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Page 5

by Jean Hart Stewart

  Her body was writhing as she sobbed out a small, “please”, although he guessed she didn’t even know what she wanted.

  “Soon, love,” he managed. “Soon.”

  Finally he concentrated on the small button of her desire between her passion-splayed legs. He circled it with knowing fingers, stimulating her response with all his skill until her rotating hips began to rise and she clutched him with tight, panicky hands. Her breathless moans added to his problem of keeping his self-control but he relished them.

  Delighted, he focused again on her mouth. He kissed her lips hotly, sucking her tongue while teaching her to swipe her own tongue around the inside of his mouth as his fingers kept stroking her clitoris. When he felt her body begin to quiver without control he increased his pace. This time he focused only on her pleasure, reveling in the way her hips seemed to involuntarily clutch him in the tightest response he could remember. He shut his eyes. She taxed all his resolve without even knowing it when he wanted to concentrate only on her finding the ultimate relief lovemaking could bring.

  His vision blurred and he felt his control slipping. He drove into her with all his force, staying in her as she convulsed around him and he let himself go.

  Their mutual climax was even more powerful to him than his first.

  He rolled her beside him, his cock still in her as they both shuddered and reveled even as they drifted back to more normal breathing.

  By god and by thunder, this was a woman who could forever entrance him. Her body seemed made for him. He wanted to stay in her and make her know she was his. Indisputably his. For once he wanted to be loved for himself alone, and only this girl had seen his true self. He could not remember ever being so natural, so much less an earl and so much Sebastian as he had been with her these few days.

  He turned even more to his side, taking her with him and pulling the covers over them. They held each other without speaking. Sebastian thought she’d fallen into a light doze but he had never felt so wide awake.

  Why had he found this girl, this girl who was meant for him, when he could not have her? He’d finally found the place he’d been seeking for years.

  The very thought of his father accepting a teacher as his son’s countess was ludicrous.

  What the hell was he to going to do?

  He wanted her. He needed her. Yet he could not have her. His family would reject her and make her miserable. That was the one thing he could not control. If he thought he could make her happy he might do differently than he knew he had to do.

  Still thinking frantically, he could come to no sensible conclusion. When someone knocked on the door he shut his eyes for an agonized second. Caro sat straight up in bed.

  Sebastian, shocked to his very toes, still had the presence of mind to protect Caro. He put his hand over her mouth and whispered for her to be quiet.

  “Who’s there?” He called out in a sleepy tone, realizing with despair his delightful time with Caro was over.

  Now he had to protect her reputation.

  “Bates, my lord.”

  “Are you all right, Bates? And Trujax and Suleiman?”

  “Of course, sir. I had to ride for over an hour during that storm but I found a farm and the family took us all in. I regret not staying here in your stead. My accommodations were much nicer than this hole of an inn.”

  “But if you recall I was suffering from a migraine and needed to sleep.”

  He made no mention of the fact saving a damsel in distress had banished all other concerns. In fact, looking back, saving Caro had even banished the migraine, an unheard of occurrence. If he’d stopped to think he would have known at once her importance in his life.

  And now he must let her go.

  “Go downstairs and see if you can find something for breakfast, Bates. It won’t be easy.”

  “Oh, my lord, has it been that bad? I—”

  But Sebastian cut him off. “Go, Bates.”

  He turned, meaning to take Caro in his arms for one more kiss, but found her standing by the bed, that miserable cloak pulled tightly around her.

  “You will be fine now, my lord. Now I must put on a more decent outfit. The last clean one, incidentally. It is a very good thing we’ve been rescued, is it not?”

  “Caro, will you let me kiss you one last time? Please?”

  She stiffened even more.

  “I think not, my lord. What would be the point? Now will you please check the hall and make sure I will not be observed? This is your room after all.”

  Sick at heart, he nodded, went to the door, checked and then nodded again.

  Without meeting his eyes, she swept into the hall, her cloak dragging slightly. Still she impressed him as the proud, independent, beautiful woman she was. Impressed him, hell. He wanted to follow her, take her in his arms and thrust his cock into her once again.

  Even if it was the last time he’d be so privileged.

  * * * * *

  Sebastian washed as best he could, put on the last of the clean shirts in his valise and went downstairs to a now busily throbbing inn. He dealt with the innkeeper’s profuse apologies, inquired after his wife, was told the innkeeper had a new son who was the handsomest child in all of Britain and congratulated him. He ate the hearty breakfast put before him without tasting a bite. He sat at the table, not surprised when he saw Caro emerge, deal with more effusive apologies from the innkeeper and decline breakfast.

  At that Sebastian rose to his feet. “You will eat a little, Miss Manchester, before I convey you to your destination.”

  “I’m sure the innkeeper can find me transportation, sir. But I thank you.”

  “Nonsense.” His voice was curt with anger at her blasted independence. “I am quite determined to escort you. After all, what would my sister say if I deserted her friend?”

  Even though his sister had nothing to do with it, as they both knew, he could almost see her mind click into action. They’d been alone for three days. Her reputation would be completely shattered unless she went along with the last of this farce.

