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A Perfect Ten

Page 26

by Linda Kage

She smiled fondly. “Well, first you cracked some kind of joke about karma-sutra, or something like that.”

  I chuckled softly. “Okay, yeah. I remember something like that.”

  “And then you started teasing him about hot you thought I was.”

  Groaning, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. “Oh, damn. I did, didn’t I? Sorry about that.”

  “No, I liked it. I liked how you could tease him, how you were trying to get him out of his funk after the shock he’d just come home to.” Her smile smoothed out into an expression of supreme appreciation. “But then you got serious with him and made him talk out his problems. When he told you he wanted to just bring us all back home with him, you encouraged it. It didn’t matter that doing so meant three more people would suddenly be living in the apartment you shared with him and you’d mostly likely have to find somewhere else to live. You didn’t even pause to think it through. You just...supported him, and I don’t know if he would’ve gone through with what he did for us if you hadn’t been there to tell him he should. I just...” She shook her head, gazing at me as if I was something special. It made my chest feel all tight and strange. “I remember thinking I wished I had a friend like Oren Tenning.”

  Unease flooded me. Yeah, I was some friend. I lied to Gamble’s face every time I saw him these days.

  Caroline seemed to think I was honorable, though. She beamed up at me. “Every time you were around after that, the room just got...brighter. You were always this upbeat ray of optimism. Even when you were trying to be polite to me at the beginning, you’d have something funny to say, something a little off color, a little naughty, but always, always entertaining. I craved the times you’d come around. I swear, you got me out of my depression more than anyone. Laughter is a lot more healing than you’d think.”

  A strange memory caught me off guard at her words. Caroline saw the change in my face, and tipped her head to the side. “What?”

  I started to wave her off and tell her it was nothing, but then, I don’t know...I stopped myself. “You know that game you play as a kid where you make funny faces at someone to see who’ll laugh first?”

  She grinned. “Yeah. Noel and I used to play it, and then Brandt and I did after he left.”

  I nodded. “I was just remembering...what you said reminded me for some strange reason...”

  “Of what?” she prodded.

  I shook my head, but then I went and confessed, “Zoey and I used to do that too, except we used words. You know, whoever said the funniest thing to make the other person laugh first, won.”

  It seemed to take her a moment to realize which Zoey I was talking about. Then her lips parted and eyes flared. “Let me guess. You won every time.”

  I gave a quiet laugh. “No, actually she did. My sister was so fucking hilarious. She always knew how to do or say just the right thing to make me smile whenever I was upset. I just...I guess I felt honored to hear I’d done that for you. Like some part of her is still here, living through me.”

  “Oren?” Caroline murmured softly. She touched my face and I looked at her.

  “I gotta get back to work,” I said.

  She nodded but whispered, “Thank you for telling me that.”

  I cleared my throat and tipped my face down to hers. “Yeah, well...thanks for telling me why I’m so much better than Hart.” When I winked, she groaned and rolled her eyes. I pressed my mouth to hers just as the office door swung open.

  We leapt apart, but it was too late. We were already exposed. Expecting to find Gamble hovering in the doorway, I blinked when I saw Pick instead.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I blurted out.

  He glanced from me to Caroline and then back to me. “It’s my office,” he finally said, his voice mild, but his eyes narrowing with displeasure.

  “But it’s midnight,” I argued without meaning to. “Shouldn’t you be tucked in bed with your little family right now?”

  “Hmm.” Pick glanced between us again. Caroline grew more uncomfortable, crossing her arms over her chest and kicking at the toe of her pumps. I shifted slightly to block his view of her.

  “Yes, I really should be in bed, wrapped around my gorgeous woman right now, but some unfinished paperwork I left here was making me toss and turn, so Tink kicked me out and told me not to come back until I’d taken care of it.”

  “Oh.” Well, that explained that. I blew out a breath, glanced at Caroline, and turned back to Pick as I clapped my hands. “I guess we’ll get out of your hair and let you get to it, then.”

  I stepped aside and motioned Caroline toward the door. She lurched into action, only to pause when she reached Pick still standing in the doorway.

