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Nyteria Rising (The Thirteenth Series Book 3)

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by G. L. Twynham

  “Please tell me you understand now why I must keep you here. I know this is such a difficult situation, but I have to keep them safe and for that I need the Prison to be safe.”

  Val stepped in close to him, “Yes I do.”

  Sam wrapped his arm around her waist again and they left the Space behind.

  Their arrival on the surface went undetected. Val and Sam exited the room and the mad bustling of Guards and Hunters outside was a perfect distraction. They slipped back into the stream of bodies and headed back to her quarters. The Hunter was still there waiting patiently with Wendy.

  “Had a chat then?” Wendy’s tone led Val to believe she knew exactly where they had been.

  “Yes. I will be staying here for now, but I need to find a way to protect the others on Earth. Any ideas?” she asked them.

  “If I may speak,” the Hunter interrupted politely.

  “Ok.” Val was ready to listen now.

  “When a special Guard such as yourself is extracted then you are automatically replaced. My Guard has taken your place.”

  Sam laughed out loud slapping the Hunter on the back, something he clearly wasn’t comfortable about. “See Val, it’s not every day you get to meet a Magrafe, and I had completely forgotten the Guard’s code of replacement. Thank you for reminding me.” The Hunter nodded stepping respectfully out of Sam’s range.

  “Ok, so who is your Guard? Will he know Zac? Is he trained in Earth customs? Will he be ready to fight Lailah?” Val shot questions at the Hunter.

  “I feel certain he will do everything in his power to carry on your work,” he responded to the barrage.

  Wendy interrupted, “Val, we’ll try and get some contact soon, but for now I have orders to follow and they state that I must get you a uniform,” she said grinning as she pulled at her green roll neck. “You know I’m a pacifist, but revenge is going to be so sweet.”


  The Magrafe

  Wendy walked the corridors with a confidant stride. Val followed, her strange new Hunter trailing behind. He seemed extremely odd, saying nothing unless spoken to, and he didn’t insult her. Was this how Hunters really acted or had Zac just been difficult? Knowing her luck it was the latter.

  Wendy was grinning from ear to ear as they reached a blank wall. “We’re here,” she announced, placing her wrist against the wall. “This is where everyone comes to get their uniforms.” A larger than normal door opened. Val couldn’t believe her eyes. The area that stretched out in front of them was the size of St Pancras train station, where she had been recently with her mum on a day trip to London. Snaking on into the distance was a seemingly endless queue of Guards, Hunters, Collectors and Mechanics, plus a few oddities. She was sure that four armed aliens weren’t going to be easy to accommodate. “Come on.” Wendy coaxed Val through the door. “I promise it won’t hurt.”

  “If it does I’ll inflict the same pain on you, Whitmore,” Val promised, joining the end of the snake.

  A young Hunter, who had joined the queue behind her coughed, clearly seeking her attention. Val turned and smiled at him and he mirrored her expression.

  “Excuse me,” he whispered discreetly, “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you ‘the’ female Guard?”

  “Yes - the very one.” Val nodded politely.

  “Is it true you captured the infamous Excariot?”


  “Do you have a Hunter at the moment?” he asked eagerly.

  “Yes, he’s over there,” she pointed towards Thirty-three twenty-nine who was checking out some new belts.

  The Hunter’s shoulders slumped just enough for Val to tell he was disappointed. “Oh. Well, if you ever need a new one please keep me in mind. I’m Forty-five twelve.”

  Val had no plan to use the one she had just been given, but didn’t want to offend him. “Will do, Forty-five twelve.” She turned back to follow the spiralling snake again.

  As they shuffled along, she wondered what clothes size she would be? Something that was easy enough on Earth could potentially lead to a problem here. Fifteen minutes passed before she reached the front of the queue. A large man stood behind a counter, clearly not interested in his job or her presence. He reminded her of the cartoon character Desperate Dan, in a comic her dad had shown her when she was little. She smiled as she imagined this guy grabbing a cow pie and eating it.

