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Page 5

by JR Handley

  When one of the bolder Marines in the supply department insisted that he help inspect the equipment that would drop with the assault force, Kaden grabbed the weapon strapped to his lower back. Sitting parallel to the ground, he snatched up the small, black-bladed combat axe with a spike on the other end for breaching enemy armor. He slammed the spike into the counter where the supply staff kept their Aimees. Such a maneuver was usually delivered to the chest and was called the “devil’s mark” when it happened in the void. Soldiers who received this blow were surely dead, breathing only until the seals on their armor slowly cracked and exposed them to the void. This time it was meant merely to intimidate, and by the petrified look on the soldier’s face, Kaden knew he’d been successful.

  The combat axe wasn’t the only unconventional weapon Kaden carried. He had a curved, black dagger strapped down, perfect for those moments when stealth trumped brawn. His stoic demeanor and many weapons made him one of the most feared warriors in Akoni City. Knowing this, Kaden harnessed it to accomplish the logistical requirements quicker than his commander expected.

  With the individual soldier’s kit accounted for, Kaden happily retrieved his axe, left the supply area, and went on to the next task. He was left to puzzle over the complexities of moving heavy weapons and armored gravtanks across the Tranquility oceans. Searching the records in all the databases that his promotion granted him, he still couldn’t find a solution. He was just about to admit defeat and report in to Colonel Scipio when his AI pinged him on his helmet interface.

  Sorry I didn’t contact you sooner. The interfaces with your suit are sub-optimal for total AI integration. There is a port with the prerequisite vessels connected to Outpost Sierra 1. The sub-surface vessels can beach themselves to unload cargo. Transfer your armor there. It’ll be enough for Vengeance and Retribution landing zones. If you permit, I’ll handle the logistics. I can handle all of the logistics if you ask and authorize my activities.

  Seeing a solution to his headache, Kaden authorized the activity and wished he’d had this wondrous AI technical capability back home on Beatro. He’d finally be free of the tasks beneath a warrior such as he, and able to spend more time training. Once all the munitions and equipment were ready, Kaden turned the operation over to the supply staff and reported back to his new commander, Colonel Scipio. He is an odd one, thought Kaden, but at least he is a true warrior. He led from the front and washed away his sins in the blood of his foe. With his work done, Kaden headed out to where the Sangurian warriors had set up, and observed that they’d turned the once orderly gravtank staging area into some sort of nature preserve. When he got close enough to their guards, he let his AI translate for him and demanded to meet with Colonel Petra.

  While he waited, Kaden had his helmet faceplate darkly project the image of whomever he was looking at. His AI translated the image and projected a scene where the creature was killed by Kaden in a grisly fashion. Normally this had the effect of intimidating whomever looked at him, but the Sangurians took it as a challenge. He had to dodge the occasional swipes from the furry warriors until one of them managed to cuff his head and knock him to the ground.

  Years of training and his naturally quick reflexes allowed him to roll with the blow and regain his footing. In the same motion, he pulled his axe from behind him and took up a battle stance. Assessing the situation, he was fed a constant stream of information by his AI.

  All indications suggest this is a very young male warrior. Body language, the lack of scars, and the shine to his blade indicate this might be one of his first solo battles. The data indicates that their juveniles are rash. Use that to your advantage.

  Not bothering to respond, Kaden used his free hand to motion to the Sangurian. It seemed that the “come hither” gesture could be universally understood. The surrounding Sangurians responded with a howl, and the offending warrior pulled his own blade from his hip. Not one to waste energy with meaningless gestures, Kaden merely waited. Impatient, the Sangurian howled his battle lust and charged.

  Rotating in a full circle, Kaden was soon behind the charging warrior. Not wanting to kill him, he merely kicked the warrior’s butt and waited. The gathered Sangurian forces howled, though he didn’t bother attempting to translate it. The young warrior promptly pivoted and turned to face him. Enraged, he charged Kaden again. This time he was ready for Kaden’s tactical ploy, and at the last moment, dropped to the ground in a sliding maneuver.

