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Page 23

by Susanne Valenti

  Lacey removed her hands slowly and this time the blood didn't pulse from the wound. Lincoln removed the final bullet and tossed it into my palm with a satisfied smile.

  “Alright, get out of here and give him some space while I patch him up,” Linc said as he started cleaning and bandaging the wounds.

  Everyone filed out silently and moved to gather in the kitchen.

  “You realise you all just got bossed around by that guy and we don't even know the first thing about him,” Demi said. “His next instructions could have been to stab yourselves in the eye and I think you'd have all jumped straight to it.”

  “I'm glad we had Lincoln to take control,” I replied. “Because none of us knew what we were doing and I wouldn't have liked to have dug these bullets out of Tommy.” I showed her the slugs in my hand and she wrinkled her nose in disgust. I moved past her and tossed them in the trash before using the bottled water to clean my hands in the sink.

  “And we'd probably all still be walking around in circles in the forest without Lincoln,” Lacey backed me up.

  Demi ignored us and opened the fridge and started rummaging in it. My stomach growled at the thought of food and I hurried across the room to take over from her.

  “There isn't much here,” I said apologetically as I looked at the shelves. “Mom had trouble getting her groceries this week. There was some kind of stock issue at the store.” I pulled out some cans of soda and handed them out before heading to the cupboard and finding a multipack of chips.

  Everyone dug in appreciatively but Demi went back to the fridge. She looked in it for a few minutes before emerging with the last of the cupcakes my mom had bought.

  “You don't mind do you?” she asked as she took a bite, not giving me any time to object.

  I glanced at Reese, wondering if he might say anything but he was busy on his second bag of chips and didn't seem to care. I sighed as I hopped up to take a seat on the counter and concentrated on my own food.

  We fell silent, no one quite knowing what to say to each other in the wake of everything that had happened.

  Eventually the kitchen door opened and Linc came in. Blood stained his arms up to his elbows and his white shirt was ruined. He walked towards the sink and I hopped off of the counter to get out of his way.

  “He's just resting but he should be fine. He needs to get that arm stitched up but I managed to bandage it well enough for now.”

  “I'm gunna go and see how he's doing,” Spencer said as he headed for the door. “Thanks for all your help man.”

  “No problem.” Lincoln reached the sink and I quickly took the cap off of one of the bottles of water and ran it over his arms for him to wash them.

  The others all decided to follow Spencer out, leaving me alone with Lincoln.

  “You were… that was amazing,” I said quietly as the blood swirled away down the plughole. “I don’t know how you stayed so calm.”

  “Training… and practice. You learn how to keep your head about you when it matters pretty quickly,” he replied.

  He plucked a cloth from the counter and used it to scrub the blood away. He handed it to me as he took the bottle and rinsed the last of the blood from his arms. As soon as they were clean, he stepped back and removed his ruined shirt. I was so taken aback that I just stared. He was seriously fit and his abs stood out clearly across his stomach but that wasn't what captured my gaze. The Linc I'd grown up with had never had tattoos but now his skin was inked multiple times.

  He had an arch of Celtic-looking script which wound around the silhouette of a soaring eagle across his shoulders. The rest of the tattoos were intricate, each complimenting the next and flowing around the natural shape of his back. His chest was clear of any ink but the change to his build was even more obvious without anything covering him.

  “Katy?” Linc asked and I glanced up at him suddenly to find a cocky smirk on his face. “I'm up here,” he joked.

  “I was looking at your tattoos,” I spluttered. “Not your…” I waved my hand at his body in general and tried to ignore the fact that I could feel my cheeks heating.

  “Well if you could stop staring long enough to pass me that cloth?” he asked, pointing at the blood which marked his stomach to remind me why he'd stripped in the first place.

  “Oh yeah.” I handed over the cloth which I'd been wringing between my fingers unintentionally. “Do you want me to get one of my dad's shirts?” I offered.

  “No thanks, I'll just run next door and grab a clean one. I need some new pants too after my fun in the river. Then I guess I'm gunna be ferrying your friends around. If you get sorted out here then we may as well head on to the city from there.”

  “What will I need to bring? How long will we have to stay in there?” I asked.

  “There's no point bringing anything. They've gone into a full decontamination protocol. Nothing goes in except people. Even the clothes you wear there will be destroyed and you'll have to go through the decontamination process before you go inside,” Linc said gravely.

  I felt a rush of panic at the idea of leaving everything behind. I knew it didn't matter, not really. What were a few possessions when weighed against my safety? But the idea of them taking my clothes from me made me want to cry in protest.

  I looked away from Lincoln, not wanting him to read the childish thoughts in my eyes.

  “It'll all be here waiting for you when you get out,” he said reassuringly, laying a hand on my shoulder.

  I looked up at him; he was standing so close to me that my heart stumbled. The warmth from his hand spread though me like a fire lighting beneath my skin. I opened my mouth to say something but words failed me. My whole world was falling apart but somehow, Lincoln was there, making me feel like everything would be alright. Just like he always had.

  The door banged open behind us and I leapt away from Lincoln guiltily. He walked past me and headed outside, passing Lacey in the doorway.

