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Who Wants to Be a Sex Goddess?

Page 15

by Gemma Bruce

  JoJo jabbed his finger in Demetri’s direction. “If I catch you hitting anybody, even a friendly pat on the ass, I’ll call the Tahoe PD.”

  “Yeah, right.” Demetri yanked the door open and went inside.

  “Want to tell me what happened?” asked JoJo as soon as the door closed behind Demetri.

  “I was coming across the lawn and saw Demetri throw the first punch. I just stepped in to keep Rusty from getting the shit beaten out of him.”

  “Know what started it?”

  “No. But Demetri called him a stool pigeon.”

  JoJo nodded. “Someone reported him for taking presents from his goddess.”

  “That must have been it,” said Dillon.

  “Yeah, but it was inevitable. Those two have been oil and water since the first day they got here. I won’t say I’m sorry to see the back of Demetri, but Rusty was a good worker, always polite, and the women love him.”

  “He’ll be dismissed, too? Demetri started the fight. Rusty never even got a shot off. There’re witnesses.”

  “Then he should be okay.”

  “And me? I did get a punch off.”

  “You? I just saw you trying to fend him off. I’ll have to report the incident to Ms. Dane. And like Demetri said, she has the final word. But I wouldn’t worry. Rusty was attacked, you interceded. All the fighting was on one side. And I’ll make sure Katherine knows it. Now, I’d better go see about Rusty.”

  He paused at the door. “If I were you, I’d stay away from Demetri until he’s gone.”


  Loubelle and Evelyn were sitting by themselves when Andy sat down at the dining table that night.

  “You’re looking awfully pretty tonight, Ariadne,” said Evelyn, putting down her wineglass. “Terra Bliss seems to sit well with you.”

  Andy smiled slightly. She’d left off the pale makeup and was wearing her hair in the single braid, but tonight she let more tendrils fly loose around her face. But she felt disoriented. Off balance from the lightning changes of Dillon’s mood. And she was feeling guilty for not putting all her energy into finding Mac.

  “It’s the glasses,” said Loubelle. “But, honey, can you see all right?”

  “They got broken,” said Andy. “I can see. It’s just that everything’s a little fuzzy. And I have my dark glasses if I have to read something.”

  “Well, if you need any help with anything, just ask,” said Evelyn.


  Dillon appeared at her elbow and poured her a glass of wine. He didn’t look at her and she didn’t look at him, but she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. She just hoped it wasn’t noticeable.

  The other two women lifted their glasses in a toast. “Here’s to us, and to Ariadne’s first Spa Day at Terra Bliss,” said Evelyn. They clinked glasses.

  Andy noticed that Jeannie’s glass was filled, but untouched. “Where’s Jeannie?”

  “Fussing over Demetri.” Loubelle pointed across the room.

  “Oh, my God,” said Andy. “He has a black eye.”

  “Big as you please. Jeannie’s administering TLC.”

  “And finding out every detail of how he got it, if I know our Jeannie,” added Evelyn.

  “How did he get it?”

  “Probably walked into a door.”

  “Oh, Evelyn,” Loubelle tittered. “He isn’t the brightest. But don’t tell Jeannie I said that.”

  “Ah, here she comes,” said Evelyn and took a sip of wine.

  Jeannie was coming all right, and she was in a fury. She marched up to the table, sat down, and snapped her napkin across her lap.

  “I am mad as hops, and it’s all your slave’s fault.” She took a healthy gulp of wine and scowled at Andy.


  “Yes, yours.”


  “I said so, didn’t I?”

  “He didn’t say anything about it to me.”

  “Well, he wouldn’t, would he? He attacked my poor darling. They should throw his carcass out the front gates with only the clothes on his back.”

  “They were fighting? I’m sure there must be some mistake. When did this happen?”

  “This afternoon, just a couple of hours ago.”

  “But he—” Andy couldn’t very well tell them she’d been having raunchy sex with him all afternoon. She shrugged. “I can’t believe he would do such a thing.” Though she had no doubt that he was capable of it.

