The Corporation
Page 68
D’Azevedo, Frank, 157
DeCavalcante, Sam “Sam the Plumber,” 71
Del Valle, Alejandro, 29, 32
Deleon, Joaquin, Jr. “Joaquinito,”
José Miguel Battle and, 94, 174, 175
return to New York, 99
Sepe sentencing of José Miguel Battle, 243
Deleon, Joaquin, Sr., 87, 94, 141
Depazo, Michael, 121, 122, 124
Derringer, Robert, 218
DeVilliers, Luis, Jr., 141, 372, 501
DeVilliers, Luis, Sr.
arrest of, 501, 504
as bolitero, 141, 371–372
Broche and, 372–373, 485–486
casino in Peru, 373–375, 389, 390, 391
as government witness, 504
Diaz, Manuel, 161
Diaz, Raul, 413–414
Diaz, Willie, 275–281, 290–293, 296, 305, 310, 482, 505–507
Diego, Felipe de, 101
DiGenova, Keith, 235, 237
DiPalermo, Peter “Petey Beck,” 247
Domingues, 263–364, 265
Dominico Salazar, Hubert, 439
Donovan, James B., 53–54
dream books, 136
Duarte Hernandez, Hector, 77–80, 81–82
Dulls, John Foster, 50
Duran, Alfredo, 214
Edgarton, Bob, 235
Edwards, Delores, 263–264
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 22, 57
El Morro, 145–146
El Padrino. See Battle y Vargas, José Miguel, Sr. “El Gordo”
El Palaco. See Rydz, Abraham
“El Enmascarado” (the Masked One)
José Miguel Battle and, 300, 304
Kalafus and, 301, 302–303
Escalante, Fabián, 62, 518–519
Escandar, Mario, 217–220, 233–234
Escobar, Pablo, 353–354
Falcon, Augusto “Willy,” 309
Fangio, Juan Manuel, 168–169
Farley, Thomas, 454–456, 491, 493
Cuban exiles tracked by Cuban Task Force, 82
Cuban Nationalist Movement, 135
Cuban Terrorism Task Force, 190
Escandar and, 217, 218
Posada and, 397–399
Carlos “Trio de Trés” Rodriguez and, 89–90
surveillance of José Miguel Battle, 83–86, 91
Felipe, Francisco “Paco,” 378
Ferer, Felix, 390, 402–404, 406, 429–430, 495
Ferguson, John V., 81, 82
Fernandez, Esperanza, 411
Fernandez, Idalia
entrapment of Ernestico Torres, 178–183
as government witness in trial for murder of Ernestico Torres, 216, 219–220, 223
life after trial for murder of Ernestico Torres, 286–290
in Miami, 15, 162
murder of, 290–294, 296
in New York City, 133–134, 142–143, 154–156, 177
Ojeda and, 219–220
reopening of case for murder of Ernestico Torres, 286
shooting of, in Miami, 16–18, 183, 198, 204
Fernandez, Mayito, 411, 412–414
Fernandez, Raul, 411–418, 448–449, 486
Fernandez, Rita, 411, 417
Fiorini, Frank. See Sturgis, Frank
Florida State Prison in Raiford, 228, 229, 242
Fort Benning, Georgia, 49–50, 55, 56, 63
Foster, Michael, 397–399
Fowler, Albert, 41–42
Fox, Martín, 5–6, 8–9, 65
Freemasons, 25
Fuentes, Fidel, 25, 26, 32–33, 313
Fuentes, Ramon, 25, 26, 32, 313
Fuller (Judge), 228
Garces, Maximiliano, 352
Garcia, Evaristo, Sr., 76
Garcia, Roberto, 351, 352
Genovese crime family, 71
Giancana, Sam, 51–52
Gold, Alan, 475, 476, 481, 508, 511
Gomez, Max. See Rodriguez, Felix
Gonzalez, Henry, 206
Gonzalez, Jorge, 376, 377–379
Gonzalez, Tony
José Miguel Battle’s firearms possession trial, 475–481
characteristics, 460
money laundering trials of Bordons, 486–487
prosecution memo, 497, 499
RICO case against José Miguel Battle, 481–482, 492–493
RICO trial, 507, 508
Shanks and, 459–460
González, Virgilio, 101
Guanabo Bar and Grill, 112–113
Guatemala, 104
Guevara, Che, 106, 315
Gulf Liquors, 412, 414, 416–417, 448–449, 451–452, 486
Guzman, Manny, 276
Guzman, Nelson, 280
Haimes, David, 507
Henry, Thomas E., 113
