Broken Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 2)

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Broken Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 2) Page 18

by Stephany Wallace

  My fingers began to roam his face—as though my gaze wasn’t enough to discover him. I touched the tattoos above his eyebrows and gasped when a blue light ignited in them. It coursed over them, following the swirls that formed them, then disappeared. No. They were not tattoos. Ash tensed again but I gazed into his eyes as a small smile curved my lips.

  “They shimmered with a blue light. I just saw it!” He relaxed again but frowned, seemingly taken aback by my response. “How did that happen?”

  “Magic,” he answered simply and my eyes widened. There was an accent to his voice now that he’d never had before. He cursed under his breath, and shut his lips while his jaw worked.

  “No, don’t stop. Say something else.” I pleaded, my pulse racing, but for a different reason.

  Ash swallowed nervously. “I love you, Star.”

  “Holy flying pigs!” I squealed, incredulous.

  A laugh escaped me as he looked at me as though I was crazy, and maybe I was. His voice sounded similar as before but it wasn’t the same. A deep accent engulfed his words; it was strong and delicious, somewhere between Irish and British, or was it Scottish? It made his words have a certain ring to them, as though he was singing. I couldn’t get enough. Yeah, I was definitely crazy, but any trace of fear I’d felt with the stranger disappeared as I looked into his eyes. He might look different now, and I wasn’t sure how this was even possible, but of one thing I was absolutely certain.

  He wasn’t a stranger at all. He was my Ash.

  My eyes watered while I looked at him, my thumbs caressed his strong cheekbones as the love I felt for him flushed my entire being, rushing through me even stronger than before. Holding his gaze, I leaned in until my lips closed over his, and the second our mouths touched, he pulled me into his arms, kissing the life out of me. I could feel Ash’s heart slamming against my chest while his full lips danced against mine desperately. He held me fiercely, hands trembling, as they pressed me against his body.

  His kiss took me to paradise, and showed me the true meaning of bliss all in one second. Yes, this was my Ash. He pulled back and kissed his way to my neck, burying his head there while still holding me to him, and once again I was safe in his embrace.

  “Thank you, Star. Thank you for accepting me like this. I was so afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore. That you wouldn’t understand.”

  “I don’t,” I answered honestly, and he lifted his head, gazing at me anxiously but didn’t let go of me. “I don’t understand, but there is no possible scenario in which I wouldn’t want you, Ash.”

  Emotion flashed through his eyes, the same I felt inside, I was sure. I had told him the truth. I didn’t know how Ash was here in this “form” in front of me, but it made no difference. He was mine and I was his. That didn’t mean my pulse wasn’t still racing like a mofo, and I wouldn’t faint from shock any moment. My fingers slipped through his hair, caressing him, and his eyes closed, enjoying my attention. I touched his pointed ears, unable to resist it and Ash chuckled, looking at me a bit stunned by my behavior.

  Our lips touched again as he stood, carrying me in his arms, the sheet fell from my body, silently hitting the floor while Ash took me to the bed. He laid me down and gently rested next to me, leaving a space between us as though he was afraid he would hurt me. I ignored him, sliding towards him, and snuggled against his warmth, the way I had become used to during these two months. My cheek rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat right against my skin. I had felt small in his embrace before, now I was truly tiny; for some reason that made me grin. Ash’s arms wrapped around me again, and my head lifted, trying to look into his eyes. He curved his body around mine, leaning in so I could see his face clearly without breaking my neck. Geez, he was tall.

  “Say something else.” Now I was giddy about my man’s unexpected accent.

  Ash chuckled and cradled my cheek, pulling me closer. “You are mine, Star. Now and forever.”

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as what felt like electricity rushed through me. Just when I thought he couldn’t get any more dangerously sexy, he revealed this deliciously torturing accent? Seriously. “Swoon. I love your accent. Why were you hiding it from me?”

  The torturous emotion returned to his eyes. “I had to hide who I really was. No one would accept me like this.”