  Both warriors tumbled to the ground, slamming their heads on the unforgiving floor. Protected by his armor, Kaden recovered first and shoved the Sangurian warrior to the side. As he regained his footing, he attempted to dart away. The youngling wasn’t out of the fight, however, and grabbed his ankle. Kaden felt a pop, and a white light of pain flooded his vision as the Sangurian crushed his ankle. He knew he couldn’t let this draw out, and angled his fall so he landed with his elbow on the Sangurian’s throat.

  Once he made the connection with the enemy’s throat, Kaden regained his footing. He favored his good leg and expected more to challenge him. As he stood, he had his AI swap the image. He wanted to show his respect to the young warrior, and offered them a view of his face. It seemed to work. An older member of the Horde approached him and bowed.

  “Well met, human warrior. Let me escort you to our commander. She is expecting you.”

  When Kaden got to where Colonel Petra waited for him, he reported in. He updated her with the information she would need as a task force commander, while his combat armor gave him some pharmaceutical relief from his pain. He told her the Sangurians would soon be given the opportunity to spill blood for their pantheon of gods and goddesses. The setting on his helmet’s external speakers were louder than he intended, and his final comment to Colonel Petra was overheard by the Sangurian troops. The reply was an ear-splitting howl, one that sent a chill down his back.

  — Chapter 11 —

  Midmorning, Post-Revival Day 210

  LZ Vengeance, Cardamine Island

  Commander, 6907th TAC RGT, TF Vengeance, Human Legion

  The ride across Tranquility’s ocean in the submersible vessels was long and uncomfortable. The task force crammed themselves into a Stork shuttle in a combat configuration, with functionality trumping comfort. The ride took several hours from their departure point at Akoni City, and Colonel Lance Scipio felt every second. It did give him time to question every tactical decision and recommendation he’d made in the lead-up to the pending invasion of the island. Field Marshals Nhlappo and Marchewka had much invested in the capture of Cardamine Island and the conclusion of the conflict, so the decision was made for both to go. He didn’t like having the two surviving senior commanders on one mission, but Lance was overruled.

  Once the decision was made, Lance incorporated his commanders into his tactical planning. Each would lead a task force, with the third task force being led by the Sangurian colonel. Field Marshal Grigonna’s spot was being filled by the breveted Field Marshal Gashi Gaarjar. She was left in charge of the forces remaining on Serendine, to supervise the factories that were still cranking out supplies. With those command decisions made above his positional authority, Lance was left to plan for the final conquest of his childhood home.

  Knowing he wouldn’t have time to overthink things once they landed, he reviewed the plans for the assault. Each task force would land, disembark their troops, and secure a beachhead so their gravtanks could be deposited onto the beach. They’d then travel to their outposts and secure it, continuing until they reached Kalino City and Jotun City. The one outlier would be Task Force Justice, led by Field Marshal Nhlappo. They would secure the location flagged by the Recon Marines before hopping over to Outpost Charlie 3, located on the smaller island chain off Cardamine’s southern coast. They’d have to do a combat drop on top of the facility and hope for the best.

  Lance was using his helmet visor as his computer monitor to review the planning details when Xena interrupted his musings.

  Lance, the time
for tinkering with the plan has passed. We land in ten minutes. Make ready and send word to your men.

  Acknowledging his sassy AI, Lance sent out the notice to his regiment and watched as everyone on his Stork began making last-minute checks of their carbines. He didn’t expect trouble. He’d intentionally planned their LZ to avoid a hot landing, but he would prepare for the worst. They were soon jumping off the Stork, kicking up dust and debris from their impact. This time, however, it was more emotional for Lance. This was the first time he’d touched the soil of his long-abandoned home in many years. He was a bit irked that he wasn’t the first Marine to hit the dirt, even though he knew it was symbolic nonsense. He wasn’t sure where the tradition of the commander landing first started, but hoped it would play well with his command.

