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Leo: Book 6 (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)

Page 4

by Rachel Medhurst


  I backed up as he came out of the lift and took a step towards me. Megan tried to put her hand on her father’s suit sleeve, but he brushed her off easily.

  “It’s not what you think,” I stuttered, for the first time in my life, intimidated by an older man.

  Even though I was twice his size in muscles, his whole being radiated power. He was one of the richest men in London. I did not need to get on the wrong side of him.

  “What is it then?” He gestured to Megan, who stood still, staring uselessly.

  Shaking my head, I opened my mouth to speak.

  “Daddy, stop!” Megan’s screech paused us both in our tracks.

  The doorman looked around, pretending that he hadn’t heard when he saw who it was. Megan marched forward, shoved her arm through her father’s and dragged him back to the lift.

  “This isn’t over,” he called as the doors closed and I was left alone.

  The last twenty-four hours had been dramatic. What was going on?

  Skipping out of the building, I turned towards the tube station. I was determined to make it to Michael Keen’s office without any more agro.

  My phone started to ring just before I went down into the tube. Seeing that it was Cancer on the other end, I decided to walk. It wasn’t far and I had some time.


  I didn’t want her to think I knew why she was calling. Her name popping up on my screen somehow confirmed what I thought I had seen earlier.

  “Hi, Leo, it’s Derek.”

  My step faltered when I heard my sister’s twin flame on the other end. “Is everything okay?”

  Derek cleared his throat, speaking to someone in the background before he came on the line. “I just wanted to say good luck at the meeting. I know how much you want this. Ignore what everyone else says, when you want something, you should go for it.”

  A smile came to my face. Derek wasn’t the sentimental type. In fact, I had never heard him encourage anyone. Was there something going on?

  “Thank you. I appreciate that, mate.” I meant it too. The others were too caught up in their own lives to worry about me. And, I was too caught up in my own business to worry too much about them. Although, I would always be there when it was their time to unite with their twin flame.

  “Let us know how you get on.”

  “Derek?” I said before he could put down the phone. “It’s good to have you officially in the family. I know you were my father’s bodyguard, but now, you’re one of us. And, well, I suppose you could say that we’re brothers. Just don’t go shooting any of the thousands of women that come through the house when I’m famous.”

  His chuckle made me smile. He thought I was joking, but I wasn’t. My stomach dropped. I couldn’t ever have the women, or anyone, near my family. It was too dangerous.

  “No problem…bro.”

  I laughed as we hung up. Derek wasn’t the type to joke too much, although he used to. He had grown, becoming more serious since he had to look after Cancer. It was a far cry from who he was when Pisces had first met him.

  Apologising when I bumped into someone in the street, I thought about my future. I would have to do everything in my power to keep my private life out of the limelight if we did make it. My family couldn’t be exposed to the world. If they were, we were all in danger of not completing our mission.

  The building came into view. The thoughts went out of my head when I spotted the boys standing by the door, waiting for me. This was it, our dream. So, my family didn’t approve of me being a musician. Did I care? Maybe a little bit, but not enough to stop me.

  “Are you ready?” Gary, the drummer, asked when I approached them.

  “You bet I am, arsehole!” Thumping him on the shoulder, we laughed as we made our way inside.

  “Leo, can I just ask you to behave…for a few minutes?” Shane, our guitarist, looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

  Who did he think I was? Laughing, I clapped him on the back. I was Leo, the lead singer of Chasing Destiny. Joker, songwriter and all round crazy person. I could see where he was coming from.

  “We need to be who we are…but I promise not to ruin it.”

  No, there wasn’t a chance I was going to ruin our shot at fame. It was our time to be in the limelight. And no one, not even me, would stop that.

  Chapter Four

  “We did it!” I high-fived my bandmates, spinning in a circle as we got to my building. “I just need to get changed so we can celebrate.”

