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Reckless (Benson's Boys Book 1)

Page 19

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

  “You get me.”

  As he pulled his tee over his head, the sound that came out of his mouth was barely human. And the witch threw back her head and laughed.

  Oh the wicked, wicked things she wanted to do with Dimitri. Megan’s mind was full to overflowing with them. She hadn’t had many boyfriends and only a couple of serious ones. Ones she’d let into her bed. But it hadn’t gone well—she tended to scare them away. Whereas Dimitri seemed to delight in her wild side. It was a gift. One she didn’t plan to squander.

  His T-shirt hit the floor, but Megan’s eyes were on the dusting of dark hair that highlighted his mouth-watering pecs. She lingered over the gentle definition of his abs, imagining how they would taste when she got her tongue on him.

  He groaned. “That look in your eyes. It’s enough to make a man lose his mind.”

  She smiled at him. “Who’s stopping you?”

  Dark, heated gaze. His fingers sped up as he unfastened the button fly on his jeans. Megan licked her lips. He’d gone commando. “The commando commando,” she muttered, her eyes firmly on the prize.

  He barked out a laugh. “You aren’t entirely sane, are you?”

  “Nope.” She hooked a finger at him. “Come here.”

  His jeans, boots, socks disappeared in record time and he stalked towards her, strong muscled thighs flexing with easy grace.

  “Wait.” She held up her hand.

  “What?” Her heart melted a little as he did what he was told, stopping mid-stride to stand before her. “You okay?”

  And just like that it melted entirely. She was a puddle on the bed. Megan didn’t want to think about what that meant. Later, she promised herself, later.

  She made a circular motion with her hand. “Turn. Let me see all of it.” She batted her lashes at him as she fought back a laugh. This was fun. So much fun. “You saw all of me, it’s only fair that I get to see all of you.”

  Grinning, he did as he was told. Le sigh. The man was a masterpiece. She couldn’t decide what she wanted to take a bite out of first—his strong wide shoulders, or that tight hot backside of his. Acting on instinct, she sprang to her knees and wrapped her arms around him. Her hands splayed on his stomach as she delighted in the tactile sensation of all that muscle against her breasts. Her teeth sank into his shoulder and she actually felt dizzy at the taste of him.

  “Hey! No biting.”

  She bit him again as she wrapped her fist around his hard length. Satin smooth and deliciously solid.

  He shivered under her touch. “Okay, maybe a little biting.”

  Megan chuckled against his skin as she slid her hand up and down his length, learning him. He tolerated it far longer than she thought he would before his hand clasped her wrist.

  “You keep that up and I’m going to blow.”

  “And what if I want you to blow?”

  “You don’t always get what you want.” He spun on her and she squealed as she suddenly found herself lying on her back.

  Dimitri lay on his side, pressed along the length of her. One arm curved above her head, his fingers playing with her hair, the other smoothing down the curve of her stomach to the flare of her hip.

  His dark eyes studied her, equal parts heat and amusement. The perfect combination.

  “Kiss me.” She ran the nails of her left hand down his back. Scratching hard.

  “Where?” the devil demanded.

  Her right hand reached for his cock, prepared to make him break the control he seemed to value.

  “Nuh, uh.” He shifted fast, grasping both of her hands and stretching her arms over her head. He held both her wrists in one huge hand, immobilising her.

  “Not fair.” She pouted as she tested his hold. It was steel.

  “Quiet. You’re disturbing my concentration.” His head bent and he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

  “Yes!” She arched off the bed.

  She felt his smile against her breast before he proceeded to drive her insane with his tongue and teeth. When she started to see stars, she fought back. There was no way she’d lose her mind alone. Swinging her leg over his hip, she put all of her strength into flipping him. He landed on his back with an oomph. Megan straddled his stomach, trailing her nails down his chest.

  “My turn.”

  Strong hands reached for her breasts—she batted them away. “My turn.”

  Deep laughter rumbled from his chest and straight through her body. “How about we both take turns together?”