  “Very well, sir. Minta would indeed be shattered did you not take care of me as you have so gallantly done this week. I accept your offer.”

  The little minx. Now he had a sister. Minta? Short for Araminta, perhaps. He smothered a grin. He hated to think what his true sister would say if he called her Minta instead of Marianne. But Caro had done what she could to stop gossip.

  He’d do more. He bowed over her hand.

  “We have not gotten along well these few days, madam, but at least we survived. I regret the times I lost my temper and offer my apologies. I do not take to hardship well. We will leave when you are ready.”

  There. He too had done what he could to squelch gossip. The innkeeper’s eyes flickered from one to the other of them, noting Caro’s disdainful glance at him. Hopefully he was surmising this lord had finally met someone who’d rebuffed him. The respectful glance he gave Caro seemed to prove this and Sebastian breathed a little easier. Gossip had a way of transcending class lines.

  “As soon as you finish breakfast will be fine with me, my lord.”

  He bowed to Caro then beckoned to Bates. “When the horses have been fed harness them again please. We will leave shortly.”

  Bates gave him a reproachful look. “Of course, my lord. And your horses have already been fed.”

  Sebastian nearly rolled his eyes. Now he’d insulted his man. Well, he’d be even more insulted soon, when he drove Caro to her school. Bates would be forced to take the back perch, where he’d certainly never ridden before. No help for that either.

  It was not going to be a comfortable journey for any of them. He longed for one more kiss from Caro but there would be no chance of that with him driving and Bates looking down at them. Perhaps it was just as well.

  Still, for him at least, it was going to be one hell of a sad trip. He was saying goodbye to the one woman he could have loved. She sat stiff as a statue beside him, seemingly unperturbed. A glance a
t her hands told him differently. She was silently pulling at a torn patch on one tattered glove, her eyes fastened on the poor scrap as if it were the most important thing in the world.

  Ah, dear god and all the saints. His darling love, who would slap him in the face if he tried to give her the money she so badly needed.


  How could he ever leave her?

  * * * * *

  Leaving her at the school was even more painful than he’d suspected it would be. She’d said very little. Her hair was pulled back tightly under a miserable bonnet and she’d merely stood there when the headmistress came storming out to meet her.

  Sebastian knew the minute her snapping eyes spotted the crest on his carriage and she shifted her gaze to him. He didn’t doubt she’d missed a detail of his appearance or that of his man, as Bates climbed glumly down from his perch and reached for Caro’s valise.

  Sebastian hoped he’d passed inspection. His boots would never be the same, even though poor Bates had done his best.

  He swept the dragon a bow.

  “Ma’am, I’m pleased to being Miss Caroline back to you safely. As a good friend of my sister’s her safety was important to me when we were stormed in together. Luckily we all survived and here she is, ready to resume her duties. You are fortunate to have such a learned teacher, but then you know that.”

  The dragon seemed a little mollified but still suspicious.

  “My lord, how kind of you to take care of Caroline. And do I know your sister, sir?”

  “Oh I’m sure you do. The Countess of Hanover? Yes, I’m sure you’ve met her.”

  The stern face softened a little. “I don’t think I know her personally, although of course I know of her. Well, if you and your man took care of Caroline I thank you.”

  He could still hear the suspicion in her voice so he decided he might as well embellish his lie. Caro’s life would be hell if he did not.

  “Oh, everyone at the inn took care of her. She was a vast favorite.”

  He turned to Caro and took her hand, kissing it briefly.

  “It has been an honor, Miss Caroline. I don’t think I’ve given you one of my cards. I want you to have one so you can reach me if necessary. You were a valiant lady through these uncomfortable days. You can count on me for any help you might ever need.”

  He handed her his card. Expecting the dragon to seize it the minute she had the chance, he’d also tucked one in Caro’s valise. He well knew he might have left her pregnant. If so he’d insist on her accepting his protection. The thought somehow lifted his spirits a little, in spite of the fact he had little justification. Caro took the card, raised her eyes to his briefly and then spoke so softly he almost didn’t hear her.

  “Goodbye, my lord.”

  She took her valise from Bates and went through the door of the school. Even as he turned away he could hear the dragon’s scolding voice.

  “You left us in a pretty pickle, Caroline. I always did think you had little consideration for others. If you weren’t such a good teacher I’d let you go on the spot. Now I want to hear every bit of what happened with that handsome lord. Up to no good, I’ll bet…”

  Her shrewish voice trailed off as she continued her rant.

  My dear god, what had he done to Caro?

  May the saints forgive him.

  He doubted if he’d ever forgive himself.

  Only the thought of his father made him turn away and leave.

  Chapter Three

  He should have been delighted beyond all reason to be home. His staff welcomed him heartily, which was nice since Bates had for some reason turned into an icicle, refusing to speak except in curt answers.

  Well, he’d done the best he could. He’d had no choice but to deliver Caro safely and try to smooth her way. Still, her last quick glance at him haunted his every thought.