  The meeting had gone well. Michael Keen had signed us up to his record label. The contract was tight, our lawyer had been called and everything was on track.

  “We’ll be waiting all day, then.” Gary laughed, fake crying when I hit his arm.

  Waving them inside, I hustled them into the lift. I wanted to wear something a little more comfortable for partying.

  “Have you told anyone?” Shane asked.

  Nodding, I flicked out my phone. “I texted Derek, he wanted to know how I did.”

  The lift door opened.


  My whole family stood in the living area, shouting congratulations as we filtered into the room. They had somehow decorated the place in balloons, streamers and laid out food in the corner.

  “What the…?”

  My father stepped forward, a grin on his face. He hadn’t come to grill me about yesterday, he had come to celebrate. That was unexpected.

  “We knew you would do it. I’m so pleased you brought the others.” My father wrapped me in a bear hug, somehow lifting me from the ground. “I’m proud of you, son.”

  Blinking, I looked around at everyone, for once speechless. My family were supporting me, even through their displeasure at the idea of me being famous. That was the only issue. It was the idea of what would happen, not the actual reality. I did plan on being discreet.

  “Derek!” I shouted when I spotted him hiding behind Cancer. “You told them?”

  He stepped out, coming over to me. “Of course. They badgered me into finding out.”

  Clapping him on the back, I smiled. “And, there I thought you were genuinely interested in what was going on.”

  Winking, he slunk away to put his arm around Cancer. She watched me, her gaze following my every move. There was something off with her. If she knew about Megan, I hoped she would wait to say something until we were in private.

  “Leo, can I just say, although you’re a dick, you’re still our brother. So, we just wanted to celebrate your success. Even if you can’t sing.” Aries raised his eyebrows at me, his arm lazily flung over Natalie.

  “You can talk, no legs,” I shouted back.

  My bandmates gasped, making me turn to them.

  “Oh, it’s okay, he doesn’t mind.”

  Aries laughed as the others stared between us. Our sibling rivalry had got us into trouble many times.

  The crowd moved and my mother came over. Her red hair had grown to her shoulders. She wore a smart trouser suit and stood taller than most of my sisters.

  “So, when’s the album out?” Putting her hands on her hips, she regarded me seriously.

  Although she was my guardian, she had raised me as her own son. When she had betrayed us by leaving with Nick, we had hated her. But, the past was the past, and time had allowed me to forgive her.

  “Next year. We’ll be in the studio soon.”

  Her shoulders relaxed as if a weight had been taken off them. “Oh, that’s alright then. You’ll be sorted before then.”

  Blinking, I leant down when she gave me a hug. What did she mean that I would be sorted before then? I couldn’t ask the question in front of the others, it would have to wait.

  “I think it’s time to celebrate,” someone shouted.

  The music came on at the same time as everyone cheered. There would be no getting changed, I would have to party in my posh, but still rocky, outfit. Glancing down at my shirt and tie, I laughed at myself. There were no women
to pull at this party.

  “Leo, I’m sorry I didn’t know Megan’s number to invite her,” Aries said, coming up to me with Natalie.

  The others dispersed into groups. Some danced, even though it was the middle of the day. My family were crazy, there was no denying it. We had planned on going out to celebrate for the afternoon, but a full on party hadn’t been on my mind.

  “It’s fine, she wouldn’t have come anyway.” I waved away the idea of Megan.

  Aries frowned as Natalie gave me a one armed hug. It seemed her fiancé didn’t want to let go of her.

  “But, she stayed over, you filthy animal.” Aries’ frown didn’t suit him.

  Grabbing hold of Natalie’s arm, I wrenched her gently away from him. Dragging her to the makeshift dance floor, which was an area they had cleared, I spun her under my arm before putting my arms around her and rocking her back and forth.

  “I think you deserve a congratulations, too,” I whispered.

  She gasped as she let go of me and put a hand on her stomach. “How do you know? I haven’t even told Aries yet!”