  The landing was unopposed, and the Marines of Task Force Vengeance secured the landing zone named for their task force. A hasty defensive perimeter was established, and all three regiments of the task force were in position. They didn’t have to wait long before the submersible amphibious vessels began beaching themselves on shore. The first ramp dropped, revealing one of the Marines tasked with organizing the logistics impatiently standing in front of the vessel.

  Because they’d never been exposed to this type of vessel, a kind that hadn’t yet been named, the Marines had an air of uncertainty about them. Even Lance, who was the oldest Marine on Tranquility by pure calendar date, hadn’t been trained on these vessels. When the ramp dropped, several of the unwitting Marines were standing directly underneath it. His aide-de-camp, Major Kaden Roy, who was supervising the area, knocked several Marines out of the way. But nothing could save the one directly underneath as the multi-ton ramp descended on his head.

  Shouting out orders, Major Roy pulled back the troops until they were safe from the ramps of the remaining vessels. With a loud clanging motion, the vessels dropped their ramps, and gravtanks rolled down into the landing zone. From there, Xena coordinated with all the AIs to get the gravtanks in position.

  “Glad the medical nanites saved his ankle, or we’d have lost a few more Marines just now. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad replacement for Hayley, after all,” Lance told Xena, breaking the solitude of their shared combat armor.

  — Chapter 12 —

  Midmorning, Post-Revival Day 210

  LZ Retribution, Cardamine Island

  Commander, TF Retribution, Human Legion

  The wind ruffled the earth-colored fur along her face as Colonel Petra braced herself in the opened side door of the Stork, her helmet stowed behind her. Air rushed in through the doors and out the lowered ramp in the rear, creating a wind funnel and a high-pitched whistle. Most of her task force had their helmets on, but she felt most comfortable smelling the fields where she expected to fight.

  Scanning the ground below, she eyed the rock-strewn, grassy plains that surrounded their landing zone. Despite her concerns, the sensors showed the areas to be devoid of life, so she gave the order to disembark from the Stork shuttles. In a matter of moments, the shuttles landed, and the Marines disembarked. Without their passengers, half of their shuttles would circle overhead to provide overwatch while the rest returned to Akoni City. There they would sit as quick-reaction forces, ready to bring more troops if needed.

  Once the task force had secured Landing Zone Vengeance, Petra ordered her forces to dig in while they waited for the ships bearing their gravtanks and other ground transport vehicles. Trooping up and down the line, she looked around, still expecting to see hordes of enemy Marines. Instead, there were only wind, grass, and a rocky terrain sure to break a few ankles if they weren’t careful. Knowing that sleep would be in short supply for the near future, she ordered her command to keep a third of her personnel on guard while everyone else was able to rest.

  Surveying her troops, Petra felt confident in their ability overwhelm the enemy. Task Force Retribution was composed of two Sangurian regiments and one regiment of humans. While they were merely humans, she felt that the Sangurian people could motivate them to behave as warriors. They needed to conquer this planet if they were to secure her people transportation to a new homeworld. These humans we are facing must be inferior, she thought, if they won’t defend what they have seized. How did we lose to such as these?

  Turning to Captain Alger Messer, her attaché from the Human Legion command, Petra said, “Captain, if the land vehicles don’t arrive soon, we’ll have to press on without them. These human foes are proving to be less capable than we’d been led to believe. The momentum must be seized and taken advantage of.”

  Having been prepared to handle the over-eager manner of the Sangurians, Captain Messer had a ready answer.

  “Colonel, the enemy is a cunning one. Underestimate them at your peril. We never expected contact at the LZ. We landed far enough back from the objective to allow our forces to attack and bring our full forces to bear. Landing in a hot LZ would limit our strength.”

  Before Petra could reply to her liaison officer, she was halted by the arrival of the submersible transport vessels. The thunder of them spewing their loads of vehicles onto the beach drowned out any conversation for the only pair at the landing zone without their helmets on. Snarling, she turned from her liaison officer and slammed her helmet onto her head as she stalked over to the spacer who had been brought in to take command of the maritime navy vessel.