  “I do. You are mine.” He grinned and brushed his lips against mine, in a small kiss. I loved when he did that. I leaned back, searching his eyes. “How is this possible, Ash? Who are you?” I whispered, hating that I had even asked the question, but I needed to know.

  “It’s all magic, Star. Powerful magic. I’m from Kalithdor, otherwise known as the Otherworld, or the realm of the Fae.”



  Shock filtered through Gaby’s lips at my words, but I knew it wasn’t because she was scared of me, not anymore, for which I was truly grateful. Those excruciating, silent moments as she took in my true self felt longer than my five thousand years of life. I couldn’t lose her. When recognition finally filled her enchanting chartreuse eyes and she touched me… when her lips closed over mine, accepting who I truly was, I felt as though I had been born again. I could handle anything else fate threw at me, as long as Gaby was still in my arms.

  “You are a Faery?” she asked stunned, eyes filled with wonder. I nodded. “You are so beautiful.”

  My chest constricted. For the first time in my life I wanted a woman to see me in a different way. I didn’t want to be that for Gaby. “It is the trait of my race; everyone is beautiful.”

  Gaby shook her head softly, her eyes sparkling with a new emotion… awe?

  Her hand cupped my cheek. “No, not here,” she whispered, as her palm moved to rest over my heart. “You are beautiful, here.”

  I kissed her deeply, because no words would be enough. Nothing was enough to describe what I felt for her. We pulled away, breathless and I cradled her cheek in my hand. My gaze focused only on hers.

  “I am Ash Gaerrath, Prince of the Winter Court and Knight of the Dark Army, and I’m a Faery.” I continued, suddenly feeling like I needed to divulge everything I had ever kept from her during our time together. “We, the Fae, all have a particular form of magic. But our goddess blessed some of us with abilities that surpass basic charm. For a reason I still can’t understand, my brothers and I were given more than one power. I received Omni Shifting, and Heightened Sensory Perception. Being an Omni Shifter means I can transform into anything, any species, no matter its shape or form. I can mimic anyone, and transform any part of my body at will. That is not all. I can also manipulate…”


  An hour later, I finally shut up. But not before I had told Gaby everything there was to know about me, and my race; my brothers, family, and the truth behind our mother’s illness. I explained the blooming and what really occurred between my brother and Avrielle, with all the magic behind it. I even told her about the Dragon Lord, for which I had no doubt my brother, Kyr, would kill me, but I had to tell her. I needed there to be no secrets between us. I wanted her to know everything she possibly could about who I was, and maybe, just maybe she could still love me after knowing the truth.

  Gaby’s eyes were wide although I could still see traces of confusion in her. She seemed in shock. Had I told her too much, too soon? My pulse raced while I looked at her, waiting for her to answer me, to react, to blink, anything at all. Her mouth opened, as though she was going to speak then snatched closed. I swallowed and anxiety returned to me, what the fuck had I been thinking telling her everything like that? Humans didn’t know magic was real, let alone Faeries. Damn it. Kyr was right, I was impulsive, and careless and now I might lose her for good, because I didn’t stop for even one second to think.

  “Star, I—”

  “Kalithdor,” she whispered, stopping my words. “Is that what you said?” She began to tremble in my arms, the confusion deepened in her eyes.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dumped all of this on
you. I’m so sorry. Please forget I said anything. Plea—”

  “No.” She shook her head, pulling out of my arms. They tightened around her.


  “Let me go.” She said sternly, but I wasn’t able to decipher the new emotion in her voice. Reluctantly, my arms loosened and she rushed out of the bed. I sat up, looking at Gaby while she got away from me as fast as she could, crossing into the living room.

  Standing, I went after her while my chest tightened. “Star, please. Let me explain. I—” My words cut off as I found her crying over one of the suitcases we had brought from her old apartment. She was leaving? No. I couldn’t let her. “Don’t do this, please. I’ll leave if you want and you’ll never s—”

  “Shut up!” She sobbed, shaking her head. “Just shut up for a moment. Let me think.”

