The Fifth Reich: Knight Squadron - Ambush: Book One

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The Fifth Reich: Knight Squadron - Ambush: Book One Page 4

by J Palliser

  They made it to their destination and stepped into the foyer of the restaurant. After Ajax spoke to the Maître D, they were led past the other diners to an L shaped room at the back, where she assumed everyone was waiting for them. With some maneuvering, Ajax was able to get Aiden to go in ahead of her.

  When Aiden turned the corner, there was an ambush of twenty-five people waiting for him.


  The yell was nearly overwhelming and Aiden looked stunned for a moment. Then an enormous grin spread across his face. He turned and looked at Ajax and she just shrugged her shoulders. "I thought I would invite some of your friends to join us. Happy Birthday." She tried an innocent smile, but didn't quite succeed. He smiled in return and winked at her.

  All of his friends swarmed forward and soon she could no longer see Aiden at all.



  Everyone, I would like to offer a toast, if I may." Jarro stood at the opposite end of the table from his seat beside Aiden in order to be able to face the man he was toasting. He was no longer steady on his feet after a number of glasses of a red liquid he called 'Fire Water', but that didn't seem to deter him.

  Jarro was quite dashing in his outfit of navy pants and a shirt of deep sky blue. His sapphire eyes sparkled with mischief. His hair, as always, was a whirling brown mess. It looked like he had been standing on his head in a Remus III dust storm.

  He continued as he saw that he had the attention of at least some of the people sitting at the long table. "I would like to say that I've probably known the Boss, ahem, excuse me, Commander Hunt, longer than most of you gathered here. I've seen him do some extraordinarily heroic things in that time, risking life and limb for the Reich. I, and others, have also seen him do some incredibly stupid things as well, all of which I will now list."

  He felt around in his pockets for something, presumably the list. There was a smattering of laughter throughout the group. Hanson, from further down the table, threw a rolled up napkin at him. It passed just over Jarro's left shoulder and landed on the floor behind him. He looked over at Hanson, who made a face at him. "As usual, Hanson couldn't hit the side of an Khawarij tank-crawler if he tried."

  Hanson crossed his arms over his chest and moped.

  "Since I seem to have misplaced the list, I will have to go from memory." He cleared his throat, rubbing his hands together in the anticipation of embarrassing his friend. "Please rest assured that I've done extensive research to ensure the accuracy of these tales. First, and my personal favorite, is the famous line that he uttered at the Battle of Trezan on his approach to the Executioner. Immortal words that should never, ever be forgotten and, I am sure, will be engraved on his tomb."

  He cleared his throat again and continued in a higher pitched voice, at least an octave above Aiden's actual speaking voice. "We are so gonna die," he squeaked.

  This time, the laughter was much more pronounced. This seemed to bolster Jarro's confidence and he pressed on. "As much as I tried, the nickname of Aiden 'we are so gonna die'" Hunt never stuck. So I wanted to find a nickname that would befit him. Suitably heroic, of course. It wasn't until I was asking around for more embarrassing stories that I found that Aiden had had another nickname, from his childhood."

  "Fenn, please don't.." Aiden began to beg.

  Jarro held up a hand. "I'm sorry, Commander, but I am compelled to reveal this information." He smiled wickedly. "Many of you may not know that as a child Aiden's parents called him, and please feel free to use this, Binky."

  Otto Kitt nearly choked on his drink, coughing lightly then laughing. His wife, Mira, was in hysterics on his right. On his left was Ares Crane, Knight Squadron's executive officer. He was laughing as well, although he made less of a show of it than Mira did.

  At the head of the table, on the other side of Ares, Aiden hid behind his hands in dread of what Jarro would say next. When he finally did look up from his hands, he gave a mock glare to Mira, the only person who could have known his childhood nickname. She hid behind Otto and continued to laugh.

  "In all the time that the Commander and I have served together, about near ten years by my calculation, I have to admit that there are too many stories that I could tell about him to be able to list them all here. But I will favor you with another of my favorites."

  "Fenn, can I have a hint so that I know whether or not to have Ares shoot me?"

  Jarro smiled. "Wink, wink, Commander."

  Aiden turned to Ares. "Please, just kill me now," he pleaded.

  "I couldn't do that, I'd miss my favorite story," the blue-eyed Tarsus replied.

  "Traitor!" He snarled at Ares, then just hung his head as Jarro recounted the story of Lieutenant Kitch, a Wims that Aiden had impersonated during some of his time commanding the Vipers.

  Otto had heard this story before from some of the members of the Vipers themselves, when the two squadrons had served together on the KMS Rottweil during the search for Warlord Ramiz Delalic. So he glanced around the table to watch the reaction of the others present. He could see that the rest of the Knights, especially some of the veteran pilots, were enjoying the stories tremendously.

