Dark Love

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Dark Love Page 10

by Olivia M. Howe

  I start singing along with all the songs again. They'll never get old to me.

  As we arrive at my house, Andrew turns the music down enough for us to be able to hear each others' voices. He gets out of the car to open my door. "What time should I come for dinner?" he asks. He actually seems excited to sit down with Ali and me for dinner.

  "My mom usually has dinner around six."

  "I'll see you then, beautiful," he says and wraps his arms around my body. His touch just makes my knees weak. I'm glad my arms are around his neck or my knees would probably just give out and I would collapse to the ground.

  * * * *

  Ali prepared chicken, a veggie burger for me, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried rice, green beans, and corn. It smells wonderful. She's definitely going all out on this dinner tonight.

  I help Ali by setting the table and getting the salad ready for her.

  It's about five minutes before Andrew would be here. I'm getting anxious. I start to pace all over the house. I've never sat down with my mom and a guy I liked before. This is going to be an interesting night.

  There is a knock on the door and I jump. "Why are you so jumpy, darling? Calm down. It's just dinner," Ali says.

  I go to answer the door. Andrew's standing there with a bouquet of flowers and one single red rose. "I couldn't find black roses, but I hope you like this one," Andrew says as he hands me the one single, beautiful, heartwarming rose.

  I begin to smell it and smile like a little kid. "It's perfect."

  Andrew walks into the house. "It smells delicious," he says to Ali.

  "Thank you, Andrew," Ali says in a delightful tone.

  "These are for you, ma'am," Andrew says as he hands her the bouquet of an assortment of flowers.

  "They're absolutely amazing." Ali's first reaction is the same as mine, to smell the flowers. She gives Andrew a welcoming hug. She walks away and starts talking, "I will put these in a vase and water. You two can meet me at the dining table."

  "Do you need help with anything, ma'am?" Andrew asks.

  "No, sweetheart. Thank you a ton!" Ali answers back.

  Andrew and I begin to make our way to the kitchen table. He pulls out my chair for me to sit. "You're such a gentleman and so polite. You'll definitely score some points with my mom."

  "I hope so. I want her to like me," Andrew says back.

  "I know she already does like you. How couldn't she? You're too perfect not to like."

  Ali starts bringing out the delicious smelling food. I'm overly excited to dig in. Andrew has the same reaction.

  We start passing the food around and begin to eat. At this point, I'm just waiting for Ali to start hounding him with a million questions about his life.

  I'm right. "So Andrew, how old are you?" Ali asks. She takes a bite of her food and waits for an answer.

  "I'm 18 years old," Andrew replies.

  "You're only one year older from Nina. That's good to know," she says. This is only the start of the interview.

  Andrew shakes his head. He and I have already established this subject.

  "Where are you from?" Ali begins with another question.

  "Italy," Andrew says. I didn't know that.

  "That's incredible. I wish I was from a foreign country," I announce.

  "Wow, that's amazing. Why did your parents decide to move to Scarlett Hills? Italy must be fascinating," Ali says.

  "My grandmother moved us here. My parents left when we were younger," Andrew confesses. His face is emotionless. His parents left them.

  "I'm sorry to hear that. What's your grandmother's name? I might have seen her around here?" Ali asks.

  "Anne, but she died a few months ago."

  "I'm so sorry, Andrew. I shouldn't have gotten so personal," Ali admits.

  "It's okay ma'am," Andrew replies genuinely.

  "If you don't mind me asking, who is taking care of you?" Now Ali is getting way too personal.

  "Mom, no!" I say as I shake my head in disagreement.

  "Nina, It's OK," Andrew looks at me with reassurance and then looks back at Ali, "William and I are taking care of Alex. Our grandmother left us everything she had. We inherited her house and she left us a wealthy amount of money."

  "She sounds like she was a great woman," Ali answers with a frown on her face.

  "She was a wonderful woman," Andrew says.