  Every muscle in my body clenched violently, my hands fisted trying to rein in my emotions after seeing her like that. Gaby seemed shattered by what I had shared. Hurt beyond repair, by my truth. I had done this to her. She covered her face crying as I walked towards her, kneeling beside her. The moment she sensed me next to her, she collapsed into my arms. She held her torso while her cheek rested on my chest, each tear that fell tore a part of me.

  “I’m sorry. I should have never told you the truth. I didn’t mean to do this to you. I should have known it would be too much for you to—” My words once again stopped when she shook her head, leaning away from me.

  “No, Ash. You don’t understand.”

  She cupped my cheek, searching my eyes for a moment then lifted her chin, seeking my lips. I pulled her to me, kissing her, and wiping the tears off her skin with my lips. When Gaby leaned away, I realized she wasn’t holding her torso. There was something she was grasping onto for dear life, it was crushed against her chest.

  “The man you are looking for, is he a Fae too?”

  “No. He is a Golden Elf.”

  She nodded, but looked at me puzzled. “His name was Lorcan wasn’t it? Lorcan Uldath.”

  I stared at her stunned. I had never shared that with her. “How do you know his name?”

  She shook her head as new tears fell from her lashes, and handed me what she so preciously protected in her arms. My gaze briefly dropped to the hand drawn comic book in my hands.

  “I think he was my Uncle Rob.” She sobbed.

  I stared at her speechless, while shock gripped every muscle in my body. When the fog of confusion finally cleared, the words on the book in front of me became alive. Kalithdor was written in bold, graffiti style font at the top. An illustration of what seemed like our world, but slightly different, grazed the cover. It was my realm except there were no boundaries between the lands, and the colors… it seemed so vivid, so real.

  “Uncle Rob gave me this a year after I came to live with him. It was actually after he made me the ‘Truth Seeker’ comic book I told you about, where he turned me into a heroine. He said he also got to be a hero, although his story ended in tragedy.” She stopped to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “Is that where you come from?”

  I nodded, perplexed. “It looks a bit different from what I know it to be, but yes. I believe it is my realm.”

  “Do Elves have pointed ears, like you?”

  I sighed, my gaze returning to hers. “Yes, they are much smaller, like a human’s, but still angular.”

  She swallowed but the tears remained in her voice. “Uncle Rob’s name was Lucas. I called him Rob because he reminded me of Robert Redford. He was a very handsome man, and a flaming red head with golden honey eyes unlike I had ever seen. He also had freckles all over his cheeks and nose.”

  She smiled although it was tinged with sadness. Her hands slightly trembled as she reached for her ears absentmindedly.

  “He had two scars at the very top of his ears, which deformed them a bit. He told me he got his head stuck in between staircase spindles as a kid, and the paramedics had to cut him out of it. He said the blades had nicked his ears. But that isn’t true, is it? He cut them to appear human. He is the Elf you’ve been looking for?”

  Her gaze found mine once again, begging me to deny it, but I wasn’t sure I could. He sounded like the man in the picture. My heart thundered as I stood, walking to the console and took the piece of paper the policewoman had given me from the drawer. It contained Lorcan’s picture. I kneeled in front of Gaby and handed it to her. “Is this him?”

  Her shaking hands took the paper and slowly unfold it. A sob escaped her the second her gaze focused on the picture, answering for her. I pulled her into my arms, and kissed her temple, holding her tightly to me while I tried to decipher what all of this meant. If Lorcan was gone, that meant I’d never learn the truths I had come here to find. Whatever he knew was gone with him. My hand caressed her back, attempting to calm her sadness but I knew her pain, I understood it. Lorcan was the first person she had trusted, the one who had finally made her feel safe and I knew why she hurt. He had lied to her—although it had been to protect her—she probably felt like it had all been a lie. My eyes widened as realization crashed on me.

  “Gaby, your Uncle Rob didn’t just die.”

  She leaned away, staring into my eyes, baffled. “What do you mean?”

  “Golden Elves are immortal. His heart didn’t stop beating like the doctor’s thought… he was murdered. And dark magic was probably the cause.”