  Some of Vipers were also present. They were no longer a squadron since they had been transferred from Luftwaffe Command to Intelligence, but most of them had managed to stay in contact with Aiden in one way or another, showing tremendous loyalty to the group's founder.

  Four of them sat together at the far end of the table, just to the right of where Jarro was standing. Captain Udo Wulf was sitting with his wife, Lieutenant Dia Pasha. Next to them sat Lieutenants Kyra Sarsa and Duke Max.

  All four of the Vipers were laughing at the memory of Aiden in that silly Wims suit.

  Across and a couple of seats further down the other side of the table was Major Ajax Tiara. She looked like she was listening to Jarro, but Otto could tell her attention was divided. Every now and then, when she thought no one was looking, she smiled at Aiden.

  Otto raised an eyebrow. Interesting.

  He returned his focus to Jarro just in time for the toast. Jarro had come to the conclusion of his speech after dragging up every embarrassing anecdote he could remember and no doubt making up the rest. Aiden brought his hands up in surrender, then formed a pistol with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand and "shot" at Jarro to try and shut him up.

  "So in conclusion, I would like to offer up a glass to the Commander. The man who led us all here, and will most likely have me on kitchen duty for the rest of the week." Everyone raised their glass to Aiden, who looked more than a little embarrassed at the attention. "To Commander Binky 'we're all gonna die' Hunt. Happy Birthday." Jarro raised his glass in the air and saluted Aiden with it. Everyone drank from their glasses, then applause broke out along both sides of the table.

  Otto applauded as well, but his attention was on Ajax Tiara. He watched her with fascination. Her eyes glanced around the table, then stopped on Aiden. She caught his eye and smiled at him. Aiden winked at her in return, then tore his gaze off her as Jarro resumed his seat to his right.

  Otto raised both eyebrows this time. Very interesting.

  Although Otto had no formal training as a Templar, he had found that his understanding and sensitivity to his psychic ability was increasing with time. He also had an extremely accurate gut instinct that had served him well as a member of the Korsican Security Force, and even more so as a pilot. He was also entirely too curious by nature. He closed his eyes and thought about Ajax and Aiden


  He started as Mira nudged his arm. "Otto, are you all right?"

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Yeah, fine. Why?"

  "Because you've been sitting with your eyes shut for the last two minutes. I would have thought you had fallen asleep, but you weren't snoring."

  "I only closed my eyes for a few seconds to concentrate."

  "Well, it was far longer than that." She laughed lightly. "I thought you were in some psyhic trance or something."
r />   He lowered his voice so no one else could hear him at the loud table. "While Jarro was talking, I thought I noticed something about Ajax, so I decided to concentrate on her to see if there was something there. But I didn't mean to space out on you. Sorry."

  "Did you sense anything, or did you actually just nod off?"

  Mira gave him a look that suggested she wasn't really taking him seriously, but Otto pushed on anyway. "I think they've gotten together."

  "Jarro and Ajax? I find that hard to believe."

  "No, not Jarro! Aiden and Ajax."

  Ares leaned over to join in the conversation and his eyes lit up at the possibility of being in on some gossip. "What about Aiden and Ajax?"

  "Ares, you have some set of ears on you." Otto was sure that no one would be able to hear him.

  "It comes from my paranoia that everyone is talking about me behind my back." Ares smiled willingly, creasing lines around his eyes. Although less than a year older than Aiden, Ares had years on his face that Aiden didn't, possibly because of the tribulations life had thrown him over the last several years. Not only had his home planet of Tarsus been destroyed by the Khawarij, but after volunteering for a secret mission to the then Khawarij, he had been captured and tortured by Yazmin Jaza at her Harbinger facility.

  The former head of Mabahith, Khawarij Intelligence had tried to turn Ares-as she had with Otto himself not too long after-into one of her spies. She had not succeeded, but the suspicion that Ares had been under upon his return had nearly ruined his career. The Reich Defense Ministry had even put him on trial for Otto's murder. Only his own return from Harbinger had been able to prove Ares innocent. All through his trial, Aiden had stood by him, solidifying their already strong friendship.

  Mira leaned across Otto, jerking a thumb at her husband. "He thinks that Ajax and Aiden have gotten together. I think this Templars thing has finally gone to his head."

  Ares laughed quietly, his shoulders trembling as he did. Otto wasn't sure if he was laughing at him or the thought that Aiden might actually have a girlfriend.

  "You can't tell me that Aiden had the guts to go after her." Ares said. "I mean, look at her. Have you ever seen anyone as imposing and intimidating as that woman?"

  "You wanna make a bet?" Otto replied.

  "You're on. How does fifty credits sound?"