  “What are you?” He looked her up and down. “Ranswars don’t come here.”

  Val remembered the Ranswars well enough. One had nearly got her extracted. “I’m a Guard.” She flashed her bracelet at him.

  He exploded in a loud fit of derisive laughter. “Little girl, Guards aren’t female.” He slapped the counter.

  “Well, I hate to disappoint, but I am.” This was embarrassing. The snake she had been a part of was glaring at her. “Look I’m the only one, so I understand your confusion, apart from the fact your chin is bigger than your forehead. I want you to understand right now that I don’t want your stupid uniform, but if you don’t give me one I will have to deal with you.” She placed her hands firmly on her hips. She didn’t want the damn thing and now she was being made to look a fool.

  “I’m sorry, let me see what I can find for you.” He tapped the side of his nose.

  “Good.” She felt a little happier.

  He walked out of sight. She smiled at the Hunter behind her, pleased with her success.

  “Here.” The man returned and placed an item on the counter. Val picked it up. Raising the object with both hands she found it was a long silk-like dress. She could hear sniggers now coming from behind her.

  She took a deep breath. “Get me my uniform now!” She was so angry that her voice trembled. Determined to show him that she wasn’t someone he could mess with, she started a fire in the palms of her hands. She was astonished when the flames quickly devoured the dress, to gasps of horror from the queue. Her flames seemed much stronger and fuller here.

  “Put it out,” he grumbled reluctantly. She grinned and shrugged, enjoying the panic that filled his face. He dithered for a moment then grabbed a glass of blue fluid on the counter. Desperately he threw the liquid at the dress, extinguishing the flames.

  “Well done,” she teased him, enjoying the faint scent of incense that came from the liquid.

  “Give me your bracelet,” he grunted.

  She offered him her arm and he scanned her wrist using a black circular device on the counter. His eyes examined the screen, looked up at Val, looked back down, his face scrunching in a bemused frown. He said nothing, but walked away again and returned in a timely manner with a pile of black clothes. “You will need to collect your weapons from the Magrafe,” he said in a hushed tone, pushing the uniform at her, unable to make eye contact.

  There was a hushed gasp from the people behind her in the queue as they recognised the uniform.

  “Thanks.” Val threw the sodden remains of the dress onto the counter and grabbed her pile. “Will they fit?” she wasn’t queuing again today.

  “Yes they all fit. Next.”

  “See you around,” she said her goodbyes to the Hunter who seemed even more smitten with her after her show of power.

  “Did you really need to do that?” Wendy asked.

  “Yes, he needed to learn a lesson.”

  Wendy shook her head. “Come on, I can’t wait to see you in your new clothes.”

  Back at Val’s quarters Wendy waited patiently for her to emerge in her new uniform. As the door opened Wendy held her breath.

  “Are you sure these are my boots?” Val called through the gap.

  “Yes, they’re what I was given for you. Come on,” she said impatiently.

  Val stepped forward feeling very self-conscious. “This is too hot, I can’t breathe, the material itches and I can’t reach my bracelet,” she grumbled pulling at the neck.

  “You look great! At least it fits. It’s a little flimsy looking. Should it be that tight?” Wendy looked her up and down. V
al was in black from head to toe. No geeky t-shirt, no jeans and no Converse.

  “I feel dead inside; this is so not me. Why do I have these squidgy bits?” She poked at the legs. “They feel weird.” She had what looked like gel pads in strategic places all over her uniform. She poked them, her finger marking the spot. The material quickly returned to its original state.

  “I’m not sure, mine’s not like that.” Wendy also poked them now with interest.

  They were both inspecting Val’s bottom which had similar pads when Sam returned. “Am I interrupting?” he smiled.

  “No, but you need to take me to the Magrafe for my weapons and why is my bum all soft?”

  “I’m not sure about that one,” Sam shrugged. “Let’s go meet the others.”

  Wendy hugged Val. “See you later.”

