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Steampunk Desires: An Erotic Romance (The Complete Collection)

Page 9

by Wilde, Sophia

  Eloise stared and didn’t move.

  “Do you speak English?” Alonso asked in his Spanish accent. The irony was not lost on Eloise as she reluctantly put the brass sock back in.

  Arrogant man, Eloise thought bitterly. Slave-driving, uppity, black-haired pretty-boy…with such a nice body. I’ll bet that cock feels as good as this thing in my pussy. Such a thick, perfect cock. Mmm, I want that inside of me.

  The needle peaked at thirty percent again, and Eloise again soiled the inside of her brass sock.

  Alonso was not impressed. “Again,” he said simply.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Eloise asked incredulously. “I just got off twice, and now you want a third?”

  “If you can’t do it, then maybe you’d be better off in your cabin,” Alonso goaded back.

  “Fuck you,” Eloise sneered, putting the brass sock back on. A good thing about the sock was that the stimulation that would ordinarily be directly applied to her clitoris was now completely absorbed by the sock. With no direct physical contact, Eloise could go on like this for hours. She’d show that cocky Spaniard just what she could do. Irately, she jacked himself off again, then again. Then again. Then again.

  The needle never made it above thirty percent, but Alonso had to admit that in this case, sufficient quantity could make up for poor quality. Eloise might not be generating much energy for the ship with each climax, but she had stamina.

  After three hours and roughly sixty orgasms, Eloise’s arms were killing her. Her climaxes were now dry; there was nothing left in her body to come out. The pillowcase was soaked and dripping; wiping it inside the brass device was an exercise in futility, as it only smeared her juices around; as saturated as it was, it could remove none. Alonso couldn’t contain how impressed he was. He’d fought it for over two hours, but now he couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “That was amazing!” he gushed. “I’ve never seen anybody get off that much! I mean, you’re like…like…” Words escaped him, and he shrugged helplessly.

  Eloise smiled. Told you I’d show you, she thought. “Wanna fuck, yet?” she asked.

  Alonso considered it. The girl was a jerk, and Alonso didn’t like jerks, but for the novelty of it, maybe it would be fun. What did he have to lose? He already knew Eloise was a jerk, and so he knew what to expect. Edwin had given him permission to fuck — not that he’d had any indication of interest when Edwin had put Eloise in his charge. He was bored just sitting here, and he couldn’t spend time with Mary or one of the other women if he was watching Eloise, so he might as well enjoy himself.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  Alonso’s casual acceptance of the offer got under Eloise’s skin. She was better than that! “If that’s the most enthusiasm you can offer,” Eloise said sullenly, “then forget it.”

  “Suit yourself,” Alonso said, just as casually as before. It infuriated Eloise.

  “So that’s it? You don’t even care?” Eloise asked hotly.

  “No, not really,” Alonso said candidly.

  “Boy, you’re mighty full of yourself, aren’t you?” Eloise taunted. She wanted an explanation.

  “No, not really,” Alonso repeated tranquilly.

  “Well I say you are!” Eloise sneered, sitting up in the bed and dropping her feet to the floor. Alonso continued to sit on the bed, bemusedly smirking at the effect he was having on Eloise.

  Eloise couldn’t take it anymore, and she lunged for Alonso, wanting to get him by the neck and shake that smug look off his face. Instead, she met Alonso’s foot to her stomach and collapsed in a heap on the ground between the beds. Alonso never stood. In fact, other than Eloise’s crumpled frame gasping on the floor, there was no evidence to suggest that Alonso had moved at all. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees.

  “And I say that you are full of hot air,” Alonso said simply. “Get up, and let’s get you fed.” The dismissal of her outburst frustrated Eloise. It was as if anything she did meant absolutely nothing to Alonso at all, as if she was worthless. She didn’t like that feeling, and she resolved herself to change Alonso’s mind, whatever it took.

