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Steampunk Desires: An Erotic Romance (The Complete Collection)

Page 2

by Wilde, Sophia

  "This room is for the lesbians," Edwin explained. "It and the gay room are new additions. It used to be that we could only harvest energy from male-female combinations, but Harriet has outdone herself and figured out a way to store the energy from men and women individually. It turns out that there are several benefits to having them separate, she tells me, but if you asked me to explain it, I'd look like a rat in the stewpot." Eleanor looked at him quizzically. "I'd have no idea what to do," Edwin explained wryly.

  They left the room and made their way back starboard, then continued their forward journey. At length they paused before one of the doors. "Cabin 513," Edwin announced. "Ah, yes, this is your room." He opened the door for her and let her step inside. It was sparsely furnished but sufficient: a bed and a nightstand were all of the furnishings, and a washbasin stood opposite them. An electric lamp sat on the nightstand, and it illuminated the tiny room with ease.

  "Not much to it, but we live simple lives," Edwin said. "Sleep, screw, eat," he said, looking apologetic for the coarse remark. Eleanor took it in stride. "We're going for a communal atmosphere here," he continued, "so that everybody feels comfortable with everybody else. We know there will be quarrels occasionally, but we shoot for harmonious company. Jealousy has no place here," he warned. "Everybody here is free to play with anybody else. No means no, and don't be uppity; you wouldn't want to be stuck by yourself the whole voyage! It's pretty simple," he said, "and if you have any problems, you can always come to me. My stateroom is in the last hallway opposite the gay room, but I'm usually in one of the common areas. There is another common area at the forward end of the ship, very similar to the one we toured earlier. Any questions so far?"

  Eleanor thought about it, but he'd really explained things well. One thing did come to mind, though. "If we want to tour the ship, may we?" she asked.

  "Only with permission from those higher-up than me," Edwin replied gravely. "The propulsion crew tend to be a smelly lot on account of all the sex," he explained, "and we don't want to offend the paying customers. That reminds me," he said, remembering, "Cleanliness is next to godliness. After you fornicate, always clean yourself. You can get water from the common area using one of the jugs. I'd recommend you use the forward common area for it. The basin is heated, one of Harriet's lesser-known miracles, and as soon as you put water in it, it will warm it up for you. Always drain it when you're finished." Eleanor nodded. "If there's nothing else, let's go view the demonstration."

  Eleanor left her small handbag on her bed, she clearly wouldn't need it, and the two proceeded back to the bipolar propulsion room. Albert and Agatha were already there, waiting.

  "Ah, good," Edwin said as they approached. "All signed in?"

  "We figured we'd wait and walk Eleanor through it step-by-step," Agatha said. Eleanor smiled appreciatively.

  "So, I sign here," Agatha said, signing her name in one of the columns, "and he signs there." She handed the pen to Albert, who signed his name. "Albie gets to do time duty," Agatha needled him, grinning wickedly, and he rolled his eyes as he recorded the time.

  "Now, we put the sock in." Agatha handed a brass sock to Eleanor, who looked at it closer now that it was in her hand. It was cool and heavy, perfectly smooth, made of polished brass. The back end was hollow to let Albert's dick in. It really did look like a big, rigid sock, Eleanor thought. The cord, looking like a thin piece of rope with a plug on the end, dangled from the side near the back of it. It must be terribly uncomfortable, she thought.

  "Feels great," Agatha said emphatically, reading her mind. "Wait'll you try it. It's marvelous!" She inserted hers with ease, standing on slightly spread legs, pushing it in with slow, steady force, gasping a little as she did. "I'll never get over that feeling," she grinned as the sock disappeared inside of her, only the cord showing. It stayed in without her holding it. Given its weight, Eleanor was surprised.

  "Yeah, it surprised the hell out of me, too," Agatha said. "I kinda freaked at first; I couldn't figure out how to get it out!" Eleanor's eyes went wide. "Turns out you just gotta get off, and it turns loose."

  "What if you don't get off?" Eleanor asked nervously.

  "Leave that to me," Albert chimed in for the first time, grinning. "You'll get off; don't worry."

  "Yeah, this guy could get a rock off," Agatha said bluntly.

