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Woman of the House Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle)

Page 7

by Anya Merchant

  “Uh, yeah, of course mom,” he said. “What’s up?”

  Behind Helen on the screen of John’s computer was an older naked woman, slowly performing a strip tease for him. He prayed to god that she wouldn’t turn around before the clip finished playing and returned to the default image.

  “I just wanted to tell you the good news,” she said. “I ended up following through with it! I auditioned!”

  Helen dropped her hand down on her son’s thigh in what was meant to be a tender gesture. In reality, it just made John’s dick throb and ache for attention, and he felt a small bead of pre cum beginning to smear into the top of the thin sheet covering his crotch.

  “That’s great mom,” he said, blankly. “Wait…what play did you audition for?”

  “The one that you mentioned the other day,” she said. “Young Life, New Experience. The director wants me to play the part of the female lead!”

  John could only stare at her for a second.

  “Could you…could you say that again?”

  “I’m the female lead!” said his mom. “What, I thought that you would be happy for me…”

  Inside, John’s emotions were threatening to tear him apart. He wanted to do this play, and his mom being the lead character’s love interest seemed to wreck everything. Strangely, his cock seemed to throb at the idea, and he silently admonished himself in shame.

  “Mom…” he said. “I also auditioned for that play. The director cast me in it as Maurice.”

  Helen blinked several times at her son, as though her mind couldn’t quite process what he was saying.

  “What…but, that would mean…” Her voice suddenly became very tiny and small. “I’m playing the role of Rose.”

  “Yeah,” said John. “…I guess we’ll have to talk to the director. I’ve read the script, there’s no way that we can act some of this stuff out.”

  Helen began to shake her head back and forth.

  “No!” she cried. “John, this role….I know what it means to you!” Helen flicked her hair back, and for a moment John could smell her perfume on the air. “And you know what it means to me,” she said. “We’ll both just have to stick with it, and just be actors while we’re on stage.”

  “But mom, how is that going to work?” asked John. “Some of the scenes in this play-“

  Instead of answering him with words, Helen leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, flicking her tongue into his mouth in a manner totally inappropriate for a mother to do with her son. Her hand ran up his thigh and came to a rest on his hard cock, timidly rubbing the head of it as though she was trying to desensitize herself to what was to come.

  “We’ll find a way to manage,” said Helen. “I know it will work out in the end, honey.”

  There was an intense, almost palpable tension on the air. John felt a strange desire coming over him, and he had to work to keep it out of the forefront of his mind. His mom was so hot, he realized, and his cock seemed to pulse at the possibility of having her as his costar.

  “Okay mom,” he said. “Let’s give it a try.”

  Helen nodded, and then gave her son a hug. She stood up and walked out of his room, leaving John alone and confused. Tomorrow was the first day of rehearsal, and he couldn’t help but wonder just what it would hold.


  John drove his own car to the community theater instead of catching a ride in the minivan with Helen. It was important for the two of them to keep up the pretense of not knowing each other, and of being random strangers. The situation was already weird enough without the director and everyone else in the production knowing about the relation between them.

  He parked near the entrance and headed inside. A couple of the cast members were already gathered in front of the stage, including his mother. As they saw him walk over, they greeted him warmly.

  “Maurice!” called one of them. “The prodigal son has returned.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” said John. “I’m excited, today is the first day.”

  They hung out in the auditorium seats for a little bit. John found it incredibly awkward to have to pretend that he didn’t know Helen. He did his best, and knew that any momentarily lapse in the ruse could cost one or both of them their roles.

  “Alright everybody!” The director was the last to arrive, and he called out to them in a booming voice as he made his way down the aisle. “It’s time to get started!”

  The first scene was mainly just backstory for John’s character, Maurice. He spent a lot of time working with the director on the delivery of a monologue, and the basic blocking of the act. It led right into the second scene, in which his character met Rose, his mom’s character, for the first time.

  “My son should be home any minute,” said his mom, in character. “You can come in and wait, if you’d like.”

  John was surprised by her acting ability, and found himself really believing that she could play Rose.

  “Uh, I would like that,” he said, fighting his embarrassment as he found himself slightly flubbing the line.

  He walked over towards his mom, into the area of the set that the director had blocked out. The props weren’t set up yet, but in the scene, he was supposed to slide in close next to her as he stepped through the door. John did the best he could to make it fit what it seemed like the director expected.

  “Cut!” yelled the director. “That was garbage! Where is the tension? Where is the lust? These two characters are star crossed lovers, I want to see the two of you eying each other as though you want it now!”

  John walked back into his spot, and began to run through the scene again. This time, he could tell that his mom had taken the director’s advice to heart. She had a look in her eyes when she spoke her lines that made his cock tingle with desire.

  As he moved to head into the imaginary house, this time Helen stood so that there was no way that he could get by her without brushing up on her body slightly. His crotch made contact with the side of his mom’s hip, and he felt a wave of hot, pleasurable fire shoot through his body. Their eyes met, and he could see his mom blush a little, though it was hard for him to tell if it was from embarrassment or arousal.

