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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 19

by James, Honor

  “I try, Rissa,” he said, sitting down on a large chair. When she settled in his lap, he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m not perfect, nowhere near it. But I try to do my best by you. You let me back into your life, and for that I’m ever grateful little mate. I’m not going to screw this up again.”

  “You are perfect for me. I don’t need perfect. I am nowhere near perfect, so that’s not what I need. I need real. I need honest. I need you, Michael, and that’s what I have. Of course I let you back into my life. There was no way in hell I was going to let you go after you stalked back into it, even if you had meant for it to be a moment.”

  He pressed his lips to her cheek in a light kiss, his forehead resting to her temple in the next moment. “I happen to believe you are fucking perfect, Rissa. Always have thought that even when you were driving me insane with your antics.”

  “Yeah, but it got you paying attention to me, and that was what I wanted at the time. I just really and truly wanted you to pay attention to me and only me. I love you, babe, but I needed and I wanted to have you talking to me and you kept pushing me off, so I had to do all kinds of things to get you paying attention to me.”

  “You were too young, Rissa, much too young at the time,” he said in his too-calm way. “I will admit that it was so much harder the older you got. And the lower your necklines became. I swear, you nearly killed me at that last function. Every time you dropped something and then bent to get it, I had the urge to kill every male in a ten-foot radius as they all waited to see if you’d fall out of the bodice of that gown.”

  Rissa laughed. “That was my intention, to get you looking at me as more than a child.” She remembered that gown. She had it taken down far lower than she ever, ever would allow a gown to be. “I actually had to be sewn into that gown so that I didn’t slip out,” she confessed.

  “Trust me, every male in that room was waiting with bated breath. Hell, some of them were throwing shit down for you to pick up,” he snarled. The wolf was up in his voice, his entire tone deeper, rougher, and with a definite growl. “They were all lucky they managed to leave in one piece.”

  “Ah, well then it’s very good that they all left when they did and that I left when I did, so that there wasn’t even more trouble than there already was,” she said with a smile. “There is no one for me except my men, though. You know that don’t you?” she asked hopefully.

  “Of course I know that,” he said in his regular tone of voice. “And you are the only one for us, Rissa, always. You saved me from myself and you’ve always given all three of us hope. You’ve been the light of our lives, the reason we push forward and work as hard as we do. It’s always to ensure that you have the very best life you can.”

  That had her smiling, and she sighed happily. “Goodness, I love you boys,” she whispered softly and laid her head back on his shoulder. “You are good for me, with me. That makes me all kinds of happy. You know that, right? We deserve this life, this happiness. All of us do.”

  “And we’ll have it. Once we figure out who’s trying to change who sits on the throne. Then we can have the life we want, Rissa.” Pressing a kiss to her cheek lightly, he said, “For now though we will sit here and relax. Enjoy this small amount of time we have.”

  “Good. And yes, we should enjoy this small reprieve while we can, because I have a feeling that it won’t last all that long, and that just simply breaks my heart. One day, though, one day we will be able to figure things out and we will get through life. We will be able to sit out here and not worry about who’s trying to kill us.”

  He didn’t point out the obvious. Someone was trying to kill her, specifically. He, Raphael, and Gabriel were just collateral damage. Same with any other innocent that got between her and the killer. Instead, he shifted in the chair, threw his legs over the wide arm, and cuddled in close to her.

  Rissa snuggled in closer to him and sighed happily. “This is perfect,” she whispered and closed her eyes. Her lips moved slightly, lovingly over his neck, and she breathed against his ear. “I do love you so, Michael. However I think life would be so much more fun right now if we were both naked.”

  He gave a snort. “And I’m not trusting anyone until Raph and Gabe give us the thumbs up. It’s much easier to fight when you’re not worried about parts getting in the way that shouldn’t. So, no getting naked just yet. Once we know the floor is secure, then we’ll go and try out the bed.”

