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In Memory's Shadow

Page 16

by Linda Wisdom

  She didn’t protest when he grasped the hem of her T-shirt and pulled upward, tossing it down to the shower floor. He unzipped her shorts and pushed them down. Her bra and panties soon followed.

  Keely stood still as Sam soaped her down then shampooed and rinsed her hair. His deduction that she needed to be scrupulously clean was obviously correct. After he finished, he grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her. Once they were out of the cubicle, he stripped off his own soaking wet clothing and snatched up a second towel, draping it around his hips.

  Keely ran her fingers through her dripping hair, pushing it ruthlessly away from her face. Devoid of makeup and with wet hair, she should have looked haggard instead of a stark beauty that Sam couldn’t miss if he tried. But she also looked like a lost child.

  Sam gently brushed her cheek with his fingertips. “I’ll be right back,” he promised.

  Luckily, Lisa had left her hair dryer behind and he was able to sit Keely down on the commode lid and dry her hair without any regard to style. For now, he wanted her to rest. He knew a statement had to be made. Sam Barkley the sheriff demanded one now. Sam Barkley the man knew it would have to wait

  “How did he get into my house?” Keely whispered as Sam helped her into his bed, carefully covering her up. “I always lock up. How did he know I wouldn’t be there?”

  “Let me get you something to drink,” Sam said, starting to move away, but she gripped his arm.

  “No, I need you,” she told him, tears filming her eyes. “Don’t leave me. Please.”

  Sam moved away just long enough to don a fresh pair of briefs then he climbed into bed and gathered her into his arms. It wasn’t until she was warmly cradled against his chest that he realized she was crying. Not hysterically. Not loud, but silently, with only the feel of her tears on his bare chest alerting him. All he could do was hold her and let her know she wasn’t alone.

  He was touching her with hands that were cold and odd feeling. Taunting her with those hateful words. The song played in the background over and over again until the words were branded in her mind. She tossed and turned, trying to evade him. Wanting to get away, but she was cornered She couldn’t escape.

  “No!” she screamed, bolting upright.

  “Keely. Keely, you’re all right. You’re having a bad dream.” Warm hands covered her shoulders. Turning her until her face rested against a hair-dusted chest. “I won’t let anyone get you.”

  She wiped her cheeks with her fingers, feeling the dampness of tears on them. “Those horrible things he said to me,” she said in a choked voice. “The way he touched me.” She shuddered. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling protected in his embrace. Keely’s emotions were running high. Adrenaline raced through her veins and her heart refused to slow down. She needed something to calm her. A reassurance she was all right. She raised her hands to rest on his shoulders at the same time she raised her head. “I need you, Sam,” she murmured, pressing frantic kisses against his mouth. “I need you so much.”

  He was stunned by the frenetic motions of her hands and lips as she reached down to his lap. His erection sprang into her hand.

  “Keely,” he started to protest, fearing she wasn’t fully awake and had no idea what she was doing.

  She shook her head and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

  “Love me. Love me,” she chanted, stripping off his briefs, straddling his lap and lowering herself onto him.

  Sam sucked a deep breath as he felt her moist walls embrace him. Her inner muscles contracted, caressing him in a way he couldn’t remember ever experiencing before. He might have dreamed about this, but reality was a far cry from any fantasy that ran through his mind.

  She moved in a rhythm set in her mind and it was surely driving Sam crazy. He knew this was purely for her, but there was no doubt he was feeling it, too. He could feel himself tightening, the desire rising in a furious spurt to claw at him. When he climaxed, he bucked up and held on fast as she ground herself against him.

  Sam could feel rivulets of sweat trickle down his chest as Keely collapsed against him. He rested his cheek against

  the top of her head as he tried to regain his breath. It took him several moments to realize she’d fallen into a deep sleep. He groaned as he carefully lifted her off him and placed her to one side. Still asleep, she curled up into a ball with the pillow bunched up under her head. He slid down under the covers and slipped her back into his arms. It was a long time before he closed his eyes.

  When Sam awoke some time later, he realized he was alone in bed. For a moment, he panicked, thinking the previous night had been a dream, until he smelled her scent on his skin. He started to get up when he heard the drumming sound of the shower in the bathroom. He lay back down.

  Keely walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and a second towel wrapped in a turban around her hair. Droplets of water still glistened on her bare shoulders. She stopped short when she noticed Sam was awake. She offered him a faltering smile.

  “I’m not sure whether to apologize or just slink away,” she said in a low voice, refusing to look at him.

  He sat up with his back braced against his pillows. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”

  Keely’s face was a bright red. “Let me just say that last night wasn’t my usual style.”

  “You won’t hear me complaining.” He could tell by her hunched shoulders and refusal to look at him that he should drop the subject. “How about some breakfast?”

  “I made coffee.” She slowly turned to look at him.

  Sam climbed out of bed. He figured his best bet was to act as natural as possible. And if he didn’t stop to think that she wore nothing beneath that towel, he just might make it to the bathroom without embarrassing them both.

  While he stood in the shower with his face upraised against the streaming hot water, his mind replayed the previous night in stunning detail. He groaned and tried to concentrate on anything but the way Keely’s naked body felt against his. By the time he finished with his shower, he felt almost human again.

