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Nyteria Rising (The Thirteenth Series Book 3)

Page 16

by G. L. Twynham

  “Zac, the Warden. Where is he?”

  He checked his watch. “He’s in the teleportation room.”

  “Good, there are far too many people watching him. We’ll need to find the High Judges and get them out first. Do you have a sample of the air?”

  Zac tapped at this watch. “Yes, but how can we work with this in the place you call the Space?”

  “You would be amazed at what they can do. I need you to take that information back to the others.”

  “You want me to leave, Val?” His voice filled with concern.

  “Without that data, we don’t stand a chance. Tell Boden and Hadwyn they mustn’t come to the surface.”

  “Zac, he’s right, take it. I’ll be fine,” she insisted.

  “If you need me I will hear: we’re connected.” He made his feelings known.

  “So, you’re playing the connected card? Good move.” Val hugged him, he stepped away and disappeared.

  “Ok Sam, what now?” She felt on edge without Zac, but trusted Sam knew what he was doing.

  “We can’t teleport without them picking up our signals, and we need the element of surprise. We are going to head to where I think the High Judges are being held. I need you to be ready when we arrive for an attack. They won’t play with you like they did on Nyteria. They were trying to trick us then and now they have no need to keep us alive. They want to kill you. Do you understand what I’m saying Val?” He was more serious that she had ever seen him.

  “Hey, people want to kill me all the time.” She grinned trying to lift the mood.

  He gripped her arm. “This is no game! I can’t save you again. We have to get to the High Judges at any cost.”

  She wasn’t keen on the pain he was inflicting. “Ok! I get it. People will try to kill me and I need the High Judges.”

  “Good, then let’s go.”

  They left the room once more and mingled with a passing group of Guards, who were quick to spot Sam and surround them, standing tall around Val to cover her. They marched past the Nyterian soldiers and slipped away at the next corner. Val’s pulse was racing; when Sam pushed her though another doorway into what looked almost like a torture chamber.

  “Where are we?” She looked around at metal beds and equipment. A noise came from behind a shiny chrome cupboard.

  Sam put his finger up to his lip to deter Val from saying anything. “It’s ok. We’re here for Alchany’s freedom. Show yourself.” Reassured by Sam’s voice, a tall, thin, woman edged out from behind the cupboard. She was dressed in what looked like some kind of rubber suit. It had an odd skirt at the front and covered her whole body, from her neck, to her fingertips.

  “Judge.” She bowed her head.

  “Are you ok?” Sam moved closer.

  “We have had better days.” She responded.

  “Do you have any information that could help us, Extractor?” Val realised now why the woman was dressed as she was, and why the room looked like a surgery.

  “Only what we have seen with our own eyes.” She shook her head. Val could see she was shaken by what had happened. “They came in ships, standing off in orbit from the planet. They threatened us. We were afraid, but the Guards were ready for them. The Warden rallied us and made us feel powerful again, and when they arrived we were sure victory would be ours, but in hours it was over. The Guards could not fight. It was as if they had lost their connections to their life force. Like clone bodies they were gathered by the Nyterians who marched them around for everyone to see, and now the Guards cannot help us.”

  “Are you saying this thing has only affected them?” Sam asked.

  “They didn’t want our kind; we’re no threat to them. I heard the poison only affects the Guards.”

  “Are you sure? It’s important that we understand as much as possible.”

  “The Collectors are still on duty and they have the Hunters and Mechanics ready in the docking bays and beyond.”

  “How could they have a poison that only affects the Guards? They would need to target them at DNA level.”

  “We heard that they are keeping the Warden under heavy guard.” She looked cautiously up at Sam.

  “What do you mean?”

  “They have him close because he was the first, that’s exactly what a Collector told us.”

  Sam’s eyes darted to Val’s. “That’s why they took him, he’s the first.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’ve lost me.” Val shrugged.