  “Wendy,” said Sam, “Please arrange for Val to eat with you tonight, and we can meet back here after your dinner.”

  As they headed out into the corridor, Val was determined to get a few answers about her predicament. “Sam, can I ask you something?”

  “Yes of course. I’m not saying that I will be able to answer everything, but I’ll try.”

  “I know the Magrafe are the special Guards for the Prison, but what’s that got to do with me?”

  “I’m not sure. They’re extremely secretive about their missions. No one has contact with them unless it’s completely necessary. They are selected at a very young age, normally because they’ve shown special talents or abilities, and are trained externally to their normal positions, so one could be a Guard, a Hunter or even a Collector. All we know right now is that you were with a group of Magrafe when Wendy saw you save the Warden. I’m sure they will protect you. Let’s go and find out what’s going on.” He led her out. “By the way, you look very professional.”

  “Thanks.” She pulled at her tight fitting collar.

  As they walked she noticed how the Guards and Hunters were looking at her differently now. Her new uniform was clearly having an effect. As Sam moved confidently from one corridor to another, Val could feel butterflies building in her stomach. Who were these people she was going to be entrusting with her life and would they treat her with the disrespect everyone else seemed to show her?

  Sam stopped in the middle of a quiet corridor. “I can’t come any further with you; I’ll see you later.” He placed his hand on the wall and a door opened.

  “So you’re leaving the sinking ship?” she replied sarcastically, bending to peek through the gap.

  “No, I’m making sure you arrive safely.” He pulled her upright and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Pudding later - as promised.”

  “Ok,” she replied watching him leave, then turned and walked towards her prophesised destiny.

  Behind the door she couldn’t see anyone or anything other than walls. She walked in and the door closed behind her, enclosing her in a large, empty room.

  “Is this her?” a deep voice asked from behind her.

  She turned but no one was there.

  “Looks like it,” another voice answered.

  “Hello.” Val said nervously.

  A tall young man with mouse-brown hair stepped out of the wall in front of her. Val’s instinct was to scream her head off, but she managed to keep it in her throat.

  “I am Boden Ekwall, leader of this group and this…” he pointed at the other wall where another young man with white blonde hair and a very serious face shimmered into existence, “… is Hadwyn Houte, our partner.”

  “I’m Val Saunders and am not sure why I’m here or how I can help.”

  Boden smiled, “You, my friend, are one of us. I know you may be feeling confused so I will try to explain as much as I can.”

  “That would be good.” She smiled.

  “Your father, Gabriel, was the third member of our group. The last time we met he was leaving for Earth. As I’m sure you know, he didn’t return. After he suffered his untimely End, the mark of the Magrafe was passed directly onto his natural descendant along with his abilities. By the way, congratulations on catching his murderer, Excariot.” Boden held his hand over his uniform. To her surprise the patch he touched became transparent and Val could see on his arm, a tattoo matching hers.

  “I have one of those.”

  “All three of us do, Val.” Boden smiled kindly at her.

  “So, can you pass it to someone else?” She asked.

  Hadwyn grumbled, “I told you this would be the end of us. She’s already giving up.” He turned his back on them, placed his hand on the wall and sat down on the chair that shot out at his touch.

  “I’m not giving up, but I have a lot of people depending on me back on Earth,” she retaliated. Hadn’t she proven herself enough to these people?

  “I’m sorry. Please expect Hadwyn to be grumpy and rude most of the time, but trust me, Val, he’s one of the best fighters I’ve ever met.”

  “Sam told me you’ve been trained since you were children. I haven’t had any training so what makes you think I’m not going to put you in danger?”

  “Now she’s making sense,” Hadwyn muttered.

  Boden frowned at him. “Val, if you weren’t ready for this, your mark wouldn’t have activated. So even though you may not believe it, something in your DNA knows you’re ready.”

