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Page 19

by Shannon Simmons

  “Stop using my mother to orchestrate my moves, Murphy,” I growled. His eyes stayed on mine and he reached out slowly to lower my gun and take my hand. I knew that from here he could snap my neck and take Hines too but my gut told me I would be okay.

  “I told you, I do what I must to get the job done,” he replied and gently tugged me into the hall. I pulled the door closed behind me; keeping Hines safe in the room to my back. Murphy turned to face me and with animal speed had me pressed to the door by my neck with my feet barely touching the floor. “This is your only warning. Never fuck with my work again. Do you fucking hear me,” he asked through clinched teeth. I shoved the barrel of my gun into his ribs and he slowly released his grip on me.

  Before I could speak his mouth was hungrily on mine and claws bit into the flesh at the backside of my hips. Our static was ablaze and my gun hit the floor. My legs wrapped around him as he pulled me up and kissed me harder. Rolling against him as he pulled my hair back and bit my neck, chills rippled over my flesh. I wrapped one arm around his neck and the other around his side, digging my nails deep into the flesh beneath his gray shirt. Growling against my throat, he shoved me hard against the wall and pressed hard against me. His excitement was obvious. As his hands moved to pull open my shirt and unbutton my jeans, he suddenly froze.

  With his own blade to his throat he gulped hard and focused his eyes on mine. I had unsheathed his large knife and pressed its tip beneath his chin.

  “Do we have a deal,” I growled softly. I wasn’t going to let him distract me completely.

  “If we didn’t Hines would already be dead,” he confirmed and quickly spun me to the opposing wall, slamming my back hard against it with him still between my legs. The blade bit into his chin and I dropped it. The tiny cut dotted with crimson beads and he wiped them away with the back of his hand. With a beastly smirk, he returned to devouring me. My jeans were pulled down and my panties torn as he spun me around with my face to the wall and slid his fingers between my thighs. My need for him was hardly bearable. Arching my back I rocked my hips against his intrusive fingers.

  When his ache was too much, he was inside of me. With one hand in my hair and the other at my hip, he pulled me back against him as he buried himself deeper and deeper inside of me. My sex tightened around him as I came. With my hands on the wall, I turned my cheek and bit into my arm to keep from screaming out in ecstasy. A deep growl vibrated at my back as he sunk deep inside of me and pulled me against him. His teeth sunk into my shoulder as he went over the edge and rapture nearly suffocated us.

  Both weak in the knees, we collected ourselves and redressed. The air was thick with our passion and we were sure Hines had enjoyed listening to the show. Once I had smoothed myself over I opened the bedroom door to find Hines fast asleep. After closing and locking his window, I left him to rest and joined Murphy downstairs in the kitchen.

  “How do you suggest we get Darius,” Murphy asked still seeming a bit dazed. I slid into a chair next to him and slid my legs across his lap.

  “I’ll go to Reno,” I replied without hesitation. “If I try to surrender to him he will be suspicious. If I show up trying to free my mother then I can distract him.”

  “Bring her here. He will come to collect her. It shouldn’t be hard for you to lure her here,” Murphy suggested. “Don’t play her too easy though. She will know if you are lying. Just telling her you are willing to hear her out will be enough. Don’t forget, she is Bound. She will want to protect him too. It’s just the nature of it, D.”

  I nodded and grabbed my phone off the table. “Come home with me,” I ordered more than asked. He nodded and I lowered my legs from his lap. We checked on Hines one last time and locked the house up behind us. He had arrived on foot so I let him drive my bike. Holding onto him for the ride home felt good. I found myself wishing this were an everyday thing. Sadly, I had to remind myself that he and I would never have an “everyday” kind of lifestyle together. I’d have to hold onto feelings like these because they would be few and far between.

  Chapter 22

  My palm was clammy as I flipped the phone over and looked at the glowing dial pad. I sucked in a deep breath and hit the call back key. The last number that called appeared on my screen and it rang once before I heard her charming voice.

  “Hello,” she answered in a hushed tone.

  “Viv, it’s Dakota,” I replied. The line was quiet for a moment and then it was almost as if I heard her smile.

  “Oh, Dakota, thank you for calling me back. I was worried. Sorry, if I had called at a bad time. Murphy contacted me and let me know you wished to speak with me,” she spilled. Standing in my shop, I turned on heel to face Murphy who was digging through a parts cabinet and threw the closest thing I could get my hand on at him. His hands went up when a small wrench slammed into the cabinet door next to his head. He smirked and went back to searching.

  “Yes, I don’t feel like I gave you a fair chance to speak in the diner. Would you be willing to meet me here at my shop?”

  “Your father’s shop,” she asked sadly.

  “Yes, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine. I will come in two days. I need to tie up some loose ends here so Darius isn’t suspicious. I know most of his crew is dead now. He has been trying to get new recruits but its not going over too well. He also told me more about Murphy…baby girl, be careful. I know you love him but it may be best for you to stay away from him,” she warned me. I felt my gut churn…love him? My eyes moved across the room to him and then to the open doors of the shop. I clinched my jaw tight and tried to focus on the anger over a woman I hardly knew trying to give me life advice.