  Her hands trembled as she covered her mouth, attempting to hide the gasp that escaped her. Fresh tears grazed her lashes. “No, that’s not true. Please tell me that’s not true, Ash.”

  “I’m so sorry, Gaby. I cannot. And I fear the same reason I was looking for him, is the cause of his murder. He held the truths I needed.”

  Her eyes dropped to the book that had fallen onto the lush carpet, discarded by her pain and my shock. Her weak hands reached for it. “I think the answers you were looking for, are here.” She whispered, handing it to me. “Although you might not even need this, I’ve read it so many times, I know it by heart.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because Lorcan Uldath was my uncle’s character’s name in this story. He was the ruling King and Queen’s High Counselor in a place called the Rising Kingdom. A land where all citizens lived in peace; where hatred and ambition had no place, and the wellbeing of its people came first. Where there were no divisions or war, allowing them all to coexist in absolute harmony. Lorcan mentions the Dragon Lord in there, and a man with a heart so putrid, that he could foresee death unfolding under his every step with just one look. Lorcan’s super power was seeing glimpses of the future. He warned the King and Queen but they wouldn’t listen, because that young man was the son of their dearest of friends. The same man that had been mated by the goddess to their daughter, Princess Serene, and the one that in the end, killed them in his hunger for power and took the kingdom from them. He even murdered his own parents, so nothing would stand in his way, and he could rule them all…

  Laeroth Gaerrath.”

  The ringing grew louder in my ears until I fell deaf to everything except Gaby’s words. They resounded in my mind, overwhelming, while I struggled to stand. She followed me in silence as my mind rushed over everything she had told me. Princess Serene…That was my mother, which meant the rulers of this apparently make believe kingdom, were my grandparents, and Laeroth had killed them. The man I grew up believing was my father had killed my grandparents and his own parents in his quest for power. Mother had spent all these years magically forced to be with the man who killed her only family. Did she even know he had murdered them?

  I was going to be sick.

  I rushed to the bathroom, as the nausea took over. I faced the toilet while my body heaved, but nothing came out. I convulsed over it, again and again as my world finished crumbling around me. This couldn’t be possible.

  “I have to go get my mother.” I said, stumbling to the faucet and splashing cold water on my face. “That bastard might try to kill her once he finds out the t
ruth. I have to get her out there.”

  I barely made it to the closet when Gaby’s face filtered through my otherwise clouded vision. My hands pulled her close and I clung to her, kissing her. “Listen to me, Star. Your Uncle Rob loved you. He loved you so much that he lied to you so that he could protect you, keep you safe, but still managed to find a way to leave you the truth, because I know he never wanted to lie to you. I’m sorry he got mixed up in all of this, and that you lost him because of us. But he loved you; do you understand? And this doesn’t change that.”

  I stared straight into her eyes, seeing her nod as tears slid down her cheeks.

  “I love you, Star, my Star, like I’ve never loved anyone before, and like I know I will never love again. I don’t want to love anyone else. You are mine and I’m yours, you understand?” She nodded again, and I stole another kiss, greedy for her, wanting so much more than I deserved. “I’m truly sorry, but I have to leave you. Please stay here until I come back. You will be safe as long as I’m not here. I’m so sorry but I have to go.”

  Gaby’s eyes brimmed with emotion, understanding and love. “Go make sure your mom is okay.”

  I pulled out the clothes I had arrived here with, and began to get dressed. Slipping my feet into my boots I marched to the living room and halted, cursing. I hadn’t come here of my own will. I didn’t have my silver portal key. “Bloodcroix Witch!” I called looking all around me. “If you are listening, please let me go back. Mother needs me, I have to go back!”

  I pushed my hands through my hair while the anxiety clawed at me. My chest rose and fell sharply with my breathing as I waited, but nothing happened.

  “Bloodcroix Witch!” I roared a few minutes later. Nothing. Damn it! I turned around, facing Gaby. “I don’t understand.”


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