  “Alright, that was a little better!” called the director. “Let’s get the slum town kids out on stage.”

  John and his mom walked back into the staging area behind the curtain. He felt incredibly confused by what was happening, but Helen seemed to be handling it much better than he was. She smiled at him, and rubbed his shoulder.

  “Don’t take it too seriously, sweetie,” she whispered. “It’s all just pretend.”

  John nodded, and did his best to take her advice to heart. It didn’t feel like pretend, not to his mind and not to his hormones. He began to worry that the situation might get out of hand in all the wrong ways.

  “Maurice and Rose!” yelled the director. “We need you back on stage, pronto.”

  The director had jumped around in the script to account for cast absences, and the one he had chosen for them to rehearse was midway through the play, a sex scene starring Maurice and Rose. John began to blush intensely when he realized what they were going to have to do, and wondered if it was too late to come up with an exit strategy.

  “Alright, we’re running the scene where Maurice and Rose watch a movie on the couch for the first time,” said the director. “Helen, I really want you to tease him under the blanket as much as you can. He’s a strapping young lad, he can take it.”

  John’s mom blushed a little, but nodded dutifully. He walked over to the couch that the director had set up and lied down on in lengthwise. His mother climbed on in front of him, and then pulled the blanket over both of them.

  “Alright action!” cried the director.

  “Rose, I really should be getting home,” said John, feeling more confident in his lines. “I can stop by and see Tim another time.”

  “Oh, please, Maurice,” whispered his mom.

  “Louder!” called the director.

  “Oh, please, Maurice,” said his mom. “You know that you didn’t come here to see my son, did you?”

  John felt his mom’s hand begin to massage his crotch, and almost forgot his next line.

  “Uh, Rose, don’t say things like that,” he said. “I’m your son’s friend, and I came here with pure intentions.”

  “Oh, is that really true?” asked his mom. “Your fellow down below seems to tell a different tale.

  It was true, and not just in the scheme of the play. John had a full blown erection, and was mortified by the way his mom was rubbing it up and down. It felt incredible, but the guilt and shame he was experiencing made it hard to focus on acting.

  “Oh god, Rose,” moaned John. “This isn’t why I’m here. The orphanage needs volunteers, we need to get the kids back on track.”

  “You’re one of those kids, Maurice,” said Rose. “How about I get you back on track?”

  His mom began to pump faster beneath the blanket, her hand closing around his cock through his pants. John began to grab at her breasts and rub against her, under the guise of the scene. It felt so amazing, and he felt himself getting closer and closer to…

  “Cut!” cried the director. “Maurice, that’s your line!”

  John didn’t hear him. He kept thrusting into his mom hand, faster and faster, until finally he couldn’t hold out any more, and began to spill out his sticky wet cum into his pants. It began to soak through almost immediately, and he felt his mom recoil her hand in horror.

  “John!” she whispered.

  “Sorry,” he said, feeling himself overwhelmed with disgusting feelings. “I got a little carried away.”

  He saw her face, and it was flushed redder than John had ever seen before. It only made him feel worse, and he found himself wondering just how he could have done something so sick and perverted.

  “We’re going to break for today, I have to pick up my mother from the airport,” called the director. “Great work everyone.”

  Helen immediately began heading towards the seats and towards the other cast members, not even giving John so much as a fleeting glance. He was grateful for it, however, as it meant that he could sneak out through backstage without anyone seeing the mess on his crotch. John had never been so embarrassed in his life, and had a confusing, silent drive back home.


  John was nervous and a little shaky when he got home. The walk inside and up to his room was silent, and it felt as though the house himself was judging him for what he’d done.

  “It wasn’t my fault,” he mumbled to himself. “Mom…she did it to me.”

  That was the one fact about what had happened that was surprisingly hard for him to face. His mom had jerked him off, and sure, it had been through his clothes, but to completion none the less. And the way she had been acting in the role of Rose, it had pushed all of his buttons in sickening, perverse ways.

  John changed into a different pair of underwear and pants, and then sat down on his bed. He just wanted to forget, to put the experience out of his mind, and if he could find a way to, move on.

  But it was hard for him to even imagine that he’d be able to. He’d read through the script, and he knew what it entailed. He and his mom would be getting very close throughout the production, and as much as he squirmed at the thought, it also made his cock strangely excited.

  “Damn it,” he said. “This was a bad idea.”

  He opened up his laptop and put on a movie, a romantic comedy about a racist blind woman who accidentally falls in love with a Chinese man. He lied down in bed, and willed himself to take a nap, hoping that it would help him look at the situation a little differently.

  “Honey, are you home?” John awoke to the sight of his mom standing in his doorway. She had a tender, understanding look on her face, and it took his mind a moment to catch back up to what had happened.

  “Oh…hey mom,” he said. The guilt in his voice was clear. He felt like a dog that had been caught peeing on the carpet, almost desperate to be forgiven.