  “See you then,” I whispered and hung up.

  I crossed the shop and walked out into the wide open driveway. My eyes lifted to the departing sun over the red rocks in the distance. Sighing into the cool air I asked myself how I truly felt about Murphy. Did I love him? No. I didn’t think so. I wasn’t sure. Until now I had just figured any desire or pull I had for him was the Binding. Maybe it was. My body needed him like a drug but my heart could do without him. Right? I wondered if this was how my mother had felt. Had she loved my father but needed Darius? Would I love Greyden but need Murphy? I squashed that thought. I would not pull Greyden further into this equation. I would have to keep my distance for his safety. I could do it. Right? How would I feel if Murphy loved another woman but needed me? Panic tightened my stomach. I laughed like a crazy woman into the evening sky and covered my face with my hands. I was going to go mad. I was certain of that!

  “D, you alright,” Murphy asked, leaning against one of the stall doorways. “Want to go get a drink?”

  “Yes, please…many,” I replied. We closed up the shop and headed for the house to clean up and make a trip to the Watering Hole.

  * * * * *

  We arrived in my truck. I had no idea where Murphy’s car was but I didn’t bother asking. He told me to stay put and came around to open my door for me. I arched a brow at him as he took my hand and helped me out of the cab. Keeping my lips sealed, I let him put on his Mr. Charming act and played along. It was a nice change of pace.

  The bar door swung shut behind us and the loud chatter carried on. I was relieved we went unnoticed for the most part. Laney followed us to a table near the back and dropped off two beers without a word. I found Greyden behind the bar trying not to stare. Laney patted his arm as she passed him and tried to distract him. I felt guilty for a moment until I pictured the two of them going at it behind the bar. Rolling my eyes, I turned to Murphy who just smirked and laughed. My thoughts were playing across my face.

  “What will it take to get you to relax, D,” he chuckled. I took a long drink of my beer and pressed the cool bottle to my temple. “We have two days before we need to stress out again.”

  “Lets not talk about any of that, tonight,” I suggested. I would be open for hammering out details tomorrow, but not tonight. I needed a mental break from it all. I spied
Greyden watching Murphy again and wondered if I would get a break here or not. “Can we have one more and then get out of here,” I asked. He nodded and took another sip of his beer.

  “Where we going,” he questioned me and leaned back in his chair.

  “I just want to…run,” I admitted. I did. I wanted to close my eyes and run like I did the night of my awakening in the dessert. I desired to let loose and let my animal just run.

  “That’s natural, love. We will run,” he added. I swallowed hard. Love? There was that word again. Just an endearing name, I convinced myself. I didn’t want to face that word with any other meaning tonight. I finished my beer and slid the bottle away from me. After a few moments of people watching, I felt his heat on me and met his gaze. There was no one else in the room in his world. His eyes hadn’t left me since we walked in. I felt my shoulders relax a bit and offered a half smile. At first I wanted to fight his affections. It would be sad for me to fall for something that would be taken away from me again and again. Then I thought I might as well take all I could get because I’d never know when it would be my last chance.

  “Another,” offered Greyden, interrupting my train of thought. He had walked up while I was lost in thought. He handed me a beer and placed a second on the table for Murphy. “Thought you had left, man,” he nearly sneered at Murphy.

  “Wishful thinking,” he asked Greyden with an arched brow and a raised bottle. He took a sip and tilted his head to look up at Greyden.

  “My wishes would make your departure a little more…indefinite,” he admitted. Murphy’s gravelly chuckle spilled and Greyden shot him a look that could kill. “Glad you find me amusing.”

  “That’s enough, boys,” I chimed in. “Greyden, we will leave. I didn’t have any intentions of starting a fight tonight.”

  “You don’t have to leave. Just him,” he spat as he knocked Murphy’s shoulder. Murphy’s laughter stopped but his smirk remained. Raising a big hand to scratch his chin, he shook his head a little and slid his chair back.

  “You see, kid. You will have to learn that…she comes with me. I come with her,” Murphy said as he stood to face Greyden. The chatter in the bar had calmed down and people were starting to watch.

  “Only when you see fit! That will never be her decision to make now, will it,” Greyden defended me taking a step in Murphy’s direction.

  “I didn’t make the rules, boy.”

  “And you will have no control over those rules when she is here loving me while you go play sheriff with the dogs,” Greyden replied quietly through grinding teeth.

  A left hook sent Greyden sailing across the table behind him. Several men jumped up to lift Greyden to his feet and stood in his defense. I quickly jumped out of my seat and stood between them and Murphy.

  “No! We are leaving. Greyden…Laney, I’m sorry,” I shouted as I grabbed Murphy by the arm and drug him towards the doors. “What the fuck, Murphy?”

  We spilled onto the porch outside and I shoved Murphy. My heart began to pound along with my furry. “You can’t act like this. Both of you must behave. I don’t need this shit right now and you know that more than anyone. Please, collect yourself,” I demanded as I watched his eyes blaze silver. He glanced back at the doors and then to me.