  “Well…?” she began, prompting me to explain what she'd just walked in on.

  “Lincoln says we need to get ready to go. I have to make sure the house is secured.” I turned and checked the window behind me and Lacey snorted disbelievingly.

  “And he had to whisper that to you shirtless did he?” she asked, raising an eyebrow mockingly.

  “Yeah he concentrates better when he's wearing less apparently.” I rolled my eyes at her and changed the subject. “You might as well see if there's anything perishable in the fridge. It doesn't sound like we'll be coming back here any time soon and we don't wanna come home to a fridge full of mould.”

  “Sure. But that means I get first dibs on anything good.” She headed for the fridge and I moved to check the back door was bolted shut.

  “I think Demi might have beat you to that already,” I replied as I gave the door a shake to double check the locks.

  “You want some cheese?” Lacey offered as she rummaged.

  I laughed and headed out of the room, silently passing the dining room where the rest of our friends had gathered around Tommy, before moving upstairs.

  “Are you planning on heading for the city soon?” Rose called up to me just as I reached the landing.

  I turned and looked down at her and Shilo who had his hand resting on her back.

  “Umm yeah, Linc just popped next door for some clean clothes and then I think he's planning on running people around their houses to look for their families. As soon as that's done we're gunna go straight there,” I replied.

  Rose and Shilo exchanged a look before she responded. “Okay, we’ll wait for you so long as you're gunna be getting there within the next few hours.” Shilo’s jaw tightened slightly but he didn't contradict her.

  “Were you hoping to leave sooner than that?” I asked, unsure of what they were angling towards.

  “I think we should get going as soon as possible,” Shilo said. “The sooner we get to safety the better. Who knows what else could happen if we delay? We won't be safe until we’re inside
The Wall.”

  “And my counter argument with him is that if we stick with you guys and travel in a large group then we’ll be safer on our journey to the city. Even if that means waiting a little while longer before we head off,” Rose added.

  I nodded in agreement as I thought about it. I could see both of their points. “I'll make sure they hurry up. We should get to the city as soon as we can,” I agreed. “I'm just checking the house is locked up and I'll be back down. If you're hungry, Lacey is clearing anything perishable out of the kitchen.”

  “Oh I can help with that.” Shilo grinned and turned away to find the food. Rose rolled her eyes before hurrying after him.

  I headed into the bathroom to check the window was locked and paused to rinse the splattered blood down the sink. I wondered if Tommy was going to be okay. It seemed like he must have lost more blood than he should. I just hoped the doctors in the city would be able to help him.

  I quickly checked the windows in my mom and dad's room then Reese’s before finally heading into my own.

  Everything was just how I'd left it the day before and yet nothing was the same. I was a different girl now. After seeing the things I'd seen, living through everything… I didn't know if I even belonged there anymore.

  I was sad that I couldn't bring anything with me but also kind of relieved. Maybe it was better that I had to start over in the city. Maybe it would give me half a chance to forget all of it. I could leave it outside with everything else.

  I headed into my wardrobe and quickly stripped out of my torn, dirty, smokey clothes. My body had a patchwork of cuts and grazes, half of which I couldn't ever remember getting.

  If my clothes were going to be destroyed then I didn't want to wear anything I was particularly fond of and I wanted to make sure I would be able to run easily too. I rummaged around and picked out some of my workout clothes. I grabbed a pair of black yoga pants and a dark red shirt with long sleeves then threw a bottle green sweater over the top of it.

  I fished around in the pocket of my discarded leather jacket for my steak knife and slipped it into my pocket too. Finally, I pulled a pair of heavy army style boots on and laced them up.

  As I turned away from the familiar things, I noticed something that shouldn't have been there. On my dressing table was a piece of paper, folded over once. I hurried to it and quickly opened it, finding a note from my mom.

  Kaitlyn. Your father and I have been selected, they've come to take us to the city. There's isn't much time and they won't let us wait for you. Find Reese and get to the waiting zone. We'll be able to get you accepted too, but you have to be there.

  The hordes are heading towards the city and they'll be here soon. If you can't get there before they have to close it, stay together and find somewhere defendable. They say the phones should start working again soon.

  I love you. Please hurry.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  I read the note three times, trying to make sense of it. Selected for what? I knew that the Wardens had come to escort us to the city but something about my mom's note made it sound like they weren't just getting us in first. She said they could get us accepted which sounded a hell of a lot like not everyone would be getting in at all.

  Movement caught my eye out of my bedroom window and I noticed Lincoln making his way back towards our house.

  The note fell through my fingers and I ran for the door before it had even floated to the floor. I took the stairs two at a time and sprinted to the front door, flinging it open in Lincoln’s surprised face.

  “What the-“ he began but I shushed him as I closed the door behind me.

  I grabbed his arm and dragged him back through the gap in the hedge to his house. I towed him up the steps and onto the front porch before looking over my shoulder to make sure no one had noticed us.

  “My mom left me a note,” I hissed before he could ask.

  “Okay…” he frowned at me, waiting for me to go on.

  “And the things she was saying made it sound a hell of a lot like the city is going to be closing its doors without letting everyone inside.”

