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Afghan Bound

Page 19

by Henry Morgan

  He knew his trousers bulged, and that she could not mistake his excitement. She looked up at him through the steamy atmosphere. Her lips peeled apart and her eyes closed. He was transfixed by her serenity. Despite her unfamiliar surroundings and the uncertainty of what lay in store for her in the coming weeks, she was begging to be kissed. He inched lower.

  ‘I see you’re getting to know each other,’ said David as he bustled into the bathroom. ‘You’ll find some clothes in the dressing room – have her wear them. Sunil wants her in traditional dress, but I’ve had them modified a little to allow more access.’ Justin straightened and tried to look more business-like as David turned and was gone.

  ‘Why do you let him do those things to me?’ asked Sabrina. It was the first time she had spoken directly to him. ‘Why did you let him whip me? Why did you let him put these things through my nipples?’ She held her breasts up for him to see the gleaming metal pins running through the sore nubs.

  Justin was embarrassed and slightly lost for what to say. ‘I have to,’ he managed to stammer. ‘I can’t do anything if your father has signed you over to David. They have an agreement.’

  She lifted herself up until her wet body was clear of the suds. ‘You know what he’s going to do to me, don’t you? And do you know what’ll happen to me when I’m sent back to Pakistan?’

  He was finding it increasingly difficult to tear his eyes from her clean and slippery skin.

  ‘I’ll be up to my knees in cow dung, making chapattis for Sunil and his brothers. And each one will know me intimately. That’s their way. Every night Sunil and his brothers and their wives will have me. I know. I’ve seen them doing it, when I was young. Please don’t make me go back there.’

  Justin’s already tenuous resolve was softening even further when David shouted up the stairs that the meal would be ready in thirty minutes.

  ‘I can’t help you,’ he told her. ‘Now please get out and get dressed.’

  Sabrina had a strong and calculating mind; far stronger and more calculating than David or Justin suspected. Her father knew it, and that’s why he had paid to hand the responsibility for her training over to an ‘expert’. Slowly and sensually she stepped out of the bath and waited for Justin to fetch a towel. His eyes bulged as she dried herself as sexily as possible. When she was dry he took her into the adjoining room to be dressed and made up for dinner. There was a waiting sari, which was cut above the knee and made from sheer material that allowed her body to be clearly seen.

  ‘You see,’ she whispered huskily. ‘I’ll be made to wear such things in Rawalpindi. Sunil has many brothers.’

  Justin was very confused. He paced around while waiting for her to prepare herself. She smiled at seeing his anxiety; here was her key out of this place.

  When she was ready she looked stunning. Justin groaned quietly, before gathering his wits and leading her downstairs to where David was waiting. It was the first time Justin had seen the ‘chair’, and he was almost as shocked as Sabrina when David gestured for her to sit.

  ‘I can’t…’ she pleaded. ‘You can’t honestly expect me to—’

  ‘Lift your dress and sit.’ His voice was adamant and uncompromising.


  ‘Sit!’ This was clearly not open to negotiation.

  Justin was about to intervene when to his surprise Sabrina gathered the sari about her waist and allowed David to lower her onto the wooden spike. All the time she was staring at Justin, watching his eyes as she was impaled slowly on the inanimate length. Their eyes met and she silently begged for his help.

  During the meal David went through his well-rehearsed speech outlining the rules of the house. No direct eye contact was allowed. No speaking unless spoken to. And absolutely no disobedience. The sjambok lay on the table as a menacing reminder of the consequences of any indiscretions.

  In the sitting room afterwards Justin sat and watched David chain Sabrina to the hearth. He was confused by the predicament he now found himself in. He was undoubtedly excited; Sabrina was an incredibly attractive and sexy young lady, and her close proximity and potential availability aroused him greatly. But he wasn’t happy with David’s techniques; it was one thing to hear of his conquests through a whisky-induced haze, but the reality he found quite unsettling.

  He was tempted to tell David that he would be leaving in the morning, but he didn’t want to leave Sabrina alone.