  Two days of getting herself off almost incessantly had Eloise’s arms very sore. She’d tried for days to get Alonso to come around. She’d tried pouring on her charm, flashing her smile, and paying empty compliments. She’d even paid a few genuine ones, which Alonso had accepted graciously but had not reciprocated. Other than the initial compliment on her stamina, Eloise had heard essentially nothing from Alonso, who peremptorily collected her in the morning, escorted her to the collection room, waited around for several hours, escorted her to lunch, escorted her back, waited around several more hours, then escorted her back to her room. Finally, one day, as Alonso was taking her back to her room, Eloise turned to him.

  “Okay, okay, my good man, I give up. What can I do to get you to want to fuck, to really want to fuck?”

  Alonso’s words were simple: “Make it worth my while.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Eloise, you think only of yourself. What if I wanted to fuck you…in a different way? In a place you’ve never been taken before?”

  “I don’t do anal.”

  “Exactly. Nothing I could do would convince you otherwise.”

  “But you can do anal with any woman here!”

  “Yes, because they know and respect me, and I do the same to them. I’ve seen you get off, Eloise, many times. You get off in fifteen seconds, thirty if your arm is tired. What would I gain from an experience like that?”

  Eloise thought about it.

  “And from the way you talk, I bet that as soon as you get off, you’re done. You don’t care if I get off or not, so long as you do.”

  Eloise’s breath caught. That was true.

  “So why would I want to be with you? I could be with Mary. She makes it fun for me. And we can talk, laugh, and be friends when we’re not fucking. I don’t like you; you’re a jerk. I don’t want to talk to you. We’re not friends.” He shrugged. “So, other than the novelty of having been the only guy on board to have sex with you or maybe getting you to cum more than once, you’re not worth my while. You’re a circus act, nothing more.” With that, he locked Eloise in her cabin.

  Eloise opened her mouth to say something to the locked door, some masterful retort, but none came. She had nothing to say that would redeem herself. She sat heavily on her bed. Was she really that bad? She shook her head. No, it was just more of Alonso’s stupidity. But stupidity or not, Eloise wanted Alonso to like her, to want to be with her.

  It was a strange feeling. Normally she didn’t care what people thought of her. She came in, flashed a smile, got her needs met, and left. Screw the other person’s feelings. But something about Alonso made her want him to like her. She held her head in her hands, thinking.

  What had Alonso said?

  She got off fast. That was true. It had never bothered her before; the faster she got off, the faster she could get the fling out of the house.

  And there was that, too: her not caring about her flings. It was true; she didn’t care about them, but she did find herself caring about Alonso. She did, she thought, want to see Alonso get off, to feel that nice cock unleashing a warm, salty load all over her… She shook her head. No, that was still serving her own needs. What about Alonso getting off for his own sake? Eloise toyed with the idea. It wasn’t a thought she’d ever had before. She tried to put herself in Alonso’s shoes, deciding between someone who could give him pleasure or someone who would just use him. It was hard; she’d never had empathy for anyone, but once she finally managed to wrap her head around it, remorse seized her, and she clutched her chest.

  ‘What have I been doing all these years?’ she asked, mortified. ‘I’ve taken without giving anything back to anyone. Mother and Father, who gave me everything…I never gave anything back to them. Instead, I manipulated them into sending me here. I’ve used the servants like playthings, yet they are people! I pitted them against each other f
or sport, made them run pointless errands, yelled at them for things that weren’t their fault, and used every single fling I’ve ever had.’ She thought back to the time her father had caught her in the chair. The chair had it better off than some of my flings, she thought morosely.

  It was a very long night for Eloise, and when Alonso opened the door the next morning, her eyes were bloodshot.

  Alonso frowned. He knew that Eloise had not had any alcohol, unless she had snuck out in the night somehow. The door had been locked, and Eloise had not made friends with anybody that would have let her out. She had, as far as Alonso knew, no money on her person, and her word was essentially useless, so any form of an IOU promise would have been empty at best. His assessment was interrupted, however, by what Eloise had to say.