  “Let me see,” he said, holding his hand out.

  I bit my lip, irritated at myself for dropping it. “I left it inside,” I admitted. “But she said we need to hurry to the waiting zone and her and Dad will be able to get us accepted. What the hell does that mean? That's not how it's supposed to work-“

  “Maybe you're just reading into it,” Linc said. “She might have just meant-“

  “No. She said her and Dad had been selected. Like they were only picking certain people.“

  “You know the Wardens came to escort your family into the city. They're just selecting people with special skills like your Dad and making sure they get inside safely. It's all well and good offering everyone safety within The Wall but if they don't have people in there with the necessary skills then the whole thing could fall apart.” Lincoln took my hand and made me stand still. I hadn't even realised I'd been pacing.

  “I dunno. She said something about hordes heading for the city too. And getting somewhere defendable. Hordes of what?”

  Linc stilled at my words, a strange look flickered in his eyes and he released my hand. He walked away from me, running a hand over the back of his head as he thought about something.

  “I need to get in touch with my unit,” he said eventually. “Can you make sure the others are ready to leave in five minutes?”

  “What's going on?” I asked, taking a step towards him.

  “I'm sorry; I can't tell you everything I know right now. It's classified information-“

  “So you're telling me you do know something? Is it true then?” I asked desperately, wanting him to reveal everything despite the rules.

  “I haven't been given any concrete intel,” he insisted and I believed him. “But a member of my team is good at finding things out. She relayed some rumours which might tie in with your suspicions. But I haven't spoken to her in hours so I can't be sure.”

  I nodded slowly, knowing he wouldn't lie to me. “But you can find out?” I asked.

  “I can try.”

  A low, haunting wail sounded from somewhere nearby and we both turned to look out towards the street.

  After several moments, the noise didn't repeat itself so I turned my attention back to Lincoln.

  “Trust me Katy. I'm gunna get you out of here. Just go.” He gave me a little shove towards my house and headed through his front door, closing it behind him.

  I stood staring at the blue door in surprise before turning and heading back to join the others. I didn't know if I should tell them about the note or not but I was already worrying about some of them. If they thought we might not be able to get into the city, I wasn't sure how they'd react. It wasn't worth me causing a panic, we just needed to get to The Wall. Hopefully once we got there they'd just let us inside and my worries would prove unfounded.

  Doubt coiled in my stomach uncomfortably but I ignored it, heading back to my house to make sure the others were ready.

  “Where did you go?” Reese asked as he spotted me coming through the front door.

  “I was just talking to Linc. He wants us ready to move asap.” I pushed the door shut behind me, resisting the urge to slide the deadbolt across.

  “We’re ready whenever. It might be a bit difficult to move Tommy though.”

  “Has he woken up?” I asked anxiously.

  “He's been mumbling. He opened his eyes for a few seconds but that was it. I'm afraid he might…” Reese trailed off, unable to finish what he was going to say but I knew what he meant. He was worried that Tommy might die.

  “Those wounds weren't that deep and I know it looked like a lot of blood but… He’ll be okay. He has to be.” I patted Reese on the arm awkwardly. Our relationship had gone so far beyond friendliness that even reassuring him seemed odd.

  I moved away from him quickly, not wanting to linger in the weird moment. I headed in
to the living room where Demi was sitting looking out of the window. Chloe and Tara were curled up on the couch together, looking like they'd fallen asleep. Kristen lurked in a corner looking like she was hoping the wallpaper might swallow her.

  “How much longer do we have to wait for your neighbour?” Demi asked impatiently as she spotted me. “I want to go home.”

  “He told me to make sure you're all ready to leave,” I replied. “He's gunna take you to your houses if you still wanna go but he said we really need to head to the city. They're calling an evacua-“

  “My mom and dad wouldn't just leave without me,” she replied with a sneer.

  “But mine would?” I demanded, reading the implication in her tone.

  “Well they did, didn't they?” she asked sweetly as she got to her feet. “I’m gunna go and wait outside for him to bring his truck round.”

  I chose not to respond to her comment about my mom and dad. Arguing was about the last thing we needed and I really didn't fancy getting on Demi’s bad side.

  Demi slid around me and headed for the door calling, “Shotgun!” Loud enough for everyone to hear her.

  I bristled at the idea of her riding alone in the cab with Lincoln but there was nothing I could say to stop her. I let out a breath of irritation and turned my attention to waking Chloe and Tara.

  As I touched Tara’s shoulder to rouse her, she let out a terrified scream, batting my hand away in horror.

  I recoiled from her in surprise and Chloe wrestled her back down onto the couch before she could lunge at me again.

  “It's me Tara,” I said reassuringly, holding my hands up to show her I wasn't a threat. “I'm sorry I woke you, we just need to get going.”

  Tara stared at me with wide eyes while Chloe shushed her. Kristen hurried out of the room without a word.

  “We’ll be ready in a moment,” Chloe replied for her. “Just leave it to me.”

  I nodded vaguely and gave Tara a warm smile before leaving the room. After everything we'd been through in the last twenty four hours, I was just surprised that more of us weren't falling apart.


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