  David, on the other hand, had no such qualms. His erection stood hard and proud as he opened his trousers and picked up a tawse. He unclipped Sabrina and led her on all fours to his favourite armchair, playfully flicking the leather thongs across her bottom as she shuffled across the carpet.

  ‘Now then, my little temptress. I want you to perform oral sex on me. Have you ever done it before?’

  She knelt between his feet, a hot blush upon her cheeks. ‘No… never.’

  ‘Never, master,’ he insisted, letting her feel the tawse across her raised bottom. ‘Never, master.’

  She felt a tear rise but forced it away. She wouldn’t let him break her. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her crying. ‘Never… master,’ she whispered.

  ‘Good. You may begin.’

  Justin clenched his fists and watched her lovely face lower into David’s groin, compelling his own to twitch and tighten at the magnetic sight. He was aware of David’s stare burning into him, and an inscrutable smile dancing across his lips as he held Sabrina’s head and languidly lifted it up and down. He knew David was testing him; testing his resolve and suitability for the task ahead. He suspected that if he didn’t offer to leave in the morning, David would ask him to anyway. There was a definite tension growing between the two of them.

  He could hear Sabrina sucking, and despite his growing hostility towards David, he wished more than anything that it was his erection being massaged and coaxed by her inexperienced mouth. His gaze travelled down to her superb bottom and her sex, which peeped from between the tops of her slim thighs.

  ‘She really is very good,’ goaded David. ‘I can’t believe it’s her first time.’

  Justin watched the kneeling girl stiffen, and knew she could sense David’s approaching ejaculation. He watched the other man with envy. David filled his lungs, lifted his hips, and grinned at him as he came.

  After a few minutes David prodded Sabrina’s ribs with the toe of his shoe. ‘Your turn, Justin; I recommend it highly.’

  Sabrina obediently crawled across to him and reached for his trouser fastening. He wanted nothing more than to experience the wet warmth of her lips and tongue, but he steeled himself and nudged her hands away. ‘No, you don’t have to do that.’ He thought he detected a little disappointment in her brown saucer-like eyes.

  ‘What’s the matter Justin?’ David jeered. ‘You’re not gay, are you?’

  ‘No, I’m not.’

  ‘So what’s the matter then?’

  ‘Nothing, I’d just rather not, that’s all. I think it’s time we all got some sleep.’

  ‘Sunil has many brothers,’ Sabrina whispered. ‘I’ll have to drink them all.’

  ‘What did she say?’ demanded David. ‘Is she speaking out of turn?’

  ‘No… she didn’t say anything.’

  David rose from his chair, flicked the sari over her back, and laid three vicious strokes of the tawse across her exposed buttocks. She hid her face in Justin’s thigh and bit his trousers to suppress the scream building in her lungs.

  ‘That’s just to remind you to only speak when you’re spoken to!’ He grabbed her beneath the arm and hauled her to her feet.

  Justin sprang up. ‘Leave her David! She’s had enough for one day!’

  David was taken aback by the aggressive reaction from his ‘assistant’. He held up the tawse protectively. ‘Okay, okay! Let’s not fight about it!’

  The two men stared
at each other until the tension eased.

  ‘I’ll take her up to her room,’ David eventually said. His voice was calm again.

  ‘I’ll do it.’

  David considered this for a moment. ‘Okay – I’ll see you in the morning.’

  As Justin and Sabrina left the room he watched them pensively. He was worried. It was becoming clear that he’d judged Justin incorrectly. His attitude could prove extremely dangerous. David would have to re-evaluate their friendship.


  Justin woke the next morning feeling greatly refreshed and a whole lot easier about things. They had all been over-tired and a little tetchy the previous evening. Perhaps he’d overreacted by turning against David. After all, David knew his own business whereas he was a mere novice, and if Sabrina’s very own father was happy for her to be here, then who was he to question it. He rose from the snug bed, threw open the curtains, and marvelled at the wild countryside and blue sea as he filled his lungs with fresh salty air. Perhaps he would stay a little longer.