  “No.” The feeling of warm skin and firm muscle that rippled and tensed under her fingertips needed her full attention. “You distract me and I need to concentrate.”

  He laughed harder at having his words thrown back at him. Megan bent forward and ran her tongue around one of those tiny hard nipples, over his pecs and up to his neck. She sucked, and bit and licked. Dimitri’s huge hands grasped her hips, holding tight enough to leave bruises. It was delicious. Megan pressed up from his chest to look at her handiwork.

  “That’s going to leave a mark.” It was a proud declaration.

  In reply, he tightened his grip on her hips. And then she was flying. Up his body to sit astride his wicked, wicked mouth.

  “Hold on tight, Buff.” The words were a sensual purr against her most private of places. “I’m going to blow your mind.”

  Holding the polished wooden headboard, she looked down at the man. “Unlike you, Soldier Boy, I don’t think with that part of my anatomy.”

  He barked out a laugh, making her wonder if she wasn’t the only crazy person in the room. Then his tongue swiped all thought away. Megan’s fingers curled into the warm wood, her head fell back and she lost herself in his touch. Dimitri’s hands clenched on her backside, pulling her closer to him. Muscles tightened. Tingles ran up from her feet to her back. Breathing became a series of desperate gasps.

  “Oh, yes, yes…”

  Dimitri rumbled against her most sensitive spot and her body froze. A second, suspended on a precipice. Then it snapped and she was flying, with only his hold to keep her tethered. By the time she’d floated back down, she found herself lying back on the bed. Dimitri was cradled between her thighs, supporting his weight with a hand either side of her head.

  “Ready?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “I’ll deal with your attitude when I can breathe again.” It wasn’t a lie—her words were delivered on gasps.

  “Good to know.” He took her mouth in a punishing kiss, releasing her just as fast as he’d taken her.

  She barely had time to fill her lungs again before he surged into her.

  “Yes!” Megan screamed as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Dimitri’s head went back. The tendons in his neck flexed. A gasp. A shiver. His length flexed within her. Her fingers danced over tense shoulder muscles, then up to tighten in his silky hair. When she tugged his face down to hers, his gaze was feral. A man barely in control. And it was perfect. Megan didn’t want control. She wanted all of him, raw and strong and limitless.

  “Move,” she said. “Fast. Hard. Now.”

  “I’m gonna deal with your attitude when I can breathe again,” he said on a groan. “Oh hell, Megan, you’re perfect.”

  “I know.” She kicked his backside with her heels, hard. “Now move.”

  And, with a grin, he did.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Dimitri woke to banging on their door. Megan was sprawled on top of him. It made him chuckle. The bed was huge, but his girl had him pinned.

  “Playtime’s over,” Callum shouted.

  Dimitri checked the clock. They’d missed the team meal. His stomach rumbled at the same time as he wondered why no one had come to get him.

  “Make g’way,” Megan muttered, but her eyes didn’t open.

  So it wasn’t just mornings when she had a problem waking, it was any time she fell asleep. Good to know. He smoothed a hand over her silken hair.

  “I’ll get it.”

  A grumble a
nd a wriggle and her head disappeared under a pillow. Dimitri delighted in the sight before pulling on his jeans and opening the door. His boss was even more stony-faced than usual.

  “Get dressed. The office has been hit.”

  And just like that, Dimitri’s languid state was gone. He looked over at his grumpy Scottish girl. “What about Megan?”

  “She’s safe where she is. Joe’s staying here. He’ll watch the women while we check the damage.”

  As Callum spoke, Dimitri pulled on his shirt and boots. He cast one last glance at the woman he’d sexed into an unconscious state, then followed Callum out the door.

  Elle looked up from where she was sitting at a desk in the corner of the living room, tapping at her laptop as per usual. Dimitri actually tripped over his feet at the sight of her. She was wearing a pyjama onesie, like a kid would wear, only in her size. Going by the colour, pattern and hood, she was supposed to be a giraffe.