  — Chapter 13 —

  Midmorning, Post-Revival Day 210

  LZ Justice, Cardamine Island

  Commander, TF Justice, Human Legion

  The shuttle ride over the Tranquility ocean, en route to the landing zone, gave Nhlappo time to think. Over and over she played the scene in her head: the moment Spartika’s goons tried to kill her and murdered half of her security company. Good Marines died in that attack. Spartika had even killed her loyal Spec Ops Marines, torturing them on camera like it was a game. But the final straw was her twisting the loyalties of her sergeant major. She couldn’t bring herself to say his name, but even knowing his reasons and that he made his own decisions, she still blamed the Aux.

  But she couldn’t let her frustration get the better of her. Focusing on her helmet screen, Nhlappo surveyed the terrain. The island itself was a rocky jumble of interlocking mountain ranges, with very few open areas suitable for large-scale incursions. The area flagged by the Recon Marines sat in a small intersection between three overlapping mountain ranges. If the data coming in from the Stork’s sensors looked bad, there’d be nowhere else to land. That tingling of an idea in the back of her head brought her back to the present.

  They were too far out for anything too specific, but there didn’t appear to be a massed force waiting for them. She knew they could have Marines in stealth armor, but such a long wait would quickly drain the battery life from their suits, and she couldn’t find any hot spots on the thermals from charging stations. Satisfied that the potential for stealth troops was low, she continued searching for other threats. If Recon Marines saw something suspicious, she was going to trust their inclinations.

  As they got closer, the shuttle pilot sent out reconnaissance drones, which flew ahead of the Stork. These would allow the pilot to get visuals and gather more accurate data from the drones’ advanced sensors. All the scans looked normal, so Nhlappo switched to the visual displays and let out a low whistle that caused her staff to perk up.

  “Anderson, check out the visuals from the recon drones. The light is reflecting weirdly off the rocks, but we’re getting normal readings. Tell me what you’re seeing,” she said.

  Nhlappo waited, giving him time to study the new data on the inside screen of his helmet before she started to get impatient. While she calmed herself at the delay, her sergeant major finally spoke.

  “Ma’am, I see it, too. I’ve seen that signature before, when I was Spec Ops. I suspect those are stealth anti-VTOL mines, kept in passive status until actively acquiring targets. Then they’ll shoot towards hovering vehicles. They’re not technically anti-personnel, but t
hey won’t discriminate, either. Have your scanners search for solar-collection arrays. It’s how we’re trained to hide the targeting sensors.”

  After she adjusted the scanning parameters, she reviewed the new data as her sergeant major continued.

  “Ma’am, I took the liberty of adding a detachment of engineers, so we’ve got options. Their commander is a good Marine, steady under fire. They were instrumental in capturing Serendine. They’ll clear those mines in a Jotun minute.”

  Staring at the readings Anderson was sending her, Nhlappo evaluated the situation.

  “Make it happen,” she said. “Just make sure we hover above the threshold. I’ve no desire to die today, so make sure we don’t prematurely detonate those frakking mines. And by all that’s holy, please tell me destroying the targeting array won’t detonate those things.”

  His answer was to send targeting data to the pilots, who promptly dropped a few explosive presents of their own on the minefield’s targeting sensors.

  With the benefit of their AIs working in concert, they made a plan before the comms line ended. The shuttles began banking hard, making room over the objective for the engineers to dismount and handle the minefield. In the moments before the engineers landed, Nhlappo sent them a quick message.

  “Legion Engineers, we’re all counting on you. Clear the mines so we can kill the frakking foe. Be swift, be efficient, but for frakk’s sake, don’t die. The Legion stands behind you, and the Storks will provide fire support and command and control. For the Legion!”

  Her words were drowned out by the chorus of hurrahs from the Marines of Task Force Justice.

  — Chapter 14 —

  Midmorning, Post-Revival Day 210

  LZ Justice, Cardamine Island

  Commander, Engineering Detachment, TF Justice, Human Legion


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