  “I just wanted to talk to you a little about what happened before,” said Helen. She walked over and sat down next to John on the bed.

  “Mom, I am so sorry!” he said. “I never thought that things would end up like that.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” she said. “It was just something that…happened. We’re both actors, and we’re both mature adults. We’ll just have to be more careful in the future.”

  John nodded, and his mom placed a soft kiss on his forehead. He was relieved, and found himself incredibly grateful that she was being so understanding.

  “The director called me when I was on the way back,” she said. “He seemed to like our performance, at the least. But…he also told me something else.”

  John was silent, and waited for her to continue.

  “There are a couple of scenes that are, well…” His mom trailed off, and then let out a nervous cough. “There are some love making scenes in the play, John.”

  “Mom, it’s not too late for us to come clean,” he said. “One of us could step down, and we could put this behind us.”

  “No, I don’t think that’s necessary,” she said gently. “The director told me he wants the scenes to look as realistic and passionate as possible. If you don’t mind, would you be willing to do a private rehearsal with me? Just so we could work the kinks out?”

  His mom’s suggestion made him feel weirdly excited. John tried to push the strange feeling of anticipation he had out of his head, and nodded at her.

  “I don’t mind at all, mom,” he said. “We can do it right now.”

  “Okay, perfect,” said Helen. “Thank you so much, honey.”

  They grabbed their scripts, and headed down to the living room. The scene that Helen picked for them to rehearse was in the second act of the play. Rose gives Maurice a ride home in the dark of night, and right before she drops him off, she decides to take things further.

  “Rose, you can’t,” said John. “Your son and I work side by side in the orphanage now. How will I be able to look him in the eye if we do this?”

  “Are you really worried about that, Maurice?” asked his mom. “I’ll do anything for you. You can do anything to me…”

  His mom was sitting next to him on the couch. In the actual play, they would have a prop set for the car that would hide their lower halves.

  “Why must you torment me so?” he cried. “You know I want you, but there is just no way.”

  “We are adults, Maurice,” whispered his mom. “What’s the big deal?”

  Helen had begun massaging her son’s crotch, just as the script called for. John felt his dick quickly growing into a full blown erection, and he flashed his mom a look of warning. She smiled at him, and then broke character for a second.

  “It’s okay honey,” she said. “Remember, we’re just pretending. Let’s just figure out how we can make this work? You know, without having another accident.”

  She surprised him by unzipping his fly and letting his cock pop up out of the hole of his boxers.

  “Mom!” he said, feeling his cheeks heat up. “This doesn’t seem like a good idea…”

  “I know, honey, but…this is what the director wants.” She seemed almost intimidated by her son’s cock, as though it was a weapon that could go off at any moment. “I’m just going to go through the motions of what the script calls for. If I’m really careful, I can move my mouth over it without making any contact.”

  “Mom, this seems like a bad idea,” he whispered. In reality, a voice screaming out in the back of John’s head seemed to think that it was a really good idea. He struggled with the conflict internally.

  “I’m going to take it slow, honey,” she said. “It’s all just acting, and as long as you don’t move I can make it look realistic without…without actually sucking.”

  John’s mom was blushing, and moved with a meek and shy air about her. She slowly brought her face down right in front of his cock, and
then looked him right in the eyes.

  “Keep reading your lines, honey,” she said.

  John nodded.

  “Rose, oh god, Rose.” His mom opened her mouth up as wide as it would go, and slowly began to lower it over his cock, straining to keep his member from touching her lips and tongue. It was incredibly erotic and incredibly confusing for John, and he almost felt like he wanted to look away.

  Helen brought her head up and down over John’s cock a couple of times, moving slowly and deliberately as to not accidently trigger her son. Her breath still felt incredibly warm on his cock, and he had to focus on his breathing to stay calm. After a moment, she brought her head back up and looked at him.

  “Is this too much for you, Maurice,” whispered his mom. “Do you want me to stop, or keep going?”

  John paused for a moment, finding himself relating perfectly to his character in that moment.

  “Keep going,” he said.

  This time, Helen moved faster as she brought her mouth back down, a little too fast. The head of John’s cock slapped across one of her lips, and she reacted by accidentally pulling them closed on it, caressing his rod with wet, soft, warmth.

  “Oops,” she whispered. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay mom,” he said. “You should keep going.”

  Helen continued to give him a fake blowjob, but John could tell that her neck was getting tired. His cock brushed against her tongue, and then her inner cheek, and he felt the pleasure race through his body, almost overwhelming him.

  The accidents also made it hard for him to sit still, and soon enough he was shifting on the couch, and twitching his cock, coming more into contact with his mom’s hot mouth each time he did. It felt amazing, and so wrong, and soon enough John found that his hips where pushing up in a way to make it happen intentionally.

  One thing led to another, and his hand came to rest on the back of his mom’s head. He pushed her down, far enough that her lips were almost up to the base of his tool, and his mom’s mouth automatically closed around it. She tried to pull back, bringing her lips and tongue up his full length, but John found that his hand instinctively pushed her back down.


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