  "Done. But you're going to lose." Otto shook his head. "I can't believe neither of you can see it. The way she glances at him when she thinks that no one is looking, the way that he smiles back at her. Either they are not very good at hiding it or they have gotten together recently and can't hide it. And since we only returned this morning, it would have to have been this afternoon when she was supposedly trying to talk him into coming here."

  Ares gave him a sly smile. "Well, all I can say is that if they are together, then the best of luck to them."

  "I agree." Mira added. "I've known Aiden for most of my life and it's about time he had someone to take care of him besides me and the children of Knight Squadron."

  "Children?" Both Ares and Otto responded simultaneously. Most of the people at their end of the table turned and looked at them. Otto's face reddened perceptively and Ares coughed into his hand.

  "I think I need another drink," Otto said as he reached for the pitcher of Märzenbiers on the table. Ares held out his glass for him to refill as well.

  Mira laughed at both of them.



  It was in the very early hours of the morning when the party finally broke up. Aiden watched as most of his friends split into groups and headed off to their respective homes. Ajax had left a few minutes before, but not before giving him a look that suggested she would be waiting for him. In the end only Aiden, Hanson, Jarro, Ares, Otto, and Mira were left.

  Aiden stretched his arms out above his head then stood, pulling his jacket from the back of his chair. "Well, I had better be going. I have to fly out to Thula later this morning." He covered a yawn with his left hand and moved in the direction of the door. He staggered a little and came sluggishly to the conclusion that maybe he had had just a little too much of Fenn's 'Fire Water'.

  Still, he felt good. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this relaxed and content. Then he remembered his activities of the afternoon and had to try hard to hide a smile.

  Jarro staggered over to him. He leaned up against Aiden and they both swayed. "So, were ya surprised? Huh, were ya?"

  "Oh yes, today has been a day full of surprises." Aiden said, shaking his head.

  "I bet it has. Surprises like Ajax Tiara." Jarro giggled at his revelation and then slumped into a nearby chair. His head wobbled as if it was on a spring instead of his neck.

  Otto's head came up at the mention of the Major. "Yeah, Aiden, what is it with you two? I thought you were just friends?" He smiled at the reaction he got with his question. It all but confirmed his earlier theory.

  Aiden blushed.

  Jarro continued to chuckle to himself. "You see, Hanson, I told you. The Boss has got himself a girl. Didn't I tell you?"

  "Fenn, I told you!" Hanson replied. He tried to keep a straight face with little success as he too slouched in his chair, his face flushed and his eyes brighter than usual. Finally unable to contain his mirth, he began to laugh. "That's really great, Aiden," he managed to utter between snickers.

  Ares leaned over to Otto. "Yeah, just great. Now I owe you fifty credits."

  Aiden turned and fixed Ares with a stare. "You two asshats were betting on Ajax and me? You should be ashamed of yourselves." Aiden dropped into the chair next to Jarro. He leaned his elbows heavily on the table and placed his forehead on the palms of his hands.

  Mira leaned over and tousled his hair. "Are you all right, Binky? I'll probably have to carry Otto home, but I'm sure I can handle both of you if you want to stay at our place." She smiled as Otto opened his mouth to deny his intoxication then quickly closed it again.

  "Nah, s'okay. I'd better get going." He looked over at Jarro and then at Hanson. "I would appreciate it if you didn't spread this around too much."

  "Yes, sir!" Hanson gave a close approximation of a salute and then dissolved into fits of giggles. Jarro just leaned his forehead on the table.

  Aiden sighed and got to his feet. After ensuring that Ares would safely see Jarro and Hanson back to base, everyone said their good-nights as they headed for the door, Mira offering him one final Happy Birthday. As he made it outside onto the large walkway, Ajax was there waiting for him. She slipped her hand into his and they headed off together.

  He could hear the comments from his friends behind him as they walked away, and what sounded like an attempted whistle from Jarro, but Aiden didn't care anymore.

  Aiden walked Ajax back to her quarters and she decided to not let him leave. She dragged him into her room, which was even smaller than his, but had more personality. He guessed that was because she spent a little more time on base while he gallivanted all over the galaxy.

  They made their way over to the bed where she lay down, pulling him down on top of her, already unbuttoning his shirt. She ran her hands across his shoulders, marveling at how his flight-suit managed to hide how broad they actually were.

  "You tricked me tonight, into going to that dinner. Is that something you plan to do a lot of in the future?" he asked as he clumsily attacked the fasteners of her blouse.

  "Of course not. But I have to admit that I did have the intention of tricking you when I arrived at your quarters. Hanson and Jarro called to ask me if I was willing to act as bait for their party since they hadn't been able to convince you. In the name of the Reich, I sacrificed myself. But I never expected to be stuck with you!"

  She gave him a playful shove and he rolled over to lie on his back beside her. She rested her left hand on his stomach and twirled a lock of his hair with the fingers of her right hand.


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