  ‘Come on in,’ called David as Justin tapped on the bathroom door. ‘It’s open.’

  David was already studiously shaving Sabrina. She was on her back with one leg hooked over the crook of his elbow. It looked a little uncomfortable and ungainly, and she blushed when she looked up at Justin. Without taking his eyes from his intricate work David informed his ‘assistant’ that she would be monogrammed after her morning swim and breakfast.

  They took it in turns with the rowing, and when David wasn’t he watched his friend closely. He too wondered about the previous evening, and whether Justin’s behaviour was his own fault. Perhaps he had taken Sabrina too far too quickly, and that had caused that petulant little rebellion in someone who had never witnessed such events before. He did realise, however, that Justin had already developed a soft spot for Sabrina, and that could prove highly dangerous. He would allow him to stay a little longer, to see how he shaped up, but he had devised a couple of ‘tests’ to substantiate his loyalty.

  They rowed Sabrina out quite a distance before making her jump into the cold swell and swim back to the beach. She was fit, and completed the challenge with little difficulty. They were there to greet her when she stepped out of the surf, the combination of the cold water, fresh morning air, and the steel pins, making her nipples stand out prominently. They wrapped her in a warm towel and took her back to the cottage. She was glad for the hot and tasty breakfast, but ate slowly, knowing she was to be tattooed next – and not particularly relishing the prospect.

  David guided her through to the piano room where a small occasional table stood by the window. It was covered with a thick padded cloth. He lowered her onto her back like a sacrifice to some pagan gods. To Justin it didn’t look at all comfortable; her head hung over one edge, her legs draped over the other, and her wrists and ankles cuffed to the table legs. He felt the first stirrings of his rebellious side again, but quickly suppressed it.

  When satisfied David positioned a chair between Sabrina’s thighs and sat. She was perfectly arranged for him to work without hindrance, and well lit by the sun pouring in through the window.

  ‘Pass me that small cabinet, please,’ he asked Justin. It contained his inks and pneumatic pump, and with Sabrina spread beautifully before him he began to trace the tigers her father had specified; one either side of her sex-lips.

  ‘Tiger, tiger, burning bright,’ he uttered, reciting Blake’s poem to the finishing touches of the rampant cats, before announcing triumphantly: ‘There!’ and with an actor’s sweep of the hand he delivered the final line: ‘What immortal hand or eye dare trace thy fearful symmetry!’

  He spoke over his shoulder. ‘Looks good, don’t you think?’

  Justin bent a little closer. He had to admit David’s handiwork really was excellent; both animals looked fierce and defiant as they guarded her entrance. Tattoos had never previously appealed to him, particularly on women, but he found himself entranced by Sabrina’s beautifully smooth and now painted body. How wonderful to own such a girl, he thought. Not to mistreat, but to protect and cherish, and in return to receive her loyal love and favours.

  ‘Hey, Justin,’ David’s voice shattered his dreams. ‘Would you take her up to the dressing room for me? There’s a pair of silk shalwars for her to wear. I’ve got to go into the village for a few things – I shouldn’t be too long. Is that all right?’

  Justin nodded and released her from the table.

  Test number one. David had no reason whatsoever to go into the village, but he needed to know how Justin would react. Would he try and do a runner with Sabrina? He would be watching the house from a distance, and would immobilize his friend’s car – just to be on the safe side.

  Justin and Sabrina were upstairs when they heard the front door slam.

  ‘He’s gone,’ she said. ‘What would you do if I made a run for it?’

  ‘I’d bring you back, tell David, and then you’d be punished.’

  She was surprised by his words. Maybe she’d read him wrong. Either he was in favour of the treatment she was receiving after all, or he wasn’t being honest with her – or himself. Perhaps she should review her tactics. Perhaps she should use her female charms to win him over. She stretched and arched her lithe form, peeping from the corner of her eye for any sign of a reaction. She cupped her breasts and toyed with the nipple pins. ‘I don’t mind these,’ she said sweetly, ‘now I’ve got used to them.’