  I didn't know this information about him. William and Andrew take care of themselves and Alex. That must be so overwhelming. At least his grandmother left them money to be able to fend for themselves in this world without her, but it still must hurt. Anne took care of him when his parents abandoned him. She must have been like a mother figure to them their whole lives and now she's gone forever. I know how he feels. Losing someone so close to you is the most horrific thing imaginable.

  "Do you have any special hobbies?" Ali starts back in with the questions.

  "I enjoy collecting records," he admits.

  "Do you like art?" Ali asks.

  "I believe art is so extraordinary," Andrew says.

  I've been silent for too long, I should throw myself into the conversation, "My mom is an artist. She works at a gallery," I say.

  "That's amazing, ma'am. I love all types of art: music, paintings, writing, poetry, photos, and everything that's involved in art. It's so beautiful," Andrew says. I didn't know that he's so interested in art.

  "That's lovely, Andrew," Ali says. "How would you define art?" This was her famous question to everyone. She loves hearing the different points of views.

  "I think art is a creation of something so pure, authentic, and creative. Art is bliss. If you're feeling sad, gloomy, angry, or just down in anyway at all, art has the ability to change your mood to something bright." Andrew answers.

  "Well said. I think that's the most creative answer I've received in a while," Ali admits as she's finishing up her plate of food.

  We all finish up our meals and start cleaning up. Ali starts doing the dishes while Andrew and I clean up the table.

  When we finish, I decide to bring him to my room so we can have some alone time to talk. I'm hoping to get some cuddle time with him too. I would love to feel his arms around me.

  I open my door and turn on the light to my bedroom. I see Andrew getting a closer look at all of my posters that are on my walls.

  The posters on my bedroom walls include: Nirvana, The Cure, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles.

  Andrew is currently looking at the one of The Beatles. "You like them?"

  "Of course," I say as I take a seat on my bed and stare at him.

  "Favorite song by them?" he asks.

  "Let It Be," I say.

  "Favorite song by Pink Floyd?" he says as he walks closer to me.

  "Wish You Were Here." Andrew smiles and sits down next to me. His dark eyes are now right in front of mine. We're sitting here staring into each other's eyes. Andrew moves his head toward mine. I look at his lips. They're starting to get closer to mine.

  My lips are starting to be drawn to his. My lips feel like they belong to his. I close my eyes and our lips connect.

  I feel the temperature changing in the room. It's starting to go up more as I press my lips against his.

  His hands are clutched around my neck and he's starting to breath more heavily.

  My heart is thumping at the taste of his lips. The smell of his breath is sweet and overpowering.

  Andrew's hands are starting to make their way down my back. An intense feeling is lingering through my body and taking over me beyond my control. I let the feeling start to control all of my movements and my actions.

  My hands make their way to his face. I start to cradle his head in my hands. My body is shaped to his. The hair on my neck feels like it's standing up. Andrew's kiss makes me want to melt onto him.

  I feel his lips change from gentle to pushing onto mine harder. I'm enjoying this moment of our lips and our bodies connected like one.

p; Just as the moment is getting better and better, I hear my door open and someone clearing their throat.

  I jump off of my bed because I think it's my mom and look over as I sigh in relief. It's William. He just ruined the intense moment Andrew and I were just sharing. "I'm really sorry to barge in on you two, especially right now, but Andrew, we have to get some important things done," William says as he's trying not to look both of us in our eyes. He probably feels awkward for walking in on us getting close to each other and completely ruining it.

  "Right now?" Andrew asks in disbelief.

  "Unfortunately, yes, brother," William replies.

  "I'll be down in a minute," Andrew says with a sigh.

  William walks out of my room and closes the door silently behind him. Andrew puts his hands over his face. "I'm sorry, Nina. I have to go."

  He gets up and walks toward me. His arms wrap around me and his face starts to make his way to my ear, "I'll miss you every minute I'm away."

  "I'll miss you even more," I whisper back.

