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Ray of New (Ray #6)

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  He moved his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a soft kiss, the kind that lacked tongue. He kissed me gently and tightened his hands on my waist, showing the passion as it began to escalate. When his tongue entered my mouth, I knew what would happen next.

  “We can’t do that.” I pulled away before we fucked on the hardwood floor of my apartment. “We probably won’t even go to the wedding if we start that up.”

  “Not the worst idea in the world.” His hands gripped my ass playfully before he let go. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” I grabbed the pink clutch I bought just for the occasion, and we walked out and headed to his car.

  We drove out of the city and headed to the countryside of Connecticut. It was just a short drive away through the greenery that existed outside the skyscrapers of Manhattan. The wedding was supposed to be at a vineyard someplace along the coast.

  Ryker rested his hand on my thigh as we drove in comfortable silence. His long fingers were masculine in shape, his knuckles rugged and carved out of marble. His forearms were corded with veins on top of endless muscle. Even the least sexy parts of him were absolutely delicious.

  “What are you thinking, Stone Cold?”

  The unusual nickname had stuck since the first time we met, but now I embraced it. It was nice to be called by a name no one else ever called me. And he certainly never called another woman by that name. We had something that neither one of us would ever share with another person. That made it special. “That even your hands are sexy.”

  “My hands, huh?” He grinned as he kept his eyes on the road.

  I ran my finger over the top of his hand. “Yeah. They’re toned and covered in veins.”

  “And you think veins are sexy?”

  “Yeah. I think everything about you is sexy.”

  He turned to me this time, wearing a smile. “Great answer, Stone Cold. And the feeling is mutual.”

  “Yeah? You even think my feet are sexy?”

  “Hell yeah. You could jerk me off with them anytime.”

  I covered my mouth as I laughed, stunned by what he’d just said. “Oh my god, are you a foot guy?”

  “Not particularly. But I’m a Stone Cold guy.” He squeezed my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “I’d fuck your feet any day.”

  “I can’t tell if you’re joking.”

  “You bet your ass I’m not.” He turned back to the road and drove on the solitary highway. There were no other cars, so it seemed like we were on our own adventure. The radio played lightly over the speakers, and we fell into comfortable silence. “Nervous?”

  “I’m not the one getting married.”

  “You know what I mean, sweetheart.” He glanced at me before he turned his eyes back to the road.

  “Honestly, yes.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I know I shouldn’t be. But something about Nathan makes me feel stupid things. When I saw him outside my building, I was angry and upset…but I also couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he proposed to me. After what he did to me, I shouldn’t feel anything but hatred. But I just…can’t help it.” I looked out the side window so I wouldn’t have to see Ryker’s face. “I know that’s pathetic. I know that’s terrible. I know anyone would think less of me for being so weak. Even I think less of me. But it’s the truth.”

  Ryker was quiet for so long it didn’t seem like he was going to say anything at all. “I don’t think less of you.”

  “It’s okay if you do…”

  “I don’t. When you really love someone, it’s impossible to hate them.”

  I wondered if he was talking about his own feelings for Rae. “He asked you to marry him, and you said yes. You thought you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. It wasn’t like he was just some boyfriend. I think your feelings are understandable. I’ve been living in New York for over two months now, and I’m still not over Rae. I’m not even close.” He positioned one arm on the windowsill as his hand rested on the steering wheel. His other hand remained on my lap. “If you’re pathetic, I’m pathetic too.”

  I felt a spasm of jealousy when he confessed his feelings. I shouldn’t care because we weren’t serious and we never would be serious. But somewhere deep down inside, I felt the pain. I wondered if he felt the same way when I confessed my feelings about Nathan. But with Ryker’s personality, I could probably figure it out.

  “She’s with someone else, and they’re going to get married. I shouldn’t think about her anymore, but I do—every damn day.” He shook his head in disappointment. “So don’t ever feel like you’re alone, Austen. We’ve all been there.”

  I turned back to him, wearing a forced smile. “Thanks.”


  We parked in the gravel then walked toward the vineyard where the ceremony was about to be held right in front of the aisles of grape leaves. White chairs were in rows facing the white gazebo that had been placed there for the ceremony. I immediately looked for my friends, searching for Nathan at the same time.

  Ryker grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. He looked down at me as we walked, giving me a look of silent encouragement. “You look stunning and pulled together. Just remember that.”


  He released my hand and moved his arm around my waist. He pulled me into his side and pressed a kiss to my hairline, his cologne washing over me as he got that close. I closed my eyes and treasured the sensation, the feeling of this beautiful man’s affection.

  We arrived at the chairs and found Madeline in one of the back rows with Liam.

  Liam took one look at us, eyeing our affection, and then turned to Ryker with a raised eyebrow.

  I hugged Madeline and Jenn before I greeted Jared and his date, McKenzie.

  Ryker spoke quietly with Liam. I didn’t catch much of their conversation other than, “I’ll explain later.”