  Enticing smells from the kitchen lured him there after he put on a pair of sweatpants.

  Keely was in the process of slipping an omelet onto a plate as he walked in. She glanced up and returned to her task.

  “Toast will be done in a minute,” she said, as she then poured grapefruit juice into two glasses and carried them to the table.

  Sam waited to pick up his fork until Keely sat down. He dug in hungrily.

  “This is great,” he said sincerely.

  “Maybe it’s because you worked up an appetite,” she replied.

  He looked up in time to see her face turn a becoming pink. She wrinkled her nose.

  “That didn’t come out right,” she muttered with a self-deprecating smile, as she busied herself with her food.

  For a while, they were both silent as they ate.

  “That was great,” Sam complimented as he enjoyed another cup of coffee after he’d finished his meal. He looked up guiltily when she rose to her feet and gathered up the plates. “It’s only fair I do the dishes.”

  Keely shook her head. “It doesn’t take long to rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher.” She soon proved herself right while Sam relaxed with his coffee and enjoyed watching Keely bustle around the kitchen. Now he realized he should have thought to bring some additional clothing for her with them last night. While her wearing the same clothes didn’t bother him, he felt it probably bothered her.

  She seemed to take an inordinate amount of time cleaning the counters and stove.

  “If you rub the surface any harder nothing will be left,” he said quietly.

  Her back was still to him. She slowly put the cloth down and turned around.

  “I should apologize for last night.”

  Sam gently twisted his finger in his ear as if he were checking his hearing. “Excuse me?”

  Keely seemed to have to force herself to look dire
ctly at him. “For last night,” she said haltingly. “I mean, I practically ravished you.” The expression on her face was embarrassed at the very least.

  “Did you hear me protesting?” He grinned. He had to grin at her apology. “I was just sorry you didn’t attack me again.”

  Keely opened her mouth to say more then snapped it shut again. She eyed him with a predatory gaze.

  “Perhaps I didn’t think you could survive another encounter,” she said huskily.

  Sam would have enjoyed continuing this sensual banter, but his cop half was kicking in and he had to get ready to go to the station and see if they’d found anything.

  “As much as I hate to bring in reality, I guess I should let you know I’m going to need a statement,” he said quietly.

  As quickly as the blink of an eye, the mood was broken. Keely’s smile disappeared and her eyes were flat as glass.

  “When do you want me at the station?”

  “I don’t want you to leave the house just yet I’ll stop off at your place and pick up some clothing for you, then come back here.” He continued. “I don’t want you staying there, Keely. Steffie can use Lisa’s other bed and there’s a guest room for you.”

  “I can’t hide!”

  “It’s called protective custody,” he corrected her. “And you two will be staying here. I’ll pick the girls up at noon and explain the circumstances to Steffie. I’ll take her by your house to pick up clothing for the two of you.”

  “Sam, I cannot stay here!” Keely argued.

  “Protective custody,” he said firmly. “And yes, you will.” He got up and headed for the hall. “I’ve got to get ready for work.”

  She was fast on his heels. “Will you let me know what they found?”

  “Yes. Rick took the puppy, but I’m sure he’ll have brought the little guy in today.”

  “I want to argue more, but you’re walking away from me,” she said, still following him.

  Sam stopped in the doorway to the bedroom. “The last thing I want to do is argue with you. I have to get dressed.” He paused. “Make use of the washer and dryer. You can borrow one of my T-shirts until Steffie arrives with some clothing for you.” He carefully closed the door.

  Keely stood for a moment, staring at the door.

  She couldn’t stay here! Not after last night. The memory of making love to Sam was vivid in her mind. Even more vivid in certain parts of her body. She had woken up that morning feeling like a new woman. When she walked into the bedroom after her shower and saw him looking so sleepy and adorable, she wanted to jump his bones again. Then she remembered why she was there and her desire swiftly waned.

  Two showers hadn’t erased her tormentor’s touch. She imagined she could still feel his hands on her body. She was only grateful he hadn’t tried to rape her. She knew she wouldn’t have given in easily, but the idea was sadly horrifying.

  In desperation, she escaped to the family room and the television.

  When Sam walked in, now dressed in his khaki shirt, badge and jeans, Keely was curled up on the couch, her eyes glued to the television screen.

  “It’s that good, is it?” he asked.

  “They’re talking about how to get along with your neighbors,” she said in a monotone. “I thought I might pick up some helpful hints.”

  “That couldn’t have been the only thing on.”

  Keely shook her head. “It was either this or watching Jeannie prance around in her harem costume or ‘Muppet Babies.’ I’m opting for this.”

  “Considering I’m your neighbor, I wouldn’t worry.” Sam stood behind the couch and spread his arms on the back. “I’ll be back after I pick up the girls. Is there anything special you want from the house?”

  “You’re really going to make me stay here?” she demanded.


  “Then you’ll have to bring my computer and my files.” She hoped that would change his mind.

  “Fine. I’m sure Steffie will know which things you’ll need. Be a good girl and don’t open the door for anyone but me.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head.

