by Gina Keating
Fleming, John, 131–32
FlexFile system, 153–54
FLIXPAC, 242–43
Foreign films, 37
Fortune Businessperson of the Year, Hastings as, 243–45
Foundation Capital, 53
Freud, Sigmund, 17
Friedland, Jonathan, 247, 249
Friends, 147–49, 251
Game Crazy, 113
Godfrey, Peter, 19
Golden, Gail, 116
Gravity, 191
Greenmail, 114–15
Gustafson, Sarah, 106–7
H, 97, 142–50, 171, 182, 250–51
Haimovitz, Jules, 170
Hargrove, Randy, 123–24
Hastings, Wil (father), 14
Hastings, Wilmot Reed, Jr. See also Netflix
Apollo 13 founding story, 3–4, 6, 169
background of, 13–14
Blockbuster alliance attempt, 66–67
Blockbuster online subscribers, offer to buy, 201, 204–5, 222
on California Board of Education, 57–58
as chief executive, 52–53
chief executive partnership with Randolph, 44–46
and Cinematch, 186–87
companies founded by, 14–17
DVD mailing, testing, 9, 20
federal lobbying by, 242–43
Fortune Businessperson of the Year, 243–45
and initial public offering (IPO), 62–63
on Internet generation TV, 238–40
investors, soliciting, 46–47, 50, 53
layoffs (2001), 80–82
left-brain approach of, 45–46, 55, 186
meets Evangelist, 222
on Microsoft board, 224–25
morale building at Netflix, 137–38
Netflix, development of, 20–31
parodies about, 250
personality of, 1–2, 45–46, 141, 141–42, 244–45, 248, 256
political activities of, 43
Pure Atria, 7, 14–17
and Qwikster fiasco, 248–53
Redbox purchase, rejecting, 236
streaming video service concept, 167–68
Walmart cross-promotion attempt, 131–32, 159–60
YouTube video disaster, 249–51
HD DVD, 223
HDNet, 161
Hessel, Lillian
customer retention, approach to, 155–57
leaves Blockbuster, 221
Hewlett-Packard, 39, 160
Hoag, Jay, 53, 82
Hodge, Gordon, 160
Hollywood Video, 71
Blockbuster attack on, 172–77
Blockbuster merger plan, 112–16, 119–21
Movie Gallery merger, 120–21, 162, 207–8
and, 47–48, 60
Home Box Office, 76
Home Rental Library, 58–59
Hublicity tours, 140
Hudson, Jennifer, 178
Huffington, Ariana, 241–42
Hunt, Neil, 84–85, 195
Icahn, Brett, 170–71
Icahn, Carl
and Antico resignation, 208–10, 213
Antioco disagreements with, 123–24, 151–52, 160, 170–71, 205–10
Blockbuster stock purchase, 114–16, 163
on Hollywood Video merger, 120–21
and Keyes hiring, 213–16
proxy fights with Blockbuster, 123–24, 151–52
Iger, Robert, 161, 166
Independent films, 172, 179
Ingrassia, Richard, 135
Initial public offering (IPO)
Blockbuster, 75
and Netflix, 62–63, 65–66, 82–83
Institutional Venture Partners, 41
Integrity QA, 14, 25
International Shareholder Services, 151–52
Internet service providers, issue with Netflix, 242–43
Intuit, 15
Jahrer, Michael, 192
Jeffries & Co., 135
Jobs, Steve, 166
Julian, Greg, 32
Kahn, Steve, 25
Kaltschnee, Mike, 142–50, 171, 182, 250–51
Kaplan, Gregg, 84, 236. See also Redbox
Karmazin, Mel, 86, 105, 111
Kerns, Mitch, 117
Kerstetter, Jim, 226
Keyes, Jim
background of, 213–14
begins at Blockbuster, 213–16
Blockbuster decline under, 230–34
Circuit City offer, 225–26
Direct Access plan, 233
initial plans for Blockbuster, 218–20
kiosks, 231, 233–34
late fees reinstatement, 232–33
Movielink purchase, 226–27
online service, cutting funding, 221, 223
personality of, 215, 221
resignations due to, 217, 221
Rock The Block store upgrades, 219–21, 230–32
streaming video, plan for, 226–27
subscription price increase, 232
vending rental window, 233
Kibble Inc., 29
Kilgore, Leslie
FlexFile system, 153–54
and Hastings favoritism, 64
joins Netflix, 63–65
marketing initiatives by, 64–65, 68–69, 99, 181
on Netflix board, 252
Kiosks. See also Redbox
Blockbuster, 233
Netflix Express, 83–84
Kirincich, Paul, 102, 126, 130, 133, 200, 220–21
Kish, Christina
background of, 15–17
leaves Netflix, 54
and Netflix development, 20–22, 26–28, 31
Kish, Kirby, 38
Knowles, Harry, 38
Koren, Yehuda, 190–92, 194
Lanning, Stan, 187
Latin America, Netflix in, 247
Leonard Green & Partners, 114
Lewinsky, Monica, 42
Lewis, Glass, 151–52
LG Electronics, 223–24
Liberty Media, 167
Lieberfarb, Warren, 27, 39–40
Lionsgate, 79
Logo, 65
Logos Books & Records, 9
Longitude Prize, 187
Loomis, Alfred Lee (great-grandfather), 13–14, 18, 186–87
Loomis, Joan Amory (mother), 14
Lowe, Mitch. See also Redbox
investors, soliciting, 236–37
leaves Netflix, 84–85
and McDonalds rental kiosks, 83–84, 161, 235–36
and Netflix development, 39–40
Video Droid, 23–24
Lowe, Zamora, 24
McCarthy, Barry, Jr.