  We took our seats and waited for the ceremony to start. Ryker placed his arm over my chair and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me feel like I was the only woman at the wedding he cared about.

  I sat there and stared at the view of the vineyards in front of me, trying not to think about where Nathan might be. After a few seconds, I felt eyes drill into my skin. It was hot and burning, making me feel like I was the target for a sniper. Without checking, I knew exactly who was looking at me.



  The wedding party went to different places around the vineyard to take their wedding photos while we sat at a large table and enjoyed the cocktails and appetizers. Ryker didn’t shy away from giving me affection even though Liam was there. He seemed to be more committed to making this day easier for me than being a loyal friend to my brother.

  Madeline and Jenn didn’t bring up Nathan the entire time we were together, knowing it was something I didn’t want to talk about it. Besides, we were all thinking about it anyway, so it really didn’t matter.

  Liam wasn’t the protective older brother type, but I was surprised he kept his cool even though Nathan was there. I suspected and hoped he would throw a punch after what Nathan did to me, but that didn’t seem likely.

  “I’m going to use the restroom.” I downed more of my wine before I rose from my chair.

  “Would you like me to walk you?” Ryker asked.

  “No, it’s just right here. I’ll be fine.”

  “Alright.” He squeezed my hand before he let me go.

  I walked to the building where they housed the indoor bathrooms. The Tuscan design fit perfectly with Italian culture, and the hot summer day mixed with humidity nearly made me feel like I was there. I rounded the corner just as a hand grabbed me by the arm.

  I quickly turned around and twisted my arm exactly as I was taught in my self-defense course. Instinct kicked in, and I threw his arm down just as I raised my knee to slam it into his groin.

  “Whoa.” Nathan stepped back and protected himself from getting his dic
k broken. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you like that.”

  “Then don’t grab me, dumbass.” I didn’t apologize for the harsh way I just attacked him. I didn’t appreciate being grabbed from behind like that. “Saying my name would have been just as effective.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He raised his hands in the air in apology and stepped back. “Lesson learned.” He stared at me with apologetic blue eyes, seeming sincere. Nathan reacted on instinct. He didn’t always think things through before he did something. It made him both spontaneous and stupid, traits I once loved and hated at the same time. He lowered his hands and continued to stare at me with remorse. “Nice ceremony, huh?”

  “Yes. It was a lot nicer than ours would have been.”

  His eyes fell at the insult. “I deserved that one too…”

  “Nathan, what is your deal?” I looked around to make sure we were alone. I would be embarrassed to be seen having this conversation with my former fiancé. “Why won’t you just leave me alone?”

  “Because I want to talk to you—as I’ve said many times.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you just leave a voicemail, and I’ll listen to it when I’m bored?” I’d turned into a vicious woman when I didn’t think I had it in me. Most of those words popped into my head from nowhere.

  “Just one meal,” he begged. “Come on.”

  “Why are you talking to me like I owe you something?”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he said. “I just want thirty minutes of your time. Think about it, if you have a meal with me, I’ll leave you alone. You’ll get what you want.”

  “So you’re blackmailing me?” I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. “You’ll only leave me alone if I give you what you want?”

  “No, not at all.” He threw his arms down. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I’m sorry. I just… I’m desperate, Austen. I’ll do anything for thirty minutes of your time.”

  “Why?” I didn’t understand why he was so eager to talk to me. There was nothing important enough he could possibly tell me. There certainly wasn’t anything he could say to justify what he did to me. “Why is this so important to you?”

  “Because you’re important to me, Austen. I need to set the record straight. I need to explain why I did what I did.”

  “But I don’t care what your reasoning was, Nathan.” Actually, I did. It was something that still kept me up in the middle of the night sometimes. But if I showed I still cared, he won this battle.

  “What can I do to change your mind?”

  “You could have been faithful to me and married me,” I snapped. “Then I’d do whatever you wanted, Nathan. But you decided to fuck my best friend instead. Sorry that you aren’t getting your way.”

  He didn’t cringe this time. “You can keep insulting me because I deserve it. I’ll never tell you to stop. But can we do it over dinner? Can we just sit down and talk about what happened all those years ago?”

  I knew Nathan wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. And honestly, I was eager to have this conversation. I wanted closure. I wanted to really move on and start a new life. I wanted to believe in love again, to find someone new and settle down. Until I put this behind me, I wouldn’t be able to do that. “Fine.”

  His entire face lit up when I finally agreed. “Really?”

  I nodded.

  “Thank you so much, Austen. Really.”

  I kept my arms folded over my chest, my guard still up. “When and where?”

  “How about breakfast tomorrow?”

  I planned on sleeping in with Ryker. I definitely didn’t want to sleep alone tonight. “Dinner tomorrow night.”

  “That works for me. Thank you again. I really appreciate it.”