  “Alonso,” Eloise began in a voice that was choked with emotion, “you were right about me. About what you said last night. About everything.” Her breathing was labored as she struggled to get the words out. “All my life, I have been self-serving, arrogant, and manipulative. I’ve thought of nobody but myself, and I understand now why you have no interest in sleeping with me. I’m sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” Her breath stuck.

  Alonso sighed. On one hand, Eloise could be manipulating him. On the other hand, she seemed awfully sincere. Alonso had never seen Eloise like this. Her posture sagged, not from sulking, but from a broken self-esteem. Her hair, normally perfectly groomed, was disheveled and stood up in tufts. Her eyes, Alonso realized, were bloodshot from sleep deprivation. Her voice, which had never ceased to be confident, now choked on her words. Yes, it was possible that Eloise had just taken her manipulation up a notch, but Alonso decided to give her a chance, with a catch.

  “I will forgive you if you do something for me,” he said.

  “What?” Eloise asked. Although she asked eagerly, her eagerness was clouded by the toll of the night’s torment.

  “I want you to agree to try anal with me.”

  Eloise’s posture sagged in defeat. “But why?” she asked miserably. “You know I don’t do that.”

  “If you have really reflected on this,” Alonso said gently, “then you should understand that the ‘why’ doesn’t matter. You want to please me, yes? For once in your life, you want to think about someone else’s needs, right?”


  “Then do anal for me,” Alonso replied, his voice encouraging but not urging.

  Eloise huffed. She did want to please Alonso. But she’d never done anal before. It was…beneath her. No, she thought, it was beneath what used to be her. The heart-to-heart she’d had with herself the night before had taught her a bit of humility. She realized that more than fear of being humiliated, her reticence stemmed from a fear of the unknown. Would Alonso be kind to her if she allowed herself to be taken that way? Would she have to suffer the same treatment she’d given her many flings? Would she be used and discarded? She didn’t even know how to clean herself up.

  Alonso waited patiently, hoping that Eloise had really changed. Certainly her manner was different. Had he suggested it yesterday, Eloise would have immediately spurned him. Her thinking over it this hard was a good first step.

  At length, Eloise took a deep breath and said, “All right, I’ll do it.”

  Alonso smiled and gently pulled Eloise into a hug, not like a coworker having a bad day but like a long-lost friend. Eloise wept on Alonso’s shoulder, and Alonso held her.

  Eloise pulled back abruptly, wiping her eyes, embarrassed. “Alonso,” she said timidly, pausing nervously. “I’ve never done anal before.”

  “I know,” Alonso said.

  “But,” Eloise continued quickly, “I don’t know how to prepare.”

  “I can show you,” Alonso replied, smiling gently.

  Eloise nodded, and Alonso led her to the water closet. It was awkward and more than a little gross, but Eloise made it through. They returned to the collection room. Eloise trembled as Alonso gave her a brass sock.

  “How do I–?”

  Alonso put a finger to Eloise’s lips, and then wrapped his arms around her neck, kissing her lips softly. Eloise dropped the sock, which clanged to the floor, fortunately missing both their feet. Alonso stroked the back of Eloise’s neck, running his fingers through Eloise’s hair. This was different for Eloise. It had always been a fast act for her. Now she felt her flower throbbing in anticipation, getting wetter by the second, but she was content to let things play out slowly. She loved the feel of Alonso’s fingers in her hair. She ran her hand over Alonso’s face, caressing his ear. Alonso gasped, and Eloise realized she’d hit a sweet spot. She stroked Alonso’s ear some more, eliciting another gasp, and Alonso rose slightly on his tiptoes. Eloise liked this! This was better than fucking and shoving them through the door! She had the power to excite Alonso, the ability to give him pleasure.