  He sent her a warm smile and stepped aside. “Caroline. You look lovely this evening.”

  She bowed her head and mumbled, “Thank you.”

  Patting her arm as she passed, he said, “Have a good night.”

  I started to follow her, but my fucking boss stepped into my way, blocking the exit. Then he moved toward me, forcing me to back pedal. Once he was fully in the room, he shut the door behind him and glared into my face.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” he growled.

  I merely stared back, my eyes daring him to do whatever he was going to do: run to Gamble and tell him everything, beat my ass, lecture me, whatever. I was ready.

  “You stupid fucker. I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from her forever, but Jesus, Noel is just down the hall. And this is my office, man. My office. You probably did it on the couch too, didn’t you? That was Tink’s and my special couch. You’ve ruined our special couch.”

  “It is pretty damn comfy,” I had to admit.

  Pick growled and gave me a little shove, offsetting my balance until I stumbled a step back. “Don’t piss me off more than I’m already pissed off. I don’t appreciate coming in here and finding an employee, getting it on while he’s working and stabbing one of my very good friends in the back in the process.”

  I gritted my teeth, because I absolutely refused to apologize for what had just happened, even though I knew I was totally in the wrong. I could never be sorry for any time I had with Caroline.

  “Look, if you’re going to fire me, just fire me already, all right?”

  With a scowl, Pick muttered, “I’m not going to fire you. Jesus, just...don’t ever do that in my office again...or anywhere in the club, and especially not while you’re on the clock. I can’t believe you and Caroline...” Shaking his head, he blew out a breath.

  “Are you going to tell Gamble?” I asked.

  That question made him laugh. “You think I’m insane? I’m not getting any more involved in this mess than I already am. He’s going to find out eventually, and when he does, I’m going to be as far away from the both of you as geographically possible.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Well...thank for not telling him yet.” With a grateful nod, I started for the door, but Pick grabbed my shirt, stalling me.

  “Just tell me she means something to you.”

  I shook my head. Pick was ever the lady’s protector. I had to like that about the guy. But still, “Jesus, man. No. She’s just a worthless lay I plan to completely blow off tomorrow.” When he scowled at my sarcastic answer, I shoved at his arm to dislodge his hand from my clothes. “What the hell do you think? I’m risking the wrath of Noel Gamble to be with her. She means fucking everything to me.” When Pick’s mouth quirked with appreciation, I sighed. “Now, can I get back to work, boss?”

  “One more thing,” he murmured. “Can you at least wait until after Skylar’s birthday party this weekend to tell him?”

  I blinked, totally not expecting to hear that request. “Huh?”

  “My little girl’s first birthday,” he reminded me. “Tink and I invited you all to come for a cookout.”

  “Right,” I said. “So what?”

  “So I thought one more time seeing the entire gang together before you break us up, and w
e’re forced to pick sides, might be nice. Plus, I don’t want you fucking up her birthday with all your drama. Tinker Bell’s gone to a lot to plan this.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I snickered. “Yeah, sure. For Milk Tits, I’ll refrain from telling my best friend I’m boinking his sister. Got it.”

  “Jesus, you are so freaking vulgar. I have no idea what poor Caroline sees in you.”

  Caroline saw past the vulgar, I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t bother, because he was too busy adding, “And stop calling Tink Milk Tits already. Damn.”

  I left his office, laughing. No way could anyone keep me from calling Eva Mercer Milk Tits, but that had been a nice attempt. I was still in a good mood when I strolled back into the bar and got to work. I spotted Caroline minutes later, closer to Blondie. When she sent me a worried glance, I winked and showed her a thumbs-up, which made her shoulders slump with relief.

  We still had time before Gamble found out the truth, and all the shit drama hit the fan.

  I had no idea what to buy a one-year-old, but I walked into Pick’s backyard that Saturday afternoon with what looked like a puppy’s chew toy. Milk Tits had cursed me out a few months earlier when she and Pick had thrown a birthday party for their boy. She’d sent me out to get him something and ordered me not to return until I’d gotten the rug rat a gift. So, this time around, I came prepared.