Hernandez, Carlos “Charley” “El Pincero”
abduction of Battle organization bankers, 147–151
arrest and confession of, 196–201, 203–204
El Morro hit, 145–146
entrapment of Ernestico Torres, 166–173, 177–183
Escandar and, 219
family, 144, 207–209
as government witness in trial for murder of Ernestico Torres, 204, 216, 224–225, 227
hunt for Palulu, 119, 120
jewelry heist from wives of Tati and Monchi, 151–152
in Miami, 162–163
murder of Fernandez, 295
murder of Ernestico Torres and, 196
relationship with Ernestico Torres and, 144–145, 154–155, 162, 164–166
reopening of case for murder of Ernestico Torres, 286
Hernandez, Celso, 474
Hernandez, Francisco “Pepe,” 54–55
Hernandez, Victor, 280–281
heroin, 9
Herrara, Evelyn, 277, 278
Herrera, José “Monino,” 135, 225
Hinman, Ed, 335–337, 461
Hodges, Tommy, 157–158
“Hooded Witness”
José Miguel Battle and, 300
JO contract on, 304
Kalafus and, 301, 302–303
Hopkins, Robert, 245–248, 253–256, 273–275, 482–483, 484–485
Hotel Nacional, 4, 67–68, 468–469
Hotel Riviera, 4–5
Hunt, E. Howard, 101
Hurricane Andrew, 380–383
Iadarola, Benito, 455
Iadarola, Victor, 455–456
Iran-Contra “matter,” 311, 314, 397
Irizarry, Adalberto, 329
IRS, Operation Greenback, 299–300
Isle of Pines, 39–43
Izaguirre, Pedro, 218
Izquierdo, Antonia, 97–98
Jesús (pseud.), 7–8, 74–76
Jimenez, Aurelio “Cache,” 336, 344–345, 347, 477
JM/WAVE CIA station, 55
Julie (Blumenfeld’s secretary), 225–226
Juvenciente, Vincente, 8
Kalafus, Richard
arrest José Miguel Battle, 210
characteristics, 198–199
“El Enmascarado” and, 301, 302–303
Fernandez and, 288, 294
Charley Hernandez interview, 199–300
interviewed about Corporation by Shanks, 483–484
mentioned, 225
murder of Mujica, 364–365
Ojeda and, 203, 204
Palulu and, 262
Shanks and, 331–332, 365–366
Kaufman, Irving R., 298
Kelly, Peter, 84
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 46, 47
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of, 58–62, 83, 103, 475
Bay of Pigs and, 22, 34, 48–49
Cuban Missile Crisis, 41, 42
at Orange Bowl, 45–48
plots to assassinate Castro and, 54
sabotage against Cuba, 58
Kennedy, Robert, 6, 52, 54, 55, 59–60
Khrushchev, Nikita, 41, 42
Kiszynski, George, 397–399
Krivit, Maurice M., 91
Kunstler, William, 213
la charada, 136–137
Lacey, Frederick B., 90
Lagos, Alejandro, 92–93
Lansky, Meyer, 4, 9, 51
LaVecchio, Larry, 337, 348, 354, 437–438
Layton, Blossom, 280
Lee, Henry, 320–321
Leggett, James “Jed,” 318–324, 327
Lehner, Bob, 479, 480
Letelier, Orlando, 189–190, 191
Lincoln, Scott, 234, 236–237
Lombardi, Anthony, 298–300
Lombardo, Paul J., 124–125
Lorenz, Marita, 60–61
Lucchese crime family, 195, 245–247, 253, 273, 455–456
Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 51
Lucier, Manolo, 168–169
Lynch, Grayston, 48
Madrid, Spain, 93–100
Mafia. See American Mob
Magluta, Salvador “Sal,” 309
Mahue, Robert, 51, 53
Malagamba, 135, 152
Mallin, 141, 148
mamey sapote, 282–283
Manhattan House of Detention for Men (MHD), 229–231
Marcello, Carlos, 59–60
Marchena, Harold, 391–392, 399, 401–402, 419–420, 430–431, 433–435
“Marielitos,” 258–259
Marquez, Manuel “Nene”
arrest of, 501
Broche and, 369
Brooklyn bollita hole, 254–255
casino in Peru, 389, 390–392, 393, 419–420, 429, 430–431
deportation of José Miguel Battle, 441–445
Pons and, 249–350