  “Nathan created something that only affects the Guards.” Sam grabbed her shoulders and shook her in excitement. “That’s why he took the Warden before. All Guards share a common DNA with the Warden. He needed something from the first Guard. You’re all related.”

  “What? I’m cousins with all those people out there?”

  “Sort of, but the one thing you all have in common is the Warden.”

  “But how can this help us?” Val asked as the door started to open. She held her breath, and felt an instant tightening in her chest. Relief flooded her as Zac appeared. “What are you doing back?” Val asked him, relieved but annoyed that he had scared her.

  He seemed as excited as Sam. “I have vital information. You were right, Sam. The Space is most impressive. It seems the poison is a Nyterian-made virus which contains the Warden’s DNA.”

  “We’d were just working that out,” Val said.

  “Why have you returned?” Sam asked.

  “Because to create an anti-virus, Enoch needs some blood from the Warden.”

  “Fine, if he needs it then we will get it. Val, you go with Zac and get the Warden, or at least some of his blood. I need to get to the High Judges. Striking separately at the same time will help to cause confusion, and if we all get captured now then the battle will be lost. We are much stronger apart.”

  “I won’t let you down,” Val said. Zac coughed. “Sorry. We won’t let you down.”

  He smiled. “You need to move quickly. Teleport. He’s surrounded by soldiers. It will make no difference if they pick up your signal since you’re heading straight into their midst. Use the element of surprise to your advantage. Once you have the Warden, get him to the Space. I’ll meet you there when I have the others.”

  Val’s helmet closed over her face and she said goodbye to the man she knew she loved, not at all sure that they would ever see each other again.


  What Alien?

  Val’s touchdown didn’t quite work as she had expected. She thought it would be a battle from arrival, but as she landed she was struck in the helmet by the fist of a familiar figure. It was her pet, Bertha the snake woman. She landed hard on her bottom and was initially dazed, finding herself in the middle of what seemed to be a huge battle between the aliens she had expelled from Earth and the Collectors. Then a small hand reached out, but without making contact lifted her off the floor. She looked through the chaos of bodies fighting and shoving to see the tiny face of her Collector. “Hello Val.” She shouted.

  “Hello.” She searched for Zac who was crouching two feet behind her shaking his head in amazement. “Helmet off. What’s going on?” she yelled over the noise of animals and shots.

  “Turns out some fool on another planet decided to send several hundred prisoners in one teleport. Something that has never been done before. Any idea who did it?” she frowned.

  “In my defence…” Val shrugged. “No, I have nothing. Where are the Nyterians?”

  “Over there, on the edges. Seems they have never witnessed anything like this and don’t know how to control it so they had to bring us in. But Val, be warned, they know who did it. Nathan Akar has put a high price on your head.”

  “We can deal with him later. We’ve found out that the virus that has left the Guards defenceless is made with the Warden’s DNA and I need to get him out of here. Where is he?”

  The Collector pointed towards the ceiling; they were directly below him. “What exactly is your plan? And where are you going to take him?”
r />   “Well, I’m going to rescue the Warden and take him back to the Space.” She said as a large, hooved alien knocked her sideways. She clung to the floor, grabbing the Collector’s hand.

  As she pulled herself back up the Collector was just staring at her. “Did you just say the Space?”

  “Yes, it’s an amazing place at the centre of the Prison and they have everyone who was going to…”

  “…the Interspace,” the Collector finished her sentence, her expression softening as she deflected Bertha from another assault with her petite hand.

  “Now’s not the time to talk, but is there something I need to know?” Val enquired.

  “NO!” The Collector looked up at the cage. “The time to talk will come; you must get the Warden out of here.”

  “Zac,” Val called through the chaos to her partner who was busy dodging blows. “How am I going to get the Warden down?” she pointed up to the ceiling. “How do we get up there without them spotting us?” She didn’t have to wait for his response as the Collector stood and started to raise her off the ground. Quickly she made her helmet cover her face: to prevent herself being recognised.