  “Good point.” Dammit, she hated when he was logical. “Then we will rest here for a time and simply enjoy being in each other’s arms. I think that sounds like a very good plan.” Being against him relaxed her, made her feel calm and at ease.

  He captured her wandering hand and lifted it. Pressing a kiss to her fingertips, he gave her a squeeze. “That means no touching me like that, Rissa. I might have pretty good control, but it all goes to hell when you start touching me. So none of that, at all.”

  “Ah poop,” she muttered. “And I was just having so much fun touching you and feeling you. Knowing that it was driving you to distraction,” she teased. “I happen to really, really love touching you by the way. Are you sure I have to stop?”

  His growl made her shiver at a visceral level that translated out. “Yes, you have to stop, female.” His words were gruff again. “Later you may touch however you wish. For now, I need to be focused and alert to ensure you are safe. This isn’t pack lands. I’m unsure of who I can trust here beyond those that are your mates and the few pack mates that came along.”

  “All right,” she mumbled and moved her hand so that it was on his shoulder once more and instead laid her head against his chest and relaxed in his arms. “Later you can touch me, too,” she told him quietly. “However and wherever you want.”

  He let out a breath and squeezed her close. “Thank you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I’m on edge, little mate. And I don’t mean to snap at you. You have to know that. But I feel exposed here. I hate knowing that there is someone or several someones in the palace that mean you harm. I hate feeling like I’m not keeping you safe like I should be.”

  “You are. Even now, I know that you are, honey. You are mine and I am yours. When you can’t keep me safe, one of the others will. It’s okay. Besides, you are keeping me happy by sitting here with me, letting me be in the wind and just letting me feel you close to me. That’s what counts, Michael.”

  He was silent for a long time. Then he brushed a kiss to her temple. “Thank you for saying that,” he murmured. “As long as you are happy, then I am at least doing part of my job as your mate. I just wish I was able to do more. I really hate being idle, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  “Oh, you are doing so much more than you can possibly know. I happen to love all that you do for me, with me. I’m happy and in the end, isn’t that all that matters? That you and I are both happy? I know that Gabe and Raph are as well, so that makes it that much better.”

  “Yes, I suppose that is true,” he said. He heaved a sigh before his chin landed on her hair. “You have become quite wise since I was here last. How in all the lands did that happen?” he asked with a chuckle.

  Rissa shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe Mother’s pokes and prods finally worked on me?” she teased happily. “All that I know is that I’m happy. If you are happy, too, then that makes life even better. Period.”

  “I doubt your mother’s poking and prodding ever made it through your determination. I’m not saying you didn’t listen to her. But you were always rolling your eyes whenever she was giving you a lesson. It was very hard for those of us in the guard to keep a straight face while watching over you and your interesting expressions.”

  She shrugged and rubbed her cheek to his chest. “Or maybe I am just finally starting to grow up?” The sound of that wasn’t as appealing as she had thought it would sound, but it was true. It could be that she had finally just simply grown up.

  “Hey,” he whispered, hooking a finger under her chin. Tipping her face up, Michael looked down
into her eyes. “You were always so much older and wiser than any gave you credit for, Rissa. I have always seen that in you, the beast within recognized that in you early. No one is ever going to force you to be someone you are not ready to be. Always be who you need to be to keep your soul and heart happy. I love you as you are and always will, little mate.”

  She smiled at that and nodded. “Thank you, honey. I think that I really, really needed that. I needed for you to tell me that.” She had always tried to be better, older than she was so he would see her as the woman that wanted him, not the child that he had sworn to protect.

  “I figured you might,” he said softly. He brushed her hair back with light fingers and kissed her on the lips. His head jerked up a moment later and then turned slowly toward the room. “Raphael is here. Let’s go and let him in and see what’s going on.”

  “How in the world did you know that? I didn’t hear a thing,” she whispered with complete and utter awe. “I mean, at all. How in the world could you hear him from out here?” He stunned her sometimes, wolf or no wolf.