  Milk Tits cheered her appreciation as soon as she saw me carrying the stupid pink gift bag.

  “I can’t believe it,” she gasped, coming to me and thankfully relieving me of my gift. “Ten-Ten can be taught manners.”

  “Yeah, it’s a fucking miracle.” I scowled at her as I tugged at the collar of my shirt. “Where’s the beer?”

  Instead of pointing me in the right direction, Milk Tits folded her arms over her chest and arched an eyebrow. “Before you drink anything, you and I are going to have us a little chat.”

  Shit, that didn’t sound good. Pick must’ve told her about me and Caroline. “I’m guessing you’re not going to tell me you want to name your next kid after me.”

  She snorted. “No. My next kid is already named, but thanks. What I want to know is what you think went through my head the moment I walked into Pick’s office the other day and found a used condom sitting in the top of his trash can.”

  My eyes flared wide. “Oh, shit. I am so sorry.” I totally hadn’t even thought of that scenario. But then I frowned. “Wait, you didn’t really think he’d cheated on you, did you?” She and Pick were about as attached as Gamble and his woman, Hamilton and Blondie, Lowe and Buttercup. Those couples just didn’t cheat.

  Milk Tits scowled even harder. “For a half of a split second, there was a moment when I felt a smidgen of unease.” She shuddered. “It was the worst half a split second of my life. So, thank you very much, you asshat, for making me experience it.” She shoved me in the shoulder and stormed off to talk to Lowe and Buttercup, who were turning burgers on the grill. Hamilton and Blondie were also around, playing with Pick and Eva’s two toddlers. And Hart was over by the coolers of beer.

  I started his way, needing a drink bad. When he saw me coming, he grinned.

  “Hey, Ten. Check this out. I’ve been practicing.”

  He flipped an empty alcohol bottle into the air and caught it behind his back. Once he had it in hand, he brought it around to the front and pretended to pour it into an invisible cup. With a grin, he glanced up to gauge my reaction. “Think that’ll get me more tips if I do it at work?”

  It was actually a kick-ass move. But I scowled as if unimpressed. “You just always gotta work to be better than me, don’t you?”

  He laughed. “Work at it? Not really. It just comes naturally to be better than you.”


  I started to turn away, but he called after me. “Not a fan of Cocktail, huh?”

  Pausing, I glanced back. “Cock-what?”

  “Cocktail. The eighties movie. Tom Cruise. Elisabeth Shue.”

  I shook my head. “Never seen it.”

  “What about Coyote Ugly then?” He proceeded to flip the bottle over his hand and catch it again.

  Damn show-off. I shook my head. “Coyote Ugly?” I echoed stupidly. “Is that another movie or something?” Okay, I’d actually watched that one because it had advertised hot chicks, but I wasn’t about to let him know that.

  Hart sighed and shook his head. “Man, you’re hopeless. Ooh, Caroline.” Glancing past me, he grinned. “Check it. I taught myself.”

  I tensed, surprised to learn she’d come up behind me and I hadn’t even sensed her. As I turned to glance at her, she watched Hart do both his Cocktail and Coyote Ugly tricks.

  “Oh, cool.” Her smile for him made me grind my teeth. “That’s from Cocktail, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” Hart arched me a look, but I rolled my eyes.

  “That’s not fair. She’s a fucking movie geek with a filmmaking major.”

  Her mouth fell open “Did you just call me a geek?”

  I grinned and shifted a little closer to her. “A hot geek.”

  Her face lit with pleasure before her eyebrows wrinkled. Realizing just how close I’d gotten to her, she gasped and widened her eyes before darting a quick, cautious glance toward Hart. “Oren,” she warned under her breath.

  “What? He already knows. In fact,” I glanced at everyone already at the party, “I’m sure everyone here knows. Pick clued in Milk Tits, who probably told Buttercup, who would’ve told Lowe. And Zwinn’s been in on it from the beginning. I think Gam is literally the only person who doesn’t know, and he just called saying he was running late, which means….” I caught her by surprise and grabbed her around the waist. “I can totally do this.”