  She liked this power, and she wanted to exercise it some more. She ran her other hand down Alonso’s chest, feeling the smooth, almost hairless skin beneath her fingertips. Alonso had such a handsome body, Eloise thought to herself. She brought her hand to Alonso’s cock, a light bush of curly black hair surrounding it. It was turgid but not hard, yet. Alonso had been spared the surgeon’s knife, and his foreskin had retracted slightly, exposing a soft, shiny, pink head. Eloise stroked its underside gently, and Alonso leaned forward on her, his legs feeling wobbly.

  Before Eloise could get more of a reaction from Alonso, though, Alonso reached forward to kiss her, mouthing her lips and sending a wave of pleasure flowing through Eloise that she’d never felt before. She didn’t know that her lips could feel so good! Alonso used the distraction to take charge. He pulled Eloise forward to him, their warm bodies rubbing against each other. Alonso reached down, touching her moist lips, and quickly finding her clitoris. The heat of Alonso’s fingers against her folds and the sensuous touch were electrifying for Eloise, and she worried that she’d get off before Alonso was even ready. Alonso registered the concern in Eloise’s eyes and slowed down, gently guiding Eloise backward to the bed. As Eloise laid herself down on the bed, Alonso reached down and picked up the brass sock, placing it gently on the bed next to them, plugged it in, and then crawled up to kiss Eloise once more.

  Lying beside her, Alonso’s lips reached out and made contact while his fingers strayed down to Eloise’s bottom. Eloise tensed, but Alonso intensified the kiss, distracting her. By the time Eloise realized what was happening, her body was writhing in pleasure as Alonso introduced her to a completely unknown pleasure, a pleasure that radiated from her anus, making her body tingle, feel numb, and feel more alive than ever before all at once. It was an intense, wonderfully intense feeling, and Eloise saw stars. Her pussy throbbed and oozed a sticky stream, which Alonso used to lubricate Eloise’s bottom.

  Time passed, and one finger became two inside of Eloise’s virgin hole as her ecstasy increased. What she thought would be an uncomfortable tightness turned into a pleasurable tingling sensation that was unlike anything she had ever felt. Then it was time. Alonso took the brass sock and positioned it at Eloise’s entrance, rubbing it lightly against her backside. Her breath rasping, Eloise’s body opened for the sock, pulling it in with surprising eagerness. Neither of them could have known that it had been designed that way, and neither of them would have cared. What mattered to Eloise now was the constant, wonderful feeling that flowed through her body from her ass outward, provoking her pussy, deep and throbbing.

  With the brass sock now plugged in and inserted, the gauge shot to ninety percent, far higher than it had ever gone before for Eloise. And then something happened to Eloise that she had vowed never would. As Alonso gently guided himself in, Eloise’s body and mind welcomed him inside. She felt her ass tug on Alonso’s cock as he entered slowly, and then pushed in and out. The feelings were somehow amplified inside the brass sock, and she moaned in ecstasy. Her pussy throbbed. She could feel Alonso’s warmth deep inside of her, tickling and pleasing her. Alonso cupped her hanging breasts with one ha
nd while resting the other on her plump, inviting cheeks. Alonso squeezed and twister her nipples, slowly at first, then increasing in intensity with each thrust of his powerful cock into her backside.


  Alonso replied by bending over and kissing Eloise passionately. It was in that position that the needle on the gauge shot to the right. Eloise was in ecstasy. Completely filled in the backside, she could feel Alonso’s throbbing tool completely taken in, the entire shaft perfectly stretching her puckered star. Eloise never imagined how good it would feel to be so completely filled. She allowed one of her hands to find her aching, moist pussy. Eagerly she dove two fingers deep into her flower, and the feeling of having both of her holes filled at once was too much for her to bear. Eloise let out a low wail of pleasure, ending in a gasp, and Alonso shuddered and gasped on top of her, his balls quickly draining themselves of days’ worth of pent-up tension.

  For a moment, it was silent; neither could speak as the waves of bliss radiated through their bodies before being captured for the ship’s use.


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