and Blockbuster/Netflix price war, 59, 126–31, 133–35
leaves Netflix, 244–45
Netflix CFO, actions as, 54, 62–63, 66–67, 80, 81, 82, 101–3
McCord, Patty, recruitment activities, 45, 52–55
McDonalds, DVD rental kiosk, 83–84, 161, 235–36
McNealy, P. J., 77
MacUser, 19
MacWarehouse, 19
Magnetic Video, 22
Maltin, Leonard, 51
Malugen, Joe, 120, 162, 208
Marathon Partners, 135, 182, 241
Marquee Plan, 58–59, 63
Mentor groups, 37
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, 79
Meyer, Eric, and Netflix development, 22, 26–27, 29, 32, 36
Michael, Dennis, 35
Microsoft, Xbox and Netflix, 224–25
MicroWarehouse, 19
Mier, Joel, 69–71, 81, 147
Milken, Michael, 114–15
Miller, Debra, 214
Mireles, Matt, 42
Montesi, Fred, III, 119
Moore, Steve, 234
MovieBeam, 166–67
MovieFly, 79
Moviefone, 95–96
Movie Gallery, 71, 114
bankruptcy, 223, 229, 234
Hollywood Video merger, 120–21, 162, 207–8
Movielink, 167, 226–27
Movies for Two promotion, 61–62
Movie studios
DVD format adoption, 60–61
new releases/Netflix deal, 240
revenue-sharing agreements, 60–61, 66, 223
video-on-demand (VOD) approaches, 166–67
Movie Trading, 163
Music Choice, 54
Napster, 78–79
National Outdoor Leadership School, 18
NBC Universal, 239–40, 242
Netflix, 66–67
affiliates program, 145
beta test, 51
Blockbuster Total Access as threat to, 181–82, 200–204, 209–10
business plan, initial, 27
cable TV issues with, 238–43, 255
Cinematch recommendation engine, 61–62, 185–97
competitors. See Amazon; Blockbuster; Redbox; Walmart
cost-cutting, early, 55–56
coupons, early promotion, 38–39, 42–43, 49–51, 63
cross-promotion deals, 47, 50–51, 60
customer research by, 69–71
development stage, 20–31
development team, 20–22, 25–29, 39–40
discarded features/services, 37, 57–58, 147–50
distribution methods, 28–29, 55–57, 255
and dot-com meltdown, 65–66, 68, 82, 98
DVD format, using, 35, 39–42, 59–61
DVDs mailing, testing, 9, 20, 28–29
DVDs revenue-sharing agreements, 66
DVDs sale, end of, 47, 50
failure, predictions of, 5–6, 68, 77, 86, 88, 103, 154
FilmFacts link, 24
financial gains, periods of, 82–83, 98–99, 102, 161, 163–64
financial losses, periods of, 41–42, 50, 66, 79, 101–2, 210–11, 252
foreign films, 37
founders. See Hastings, Wilmot Reed, Jr.; Randolph, Marc
Friends, 147–49, 251
hublicity tours, 140
independent/low-budget films, 172, 179
initial concept for, 6–9, 20–22
initial public offering (IPO), 62–63, 65–66, 82–83
international expansion, 99, 246–47, 255
Internet service providers issue with, 242–43
investors, 20–21, 25, 41, 46–47, 50, 53
launch, 7–8, 32–35
layoffs, 80–82, 252
logo, creation of, 65
mainstream customers, attempts to gain, 69–71
mentor groups, 37
movie studio reaction to, 36–37, 240
naming of, 29–30
Netflix Prize, 186–97
new releases deal, 240
new releases disadvantage, 36–37, 67, 74, 161, 235, 238
offices of, 25, 37, 53, 80, 182–83, 227
predictive tools of, 153–54
Profiles, 147–50, 251
Queue, 36
recession of 2008, impact on, 227
Remind Me, 36
Rolling Road Show, 177–79
senior executives. See Hastings, Wilmot Reed, Jr.; Hunt, Neil; Kilgore, Leslie; McCarthy, Barry, Jr.; McCord, Patty; Randolph, Marc; Ross, Ken
subscription price cuts, 126–28, 154, 211–12
subscription price increase, 99–100, 247–50
Sundance Film Festival party, 198–200
ten-million subscriber benchmark, 227–29
throttling problem, 145–47
TV show streaming, 225, 238–40
unanswered questions about, 4–5
Unlimited Movie Rental, 63
video streaming boxes, 224–25
video streaming service, 167–68, 182–84, 223–25, 238–43
visibility, increasing, 177–80
windowing deals, 238
Netflix Express, 83–84
Netscape Communications, 30
Novak, David, 72, 73
Olausson, Martin, 231
Pachter, Michael, 115, 204, 241
PaperMax scanner, 15
Piotte, Martin, 194
Piracy, Napster shutdown, 78–79
Pixar Animation Studios, 166
Pogue, David, 148, 248
Pornography, 37, 57–58
Pragmatic Chaos, 194–95
Pragmatic Theory, 194
Prentice Capital Management, 213
Profiles, 147–50, 251
Pure Atria, 7, 11–13
Marc Randolph at, 14–16
Pure Software, 14, 53
Queue, 36
Qwikster, 248–53
Qwest Communications International, 78
Randolph, Logan, 82
Randolph, Marc
background of, 13, 17–19, 185
as co-chief executive, 44–46
control of Netflix, losing, 52–53, 64, 84
demotion to president, 52–53
and layoffs (2001), 81–83
Randolph, Marc (cont.)