  "But what if you don't?" Eleanor persisted.

  "Eh, if you push on it, it'll come out. See?" Agatha flexed her abdomen, and the sock fell out. She caught it, and then put it back in. Eleanor nodded, relieved.

  "You should try it," Agatha prodded. "Go ahead, just slip it in."

  "Eh, let's let Albert get her ready first," Edwin said. "She's still a virgin, after all, and it could hurt."

  "Oh, right, one of those," Agatha said, shrugging. "Hey, Albert, you gonna fuck me, or what?"

  "If you'll quit talking!" Albert jabbed with a wink to Eleanor, who smiled at the good-natured humor.

  Agatha made a lip-zipping motion, threw away the key, and positioned herself on the bed.

  "Oh, yeah," she said, sitting up. Albert crossed his arms and rolled his eyes in mock frustration. "Always plug yourself in, or you don't get credit." She reached down and plugged the cord into one of the sockets on the floor, then laid back. "All yours, Albie baby," she cooed teasingly. Albert groaned.

  Eleanor and Edwin took a seat on a neighboring cot and watched. Albert bent over the bed and nibbled the folds of skin on her vagina. "Oh, you tease!" Agatha spat, feigning a smack at him, and Albert recoiled, grinning impiously. He crawled up in the bed next to her and grazed his fingers down her body, softly stroking her neck, her left nipple, her side, her belly, the ridge between her abdomen and thigh. She gasped, her eyes half-closed. Albert, meanwhile, had started to get hard.

  "What about his arousal?" Eleanor whispered to Edwin. "He's not wearing a brass sock; how does his energy get collected?"

  "He's touching her," Edwin whispered back. "I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it collects his energy through her somehow. If he were just masturbating, he'd have to have his own." Eleanor nodded.

  Albert and Agatha, meanwhile, had begun kissing, both their breathing heavy. He sucked her lip; she nibbled his. The two were perfect for each other, each of them masters of what they did, both attuned to the other's needs. Their hands explored each other’s bodies. She fondled his nipples; he fondled her clitoris. Their bodies writhed together, the temperature rising. She squeezed his well-formed ass, and he inserted himself into her.

  Missionary-style, they rode each other, electric sensations coursing through their private parts, through the sock, and registering on the gauge. Already it was at three-quarters. He pulled out abruptly, and she gave him a dirty look. He sucked one of her labia, pulling it into his mouth and chewing gently on it, making his way towards her clitoris. Her breathing came in gasps of anticipation. He wasn't playing fair, she groaned to herself. Screw it! It was fun! She closed her legs on his head and thrust herself towards him, burying his face in her sex. His tongue flicked out and attacked her clit. The gauge on the floor read ninety percent. He could taste her arousal; it aroused him, and his dick throbbed, oozing pre-ejaculate.

  Neither could stand it anymore. He gently bit her clitoris, and she cried out in ecstasy. The gauge ticked hard to the right of its enclosure, and she contracted hard in orgasm. The sock tried to come out, but Albert anticipated it and pushed it back in; he wasn't done, yet. Agatha groaned, her voice incomprehensible as he continued to nibble her clit.

  "Aaaaahhhh!" Agatha cried out, and the sock shoved itself out, bonking Albert in the nose before falling to the floor. Albert covered his nose, wincing, as Eleanor and Edwin started in horror. Agatha brought a hand to her mouth and covered a laugh. "Albert, I'm so sorry!"

  "Argh," Albert replied, his eyes watering. "I give you an orgasm, and you assault my face with a brass sock! I see how it is!"

  "Well you shouldn't have gone for seconds!" Agatha retorted in mock defensiveness.

  Albert grinned ruefully. "Eh, maybe not," he said, chuckling. The others chuckled, too, relieved that he wasn't hurt. Agatha sat up and hugged him.

  "Always a pleasure, darling," Albert said with mock pomp but sincere intent.

  "The pleasure was all mine," Agatha chortled.

  "Well, not all of it," Albert said, glancing down at his still-throbbing cock.

  Agatha grinned. "Didn't want to get off this time?"

  Albert glanced at Eleanor. "Saving my strength."