  Shrugging, he set her on her feet and got up. Taking her hand, he led her inside. “I heard him and scented him. Plus, he cleared his throat and gave a small cough, it’s a signal that he’s out there and it’s all clear. I’m an Alpha, I have superior senses because of the beast but they are more because of my position in the pack.”

  “That’s impressive. That is something that they all know as well, right? Your hearing and all that?” If not, they would be in for a rude awakening. “I need to remember that for when I am trying to surprise you with something.” Didn’t make a bit of sense. “So when I’m trying to surprise you, let me?”

  “Always,” he said with a shrug. “I have to be paying full attention for it to work. The others of the pack know I have better senses. They just don’t know how much more. Raph and Gabe have an idea, as they are Alphas also but even they don’t know the full extent.” He unlocked the door and put his body between her and it as he opened it. After a moment, he stepped back and Raphael slipped inside.

  When Raph opened his arms to Rissa, she didn’t hesitate. She moved into his arms and gave him a big hug, rubbing her cheek to his and nuzzling against the side of his neck with pure affection that a wolf would even be proud of.

  “Missed you, too, little mate.” He chuckled, giving her a big squeeze. Leaning back, he kissed her lips gently. Then he looked to Michael. “We’ve got the top floor secure. Pack wolves are on guard at all the stairways up here. No one can get to this floor without getting through them. We’ll need to make a list of those that are actually trustworthy at some point.”

  “We will, after we start questioning everyone. We’ll know quickly who can and can’t be trusted,” Michael said quietly.

  “Do you still think that they will try to get to me here with you three always near? They would have to be completely and fully suicidal.” Because to even attempt to get to her with her mates around was just sheer stupidity.

  “No one but pack knows we’ve mated,” Raphael said, stroking her back slowly. “Humans don’t recognize the markers like a wolf will and can. Plus, with that collar you are wearing, the mating marks are hidden. On top of all that, they are nearly healed, and once they are, no one but a wolf will be able to see them.”

  “That is likely a very, very good thing. I don’t mind wearing your marks. In fact, I like it a great deal, but I think that others seeing it would cause them to be very leery of you guys, and I never want that. So I think that the next marks should easily be hidden by my clothes,” she teased.

  “No other marks would ever remain for more than an hour or two,” Michael told her. “I’m going to go and see about getting some food. Stay with her,” he said.

  Raphael nodded with a grin. “No hardship there,” he teased. Chuckling when Michael left the room, he shot her a look. “Why is he so tense, darling?” he asked. “I know he’s worried for you and your safety. I also know he’s pissed there’s a traitor here. But that doesn’t explain why he’s so tense. So what is up with him?”

  “Someone was watching us down there,” Rissa said softly. “I felt it and so did he. It felt like an itch between my shoulders, but he said that it felt far more than that to him. He and I neither one felt comfortable, so I asked him to take me out of there.”

  Raphael made a humming noise and pursed his lips. “That isn’t it. Well, not all of it anyway. But I will let it go. He’ll tell us if it’s important to your safety. If it’s not, we may never know. ’Course”—he shot her a sly look—“if you were to ask him.” He gave her a huge grin a moment later and batted his lashes.

  That had her laughing. Shaking her head, she added, “He also just found out about you guys and Daddy moving the tunnels exit point. He seems to think that it was because of him, so I need for you to make sure that he knows it wasn’t. Please.”

  “It wasn’t.” Raphael frowned down at her. “Rissa, why does he think we moved the tunnel exit because of him?” He gave a groan a moment later. “Sometimes I swear to the Gods I should smack him. But I like my arm attached,” he muttered before heaving a sigh. “Shit.”

  “Yeah. Exactly. I tried telling him it wasn’t because of him, but you know him. I swear that man thinks that the moon goes dark because of him.” She shook her head. “And I don’t know how to convince him otherwise. Do you?”

