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A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

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by Christina Escue

  “That’s true, but with your practice and school work will you have time?” Leslie asked.

  “I will. We only practice Tuesday and Thursday and you know I would never let my school work suffer. I wouldn’t take any jobs on meet days, but any other Friday or Saturday I would be open.”

  “What about Conner?” Kiara asked, knowing Conner loved taking Karla places.

  “He’ll understand that I have to make money to get a car.” Karla told her, hoping she was right.

  “Well for right now you can drive my car anytime you need it and Conner has already said he would drive you and Elliot to and from school.” Leslie told her.

  “I know. It’s just that I really want to be able to get myself where I need to be, when I need to be there.” Karla told them. “I think I’m going to head up to my room and see what I can figure out.”

  “Okay, sweetheart.” Leslie told her with a soft smile. “You’ll figure something out. You always do.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Karla.”

  Once Karla was gone Kiara turned to Leslie and grinned. “I’m really surprised you didn’t give in and tell her.”

  “Me too. When the sadness came into her eyes I almost did. I can’t wait to see her face when Andrew and Manuel gets here.”

  “I almost said something too.” Elliot chimed in. “I literally had to bite my tongue.”

  “They should be here in about half an hour. I sent Andrew a text when she passed so he’d know to go ahead with the plan.”

  “Did anyone let Conner, Rylee and Callie know?” Elliot asked.

  “Manuel did.” Kiara answered. “He just sent me a text and they’re on their way now.”

  “Awesome.” Elliot said just as the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it.” Kiara said and jumped up from the table. When she opened the door Conner, Rylee and Callie were standing there. “Why on earth are you three ringing the doorbell?”

  “Because it was locked.” Rylee answered with a grin as she walked past Kiara and into the kitchen.

  “Oh.” Kiara said with a chuckle as she closed the door behind them.

  “Where’s Karla?” Conner asked when he entered the kitchen.

  “She’s in her room.”” Leslie answered. “You can go get her if you want.” She added with a grin.

  “I’ll be right back.” Conner said and took off up the stairs.

  When he knocked on Karla’s door and heard her soft “come in” he grinned and opened the door.

  “Congratulations, baby.” He said as he crossed the room and sat beside her on the bed.

  “Thank you.” She replied and laid her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him then leaned his head against hers. “Did Leslie text you?”

  “No. Manuel texted Callie after Kiara texted him.” Conner told her. “I am very happy for you, Karla.”

  She lifted her head off his shoulder and smiled. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He answered and placed a soft kiss on her lips. When she went to deepen the kiss he pulled away and smiled. “I don’t want Leslie to come up and find us making out on your bed.” He told her in explanation.

  “I know.” She told him as she stood up and pulled him to his feet. “We’d better get downstairs before she comes up.”

  Before they reached the door Conner stopped walking and pulled Karla into his arms. When she looked up into his eyes she saw the ever present wanting shining from the sapphire orbs and grinned. She leaned in, pressed her lips to his neck and grinned again when he groaned. “You’re killing me, Karla.” He said in a rough whisper.

  “You’re killing me too, Conner.” She replied and he saw the same wanting shining from her eyes.

  “We’d better get downstairs.” He said and pulled away. He knew she wasn’t completely ready and he wasn’t ever going to do anything to frighten her.

  A minute later they walked into the kitchen holding hands and Leslie looked up from her seat at the bar and grinned. She knew they were moving closer and closer to an intimate relationship, but she trusted them both enough to know they wouldn’t do anything inappropriate in the house. Still, she made a mental note to talk to Karla again.

  Everyone looked up when the garage door opened and Andrew walked in. “Karla, can you come outside for a second please?” He asked with a straight face.

  “Umm.. yeah, sure.” She responded and followed him out the door and into the garage.

  When everyone else followed Andrew raised the garage door and Karla saw a silver Nissan Sentra sitting in the driveway. She looked at Andrew in confusion and he grinned. “Happy birthday, sweetheart, and congratulations on getting your license.”

  Karla stood there in stunned silence for what felt like hours before she looked up at Andrew and grinned. “I don’t know what to say.” She said and he wrapped his arms around her in a huge hug.

  “You don’t have to say anything. Mom and I wanted to get you a car that we knew would be safe and dependable. You will have to earn the money to pay the insurance, but for now just enjoy it.”

  “You two are the best parents in the universe.” Karla said and motioned for Leslie to join them. “I love you both very much.”

  “We love you too, sweetheart.” Leslie told her as a single tear slipped from her eye.

  Chapter Ten

  The week following Karla’s birthday Manuel and Callie were finally able to have their first date. Manuel knocked on the Newberry’s door at fifteen minutes till six and waited. When Mark Newberry answered the door he inwardly cringed. He’d been silently hoping Dr. Newberry would have been on call tonight.

  “Manuel,” Mark greeted him with a grin. “Come in and have a seat. Callie will be down in a minute.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Newberry.” Manuel responded and followed him into the house. “How are you this evening, sir?”