  My cheeks heated as my mouth dropped open. A grin spread on my face unbidden. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from yelling out.

  Natalie’s face flushed as she saw my expression. “Oh, you were talking about the…”

  “Wedding, yes, but you’re…?”

  I didn’t want to speak too loud. Pisces and Antony danced nearby, with Taurus being dragged around by Kerry. It was unlike my stubborn brother to be so light-footed.

  “You mustn’t say anything. I was going to tell him when we had some time alone.”

  Putting my arms around her, I lifted her in the air, spinning her as I did. She squealed, hitting me on the shoulder to put her down.

  “I’m so happy for you. He’s going to be so happy.” I couldn’t stop smiling. My first ever niece or nephew.

  “I’m not so sure. I think he would prefer it if we waited until the mission was complete. That way we could set up home and be secure first. I worry we’re still too young.” Natalie looked over her shoulder at Aries.

  He stood talking to Scorpio, one eye on her, the other on our brother. He gave me a quick shake of the head. Was I being too obvious? Surely the others would think I was excited about my own news.

  “Okay, you’re a little young, but that doesn’t matter. This is part of your mission with him. If you weren’t meant to have…”

  She squeezed my arm to shut me up. I laughed, moving her towards the kitchenette area so we could talk more freely.

  “If you weren’t meant to have a baby, you wouldn’t be pregnant. Trust me, I know about these things.” Picking up a tray of food, I offered it to her.

  Watching me, she took a sausage roll and nibbled on it. “You’re funny. You’re either really serious, or really not.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, I shoved a whole sandwich into my mouth and chewed messily. I couldn’t help it, even if it meant proving her right. “What can I say? I’m growing up.”

  Shaking her head, Natalie gripped my hand when she glanced over to Aries. He was heading towards us, his gaze narrowed on her.

  “Please, don’t say anything,” she hissed.

  Patting her hand, I prized it off me. “Of course I won’t. But, don’t wait too long, you know how useless I can be.”

  Glancing down at my arm, she paused, staring at one of my tattoos. Even Aries grabbing a piece of food off one of the plates didn’t distract her.

  “Babe?” He waved a hand in front of her face.

  She blinked before she looked at me. “Why do you have a tattoo of…” Pointing, she traced the outline with her finger. “…a sword? It looks so…”

  The soft feather light touch of her finger made me shiver. The sword was long, silver and bathed in fire. A small inscription lay on its blade, but it was hard to make out.

  “Familiar?” Aries chimed in, his eyes also drawn to the artwork.

  Knocking her hand away, I almost snapped at Natalie. Why did she have to draw attention to that particular tattoo?

  “Mate, are you alright?” Aries must have realised that I wasn’t okay, otherwise he would’ve knocked me across the room for the way I had just treated his woman.

  “I’m sorry.” I took hold of Natalie’s hand, kissing it before I dropped it and backed away. “I need to just…” Pointing towards the bathroom, I rushed through the room and escaped.

  Leaning against the sink as soon as the door was closed, I looked into the mirror. For so long I had kept my secret. No one, absolutely no one, knew anything about the tattoos. My skin itched, making me curse. I couldn’t go now, it was not the right time.

  “Leo? Are you okay in there?”

  Aries didn’t know when to give up and leave me alone. Rubbing a hand over my head, I groaned when a hot flush took over my body.

  “I’m fine,” I called, sitting on the floor and resting my back on the bath. “Just a little too much excitement for one day.”

  I clenched my hands into fists, trying my hardest to stay focused. Nope, it wasn’t going to happen. I had to stay where I was. I had to…

  The wind came through the bathroom. My head tucked into my hands as I waited for the sickness to overtake me. It didn’t. Every time it happened, I thought I was going to be sick. Every time, I wasn’t.