  Andrew kisses me on my cheek and makes his way to my bedroom door. He begins to open the door and looks back at me. We make eye contact for a few seconds and then he's gone in a blink of an eye.

  I tumble down onto my bed and stare at my ceiling.

  Why did Andrew and William seem like they're in such a hurry to get somewhere? I wonder what's so important.


  Lucian's Messenger

  Dear Diary,

  I have plans with Andrew tonight. He had a great idea to take a walk on the beach. I'm overly excited! I already have my outfit picked out. It consists of a light pair of blue jeans with my favorite type of shirt, a white V- neck, with sandals.

  He should be here soon, but I hope he officially asks me to be his girlfriend. I think tonight might be the night for that! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed!

  Love, Nina

  * * * *

  Andrew and I arrive at our destination. We start to take a stroll down on the beach on this beautiful warm night. The sound of the waves and the shimmering light of the moon hitting the water is romantic.

  As we're walking, he gently connects his hand with mine and we both just glance at each other and smile. As I'm looking at him, he's absolutely breath taking, like always.

  We keep walking in silence for a while, enjoying this night together. Then, all of a sudden this mysterious dark figure starts walking torward us. As the dark figure gets closer to us I can feel Andrew's grip on my hand get tighter and tighter. It's almost like he's expecting something bad to happen. "Let's turn around. I'm going to bring you home, Nina," Andrew whispers to me. It's like he doesn't want anyone to hear him.

  "Why? We just got here and it's such a beautiful night. Let's just sit here and watch the water," I say in a gentle voice.

  He turns around and pulls me easily in the opposite direction. "It's time to go. Just trust me." How can I trust him when I have no idea what he's talking about?

  "Andrew, what are you talking about?" At this point I'm just so confused. This is suppose to be a romantic date for us and he's acting strange for no reason at all. Well, no reason that I know about.

  As we're walking, it feels like someone is following us. Like someone is so close to me I can feel them breathing on my neck. I turn around and look. No one's there. Andrew also turns around and asks me what's wrong. "It's nothing."

  As we start to turn around to start walking back to Andrew's car, I jump. "AHHHHH!" I scream. This mysterious guy is standing in front of us. He's tall with a pale face. His hair's dark and he's wearing all black. If it wasn't for his pale skin and the bright moon, I would have run right into him.

  "Andrew Madsen. It's nice to finally see you again," this creepy man says. "Who's this lovely creature you have here with you?"

  "You're Lucian's messenger, aren't you? I told you to stay away," Andrew says with a deep and vicious voice.

  This unknown man starts to laugh. "You think it's just that simple? I've been trying to track down your brother."

  "I don't know where William is," Andrew lies. Of course he knows where his brother is. They live together. "It's time for us to go, Nina."

  "Nina, what a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you, Miss Nina," the man says. He reaches out to take my hand. I hold my hand out to meet his. He takes my hand in both of his and kisses it. After he kisses my hand, his lips stay there and he starts to smell me. It's odd. "HMM, that's different," the dark figure announces.

  Andrew jumps in between us, "Don't touch her," he yells as if he feels the need to protect me from this man.

  "Watch your tone, Madsen," the man says.

  "Let's go, Nina," Andrew shouts at me while he's pulling me toward where his car is parked.

  "She doesn't know, does she, Mr. Madsen?" this man starts to speak again.

  "Know what?" I blurt out without even thinking. What's this man talking about? What don't I know?

  "I don't know what he's talking about," Andrew says.

  "I just think the beautiful, young lady should know about our kind, especially if you're dating her. Don't you think, Andrew?" The man raises his eyebrows and awaits an answer from Andrew.

  "Messenger, it's none of your business. Stay away from us," Andrew yells.

  "I see what you're doing. Something our kind barely ever does. You let your human side take over you and are afraid to reveal your true self to her," the messenger says with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

  "Shut up!" Andrew turns around and yells in his face. He yells so loud, I would be surprised if the whole world didn't hear him. Now the messenger and Andrew are face to face. What's going on? I have the urge to ask, but at this point, it doesn't look like the right time to get into their conversation. Andrew looks enraged and the messenger looks frightening.

