomas 10
Winchester, Bishop of 38
Wind in the Willows (Grahame) 45
Winscombe Women’s Conservative and Unionist Association 115–16
Winton, Nicholas 133
Wintour, Eleanor 177
wives, abandoned 169
post-war 149–50
war work 129–30
World War I and 73–4
women and children first 122
Women’s Group on Public Welfare 127
Women’s Institute 124–5, 126–7
women’s rights 56
Worcester, Bishop 223
Wordsworth, William 240–1
working classes and grammar schools 172–3
late-Victorian times 15–17
youth culture 161
working hours, child 13
World War I 27, 41
agricultural work 80–1
air raids 84–6, 122
Battle of Jutland 83
boy combatants 82–4
Boy Scouts activities 77–80, 85
child casualties 84–5
education during 81
end of 87–8, 89
Girl Guides activities 80
illegitimate children 76
impact on families 72–6, 86–8
letters home 73, 86–7
outbreak 71–2
rationing 74
refugee fund raising 77
shadow of 90
spy scare 79
war work 77–82
women and 73–4
wounded 86
youngest fatality 82
World War II
aftermath 143–4
the Blitz 129
build up to 118
casualties 129, 136
child refugees 133–4
condition of evacuees 124–6
disease deaths 139
end of 141
European refugee presence 130–4
evacuation overseas 135–7
evacuee repatriations 137, 141
evacuees 121–9
excitement of 134, 136
foreign troops 132–3
German surrender 137
GIs 132–3
impact of 120–1
outbreak of 119–21
preparations for peace 137–41
social reform plans 138–41
war work 123–4, 129–30
Wortley Calamity, the 30–2
writers, degenerate 55–6
Young Communist League 116
Young Comrades League 116
Young Delinquent, The (Burt) 100–5
Young Pioneers of Great Britain 116
youth culture 19, 160–1
youth gangs 7
causes of phenomenon 21
emergence of 19
girls 22
late-Victorian 19–25
members backgrounds 24
post-war 160–3
youth market 182
youth unemployment 206, 247–8, 251, 252, 253–4
youth violence 22–4