  His deep voice vibrated throughout my body. Opening my eyes, I blinked. For years I had been going through this pattern. The first time it had happened, I had just turned eighteen. I was in my bedroom, about to go to sleep. A wind had rushed through the room and I had woken up in this dark dungeon. The figure who had greeted me then, stood in front of me now. It had been almost seven years since my trips had started.

  “How have you been?”

  The walls were stone, water dripping down most of them. The room was more like a cave, deep under the ocean. My fire didn’t work down here; I had tried to use it on the figure when I was very first called for a mission.

  My life wasn’t just one mission. It was many. And, I could tell no one. I had tried once. My mother had asked me why I was getting so many tattoos. I couldn’t tell her the truth. When my mouth opened to say what happened, fire burst out, almost catching her. I had never tried to speak about it to anyone again.

  “I was celebrating. Why would you call me now?”

  In the middle of the room, there was a tall clear glass shard that went into a jagged point at the top. My brothers and sisters thought their life was hard with the simple mission of uniting with their twin flame. They had no idea that I had to come to this place whenever the figure wanted me to.

  “Leo, my son…”

  “I’m not your son.”

  The figure, who I had come to call Moron, laughed in his deep gravelly voice. He wore a dark cloak, covering the whole of his body. I had never asked to see his face, I had a feeling he wouldn’t be a handsome chap.

  “It’s time.”

  Growling, I got to my feet, shaking out my limbs as I approached the glass. The figure moved to the side, letting me get on with it.

  “What now?” I asked, not bothering to look at him.

  His company, although creepy, was better than nothing. The dark chamber was only lit by the light that emanated from the glass. The first time I had landed, I had stared in wonder at the thing that would become my most hated view.

  “You signed up for this, why the attitude?” Moron stepped beside me, placing what I assumed was a hand on my arm.

  I didn’t dare look down. I wasn’t ready to see what he really was. In fact, I probably never would be.

  “Because I don’t remember signing up to do this. I hate it. My life is in 2016, not in the past. Been there, done that.”

  “You’re the king of the zodiac, you’re ruling your kingdom, that’s all.”

  “How is going back to the past ruling a kingdom? I’m sick of…” Sighing, I gave up.

  We often had the same conversation. Me whining, him talki
ng cryptically. Every time, I still had to step through the glass, back in time, to sort out my relationship issues. And, I couldn’t share it with anyone. Not one of my siblings knew that a few times a year, I would disappear into the past. The ones that had united with their flames had their own experience of going back to the past. However, they didn’t have to do it often. Not like me.

  Ignoring Moron, I took a step towards the glass. If I had to go back, I would have to get on with it. He wouldn’t let me leave until I had gone. The first few times, I had sat on the ground, refusing to do anything. It had got boring as I waited for hours. Eventually, I had given up, giving in to the Moron.

  “Leo?” he called. “Forget your present circumstances. Forget 2016. Immerse yourself in this time and you’ll get back a lot quicker.”

  “Easy for you to say.” I scoffed, waving goodbye as I walked into the glass.

  The flash of light no longer hurt my eyes. The roll of my stomach only lasted a moment before my body thumped into the ground. Getting into a crouch, I looked around.

  The amount of times I had landed in an unexpected situation made me cautious whenever I came back to a time. I already knew that it would be no later than 1530, that’s roughly where I left off when I came through the glass three months ago.

  “Thank you, Moron,” I whispered to myself.

  I was in a field. A very large field. All alone. That made things a lot easier. I would be able to get my bearings and spy on the locals to see where and when I was. My clothes always changed to suit the era. Not to help me fit in better, but because I had already lived this life. I always went back to something I had already done.

  It made it harder to grasp because people knew me. And, although my real self knew them deep down, my memory had made me forget them. Too many lifetime memories would make our brains explode. So, every time, I had to figure out who I was, where I was and what I had to do. Although I was in the past life for a few days, I always woke up in the future within a few moments of when I had gone.

  So, in a few days of this life time, once my mission was complete, I would wake up in the bathroom back in London 2016, with Aries still banging on the door.


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