  “You love him,” he asked and snorted. My mouth fell open to reply but no words came out. I didn’t know how to reply at that moment. I knew I wasn’t in love with Greyden now but I did care deeply for him and up until this point he was the only man I had ever been in love with. “And me,” he asked almost desperately which caught me completely off guard.

  “Yes,” I whispered without realizing I was saying it. His shoulders relaxed and his eyes returned to grey. He reached out for my hand but our attention was jerked up by Greyden slamming though the door. He grabbed me aggressively by the arm and jerked me off the porch toward his truck. Stunned for a moment; Murphy watched as I clawed at Greyden and demanded that he let me go. Panic and anger flooded my veins.

  In the blink of an eye, we were both flattened by a huge mass knocking us off our feet. I hit the gravel and quickly rolled to my knees. My vision began to blur and shift as I heard growling and punches being thrown.

  “Murphy, NO!” I screamed and scattered over the rocks towards them. Life or death, I was going to get between them and make it stop. My vision was still askew. I managed my way to the tangle of men only to be knocked back on my ass. A growl ignited in my chest and my back arched as I grew angry. Someone suddenly grabbed me up from behind with their arm around my neck and the beast in me lashed out and bit down. A loud scream unlocked my jaw and I spit the person out. The scream was silenced and I was dropped back onto the gravel lot. Through my altered vision, I could see Murphy standing in front of me wide eyed. My eyes searched his arms; no blood. I froze as I looked for Greyden and then closed my eyes as I turned to look over my shoulder.

  Greyden sat with his back against his truck tire. His eyes, filled with tears of panic, examined his arm. My hand covered my mouth and then I was suddenly aware of the taste. Blood. Fear. Anger. It was so intoxicating. I tore my eyes from Greyden and dug my hands into the rocks beneath me. My back arched and I felt strong arms imprison me and pull me from the ground. I growled and barked as I was shoved into the cab of my truck. Murphy climbed across me and fired up the truck. We peeled out of the lot and headed into the desert.

  “Go back!” My demand was ignored. Murphy sped past the last of the buildings on this side of town, off the main road and into the desert. “He’ll never forgive me,” I sobbed as I covered my face with my clawed hands.

  “You need to run. You will have a lot to deal with when you get home,” he informed me. I uncovered my face and glared at him. “You bit him, D. He has the gene.”

  “I…,” I choked. My heart stopped and then jumped into my throat. “Will he,” I asked. Murphy nodded.

  “More than likely.” Murphy stopped the truck in the middle of no where and pulled the keys. Leaning across me, he opened my door and motioned for me to get out.

  “He will NEVER forgive me,” I whispered as I slowly slid from the cab. Poor, Greyden. I wanted to turn and run back so I could be with him for the hell he was about to experience. “Is this what you did after you changed me? Ran and soothed your own feelings while I was left to rot? I still fucking hate you for that.”

  “You were about to frenzy. You would have eaten him alive. It could have been so much worse. I went too far with you. It was the Binding. It was so hard to stop. So hard,” he said as he joined me.

  “What will happen now,” I asked as I looked in the direction of the town.

  “He will shift. Not as quickly as you did. Fever will set in and in two to three days he will be fully changed. Its painful. You wont be bound to him but just the knowledge of you being the one to activate his change will stick with him. He will either forever be faithful to you or hate you until your dying day.” None of that comforted me.

  “What have I done,” I howled out into the night air. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Without any further hesitation, I stripped myself of my boots, jeans and shirt and felt my body shift. Before another moment was wasted in grief, I was running into the desert night trying my best to leave Silverbow behind me. Blinded by burning tears, I closed my eyes and let my second sight take me away.


  I woke the next morning in the bed of my truck. My clothes were back on and my eyes felt swollen. All the crying left me feeling like I had been in a boxing match. I slowly sat up and looked around. Murphy was gone. I exhaled and growled wondering if this was how it would always be. He could at least warn me before his disappearing acts. The truck was unlocked; I climbed in and found the keys in the blindfold. I cranked her up and pressed my forehead to the steering wheel as my brain began to unwind and I thought of Greyden.

  Before I knew it I was speeding back to Silverbow. I felt like a total coward for leaving him. Even though Murphy swore it had been for his safety; I s
till felt like a coward. If I were Greyden I would never forgive me. I needed to face the music and be prepared for that.

  The Watering Hole was empty. I didn’t find his truck at his trailer or at Laney’s house. The strip was nearly vacant as well. My gut tightened as I pulled up to my house and found his red truck under my car port. Cutting the engine, I ungracefully jumped from the cab and ran to the front door.

  “Greyden,” I called out as I entered the house and closed the door behind me. Just as my boots hit the stairs I heard him clear his throat from the living room. Turning on heel, I slipped into the small room where he lay on the ugly couch; our ugly couch. Tears threatened my eyes. “Greyden, I’m so sorry,” I sobbed as I caught sight of him. His body was trembling as the fever shook him. Covered in at least three blankets and looking as though he had the plague. There were dark purple circles under his eyes that he could hardly open. I circled the couch and went to my knees on the floor at his side. He jerked away from me and then cried out from the pain of moving.


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