  “I’m doing well.” Mark answered and motioned for Manuel to have a seat. Once they were both seated he looked at Manuel and said, “Now answer a question for me, how serious are you about my daughter?”

  “Sir, I love Callie. I have for a year now. I tried to stay away from her, to fight these feelings I have, but I failed and I am so afraid I’m not right for her. I’m afraid I’m going to hurt her.”

  Mark grinned at Manuel’s words. “Okay. Do you want to know what that fear tells me?” He asked and when Manuel nodded he continued. “It tells me that you really do love Callie. You love her enough that you tried to stay away and that your biggest fear is hurting her. I’m glad she found you.” When he stuck out his hand Manuel looked at it for a second before he grasped it and shook.

  “I’m glad I found her. I didn’t know anything was missing in my life until I pictured my life without her in it.”

  Mark grinned and looked up as he heard Callie walking down the stairs. She was wearing a knee-length black skirt and a bright blue sleeveless tunic style top. Her strappy sandals and painted toenails made Manuel grin.

  “You two have fun and Manuel, have her home by eleven.” Mark said and grinned.

  “I will, sir.” Manual said and led Callie out the door and to his car. When he opened the door for her she smiled and slid into the passenger seat.

  “Did my dad give you the third degree?” Callie asked after Manuel was seated in the driver’s seat.

  “Not too bad.” He answered as he buckled his seat belt and started the car. “He’s just worried about you.”

  “Between him and Conner I’m surprised I ever get to leave the house.” Callie mumbled.

  “I completely understand where they are coming from. I am like that with Kiara and Karla.”

  “I know.” Callie said with a soft smile. “Okay, enough about siblings and overprotectiveness and parents. Let’s focus on us. Where are you taking me?”

  “Well the original plan was dinner and a movie, but the movie is out because the theater is still closed, so I was thinking dinner and t
hen a surprise.” He told her with a grin.

  “I’m not a fan of surprises.” She told him with a serious expression on her face.

  “You’ll like this one, but if by chance you don’t, you can blame Karla. It was her idea.” He grinned and turned into the parking lot of her favorite Mexican restaurant.

  “I love this place.” She said with a grin.

  “I know. Karla told me.” He grinned back and she chuckled.

  “Did you ask Karla about everything for our date?”

  “Nope. This part was all my idea.” He said and pulled a small box out of the console of the car. “I hope you like it.”

  When he placed the box in her hand she opened it and gasped. Nestled in the black velvet lining of the box was a sparkling Sapphire teardrop pendant on a silver chain. “Oh my gosh. Manuel, it’s beautiful.”

  “I know Garnet is your birthstone, but this reminded me of your eyes.”

  “I love it, Manuel. Sapphires are my favorite gemstone.”

  Manuel’s face lit up in a smile as he grabbed the box out of Callie’s hand and pulled the necklace from it. “Turn around and hold up your hair please.”

  When Callie did as he asked Manuel slipped the necklace around her neck and fastened it securely in place. He’d spent half a week’s pay on this for her, but he wanted her to have it. One of his biggest fears was that she wouldn’t be happy with him because he wasn’t in the same social bracket that she was used to. He’d never had many material things, but he had always had love. Callie was used to both. He shook himself out of his thoughts and placed a soft kiss on the back of Callie’s neck before he settled her hair back in place and got out of the car. He opened her door for her and grasped her hand in his as they walked through the doors of the restaurant. He knew he’d find a way to get her the moon and stars if that’s what she wanted and he’d make her happy if she’d let him.

  Once they were seated Manuel looked at her over the top of the menu and grinned. He knew she wasn’t a superficial kind of girl, but he couldn’t help these feelings from popping up. He’d just keep fighting them and deal with things as they came.

  Chapter Eleven

  After dinner Manuel led Callie back to his car. “Manuel, what’s the matter?” Callie asked after they were in the car. “Is something bothering you?”

  “Nothing’s bothering me, Callie.” Manuel lied. There was no way he could share his thoughts with her.

  Callie shook her head at him and sighed. “If you can’t be honest with me then I think you should just take me home.”

  “I’m not taking you home yet.” Manuel told her and sighed deeply. “I am worried that I won’t be able to give you the kind of life you’re used to. I’m worried that you’re going to want things I can’t give you.” He confessed.

  Callie looked at him for a moment before anger flared in her eyes. “Are you freaking kidding me? Do you really think that material crap matters to me? Do you see me as that shallow of a person?”

  “No.” Manuel said in a strained voice. “I see you as kind and caring and loving. It’s just these things popped into my head and I can’t seem to get them to leave.”

  “Manuel, look at me.” Callie urged and when he looked over she reached out a hand and stroked his cheek. “I don’t care about material things and I don’t care how many zeros are at the end of your paycheck. I care about you and how you make me feel. I can live without the jewelry and clothes and fancy house as long as I have love and commitment and understanding. Do you love me?”

  “I do, more than anything.”

  “Then that’s all I need.” She told him and smiled.