  Jeannie’s head jerked toward Loubelle. “And it’s all because of your slave,” she said. “I’m so mad I could spit.”

  “What does Rusty have to do with it?” asked Loubelle. “Don’t tell me, he helped Dillon give Demetri that black eye.”

  Andy bit back a smile. It was the first time she’d seen Loubelle be anything other than sweet. There was definitely a glint of challenge in her usually mild blue eyes. “And where is Rusty? I hope he hasn’t been hurt.”

  “I’m sure he had nothing to do with it,” said Evelyn. “He probably pulled another assignment tonight.”

  “He did too have something to do with it,” snapped Jeannie. “He started the whole thing.”

  “I thought you said Dillon started it.”

  “Well. Rusty started it, but Dillon did the hitting. And now they’ll all be fired. Terra Bliss has very strict rules. Two slaves had to leave in the middle of last session just for arguing in front of the attendees.” Jeannie clamped her mouth shut as Louis came up with the salad tray.

  He leaned over Evelyn and set a plate before her, giving her a friendly smile.

  She smiled back. “And were you a part of the fight this afternoon?”

  “Not me. But I was tempted. Fortunately Dillon interceded. And it was a good thing he did. Demetri would have beaten Rusty to a pulp.”

  Loubelle gasped. “Is he hurt?”

  “Just—” He looked over their heads and said hurriedly, “I’m not supposed to talk about it.” He set down the rest of the plates and left just as JoJo reached their table.

  “Good evening, ladies. I came by to remind you that there will be a special presentation tonight after dinner. Dr. Bliss will speak on Jump-starting the New You.”

  They murmured politely and JoJo moved on to the next table.

  “Well, he nipped that quite nicely, didn’t he?” said Evelyn. “Now, what do you say to Louis’s version of the affair, Jeannie?”

  “I think it’s a conspiracy. They’re all jealous of Demetri.” Jeannie reached for the wine bottle. It was empty. “Damn.” She put the bottle down, reached into her bag, and pulled out another. She raised her hand to summon someone to open it, then pulled it back.

  “Ariadne, will you please ask your slave to open this wine?”

  “Now, Jeannie,” said Evelyn. “Don’t take it out on Ariadne. It isn’t her fault that Dillon and Demetri are on the outs.” She caught Dillon’s attention and nodded him over.

  “The outs? The outs? You should see Demetri’s face. It’s a miracle that his nose isn’t broken.”

  Dillon stepped up to the table and efficiently uncorked the bottle. He poured a half inch for Jeannie to taste.

  “Just pour,” she said through clenched teeth.

  He filled each glass and walked away, just as Demetri approached with the tray of dinner plates.

  He set the tray down on the dumbwaiter and glowered at the table. With Rusty absent, no one had thought to remove the salad plates. Dillon suddenly reappeared and quickly whisked them away. Neither man looked at the other, but the tension was almost visible between them.

  They were all uncomfortably silent as Demetri served plates of steaming medallions of beef swimming in sauce. Except for Jeannie, who fretted and fawned over him until Andy was ready to smack her. She was pretty sure that his side of the story had left out a good deal of what actually had happened.

  As soon as he left, Jeannie lapsed into brooding silence, darting evil looks at Dillon whenever she got the chance, and barely eating any of her food.
  Loubelle and Evelyn tried to take up the slack by telling Andy about the lecture Dr. Bliss would be giving that evening.

  “I heard it last year,” said Evelyn, “but she is such a forceful speaker, I think I’ll go again. The topic is so interesting. Particularly for people with very low self-esteem.” She was careful not to look directly at Andy, but Andy knew what she was thinking.

  “She’s developed a variety of techniques for breaking down old expectations and opening your life to new experiences. She combines biofeedback, meditation, prayer, hypnotism, and several therapies that I can’t remember.”


  “It’s used as an aid for breaking bad habits, like smoking and overeating, as well as psychological problems. Poor self-esteem is a bad habit.”

  “It may be,” said Loubelle, “but I don’t think hopping around like a rabbit or howling like a dog would do anything to enhance my self-esteem.”