  “Hey, Dimitri. When you get back we need to start going over some of the info I’ve decoded.”

  “Don’t you need sleep?”

  Her answer was to lift a waste paper basket which was filled with empty energy drink cans. She waggled her eyebrows at him, then the giraffe lowered its head and she went back to work.

  “You saw that, right?” Dimitri felt the need to ask Callum. It’d been a long couple of weeks and he was seriously sleep deprived. It wouldn’t surprise him if he’d started to hallucinate.

  “I’m pretending I didn’t.” Callum pressed the button for the elevator. “Otherwise I’ll institute a uniform policy for the business.” He gave Dimitri a sidelong look. “Guess we’re not in the army anymore, Toto.”

  The doors slid open and Dimitri followed him inside. “Did you just make a joke? It’s kind of hard to tell when your face never changes.”

  Callum stared at him until he dropped the subject. It didn’t take long.

  “What’s the word on the building?”

  “Cops called me. One of our neighbours alerted them when they saw masked men in the office.”

  “No alarm?” Dimitri felt his eyebrows rise. They were a security firm. The first thing they’d put in was an alarm system.

  “They hacked it.” Callum’s jaw turned to granite. “It was a skeleton system. We planned on putting in the full framework when the renovations were complete. Right now there are too many workmen going in and out all hours to make a full system feasible.”

  “Anybody hurt?”

  The elevator doors opened onto the plush lobby. “No word on that. They were still checking the building when they called.”

  They strode through the Art Deco interior, with its black and white tiled floor and geometric decoration. “How come no one got us for the team meeting?”

  “I cancelled it when information started to come in from Rudi’s flash drive.”

  Dimitri stalled briefly. “Anything I need to know?”

  “Not yet, but I had to spend time making calls, pulling in favours to check out some of the threads Elle unravelled.” He gave Dimitri an even look. “We’ll go over it all in the morning, but as soon as we have a bead on your sister’s location, you’ll be the first to hear about it.”

  It wasn’t anything Dimitri didn’t already know, but the waiting was harder the closer he got to knowing the truth about Katrina.

  “We need to get her back.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

  “We will.” It was a promise. One heavy with deadly intent.

  By the time they’d made it to the front door, their car had been brought around and was waiting for them, key in the ignition.

  “You drive,” Callum barked. “I need to call Lake and Harry. Let them know that this new business of ours is going to hell.”

  Dimitri didn’t think Lake would be surprised or upset. In the few years the ex-SAS specialist had lived in the Highlands he’d managed to set fire to a shop, ruin a Christmas market and have a shootout at the castle. There was a reason Lake didn’t blink when things went south—he’d seen it all before.

  They made it to the office in record time, driving through central London fast enough to set off every speed camera in their path. They found a place to park down the street from the office and fought their way through the crowds of onlookers. The police had cordoned off an area outside their building. Yellow tape, flashing lights. The whole shebang.

  Callum strode up to the familiar face that was clearly in charge.

  “Tessa,” he said. “What’s the damage?”

  This time the tall woman was dressed in a pristine uniform, making her rank clear. She inclined her head. “Vandalism. Your new renovations are trashed.” Her eyes narrowed. “We thought it was a robbery until the bastards fired at my guys. Then boom. You’ve lost your ground floor reception area.”

  Dimitri glanced around him, noting the armed response unit in amongst the rest of the group.

  “Trouble seems to follow Benson Security,” the woman said to Callum. “Want to tell me who’s behind this raid?”

  “We had the meet with Rudi this afternoon.” Callum kept his voice low. “Megan took things into her own hands. Let’s just say Rudi won’t be raping anyone again.”

  Tessa’s body visibly tensed. “Dead?”

  “No, Tess, she…” Callum trailed off. He looked at Dimitri. “Help me out here.”

  “Nuh, uh. I can’t even think about it.”

  With a look of disgust, Callum turned back to the police commander. “It had something to do with a very tight elastic band and a piece of his anatomy.”