Ernestico Torres and, 141
Marquez, Maurilio
José Miguel Battle casino and, 385–386, 392, 393, 400–401, 402–403, 419
Marchena and, 392
Rydz and Miguelito Battle companies, 268, 394, 395
Shanks’s investigation of, 496
Márquez, “Spanish” Raymond, 248
Martinez, Alejandro. See Torres, Ernesto “Ernestico” “Rasputin”
Martínez, Eugenio Rolando, 101–102, 189
Martinez Urioste, Raul, 28–33, 34–35, 39–40, 43, 47
Mas Canosa, Jorge, 104, 397–398, 470
Masaveu, Mario, 400, 423–424, 440
Masferrer, Rolando, 204–205
The Masked One (“El Enmascarado”)
José Miguel Battle and, 300, 304
Kalafus and, 301, 302–303
McCabe, Steven, 200, 484
McNeill, Trish, 491–492, 493
Mella, Diego, 121–124, 210, 229
Mendez, José, 460
Messina, John, 122–123
Mew, Doug, 502
anti-Sandanistas (Contras), 313
bolita business, 68, 76, 110, 319, 332, 411–418
cocaine business, 76, 77, 359, 425
as haven for mobsters, 205
Middleton, Leroy, 264
Milián, Emilio, 192
Miss One Hundred (Mildred), 319–320
Moffitt, Ronni, 190
Mona, Frank, 175, 196–198
Monchi, 135, 151
Monk, Willie, 247–248
Montes, Elsa. See Runciman, Evelyn
Moranga, Pepe, 353, 359–361, 376, 378–379
Morgan, Anthony “Red,” 278–281
Morgenthau, Robert, 187
Morín Rodriguez, José, 154
Morrero, Luis
Hernandez and, 167–168
Ernestico Torres and, 141, 148–151, 163
Movement for the Recovery of the Revolution (MRR), 53
Mujica, Angel
José Miguel Battle and, 63, 64, 65, 361–362, 364, 520
FBI surveillance of, 85
at Fort Benning, 49, 56
indictment of, 90
at Isle of Pines, 40
murder of, 364–365
name change of Cuban Mafia, 244
as New York bolitero, 363–364
in Spain, 94
Musto, William V., 126–127
José Miguel Battle and sale of, 76, 82, 109, 351–355, 359, 480
José Miguel Battle and use of, 265, 432, 433, 442
Pedro Battle imprisoned for sale, 82
Escandar and, 217, 218–219
heroin, 9
kidnapping of Miguelito Battle, 309
in Miami, 76, 77, 359, 425
in New York City, 109–110
Palulu sale of, 109–110
National Security Council (NSC), campaign against Sandinistas, 312, 314, 316–317
Negrin, Eulalio José, 239–242
Negron, Carol, 143, 207–209
New York City
bolita business, 69, 139, 267–268, 363–364
narcotics, 109–110
Spanish Harlem, 139
Tombs (Manhattan House of Detention for Men), 229–231
Washington Heights and Cuban Mafia, 111–114, 139, 141
New York Yankees, 173, 175, 220–222
Nicaragua, 311–317
Nicholas, George, 333–334
Nixon, Richard, 57, 100–103
North, Oliver, 314, 316–317
Novo, Guillermo, 61, 106–108, 135, 190–191, 242, 517–518
Novo, Ignacio, 61, 106–108, 135, 190–191
numbers racket, 245, 247–248
Obama, Barack, 520–521
O’Bannon, Robert, 440–441, 477
Ojeda, Julio
arrest of José Miguel Battle, 210
background, 201
Blumenfeld and, 287–288
Diaz and, 413
Escandar and, 218, 233, 234
murder of Ernestico Torres and Hernandez, 203–204, 216
resignation, 413
Omega 7, 135, 190, 239–242
Operation 40, 57–58, 60, 61, 375
Operation Corporate Raider, 500
Operation Greenback, 299–300
Operation Mongoose, 55, 58, 62, 102, 103, 205
Operation Tabletop, 335–343
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 59, 60, 473–475
Palma Boys Social Club, 194
Palulu, José “Palulu” Enriquez
background, 109–110
bounty on, 257, 258–262
at Clinton Correctional Facility, 187–188, 257
cocaine business in New York City, 110, 111
hunt for, 118–124, 128–130, 231–232
murder of, 263–264