  Evelyn smiled. “Really, Loubelle, those things only happen on television. You can’t make a person do anything under hypnotism that they wouldn’t do under ordinary circumstances, though I can’t speak from experience, never having been hypnotized myself.”

  “Well, I’m not going to try it,” said Loubelle. “I feel perfectly fine with the way I am. What about you, Ariadne?”

  Andy shook her head. “Not me.”

  “I doubt if any of us would qualify,” said Evelyn. “I believe she only recommends it to women who are blocked by their own sexuality.” She smiled at Loubelle. “And it doesn’t make them nymphomaniacs—”

  “Perish the thought,” said Loubelle, growing pink.

  It was odd listening to Evelyn and Loubelle talk about sexuality and nymphomaniacs. Jeannie was the only one of the three that seemed to want more from her slave than just friendly attention.

  “Do you mind if I ask?” said Andy. “Why do you come to Terra Bliss?”

  “Well,” said Loubelle. “The first time, I came with a friend who was too embarrassed to come by herself. I don’t really know why I keep returning, except that I enjoy the company. It’s sort of an extended girls’ night out.”

  “A time to rejuvenate,” added Evelyn. “I’m not looking to flirt my way anywhere, but I enjoy the camaraderie of other women who are attempting to expand their horizons. It’s inspirational.”

  Jeannie snorted. “Camaraderie—girls’ night out—We’re here for one reason.” She pushed her chair back and stood up. “Because we’re getting old.” Her voice caught on a sob. She grabbed her bag, squeezed past Loubelle, and was at a run by the time she reached the door.

  “Oh, dear,” said Loubelle. “Should one of us go after her?”

  Evelyn shook her head. “Just give her some space. She’s volatile, but it won’t last. She’ll come around on her own, and act like it never happened.”

  “I really can’t believe that Dillon started a fight with Demetri,” said Andy, looking around. “Maybe we should ask him.”

  “You can ask him later. I think the less said at this point, the better.”

  Andy knew Evelyn was right. She’d seen people at nearby tables sneaking peeks at Demetri and whispering.

  When Dillon returned to serve dessert, Andy said quietly, “I want to talk to you.”

  He leaned over to place a plate of shortcake and peaches before her. “I’m really busy tonight.”

  Andy felt as though she’d been slapped. Was he giving her the brush-off again? What was with him? “About the fight,” she said.

  Dillon sighed. “All right. Meet me out front after tonight’s talk.” And he was gone.

  She suddenly didn’t feel much like dessert and was relieved when after a few minutes, Loubelle and Evelyn said they were ready to leave.

  They had just walked into the hallway when Andy heard someone calling her name. Katherine Dane came down the stairway, waving her hand. She was dressed in another off-white pantsuit that complemented her slim figure and contrasted with her straight dark hair.

  “Ariadne. I’m so glad I caught you. A moment, please.”

  Loubelle and Evelyn promised to save her a seat and went into the auditorium.

  Andy waited, wondering what the business manager could possibly want with her. Unless Galena’s check had bounced or Dillon had ratted her out after all. She put a smile on her lips and waited until Ms. Dane caught up with her.

  “How are you enjoying the retreat so far?”

  “Fine,” said Andy. “Very nice.”

  “Good. I was surprised to see you in class this morning. I had no idea that you were interested in meditation.”

  “Well, sure.” She couldn’t very well tell her that it put her to sleep.

  “The reason I stopped you is that I’m beginning my special morning meditation group tomorrow. I’d like you to participate in it.”

  Andy blinked. “Thank you, Ms. Dane, but I thought it was only for a select group.”

  “Katherine, please.”

  “Katherine,” said Andy.

  “It is. We only accept six or seven people per session, but Dr. Bliss and I were discussing it yesterday, and we both agreed that you could benefit from the experience.” Katherine smiled, pleasant but not warm. “It meets at six A.M. every morning. A little early, but an exhilarating way to start the day. What do you say? Can I count you in?”

  Andy couldn’t really say no after that buildup. So much for her morning swim. And after the way Dillon had acted at dinner, it didn’t look as if she’d be sleeping late with him.

  “Well . . .”