  “He doesn’t think the moon goes dark because of him. But the timing was a little coincidental, you have to admit,” he said quietly. “I have plenty of ideas of how to convince him, but I seriously doubt that you would appreciate them. I know for a fact he wouldn’t. Hell, if and when he got free, I’d be a dead man so I’m going to think of something else. Preferably something that doesn’t put me six feet under.”

  “Yeah, I think that I would be very heartbroken if anything like that happened to you. I happen to love you a great deal, all three of you. We will make him see, somehow.” Somehow and some way she hoped.

  “You do realize this is Michael we’re discussing, right?” He rolled his eyes. “That man gives new meaning to the word stubborn. Hell, I’m pretty sure that’s where you learned to be as stubborn as you are. Among other bad habits you picked up during your childhood.”

  Rissa laughed. “That’s what I told him as well, but he doesn’t believe me. Silly man. I told him that I learned all that I am and all that I will be from him and no one else. My attitude and stubbornness totally comes from him.”

  “He likely blamed me,” Raph snorted. “But we all know the truth. Even your parents knew the truth about it. We all saw how you were with him, and he with you. You were practically his shadow whenever you had a chance to follow him about.”

  “Until he pushed me away and went missing,” Rissa whispered. “That broke me. For the longest time, his leaving broke me. I didn’t understand why he didn’t want me any longer. I knew he had been hurt, but I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t let me come to him, be with him. Stubborn ass. If only he had let me come close, we would have saved years together.”

  “Yeah, I’d make him pay for that for a while longer if I were you.” He nodded. “But he left because he was hurting and wanted to lick his wounds. He also didn’t want to have you see him at his lowest and weakest moment. He’d saved your life and kept all the other guests alive and healthy, but he still thinks he failed in some way.”

  “I don’t want him to have to pay for anything. He did what he felt was right. I understand that. I respect it. I really do. I hate that he felt he had to leave, but he did and now he’s back. That’s what I want to focus on. Him being here. Him being with us once more. That’s the important part.”

  “It is important, that I agree with, love. But come on, we could have some fun with this.” He grinned. “A little, please? Just a wee tiny bit, maybe?” he asked, blinking his lashes at her. “Pretty please, Princess?”

  “Nope, not at all,” she told him sternly. “I mean it. None. Do not give him issues with this. I
happen to love that man like crazy, and I would be very upset if he felt even worse about leaving than he already does. I know that he’s beating himself up over the fact, so no more, please. For my sake.”

  “Damn it, Rissa,” he said and drew her into his arms. “Fine. I won’t poke him. For now. But later, oh later, I will poke him. If I don’t, he’ll think I’m dying or something. It’s my job in life to keep him on his toes, and I take it as a heavy responsibility.”

  Rissa laughed. “Well as long as you don’t poke him about that. That is what is important to me. Just please make sure that it has nothing to do with me and him leaving. I mean it. I do not, and I mean that, I do not want you to bring up him running from me, okay?”

  “Fine,” he growled. “You are just no fun. Really, who runs from a wee slip of a female, I ask you?” Raphael snorted and shook his head. “But I won’t poke that wound for a while. Eventually, though, I will harass him about it. Of that you may be assured.”

  “He had his reasons,” Rissa said softly. “We both know that. He had his reasons, and that’s all that matters. Right now, I just want to focus on the positive. On us all being together. I’m rather a lucky girl and that’s what I want to focus on, please?”

  “Of course you’re a lucky girl. You have two studs and grumpy pants at your beck and call.” He smiled. “Speaking of grumpy pants, he’s coming back and—” Raphael inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring. “He has food, fresh bread, stew, and something else I can’t quite catch over the bread.”

  She laughed, she couldn’t help herself. “You mean the bread has caught your attention and nothing else, huh? God you are funny. I love that about you. Sometimes you think with your belly and others—” Dropping her gaze to his crotch, she licked her lips. “Well, other times you think with another impressive part of your body.”

  “Yeah, well this is all my gut right now.” Raphael stepped away and opened the door just as Michael got close. “Oh good, he brought enough for you and him. Not so subtle there, Michael.”


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