  He did not rejoin his usual group of jolly friends at White’s. If they found out he’d been snowbound for three days he’d face no end of questioning. Worse, ribald comments about buxom serving maids and the like. For some reason the whole imagined conversation made him clench his teeth, saddle Ajax, his favorite horse, and ride through Hyde Park at an early hour. An hour when he’d be unlikely to see anyone he knew, and when he could let Ajax loose. He’d always come home invigorated before. This time he was miserable within half an hour. Nothing worked. Whether he tackled his correspondence or performed his customary duties as an earl, Caro’s beautiful face appeared before his eyes. Her eyes as she’d looked up at him when he held his ready body over hers.

  As if he were a king.

  He slammed down his book just as his sister entered the room.

  “You might have knocked, you know.”

  He startled himself with his low growl but his sister didn’t seem to mind.

  “I did. You didn’t hear me. You don’t know anyone else exists lately, Sebastian. Do you want to tell me who she is?”

  He glared at her and then lowered his eyes and surrendered. He needed help, and he and Marianne had always been close.

  “That’s just the trouble, Marianne. She’s a nobody. A teacher. Can you imagine?”

  Her sympathetic eyes flickered and then froze.

  “Since when did you get to be such a damned superior person, Sebastian? What’s wrong with being a teacher?”

  “Nothing, by god. And I’m not a snob. I can imagine how the ton would treat her and it makes me ill. She won’t be my mistress, so I’d have to marry her. They’d chew her up and spit her out. I don’t want her crushed by those idiots.”

  His sister stared at him. “I like her already. Tell me about her, Seb.”

  So for the first time he let himself free and described the girl he loved. He did not go into detail about their nights together but his sister was no slowtop.

  She listened in silence.

  When she finally spoke it was with a quiet certitude that quite shattered him.

  “You obviously have to marry her, Seb. Is she so dreadfully ineligible?”

  “She has no family of note, for God’s sake. She teaches French in a school for girls. My god, that damned prissy headmistress. Her contempt for Caro nearly made me forget I’m a gentleman. But that’s just how the ton would treat her if I married her. They’d tear her to shreds. I won’t have her hurt or insulted. And you know what our father, the oh-so-irreproachable marquess, would say.”

  “No, I don’t. And neither do you.”

  “What are you saying, Marianne?”

  “That I think you’re acting like a coward for the first time since I’ve known you. As well as a snob. I don’t like you right now, brother.”

  There was a moment’s silence while Sebastian stared at his sister.

  “You should go see her, Seb. Find out if the attraction is still as strong as it seems to be. Let your heart guide you from there on.”

  He rubbed his fingers across his tight forehead.

  “And the hell to what anyone says?”

  Marianne sighed. “I don’t know the answer to that, Seb. I just know you’re miserable, and no one can help you but yourself.”

  He lifted his head, showing a spark of life in his listless eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  “She might refuse to speak to me.”

  Marianne grinned. “I wish you could hear yourself. You sound like the veriest schoolboy worrying about his first dance. You, society’s most notorious heartbreaker.”

  “You’re right. Thanks from the bottom of my own anxious heart. If I want her I’ll have to fight for her. Papa will have fits. But probably Caro herself will be the biggest hurdle.”

  Sebastian vaulted to his feet and kissed his sister’s cheek.

  “Want to come with me, matchmaker?”

  His sister laughed. “Hardly, you provoking man. What shall I tell Father if he asks for you?”

  “Whatever you want. I’ve got more important matters on my mind right now.”

  His sister hugged him.

* * * * *

  Sebastian drove a small brougham to the school. He’d wanted to take his gig, a small, light vehicle that might not be stylish but was speedy. He knew somehow it was important to see Caro as soon as possible. But he also wanted to bring her back with him, with her reputation intact, and that meant he had to take a chaperone and a slower vehicle.

  It was the week before Christmas and the snow from the last big storm when he’d met Caro was still piled along the sides of the roads. A most serendipitous storm, at least for him. Now that he’d tackled his inner demons, he knew he loved Caro with a love that would not change. He’d face his father down when the time came. They did not have to live in London if the ton showed the slightest sign of scorning her. There was always his country estate. Was his kind of love not worth any task she might set for him to prove himself?

  That he deserved some censure from her was a given. He had dropped her off, leaving her to face that dragon of a headmistress. He’d made no move until now to get in touch with her. She’d probably be living in a species of hell, with no alleviation in sight.

  As he neared the school in his smallest and fastest carriage, drawn by Trujax and Suleiman, the clouds suddenly cleared and a brilliant sun shone through. As he was rejoicing in this propitious sign, a brisk wind sprang up and the sky darkened even more than before. Damn and blast if he couldn’t do without this ominous omen.

  He urged his pair on, his face set in lines of determination. He wouldn’t acknowledge rejection from a capricious nature. Damn if he would.

  As he drove the lane to the school, he felt the sullen atmosphere of the place closing around him. The gray stones were forbidding in themselves and there was no activity at all. He stopped Ajax at the front steps and looked around for a spot to tether his horse where he’d be happy. There was no grass or water in sight, just gravel of the same melancholy gray. Had he really left Caro in such dismal surroundings?


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