  “You’ll be amazed at how meditation can jump-start you on your way to self-fulfillment.”

  I’d rather be jump-started by my slave, thought Andy, but she couldn’t very well turn the woman down. She seemed so eager to have her in the group. And besides, the information in Mac’s file had said that she’d also been one of the chosen few. Maybe she could learn more from participating. At least if she tried to reenact Mac’s activities, she might discover why she’d left in such a hurry.

  Come to think of it, Imogene Southwaite had also taken the class. Though during a different session. Probably a coincidence, but it was somewhere to start.

  “I’d love to.”

  “Good. Wear something comfortable. Six o’clock in the Spa. See you first thing tomorrow morning.” Katherine walked briskly down the hall, hailing one of the high priestesses who was just coming in the front entrance.


  The auditorium was packed as Andy guessed it would be. Dr. Bliss, who seemed to be the only person in Terra Bliss not called by her first name, always drew the largest crowds. Andy found Evelyn and Loubelle and sat down. There was an empty seat on the other side of Evelyn.

  “Still no Jeannie?”

  Evelyn shook her head. The lights began to dim, and there was a last minute scurry of latecomers rushing to find a seat.

  Dr. Bliss walked to the podium and enthusiastic applause broke out. As always, she was regally attired, tonight in silk hostess pants and tunic. A heavy gold necklace circled her neck. Gold bangles tinkled on her wrists as she moved to adjust the microphone.

  “Jump-starting the New You.”

  They were very into jump-starting everything, thought Ariadne as she watched the light sparkle off the doctor’s earrings. She knew she should be listening. There were some serious things that she’d been meaning to change in her life. Starting with men. But from the moment the lights dimmed and Dr. Bliss walked onto the stage, she found herself watching the doctor instead of listening to her advice. And when the house lights came back on, Andy was only vaguely aware of what Dr. Bliss had said.

  Evelyn and Loubelle decided to go look for Jeannie and left Andy to go in search of Dillon.

  He was sitting on the steps outside the Pantheon and looking grim. Andy hoped she wasn’t the cause.

  He stood up, and they walked in silence until they came to a bench and Dillon gestured for her to sit down. He sat down beside her. Andy tried not to thin
k about how close he was and what it was doing to her—that little tingle that started low and began to build just from being near him. She scooted away so that she could see his face.

  “Did you instigate a fight with Demetri?”

  “What do you think?”

  “No. Anyone caught fighting is dismissed. The girls told me. I can’t see you losing your temper and jeopardizing every-one’s job.”

  “I didn’t lose my temper.”

  “So . . .”

  “You’re beautiful in the moonlight,” he said and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

  A tingle of desire rushed through her; she tried to ignore it. “What happened?”

  “There’s really not much to tell. After I left you this afternoon . . .” He ran his finger over the curve of her cheek. “I came across Rusty and Demetri having an argument outside the dorm. Demetri sucker punched him and was about to beat him senseless, so I intervened.” His finger left her cheek, traced her lips, her chin.

  He was going to drive her nuts. “So you did give him that black eye?”

  Dillon shifted closer to her. “I didn’t hit him. He lunged at me and I reacted. He ran straight into my arm. Forget Demetri.” He slipped an arm around her, lifted her onto his lap.

  “You blocked his attack, then back fisted him.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “That’s what I said.” Nibbled her earlobe. He pulled back to look at her. “Is this going in your exposé?”

  Andy was confused for a moment; then she remembered. Right, she was a reporter. “It might. But I won’t use anyone’s real name.”

  “I guess I’m grateful for that.”

  “So what was the fight about?”

  “It seems someone snitched on Demetri for taking gifts from his goddess. Demetri accused Rusty. And, as they say, the rest is history.”

  “Is Rusty okay?”

  “They took him to the infirmary. His face is messed up, but he’ll do. JoJo gave him the night off.”

  “Are you all going to be fired?”

  “I don’t think so. There were plenty of witnesses. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “I’d hate it if you had to leave.”

  He smiled at her. A brief flash of white in the darkness. “Not nearly as much fun investigating without the perks of a slave, huh?”


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