  Agatha laughed, shaking her head. "You stud, you."

  "One does what one must!" The two chuckled, and then Agatha got off the bed, somewhat stiffly.

  "Your turn!" she said to Eleanor, grinning.

  Edwin nudged Eleanor, and she got to her feet nervously. Agatha came to her, arms outstretched, and pulled her into a hug. Far from the aloof greeting she'd originally offered, Agatha was now warm and compassionate.

  "Don't worry," she said softly. "It's not so bad. The first time might be a little hard, but after that, it's all fun and games." She withdrew and held Eleanor's hands. "You'll do just fine, kiddo," she said kindly, winking. She leaned over and picked up Eleanor's brass sock from the bed and handed it to her. "Go for it!"

  Eleanor bit her lip with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Albert stood at the foot of the bed, smiling patiently. She took off her tattered shoes, and then hesitated. Her dress was worn almost threadbare, but it was what kept her modesty, and this was the first she had ever uncovered herself in front of a man, let alone two. Agatha helped her to unfasten it, and her heart raced as she felt it loosen around her. Clutching her hands to her chest, she breathed hard. She looked around. The faces of Edwin, Albert, and Agatha were all kind, welcoming, and patient. She bit her lip, took a deep breath, and shed her dress, stepping out of it delicately, then folding it and placing it carefully on top of her shoes.

  Albert and Edwin's eyes widened. Beneath the tattered dress was a beautiful woman with shapely breasts and the perfect curve around her buttocks. The dress had done nothing to flatter her, and they had not seen this coming. Her auburn hair contrasted fiercely with her green eyes, giving her a striking, stunning beauty made all the more attractive by her humble, unassuming attitude. From across the room, several sets of eyes caught her, and the room was, for a moment, silent in appreciation.

  Eleanor felt the sudden, oppressive silence, could feel the eyes on her, and covered her breasts with one arm, her sex with the other, so terribly ashamed she was of herself, but Albert stepped forward and held her. She bit her lip, resting her head on his strong shoulder, her breathing labored with embarrassment and fear. He stroked her head, soothing her, saying nothing, yet quietly providing her with the confidence she needed to go on. She looked up into his eyes, which reflected genuine care for her, genuine wonder at her beauty.

  He spoke at last. "Eleanor, we had no idea," he said quietly. "You are beautiful. You must know that." She said nothing, just listened as he glanced out around the room. "The others staring — it's not because they disapprove, Eleanor. With that dress off, well..." he trailed off for a moment. "You're stunning."

  It took a moment for it to sink in, but when Eleanor looked up again, it was with confidence, excitement, and anticipation. She smiled, still shyly, but her eyes sparkled for the first time since she'd been on board, and Albert once again had to remember to breathe. He led her to the bed and laid her down. Her soft skin was creamy against the sheets, and her arm rested on her chest. She felt vulnerable, but it was good.

  Albert leaned over her and caressed her forehead. Lying beside her, he moved in gently for a kiss. His lips worked magic on hers, and she gasped, her eyes suddenly opening widely. She felt an odd sensation in her sex, like butterflies but with an edge, a warmth that filled her body and tantalized her. Albert kissed her again, gently, as he brought his hand to her face, cradling her cheek. His hand moved down to her neck, and she lifted her head, giving him access. He continued to kiss her, but he moved his lips down her neck, then off to the side. She gasped suddenly as an electric feeling coursed through her body. She began to tremble.

  Albert cupped her breast with his hand, softly rubbing the nipple between his fingers. It was a feeling she'd never felt before, but it felt good. No, it felt wonderful! That warmth she'd felt earlier was growing, as if her entire womb was now on fire with a passionate desire. She could not place the desire, yet. There was something she needed, a yearning urge, but she knew not what it was. As Albert's rubbing turned to stroking, she squeezed her legs together. She felt a wetness between her legs. It was strange, not unpleasant, but unfamiliar. Without thinking, she reached down to feel it. It was slippery. Albert held her wrist and gently brought her fingers to his lips, nuzzling her fingertips. He took the moistened fingers into his mouth and suckled them, his tongue running slowly and deliberately over every surface. Eleanor moaned, then snatched her hand from Albert's mouth to cover her own, a look of horror appearing on her face. The warmth disappeared.