  Yanking her toward me, I tucked her spine against my front and buried my face into the side of her throat where I proceeded to nibble on tender flesh. She yelped out her surprise and clutched the arm I had wrapped around her.

  “And this.” My hand strayed up as if I was going to cup her breasts right through her shirt.

  “Oren!” Scandalized but still laughing, she grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “Cut it out.” She spun out of my arms to face off with me. “You’re playing with fire.” Then she went and jabbed her finger into my gut.

  I laughed and dodged away when she came at me again. “Woman,” I warned. “Don’t poke me.”

  With a playful laugh, she charged. “Don’t be such a baby. I like it when you poke me.”

  As I caught her and imprisoned her arms, I threw my head back and roared with laughter.

  Hart covered his face with one hand and groaned. “Jesus. She’s got as dirty a mind as you do, Ten.”

  “I know.” Pressing my cheek to hers, I grinned proudly and swayed back and forth with her. “Isn’t it great?”

  “Yo, Ten,” Lowe called from across the yard. “Noel’s walking up the front driveway.”

  I lifted my face and frowned at him. “What? But he just texted, saying he was running late.”

  “Well, he’s on time now, I guess.”

  I growled out my frustration. “Shit.” With a last, quick kiss to Caroline’s cheek, I murmured into her ear, “Lick you later, baby.”

  My arm slid from around her, and I moved away. A little ache spread in my chest as I did, but I made sure to act cool about it. I meandered toward Ham where he and Blondie were playing with the two toddlers.

  “How’s the babysitting going?” I asked, watching the Gambles from the corner of my eye as they entered the backyard. Gam and his wife carried plates of food toward Pick where he was setting shit set up, and the younger brothers went to Caroline where I’d left her talking to Hart.

  I didn’t want to resent my oldest friend for showing up sooner than he said he would, but shit, if I wasn’t annoyed out of my mind because he’d shown so fucking early. But I’d promised Pick I wouldn’t cause any drama at his kid’s party, so I stayed away.

  “Hey,” Ham said, thrusting one of the kids at me
. “Hold Skylar for me, will you? I’m going to help Mason set up the horseshoes.”

  My eyes went wide, but I caught the kid so it wouldn’t fall. Holding it at arm’s length from me, I called after him. “Hey! Hey, what am I supposed to do with this thing?” He just chuckled and kept walking. When I saw Blondie snickering at me, I turned to her, still holding the baby as far away from me as possible.

  “Blondie,” I hissed. “Stop laughing and just tell me what to do?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should, you know, sit down with her on your lap.”

  “Her? So this one’s the girl?”

  “The pink dress didn’t clue you in, huh?”

  “Shut it,” I muttered. I couldn’t think straight with the responsibility of a goddamn kid on my hands.

  Blondie laughed at my distress. But her too-kind heart had her patting my shoulder soon after. “Just breathe. You’ll do fine. And seriously, you should sit. You look like you might pass out otherwise.”

  I sat as I was instructed and gulped heavily when the chubby-cheeked little thing with dark, wispy curls gazed up at me with the most serious big blue eyes.

  “This is the birthday girl,” Blondie introduced. “Her name is Skylar.”

  “Right.” I looked up at her for guidance. “ what?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. Try talking to her.”

  I growled out my frustration and glanced across the yard, checking on Caroline to make sure she didn’t see me kidding it up and think I wanted one or something now that she knew she couldn’t have any. But she was busy talking with Aspen and Hart. I turned back to the kid.

  The little thing was kind of cute with that ever-serious expression.

  “Hey,” I said, not sure what the fuck I was supposed to talk about with a one-year-old. “Uh...happy birthday.”

  Skylar reared her head back at my voice as if surprised that I’d finally decided to talk to her. Then her lips twitched, and she smiled. At me. Something shifted in my chest and fuck, who knew one little baby smile was so damn powerful? I think I fell I love.

  “Blondie. Hey, I think she likes me.”

  “Of course she does.” Blondie grinned up at me. “You’re a likable guy.”


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