  The Collector called to two other women dressed like her. When they saw what she was doing they started raising some of the aliens into the air alongside Val to cover her. She was near the cage now and she could see the Warden in the flesh for the first time. He looked terrible. His beard was matted with blood and one eye was shut from the bruising around it. How could someone this powerful have been beaten in this way? No one was safe.

  Using his good eye, he stared at the strange performance outside his cage. Then he spotted her.

  “Hi, it’s me - Val.” Her voice sounded muted through her helmet, but she was too scared to take it off. She could see the Nyterian soldiers watching the goings-on and starting to question some of the Collectors who were trying to distract them. “How do I get you out?” she quizzed as she bobbed up and down.

  “I need my bracelet, which I believe you have?”

  “Ah yes, well you see…”

  “Val, you came back here when you could have stayed on Earth. I need no explanation, just give me what is mine.” He raised his hand.

  “I came back because you’re family and….. I’m explaining myself aren’t I?” She reached her hand out taking off his bracelet. “Here you go.”

  His eyes lit up. “Can you get it through to me?” He couldn’t get his hand through the bars.

  Val looked down at the Collector and signalled for her to get closer. She nodded and Val started to move nearer. Her hand was close enough to pass it now. As she reached out she heard the order to fire being yelled. The bracelet left her hand as the sound of shots rang out. She felt a blow and a sharp pain flared in her side. An energy shot had been deflected by her suit. She dropped to the ground. She could only pray the Warden had caught his bracelet. Zac was by her side instantly. The Collector grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry. Dropping you was the quickest option.”

  “They are coming for you. Defend yourself.” Zac started to pull her up.

  “Did you release the Warden?” the Collector asked.

  “I hope so. Now stand back,” Val ordered, allowing Zac to pull her fully to her feet. She shook herself down and lit up like an Olympic torch, ready to cross any path. Failure could no longer be in her vocabulary; too many people’s lives depended on her right now. Her sword extended as the soldiers headed for them. She blew a clear path in front of her, scorched hair and scales moving out of the way of her flames. She began deflecting what looked like bullets of energy as they came towards her, “ANYTIME NOW WOULD BE GOOD!” she shouted up to the Warden.

  The soldiers were getting closer and the Collectors were desperately trying to stop them, but with no weapons they were losing ground by the second. Then Val heard a thunderous bang. The floor behind her shook and she turned to find a freed Warden standing behind her. Sam had told her the plan: get the Warden and get out. But if she left the Collectors now she would be leaving them to die. She couldn’t save them all. What could she do? They were trying to help her and she was going to abandon them.

  Almost as if she had read Val’s mind her Collector was next to her. “Leave. Take him and go.”


  “Val, she’s right, we must go.” Zac offered her his hand.

  “I promise you I will come back for you.” Her voice cracked inside her helmet.

  “Keep the Space safe. I believe in you.” The Collector positioned herself in the line of fire, moving aliens into the mix to distract the soldiers.

  Val grabbed the Warden’s and Zac’s hands and prayed that her Collector would survive.

  “What are we doing here? And where is here?” The Warden asked looking around him at the grey and unfamiliar surroundings.

  “Well, it seems that the Guards have been rendered useless by your DNA. So we’ve brought you here to get some of your blood.” She heard the cries of her brother Magrafe. Boden was first to greet the Warden, with her dad following.

  “Have you heard from Sam?” Val asked tentatively.

  “Jason has been speaking to him. Let’s get the Warden inside where he will be safe and someone can get the samples we need.” They led them swiftly back into the interior of the Space where Susan and her new friend, Taran, were waiting. Val embraced her mum.

  “So this is your boss?” she asked. “Big man,” she observed.

  “Yes, and very powerful. People are going to be very upset that I’ve taken him back again.” Val told her.

  “Val!” she heard the Warden calling her.