  “Tough guy.”

  “You betcha.”

  Keely remained on the couch, listening to the sound of Sam’s truck diminish as he drove off. Her lips slowly curved in a smile that said it all. She was most definitely reliving last night.

  Chapter I4

  Nothing?” Sam threw the file folder down onto his desk.

  “Not a thing,” Rick replied. “Didn’t she say something about the guy’s hands feeling weird? He must have been wearing gloves. The only room tossed was her bedroom and a lot of her clothing was covered with red nail polish. Freda saw what we brought in as evidence and told us the color name and brand. It’s pretty common.”

  Sam shook his head in frustration. “How did he get in?”

  “Broken window in Steffie’s room.” Rick eyed his boss. “How was Mrs. Harper last night?”

  “Scared spitless. She worked out her fear with tears and seems to be handling it well. But I told her I don’t want her staying there until we find this guy. After this attack, she should be in a protected environment. I’m going to have her and Steffie stay with Lisa and me. If that bastard got in their place once, he can do it again, and next time Keely and maybe even Steffie might not be so lucky.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Rick asked.

  This was a blunt question that Sam would have normally jumped on the younger man for with both feet. But today, he was tired and still feeling pretty damn good about the previous night.

  “The girls will probably enjoy it since they’re practically joined at the hip anyway. I’ll even have unlimited use of my phone,” he said lightly.

  “Okay, boss.” Rick started to get up, then stopped. “Anything else?”

  Sam thought for a moment. “Nothing I can think of. I guess we should have known we wouldn’t get lucky with fingerprints, but I can always hope.”

  “Why would anyone want to terrorize her anyway?” the deputy asked. “It’s not as if she’s lived here long enough to make any enemies.”

  Sam took a deep breath. “Ask Freda for the Davis file from thirty years back. It was before your time and to be honest, no one around here talks about it. After you read it, you might come up with some ideas. All I ask is that you don’t talk about it.”

  Rick nodded as he stood up. He looked a little puzzled, but he seemed to sense his boss wasn’t going to answer any more questions until he’d done as Sam asked.

  Sam leaned back in his chair and stared up at the ceiling. Unhappily, there were no answers written there. This was something he was going to have to do all by himself.

  Someone had been out here.

  Remembering something Keely had said, Sam drove out to her house and walked around back. With head downcast, he walked in a straight line back and forth just in front of the woods, looking for something, anything.

  It wasn’t until he was about a hundred yards among the trees that a speck of color attracted his eye. He crouched down and combed through the twigs, dirt and leaves until he uncovered the rest of it. The color he spied turned out to be a cigar band. He dug into his pocket for his pen and slid the barrel under the top part of the wrapper while he pulled an evidence envelope out of his jeans pocket. Within seconds the band was slipped into the envelope. Further searching uncovered several more cigar bands.

  “I don’t like this at all,” he muttered with grim menace as he made his way back to his truck.

  “What’s wrong with Mom?” Steffie demanded before she climbed into Sam’s truck. Lisa stood next to her, also looking worried.

  “Now why would you ask that?” he asked hoping to inject a little lightness in the mood.

  “Because I feel it.”

  Sam muttered a few uncomplimentary words about intuition. “Get in,” he ordered. “We’re stopping at your place for you to pick up clothes for the two of you and your mom’s computer. You’re going to be staying with Lisa
and me.”

  The two girls exchanged looks then, as if strings directed their action, turned their heads at the same time to face him.

  “I’ll explain when we get back to the house,” he said with a long-suffering sigh. “Just get in please. After we get the clothing, we’ll pick up the puppy. Rick took him for the night.”

  The girls climbed into the back and Sam drove away, not bothering to listen to their frenzied whispers from the back seat

  When they reached the house, Sam instructed them to wait while he went through the house first. After a quick inspection he gestured to them that it was safe to enter.

  “Wow, what a mess!” Steffie muttered, wrinkling her nose at the fingerprint powder dusting the furniture surfaces. She suddenly grabbed his arm. “Mom’s all right, isn’t she?”

  “She’s fine,” he assured her. “But I’m sure she’d like a change of clothes.”

  Sam remained behind the girls as they tentatively walked down the hallway. Steffie entered her room first and pulled out an overnight bag and began piling clothes into it

  “Mom’s suitcase is in the hall closet,” she told Sam.

  He nodded and retrieved the suitcase and carried it into Keely’s bedroom. He winced at the sight of clothing strewn everywhere. He hadn’t realized Steffie had entered the room until he heard her gasp.

  “Why would someone do something this horrible?” she cried.

  “Hard to say,” he muttered.

  Steffie uttered soft cries of distress as she picked through her mother’s clothing to find suitable items. While she packed, Sam dismantled Keely’s computer and carried the equipment and file of disks out to the truck.

  The threesome was quiet as Sam drove back to the station, where Rick was waiting with the puppy. The expression on the deputy’s face was more than a little disgruntled.

  “He chewed my boots,” he complained.

  “They’ll be replaced,” Sam promised, taking the leash. “Got something for the file.” He handed him the evidence envelope. “I found these out by the house. See who in town sells these and if they remembered who buys them.”


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