  Justin knew what she was doing, and wished she wouldn’t because he didn’t possess the conviction to stop her. She had a refreshing innocence that made her lewd behaviour both irresistible and seem perfectly natural.

  ‘They’re still pretty sore though,’ she pouted. ‘Would you rub some cream into them for me? You made my bottom feel so much better yesterday afternoon.’ Her voice lowered into a sexy whisper, ‘You made me feel rather excited, actually.’

  His fingertips itched to rub cream into her erect nipples. ‘I – I don’t think I should. Now please, just get dressed.’ She was toying with him, and he was unable to stop her. She provoked in him a state of continual arousal.

  Sabrina sat on a low stool and opened her legs. She gingerly touched the two tigers, and caught her breath. ‘Ooh, these are sore too.’ She looked up at him with two clear wide eyes. ‘Do you like them?’

  Justin coughed. ‘I – um – yes, yes I do. Now please…’

  Sabrina continued to gently caress her inner thighs; teasing and tormenting. Justin was being coaxed and enticed by someone half his age. She possessed an alluring magic he was unable to resist. He took a step towards her, but she rose from the stool and slipped her lithe legs into the transparent trousers. She pulled them up over her firm bottom, and moved to the mirror to check her appearance. It was all too much for Justin. He moved quickly, knelt behind her, gripped her thighs, and pressed his face between her adorably tight buttocks. He breathed her heady female scent. She excited him so much he was close to ejaculating in his trousers. Sabrina squealed and managed to squirm around in his ardent grasp.

  ‘What are you doing?’ she whispered innocently, although her smile was knowing and the hands fluttering in his hair were gently encouraging rather than rebuking.

  Justin nuzzled between her thighs and massaged her buttocks. She squirmed against him, and flinched a little whenever his nose or lips touched her tender tattoos.

  ‘Justin…’ she moaned hoarsely. Her legs trembled and she ground against his face with increasing abandon. ‘…How close are you to David?’

  He mumbled something incoherent into her warmth.

  ‘How close are you to David?’ she urged.

  He looked up at her, his hair slightly ruffled. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Is he a good friend?’

  Justin had to consider that for a while. ‘I don’t know… he used to be, many years ago at university.’

‘How long has he been doing this type of thing?’

  ‘Quite a while.’ He could detect an attractively calculating glint in her eyes. He was surprised to see it in one so much younger than himself. ‘Why do you ask?’

  She rubbed her thighs sensually against his chest. She needed him as an ally. ‘Why don’t you take it from him?’

  Justin stood and stepped back from her, his ardour suddenly diminishing. ‘That’s ridiculous. I couldn’t do that.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Well, for one reason it’s his business. And for another he owns this house.’

  Sabrina stepped closer. She shook her glossy dark hair and delicately pushed her breasts towards him.

  ‘Besides,’ he fought to control the overwhelming urge to carry her to the bed and make love there and then. ‘I don’t need to – I have everything I want.’

  She pouted that seductive pout and coyly reached for the zip that strained over his erection. ‘You don’t have me,’ she murmured sweetly.

  Justin was finding it difficult to breath. He was falling dangerously for this femme fatale. Her mind matched her body; vibrant, healthy, young, and very, very desirable…

  ‘Justin!’ The moment was cruelly interrupted by David’s return.

  He was wrenched from his dreaming. ‘Yes, okay, I’ll be down in a minute!’ He clipped Sabrina’s leader chain to the wall and made for the door.

  ‘Justin,’ she whispered after him. ‘I am a virgin.’

  He turned and gazed hungrily upon her beauty.

  ‘I hope it is you who makes me a woman.’ She turned her eyes away, and Justin left the room.

  ‘I hope you’ve been behaving yourself up there,’ smiled David. ‘Are you okay? You seem a little edgy.’

  Justin laughed nervous. ‘No, I’m fine. You weren’t very long in the village.’ He tried to make light conversation, although the desire to be Sabrina’s first lover, to deflower her and taste the first juices from her body was still foremost in his thoughts.


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