  He smiled and leaned over. When his lips brushed against hers she smiled a little and pressed her lips more firmly against his. When he groaned and parted his lips slightly she deepened the kiss. After a few minutes he pulled away and she could see the heat in his eyes. “Too much?” She asked in a slightly deeper voice than normal.

  “Not enough.” He answered and pulled her to him again. This time when his lips touched hers there was no hesitation in his kiss. He twined his hands into her hair and parted her lips with his tongue. When she trailed her fingers through his short, cropped hair he pulled his lips from hers and softly kissed her neck. “We’d better stop before I can’t. I know you aren’t ready and neither am I.”

  Callie pulled out of his arms and looked him in the eyes. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” She admitted and he groaned.

  “Saying that to me isn’t helping.” He said and she grinned.

  “How about this, we finish our date and see where the night takes us?” She suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan, but I know where the night isn’t going to take us and that’s back to my apartment.” He told her as he started the car.

  She grinned as they pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the lights of the city. “Where are we going?” She asked, knowing he probably wouldn’t answer.

  “It’s a surprise.” Was all he said and she giggled a little.

  “Okay. I’ll just wait and see. I’m not a very patient person though.” Callie told him with a grin.

  “You won’t have long to wait.”

  She sat there quietly for a few minutes before she looked up and over at him. “You’re right about something. I’m not ready yet.”

  He took one hand off of the steering wheel and reached over to hold one of hers. “I know and I’m okay with that. We’re going to walk this road together, and at your pace, because as long as I’m walking with you, I’m perfectly fine with taking it slow.”

  Callie grinned and kissed the back of his hand. “I’m perfectly fine too.”

  They rode the rest of the way in a comfortable silence and when they pulled into the parking lot of the arena Callie grinned. “You’re taking me ice skating.”

  “Karla said you loved it so I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

  “Okay, Mr. Tropical Island, have you ever been on ice skates before?”

  “Once. I was about thirteen and Abuela took us to New York right after Christmas. We ice skated in Central Park.”

  “Did you stay on your feet or on your butt?” She asked with a grin and he laughed.

  “My butt,” He answered and she laughed. “I think I’ll do better with a little guidance though.”

  “Well then come on, Mr. Tropical Island, let’s see what you can do.” She grinned and got out of the car before he could come around and open the door for her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close as they walked across the almost empty parking lot and into the building.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Callie asked after they laced up their skates.

  “Yeah. It will be fun.” Manuel answered in a tone that sounded like he was terrified.

  Callie shook her head and stood up. When she stretched out her hand Manuel looked at her and smiled. “I promise I won’t let go.” She told him and he reached the last couple of inches and laced his fingers with hers.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” He said as she led him to the ice.

  After a few minutes of stumbling around and clinging to the wall for support, Manuel found his balance. Callie grinned and pulled him a couple of feet from the wall, onto the almost empty ice. When he lost his balance and fell she landed on top of him and they both burst out laughing. “Maybe we should stick to the wall.” She teased and tried to pull herself off of him. When he held her tighter she looked into his eyes and saw the fire that had ignited in their chocolate depths.

  “That’s probably a good idea.” He said before he kissed her forehead and lifted her off of him. “Good thing the ice is cold.” He mumbled to himself.

  “Yeah,” She said, having overheard him. “I think it’s probably a good idea if we call it a night and you take me home. I don’t think either of us are ready for this.”

  “I agree.” He answered, but grabbed her hand before they started off the ice. “I think we can handle this though.” He told her
with a smile.

  She smiled back and looked at their joined hands. “Yeah, we can handle this.”

  Twenty minutes later Manuel stopped his car in front of Callie’s house and got out. He opened her door and they walked in silence to the porch.

  “I have a little time before I have to go in. Want to sit out here for a bit?” She asked and nodded to the wicker bench on the porch. When they sat she laid her head over on Manuel’s shoulder. “I had a great time tonight.”

  “So did I.” He told her then shifted a little. “Callie, look at me.” When she did he captured her face in his hands and lowered his head to hers. When their lips met she sighed and he kissed her deeply. When he broke the kiss he looked into her sparkling eyes. “I want more with you than I ever have with any girl. I want to see where this goes.”

  “I want that too, Manuel. I love you.” She said and brushed her lips over his once more.

  “I love you too. Now, I think it’s time you go inside and I head home. I want to take that kiss further, but now isn’t the time and this certainly isn’t the place. Goodnight, Callie. I’ll text you when I get home.” He brushed his lips over hers once more before he stood, walked to his car and left.

  She sat there alone for a few minutes before she got up and walked into the house.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Callie, come on. We are going shopping, not on a date.” Conner yelled at his sister’s door.

  “Relax, Con. I’m ready.” Callie said as she opened the door.

  “About time. We’re supposed to be meeting Karla and Elliot in twenty minutes and I don’t want them to have to wait for us.”

  “Chill. We’ll make it in time. The mall is only ten minutes from here so even if we hit traffic we will make it.”

  “I don’t understand why you had to put on make-up to go clothes shopping anyway.” Conner said has he grabbed his keys off the hook by the door. “It’s not like Manuel will be there.”


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