  "It would be a smart choice to step out of my face. All I'm trying to say is, she has no smell. It's different." The messenger smiles. "Now, get a message to your brother for me. Tell him he better come to see Lucian or he'll hunt him down and make him wish he would have listened to my offer. Tell him this is his last free pass," the mysterious man says. "You two enjoy this magnificent night. Very nice to meet you, Miss Nina." He starts to walk in the opposite direction of us. Five seconds later he's out of sight completely.

  Andrew and I walk quickly and silently back to his car. At this point I'm utterly speechless. I don't know what to say because I don't understand what's going on right now. What the hell was this messenger talking about? Who is Lucian? All of these questions are clogging my thoughts. What's Andrew hiding from me and why is he acting so strange?

  We get to the car and he opens the passenger door for me. I get in and put my seat belt on. We're both still silent.

  Andrew starts driving me home and we both don't say anything to each other. An awkward, bitter silence fills the air.

  * * * *

  We finally arrive at my house. I need to understand all of this. I want to break the awkward silence, but my thoughts are all confused and jumbled. I can't seem to get any words out. Finally he says something. "Listen, I'm sorry for what happened back there."

  I still don't know what to say, but I manage to get out something. "What exactly did happen back there, Andrew?"

  "It's a really long story. Lucian doesn't like my brother. He's an enemy of our family," Andrew says.

  "What did his messenger mean by I don't know about your kind?" I say. I don't look at his face. I can't for some reason. I just continue to stare out of the front window.

  "There are some things you don't know about me. Things I just can't tell you," he says. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he's doing the same thing as me, just staring out the front window as he spoke.

  "What things?" I say. "I'm so confused. I just want to know. Just tell me what's going on," I plead. "Don't you trust me?"

  "For your own safety, we can't see each other anymore," Andrew confesses. "I'm sorry."

  My eyes stare him down. Tear
s are filling my eyes up and blurring my vision."What are you talking about ?" I'm utterly shocked.

  "You don't understand. You probably will never understand. We come from different worlds. It's impossible for us to be together." His face is emotionless. It's like he doesn't care.

  "Different worlds? I don't understand, you're right. So, explain it to me. Help me understand."

  "I'm not who you think I am," he says. He lowers his head and stares at the bottom of his steering wheel.

  "Andrew, I think you're an amazing person," I admit. I'm being bluntly honest. He's unbelievably wonderful.

  "I'm not a good person."

  "Enlighten me."

  Andrew starts to raise his voice more, "You don't know me, Nina. You don't know what I am. You've known me for a short period of time. You honestly know nothing about me."

  "Yes, I do. Your name is Andrew Madsen. You have two siblings," as I'm naming off things I know about him, he interrupts me.

  "That's not what I mean. You don't know the real me," he says as he stares straight into my eyes.

  "Well, tell me the real you because you can't just say you don't want to see me anymore without a solid explanation."

  "It would be dangerous for you to know," he says as if he truly fears me knowing.

  "I would understand if you don't like me, if you don't feel the same way about me as I feel for you, but don't take the easy way out," I say as I feel the tears starting to fill my eyes more.

  "There is no easy way out of this!" he yells.

  "Yes, there is. The truth is the easy way out of this. That's the least you can do," I say. I feel the first tear stream down my face.

  "Somethings are better if they're left unsaid."

  "You can't do this to me. Especially without explaining to me why you're doing it. I'm so confused," I say as the tears are flowing out and there's no way of controlling them. "Is it something I said?" I need answers and I'm going to get some out of him sooner or later. I need too.

  "You did absolutely nothing wrong. You're perfect, incredible, beautiful," tears start to build up in his eyes. "It's me. I want to be with you. I want to be able to call you mine, but I can't."


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