  But Albert's words were gentle. "Let it out," he said softly but passionately. "Be proud of your sexuality! Embrace it and celebrate it! Let the moan go free if it wants, but never force it." He took her wrist back and kissed her fingertips. The warmth came back as if it had never gone, and she shuddered. Albert surrendered her hand and ran his fingers down her side, sending little electric jolts coursing through her body as he did. She writhed up against him in pleasure. His hand hovered just over her clit. He stroked it.

  "Oh!" Eleanor gasped. Suddenly that yearning feeling was beginning to take shape. She looked at Albert in wonder. "Yes!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand and putting it on her clit forcefully, suddenly realizing that this was what she'd been seeking. "Yes, do that more!"

  Albert fought back laughter, snickering instead. Edwin and Agatha did the same with varying degrees of success. Agatha whispered to Edwin, "Ya think she had a breakthrough just now?" Edwin chuckled under his breath and nodded.

  Albert took his hand back, giving her a coy look, and lowered his head towards her sex. Even as high up as her bellybutton, he could smell her arousal. His dick, already turgid from the activity so far, now sprung up, rock-hard and throbbing, offering its own lubricant. He gently reached out and licked the hood of her clitoris, and she sighed in deep pleasure. Relaxing his tongue, he licked over her labia, teasing her but not penetrating. She bucked against him, but he masterfully kept his tongue outside. Her whole body shook. He glanced at Edwin, who nodded. Albert inserted a single finger into Eleanor's virgin sex. Bells went off in her head as she recognized the precise thing her body had been demanding. But her head was floating now, riding a wave of bliss, unable to make her body move closer to him, unable to make her hand grab his hand and drive it in deeper. There was nothing to do but wait, to ride the wave, to anticipate fulfillment.

  Albert removed his finger, and then stuck two in, pressing deeper. Eleanor never felt it when her hymen broke, but when Albert nodded to Agatha, the others knew it was done. Agatha handed the brass sock to him, and he stroked it over Eleanor's vaginal lips. Her breathing increased. Agatha was right: it did feel wonderful, strangely warm and smooth. Albert pressed it against her, and she felt herself parting for it. Her breath caught. It was wonderful, the most wonderful feeling she'd ever felt. It went inside of her and nestled itself in. Agatha plugged it in. The needle instantly jumped to ninety-five percent.

  But now it was Albert's turn. He'd painstakingly gotten her to this point, and his need was screaming at him. Her beauty, her humility, the way her body writhed at his touch, wetted itself in preparation for him, how every muscle in her body called out to him, it was all too much. He got back onto the bed, spread her legs, and gently pushed in. Her juices flowed all around his cock, welcoming him inside. He pushed deeper. He could feel the brass sock inside, warm and inviting. He didn't know how, but it felt just as good against him as she did. His cock was slick with his and her intermixed fluids. The sock tugged lightly on his dick as h
e pulled out and resisted when he pushed in. It teased his head and rubbed the bottom of his shaft. He could smell her arousal, feel his need, hear her breathing and occasional moan, and see her beautiful body before him, contorted with pleasure.

  The needle slammed to the right. There was no loud outburst from either of them, just a halt in time, a moment of ecstasy for both. He felt his testes drain themselves, felt the relief that came with the release of his seed into the sock. The heat that had been growing inside of her blossomed. Her head swam; her whole body tingled. She could not see, yet her eyes were open. She could not hear, nor could she taste, nor smell. She could only feel, wrapped in this blanket of bliss that started at her sex and enveloped her whole being. Her body glowed. So did his.

  He rested beside her, his cock still inside, both basking in the afterglow. Neither could say anything.

  Edwin frowned and tapped the gauge with his foot; the needle had stuck to the right. He bent down to unplug the cord, but it shocked him hard, and he recoiled in shock and surprise. The needle dropped to zero.

  Eleanor gasped, and with a grunt from her, the sock pushed itself out and Albert with it. He took a breath, grinned, and looked at her. She smiled at him dreamily, still not saying anything, but he could tell from her expression that she was satiated. Her first time had been a success.


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