leaves Netflix, 84–85
Marquee Plan, 58–59, 63
meets Mitch Lowe, 23–24
Netflix, development of, 20–31
and Netflix founding, 6–9
personality of, 2, 15
post-Netflix positions, 253–54
public relations, early experience, 17–19
at Pure Atria, 11–13, 14–16
Queue, 58
on Qwikster fiasco, 253
relationship with Hastings, 15, 20, 44
video rentals, learning about, 22–24
Randolph, Muriel, 17
Randolph, Stephen, 17
Raskopf, Karen, 129, 152, 175
Rational Software, 7, 16
Recommendation engine. See Cinematch recommendation engine
Redbox, 5, 84, 234–38
as Blockbuster competitor, 231–32, 234
and Coinstar, 237–38
development of, 24–25, 161
McDonalds placements, 235–36
as Netflix competitor, 228–29
new releases advantage, 161, 235, 238
pricing, 237
rationale for business, 235–36
video stores, impact on, 212, 238
Redpoint Ventures, 53
Redstone, Sumner, 72–74, 111–12, 48, 60, 62
ReFLEX, 78
Reiss, Lisa Battaglia, 45
Remind Me, 36
Rendich, Andy, 248, 251–53
leaves Netflix, 252
ReplayTV, 168
Rock The Block, 219–21, 230–32
Roku box, 224–25
Rolling Road Show, 177–79
Ross, Ken
leaves Netflix, 243–44, 247
Netflix corporate communications actions, 138–41, 145, 177–81, 187–88
on Qwikster fiasco, 252
Roth Capitol Partners, 135
Sam Goody/Musicland, 51
Santa Cruz, Netflix launch, 7–9
Sarandos, Ted, 103, 126, 129, 179, 210, 225, 240
Satellite hub system, 57
Schappert, John, 225
Scorsese, Martin, 179
Sellers, Pattie, 243
Serialized Delivery, 58–59
Sheehan, Susan, 140
Shepherd, James, 128–29
Shepherd, Nick
background of, 118–19
as Blockbuster COO, 214–15
Blockbuster financial moves, concern about, 128–29, 202–3
cost-cutting, 118, 162–63
and End of Late Fees, 117–19
and hostile board of directors, 216–17
joins Blockbuster, 90–92
leaves Blockbuster, 217
personality of, 116–17
Redbox purchase, rejecting, 236
sells Blockbuster shares, 219
Siftar, Michael, 107
Siminoff, Ellen and David, 222
Simpson, Jessica, 175
Skip shipping, 28–29
Skorman, Stuart, 48
Smith, Therese “Te”
background of, 16
leaves Netflix, 54
and Netflix development, 22, 28, 33, 37–38
Smith’s grocery (Las Vegas)
Netflix Express, 83–84
Redbox at, 237
Social Register, 13
Sock puppets, 40–41
Software Publishing, 15
Soleil Securities, 209
SpeakerText, 42
Squali, Youssef, 135
Starfish Software, 16
Starz Entertainment, 225, 239–40
Stead, Ed
and Blockbuster Online development, 86–89, 95
and Carl Icahn, 116, 121
and Hastings alliance attempts, 66–67, 77
leaves Blockbuster, 170
personality of, 60, 95
and video streaming plans, 77–78
Streaming video. See Video-on-demand (VOD)
Sundance Film Festival, 198–200
Superbowl, Blockbuster Online ads, 132–34, 153
Swasey, Steve
Fortune story involvement, 243–44
and international expansion, 247
joins Netflix, 139–41
Netflix Prize promotion, 187–88, 195–96
personality of, 139–40
price increase damage control, 248–49, 252
Technology Crossover Ventures, 53
Technology Network (TechNet), 43–44
Television shows
Hastings on new generation TV, 238–40
streaming by Netflix, 225, 238–40