  Dimitri watched Callum’s hands twitch as he fought the urge to cover his crotch—exactly as Dimitri was doing.

  “Is she insane?” Tessa said with a hiss.


  “Hey!” Dimitri snapped. “I’m the only one who gets to call her nuts. Back off.”

  Two identical, incredulous looks were his response. As Megan would say, whatever. Folding his arms, he glared at them, making it clear they had better back off Megan. The Scottish lunatic was his.

  Tessa muttered something about Neanderthal men, while Callum turned his attention to the building.

  “This could be a guy called Reynard Durand. He worked for Rudi. Muscle mostly.” Callum eyed Tessa. “You heard of him?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll look into it.”

  “Commander, ma’am,” a voice called out, making Tessa’s attention snap to the cop. “We’ve found two men hiding in the basement. They’re saying they work for Benson Security.”

  With a shared look, Callum, Dimitri and Tessa headed into the building. Reception had been reduced to rubble. Julia’s precious whiteboards were firewood and the files from her desk were scattered over the floor. Dimitri’s boot trampled a photo of Rudi on his way to the basement stairs, a sight he delighted in. Fortunately, the blast had been small, contained to the front of the ground floor. It could have been a whole lot worse. As they jogged down the stairs to the training room Dimitri heard a familiar voice.

  “Get your hands off me. I’m old. My bones are brittle. If you break any of them I’m suing you.”

  “The Granger brothers,” Dimitri said.

  Callum’s jaw clenched as he pushed open the door to the training room. “What the hell are they doing here on a Friday night?”

  “No social life?” Dimitri’s comment was awarded a death glare.

  “These men work for you?” Tessa asked as she strode in behind them.

  Dimitri stopped dead at the sight before him. The two old men were dressed in white y-front underpants with white vests tucked into them. They still wore brown socks and brown loafers. They looked like the scrawny chickens you found hanging in windows in Chinatown.

  “We found them locked in one of those rooms.” The taller of the two officers holding on to the Granger brothers pointed at the interrogation rooms.

  “Those bleeding rooms only lock from the outside,” Bill grumbled. “Who the hell planned that?”r />
  Dimitri didn’t think it was the time to point out that if you were in those rooms, you weren’t meant to get out on your own.

  “Callum, tell these idiots to release us.” Bob tugged at his arm where the officer held him in a tight grip.

  “Where the hell are your clothes?” Callum barked.

  The brothers at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

  “We were fighting.” Bill pointed at the two long poles on the mat. “Ninja style.”

  Dimitri turned away, becoming suddenly interested in, well, anything, while he fought the urge to laugh.

  “Are these two with you?” Tessa sounded incredulous.

  “Unfortunately.” Callum pinched the bridge of his nose. “They’re our contractors. Carpentry.”

  “That doesn’t mean they weren’t working with the team that attacked our men,” Tessa pointed out, her focus completely on the brothers.

  The Granger brothers took one look at Tessa’s terrifying demeanour and put their hands in the air.

  “We didn’t do nothing,” Bill said.

  “Idiot,” his brother snapped at him before looking at Callum and Tessa. “We just wanted to get away from our wives. They’re having a ladies night at the house. The bloody place is overrun with chattering women. We thought we’d come here and get some work done in peace. Without you lot under our feet.”

  “Then we thought we’d have a tea break,” Bill added.

  “And during tea, we got to thinking about all the workout equipment down here and how we should give it a go.” Bob pointed to the gym room.

  “Only, once we were down here, we saw the wall of death.” Bill waved at the combat weapons used for training. “Next thing you know, it’s Rumble In The Jungle, Granger style.”

  There was silence. The two young officers holding the men struggled to keep straight faces.

  “I was winning until all hell broke loose,” Bob grumbled.

  “Were not, you bloody liar.” Bill glared at his brother.

  Callum put a hand up for silence while Tessa heaved out a sigh.

  “You two share a house?” Okay, Dimitri knew it wasn’t the most important thing to take from Bob’s statement. So sue him.


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