  She instantly liked Boden; she wasn’t sure about Hadwyn, but she could see why he would be annoyed by this strange little girl who had turned up to take the place of a lifelong friend and strapping Guard. She would be worried too. “Ignoring Grumpy’s opinion of me,” she gave him a smirk, “what can I do to help? And how long will it take? I really do have to get back to Earth. My family are in danger.”

  “Here’s some information that should help.” Boden reached his hand out and a screen appeared floating in mid-air. “The Warden was taken from a carrier ship close to the border with Necrat.” He pointed to a little blue planet. “As yet, we have had no demands or even any contact with the people who took him. We have our suspicions; a group of Nyterians were spotted in the area. A traveller recognised them. Necrat is a neutral zone that’s sometimes used as a meeting place for leaders, so we had no reason to give heightened protection on what was supposed to be a peaceful visit. This attack is a complete violation of their laws of conduct. We’re now waiting to receive instructions.”

  Hadwyn was spinning what resembled a gun in his hand, “Seems like the new leader of the Nyterians doesn’t have a rule book,” he grumbled, “so let’s leave ours at home! Wouldn’t you agree Earth girl?” He pointed the gun’s barrel at Val.

  She held her breath. “I’m not shooting anyone.” She turned to Boden. “I’ve never been this close to a lethal weapon in my life. I won’t kill people.” She was panicked at the thought.

  “Val, calm down. Our job isn’t to kill anyone, we stun. As a Guard you will know that the aim isn’t to take life, but to possibly transform it under the right circumstance. Hadwyn, put it away.”

  Hadwyn shoved the weapon back onto his trouser leg where it seemed to mould itself to his shape.

  “Magrafe are all unique and we all have a different weapon.” Boden put his arm over his head, reached behind his back and revealed what she could only describe as something that resembled a very advanced crossbow. It glowed as Boden aimed it at Hadwyn. “They feed off our energy and take forms that suit our own personal style.”

  “I have a sword.” Val smiled, reaching instinctively for a back pocket that no longer existed. “It’s back at my room, sorry.”

  “You don’t need it. Does this sword work well for you?” Boden asked.

  “Yes, it’s been great and since I got my bracelet it’s seemed to have improved in power.”

  “That’s a good start, Val. We don’t have much time before we need to leave, so what we can show you will be limited, but you must learn that you are your weapon. Your uniform is made of something called Polidion. It’s a material that was found in small amounts on the planet Tolak before t
he Great War of the Tolks,”

  Hadwyn interrupted, “Those were good days.” He looked at Val with a sparkle in his eye.

  “Ignore him. Seriously, it was used solely to create the Magrafe’s suits. It allows the wearer to pull their weapon from it. Each Magrafe is different as I said, so you need to find your inner weapon.”

  Val started to poke and prod the soft patches looking for a pocket. “Sorry I don’t seem to have one.” She could sense this was going to be complicated.

  Hadwyn got to his feet, walked impatiently over to Val and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Find your weapon or I will stun you.” He stepped back placing his hand on his leg. It moulded a gun to his hand, seeming to just extend from the material.

  “I can’t do that.” She rubbed her leg nervously. “You need to give me more time please.”

  “Five, four, three…,” he said calmly.

  “Stop it!” she yelled turning to Boden for support, but he didn’t move.


  Val felt that gut feeling, the one she had when her powers were just about to take over. Suddenly and to her sheer joy, Hadwyn’s gun hand dropped and he stepped back looking extremely pleased with his creation. Val looked down her arm and, on the end of her hand, was a sword pointing directly at Hadwyn’s throat. It resembled the one Sam had given her, but it was coming from her suit. It had extended from a plate on her arm and engulfed her hand. It felt lighter than her normal sword. “Look, I have my sword!” she gave a sigh of relief then glared at Hadwyn. “Now you can’t shoot me.”

  “I’m more impressed with the flames.” He actually sounded impressed as well.

  Val looked down and it was true, she was aflame, but not like on Earth or earlier that day. Now the suit seemed to make her flames blue, like the gas flame on a cooker. It made her feel stronger, different. “This is something I do, I’m half-witch,” she said proudly.


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