  I glanced over his shoulder and saw Ryker heading this way. In the collared shirt and tie, he looked like a million bucks. He was strong and powerful, domineering and graceful. His eyes were trained on Nathan like he was going to rip his head off when he arrived. “My boyfriend is right behind you, so I suggest you run.”

  Disappointment entered his eyes. “Oh…I thought you weren’t seeing anyone.”

  “We’ve kept our relationship low profile for a few months. But now things have really picked up.”

  Nathan didn’t take off like I thought he would. He stood his ground.

  Ryker walked past him, purposely giving him a slight shove with his strong shoulder. He moved into me, snaking his arms around my waist and kissing me hard on the mouth, claiming his territory for the entire world to see. He kissed me like he loved me, like I was the most beautiful woman underneath that summer sky.

  He was such a great kisser I nearly forgot about Nathan standing right there.

  Ryker pulled away and turned back to Nathan, giving him a terrifying look. “Can I help you with something?”

  Nathan didn’t back down, but he didn’t provoke him either. “No. Austen and I just finished our conversation.”

  “Good. Now you can crawl back to where you came from, cockroach.”

  Fury flashed in Nathan’s eyes, but he didn’t give in to his temper. He gave a slight nod before he dismissed himself. He probably didn’t put up a stronger fight because he got what he wanted out of me. There was no need to make things worse.

  When he was out of earshot, Ryker turned back to me. “You alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Looks like I can’t let you out of my sight.”

  “I think he’ll leave me alone now.”

  “Just to be safe, I’m sticking to you like glue for the rest of the evening.”

  I ran my hands down his chest and smiled. “That sounds good to me.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I spun Austen around before I pulled her back into me, guiding her during the slow song. She and I moved together just the way we did during sex—perfectly in sync. She anticipated my moves before I made them, and she carried herself with exquisite grace like she rehearsed our dance before we even met.

  I pressed my face close to hers, smelling the summer grass and her perfume. She was easy to guide, even in heels, and I’d never loved dancing as much as I did with her. The last dance I had was with Rae for a COLLECT fundraiser, and it lasted two minutes before Zeke showed up. “You dance well.”

  “You’re the one calling the shots.”

  “But you do a great job obeying.”

  “I’m quite the plaything.”

  I chuckled before I kissed her on the mouth, not caring if anyone was watching us. “When is this thing over so we can—”

  “Mind if I cut in?” Madeline appeared in a royal blue dress with diamond earrings. She stole the attention of most of the men just the way Austen did.

  I reluctantly let her go, knowing I’d been replaced. “Sure. But I want her back when you’re finished.”

  Madeline took my place and danced with Austen, the girls giggling as they whispered to one another.

  I smiled before I walked back to my chair where my glass of wine was waiting for me. Liam was there, talking quietly with Jared and his date. Once I returned, he immediately turned to me and asked the question that had been on his mind all night. “So you and Austen, huh?”

  I glanced around the tables and searched for Nathan. He was on the other side of the pavilion talking with friends. His eyes were on Austen, not me. “It’s mostly an act.”

  “An act?” he asked.

  “You know, because of Nathan.”

  He finally nodded in understanding. “Gotcha.”

  “She was nervous about tonight and asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend. We’re close friends, so I agreed.”

  “Okay, that makes a lot more sense now. Austen doesn’t seem like your type.”

  Not my type? Was he crazy? “Why do you say that?”

  “She’s just so bossy and domineering, you know?”

  Actually, I liked that—a lot.

  “And like I
said, her track record isn’t so great.”

  “Maybe she just hasn’t met the right guy.” I didn’t know what possessed me to say that. I certainly wasn’t the right guy she was looking for. She pretty much confessed she still had feelings for her ex-fiancé, and I was still hung up on the only woman I’d ever loved.

  “I don’t think she ever will. She’s pretty set in her ways. But do what you want. Just be good to her, alright?”

  “Of course, man.” I feared Liam would be a lot more upset about me spending time with his younger sister, but he didn’t seem to care at all. He believed she could handle herself. It was refreshing compared to my experience with Rex—who was a nightmare. If I just looked at Rae’s hand, he acted like it was the end of the world.

  “She’s been through a lot, and I just want her to be happy. She seems happy without having a man around. And if that works for her, great. I want it to stay that way.” He eyed the girls dancing together on the dance floor, laughing and having a great time. “I’m just not thrilled she stole my date for the evening.”

  “You know what I would do if I were you?”


  “Steal her back.”


  I drove into the city while Austen slept in the passenger seat in the car. I didn’t want to take her home because I was hoping for sex before bed. After spending the entire afternoon with her looking absolutely sexy, I wanted to fuck her until I was satisfied.

  She stirred once the bright lights from the streets shone through the window. She sat up straight, her eyes lidded and heavy.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” I ran my hand through her hair, feeling the soft strands brush against my skin.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “That’s okay. You want to come back to my place?” My question implied she would be sleeping over, and I hoped she would take the bait. We’d broken a lot of rules that we established, so what was one more?



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