murder of Pedro Battle, 112–114, 131, 187
opinion of Pedro Battle, 110–111
Paquito, 145, 146–157
Parsons, Juan Carlos, 376–377, 379, 396
Parsons, Roberto, 375–379, 395–396, 485
Pawz, Juan, 332
Pearsall, Lewis Randall, 234–237
Pena, Franklin, Jr. See Battle y Vargas, José Miguel, Sr. “El Gordo”
“Pepsi Cola” (informant), 349–351
Perez, Humberto “Bert”
Kalafus and, 365–366
Pons and, 367–368
Shanks and, 355, 387–389
Perez, Luis, 326, 490–491, 492, 501
Peru. See also Casino Crillón
José Miguel Battle deportation from, 440–445, 446–447
José Miguel Battle return to, 445–446
Sendero Luminoso, 420–422, 424, 427
Peruyero, Juan José, 192
Pinalaver, Ariel, 261
Pinalaver, Gabriel, 261
Pinochet, Augusto, 190–191
Pompez, Alejandro “Alex,” 69–70, 194
Pons, Conrad “Lalo”
arson wars with American Mob, 275, 276–281, 305, 310
firebombing of La Compañía’s bolita location, 255
introduction to José Miguel Battle, 249–250
murder of Fernandez, 290–294, 296
murder of Palulu, 259–260
murders committed for José Miguel Battle, 250–251
Shanks and Perez and, 367–368
Pontigo, George, 218
Posada Carriles, Luis
background, 56–57
José Miguel Battle and, 57, 105–106
as CIA operative, 103–105
CORU and, 190
FBI interview, 397–399
at Fort Benning, 56
Letelier murder and bombing of Cuban airliner, 191
1997 bombings in Havana, 469–470
Operation 40, 61
plots against Castro, 517–519
Felix Rodriguez and, 316
Pozo, Willie, 326, 490–491
President’s Commission on Organized Crime, 297–300, 304–305, 310
Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 50, 77
Prodigal Son. See Torres, Ernesto “Ernestico” “Rasputin”
Pulido, José, 321, 322
Quandas, Francisco “Chito,” 400, 406–407, 431–433
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 331, 354, 481, 496–497, 507–511
Rafaelito, 90
Ramirez, Lydia, 151, 154
Ramirez, Salvador, 428–429
Ramos, Luis, 333
Reno, Janet, 380, 483
Rescate, 51
Rey, Luis “Tinta,” 266
Reyes, Andre, 240, 241
Reyes, Effugenia, 393, 402, 408–410, 424–426, 435, 436–437
Ring, Dennis, 491–492, 493, 505–506
Rivera, Carlos, 278, 279
Rivers, David, 285–286
Rodriguez, Carlos “Trio de Trés”
background, 88
as driver for José Miguel Battle, 284
FBI and, 89–90
on kindness of José Miguel Battle, 90–91
meeting with José Miguel Battle, 87–88
murder of Pedro Battle, 115
Rodriguez, Edna, 280–281
Rodriguez, Eusabio “Chi Chi,” 160–162
Rodriguez, Felix, 57, 314–317, 519–520
Rodriguez, Raul, 248
Rodriguez, Trinidad, 280
Rodriguez y Vega, Maria Josefa. See Battle, Maria Josefa
Rosario, Kennedy, “Kenny”
Altuve, Oracio and, 386–387
investigation of Casino Crillón, 494–495
questioning of José Miguel Battle at home, 449–451
street sources, 411
as undercover police officer, 337
Roselli, Johnny, 51–52, 53, 204, 205–207
Rossiter, Charles, 200
Runciman, Evelyn
after José Miguel Battle, 493
arrest of, 453, 462, 501
deportation of José Miguel Battle, 441
early involvement with José Miguel Battle, 409, 410
Marchena and, 431, 433–434
marriage to José Miguel Battle, 418, 446
in Miami, 453, 460
passport fraud charge, 452, 465
Rydz, Abraham
Arcacha and, 379–380
arrest of, 500–501, 505
José Miguel Battle and, 11, 346–347
Miguelito Battle and, 230, 243–245, 249, 266–267, 268–273, 307–308, 325–326, 346–347, 456–457
characteristics, 379, 384
family, 324, 457, 499–500, 505, 511–512