  “Where is this place?” He was now sitting while a young woman pulled at his uniform.

  “You’re in the Space. You’re safe for now and all these people…” she moved back so he could get a good view, “...are rejects like me. They’re the things you, on the Prison choose to put in your rubbish, or to be more precise, the Interspace.”

  Taran wheeled his way over to the Warden and handed him a glass of green liquid.

  The Warden took the drink. “Thank you.” Taran acknowledged him and spun back to Susan. “I knew nothing about this. I hope you can believe me. I know we have strict laws on Alchany, but this isn’t my doing. Thank you for helping me. What is happening now on the Prison?”

  Enoch was heading down the hill with Hadwyn when they spotted Val and her guest. They stepped up their pace. “Warden,” Enoch greeted him respectfully.

  Hadwyn beamed. “Val, you made it back.”

  “You doubted it?” she said hands on hips. “Where’s Jason? I want to know what’s going on with Sam.”

  “Sam is still on the Prison?” the Warden asked.

  “Yes, we split up. Zac got the air samples, whilst Sam and I were looking for the High Judges, then Zac came back to tell us we needed your blood and the rest you know. But Sam is still on the surface looking for the others.”

  The Warden turned to Zac. “You have shown great bravery, more than is ever expected of a Hunter. This will be rewarded.”

  “Thank you,” Zac replied.

  Enoch pointed Val in the direction of the hilltop. “Jason’s working with Fran.”

  “Come on Zac. See you all in a minute.” She excused them and they started their ascent at speed.

  She arrived in the cave to hear Jason shouting. This wasn’t quite what she was hoping for. “Get me back online now!” he was raising his voice at a woman who was clearly trying her best.

  “Jason.” Val put her hand on his shoulder.

  The relief on his face was only momentary. “Val, Sam’s in trouble. I’m going to lose him.”

  Val understood straight away why he was in such a state, but this wasn’t helping the woman. “Jason, we aren’t going to do that. I have the Warden and Nathan wants me, so we have two bargaining chips. Where is he and what’s he doing?”

  “He was heading down an empty corridor. He said something about High Judges and then we got cut off

  “He’s back!” The woman jumped out of the seat to let Jason back in. Val patted her on the shoulder and she looked relieved.

  “Sam can you hear me?” Jason asked.

  There was a moment of static, “Yes. Have you heard from Val?”

  “Here boss,” she called out. “Want some help? I can come back and meet you.”

  “No, give me another few minutes to find them. Well done, Val. There are sirens ringing out all over the Prison so I hoped you’d been successful.”

  Jason was tapping away on his laptop which had large glowing crystals all around it. “What’s with the rocks?” Val asked Fran.

  “They’re a form of power source; it’s like Duracell from another galaxy.”

  “Jason, tell me what’s coming around the corner,” Sam asked.

  Jason tapped looking at his screen, “Next one’s clear, mate, but there’s a large area that I can’t see after that.”

  “That could be because that’s where they’re holding them.”

  Zac was tapping on his watch. “That is one of the main containment areas outside the docking bay. It will have storage for large and powerful prisoners. It is an ideal place to hold them.”

  “Thanks Zac. Jason, mark the coordinates to this location.”

  “Ok.” He made a mark on the virtual map.

  “It looks…” The signal was gone.

  “Sam,” he called. “Sam.” Jason looked up at Val.

  “Give him a second. You said he was going into an area where there was no signal.” They stood together. The seconds ticking so slowly it felt like time had slowed to a standstill.

  Enoch’s entrance made them all jump. “How’s he doing?”

  “We’ve lost his signal, but he was just going into an area that he thought was holding the High Judges.”

  “How long has he been offline?”

  “Almost three minutes now,” Jason answered.

  There was static. Val felt her heart skip inside her chest. “Hello.”

  “Sam!” she shouted.

  “Well, hello there and who are you?” A voice that wasn’t Sam’s enquired.


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