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The Last Boyfriend

Page 2

by CMJ Publishing

  “Lucky, you there?” Shayla banged on the door.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right out.”

  “You better, your young man is waiting outside for you.”

  “What young …” Oh shit, I thought. He was probably mad that I gave the check to the girl. My heart started thumping and I felt a little sick. What if he decided that he wasn’t going to come back to this diner? What if I never saw him again?

  “Thanks, Shayla.” I walked out of the bathroom and through the kitchen to the front of the store where Zane was waiting for me with a concerned expression on his face.

  “Hey Lucky, thanks for coming over to talk before I left.” His blue eyes pierced into mine and I stared back at him without a smile.


  “I have to go in a second since she’s waiting in the car.”

  “Okay.” I wanted to ask him why he called her “she” instead of by her name. “So did I get something wrong on the bill or something?”

  “I wanted to apologize if I said anything to upset you.” He paused. “I just hope I didn’t come off as rude.”

  “Oh no, of course not.” I was taken aback at his statement.

  “I was raised to treat everyone equally.” He continued and I looked at him in surprise. What was he talking about? “I hope you don’t think I was disrespecting you as a waitress?”

  “Not at all.” I blushed and looked away. All he saw when he looked at me was a waitress. I wanted to laugh. Even if I didn’t have my rules, he wouldn’t be interested in me.

  “Good. Well have a pleasant evening Lucky.”

  “You too.” I smiled at him weakly.

  “Oh, I intend to.” He grinned at me and then sauntered out the door after rubbing my shoulder. I went back to his table to collect the cash he had left on it for my tip. My jaw dropped when I saw the $100 note and a short “sorry” message on a napkin. I looked back to the front of the restaurant and sighed. I stuffed the note into my pocket and walked back to the kitchen with my head starting to pound. I was so confused and felt almost delirious. I touched the spot on my shoulder that he had rubbed and I felt a warm flush run through my body as I remembered his warm touch. I shook my head at the excited feeling that was running through my veins. “Remember the rules Lucky,” I muttered to myself as I started on my side work duties.

  Chapter 2

  “Lucky, come to this party with us tonight.” Leeza begged me as I walked into the kitchen, yawning on Saturday morning.

  “I’m working tonight.”

  “Come after work.”

  “I’ll be too tired.”

  “Come on Lucky.” She pleaded. “You haven’t hung out in ages.”

  “Leeza, you know that I’m not in the mood for partying.” I sighed.

  “It’s not a frat party,” She whined. “This girl I met in Econ is dating a DJ and he has a hookup on Star Island, and some hot shot actor is holding a party to celebrate his new movie being number one or something.”

  “What actor?” I asked curiously.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure there will be lots of hot guys there.”

  “I don’t care about hot guys.” I sighed.

  “You may be a nun now Lucky, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on every piece of fun in the universe.” Leeza flung her long blonde hair over her shoulders and shook her head. “We’re only young once, so let’s have some fun.”

  “I’m not going to meet the guy I’m looking for at a snooty party.”

  “You might.”

  “In between the potheads and the cokeheads?”

  “Since when did you become so judgmental?”

  “Since I decided I wanted a good guy who was going to value me.”

  “Yawn.” Leeza drank some freshly-squeezed orange juice and rolled her eyes. “Just try and come, please Lucky. You know you, me, and Shannon haven’t hung out in ages.”

  “It’s a girls’ night?” I squinted at her suspiciously.

  “Yes!” She beamed at me innocently, and I sighed knowing that if I saw her alone for five minutes, I would be shocked.

  “Okay, I will try.” It will help to stop my dreams of Zane Beaumont, at least. That guy was seriously doing a number on my head. He intrigued me and I was starting to have too many naughty dreams of him doing things to me that I’d only seen in movies.

  “Wear something cute tonight, Lucky.” She grinned at me and ran out of the kitchen. “Have fun at work today, I’m going to the beach to get my tan on.”

  “Lucky.” I called out to her enviously, and she laughed.

  “No need to say your name girl.”

  “Haha.” I opened the fridge as she ran to her room and looked for something to eat. I wanted to make sure I ate something hardy before I got ready for work. Lou’s Burger Joint gave us a 50% discount on all of our purchases, but I knew that I had no money to spare until after I got my car fixed. I looked at the rotting head of lettuce and the hard looking chicken breasts I had cooked a few days before, and sighed. I wrinkled my nose and opened the freezer and grabbed the hot pockets quickly. I knew they weren’t mine, but I also knew that Leeza wouldn’t mind if I ate one. As soon as the microwave beeped, I grabbed the hot pocket in a tissue and ran back up to my room to count my cash. I nearly had enough to get my car fixed now. I had thought about applying for a credit card to pay for it until I got the cash. But then I remembered how easy it was for people to get themselves into credit card debt. I watched Suze Orman on TV religiously; I knew what bad news credit cards could be to someone my age. I already had enough financial issues; I didn’t need to add any more to the mix.

  I lay back on my bed and stretched out. It seemed as if nothing was going right in my life. Or at least, nothing that I wanted to go right. I hated being single. I needed to take proactive measures to find a new guy—one that would fit what I was looking for. I turned on my clock radio and sang along to the latest Britney song, and wondered how it was so easy for some people to find a guy to settle down with, and why it was so hard for me. I was starting to feel like a bit of a loser. I knew I was pretty and smart, but that didn’t really seem to be getting me anywhere.

  I jumped up as I realized the time. I had to be at work in about 30 minutes, and I wasn’t even nearly ready. I felt like my life was already too monotonous. All I ever seemed to do was work and school. It was starting to feel tedious and boring, and I was glad that I had decided to attend the party with Leeza this evening. I needed something to take me out of my normal routine; I just needed to remember that I wasn’t there to partake in the craziness, but to have a little fun.


  I was tired when I got out of work and I drove home feeling depressed. I had barely made any money and didn’t feel like going to the party anymore, but I knew Leeza and Shannon would be disappointed if I didn’t show up. Leeza had called me on my break to make sure I was coming. She had sounded so excited that I was finally going to be spending an evening out with them like we had in the past, and I had felt too guilty to say no. I knew that I definitely had to go when I saw an emerald green dress on my bed with a note from Leeza saying she had bought it for me as a gift.

  I sighed as I walked into the door at the party. I was overwhelmed at the amount of people and cars and I briefly considered leaving and going back home. The house was packed with a lot of people I didn’t know, and a lot of people I couldn’t afford to know. I had pulled up the driveway in between a Rolls Royce and a Bentley, and I had felt out-of-place before I had even gotten out of my car. I looked around to see if I could spot Leeza and I gasped when I saw Zane Beaumont talking animatedly to a guy who looked very familiar. I continued to stare at them, trying to figure out who the other guy was when Zane turned around. He must have felt my eyes boring into him because he looked directly at me. His expression changed quickly and ran the gamut of surprised, happy, and upset. I turned around when I saw him frown and walked away quickly, with my heart beating fast. What was Zane doing here? I quickly grabbed a
Champagne chute from one of the waiters’ trays and gulped the liquid down, hoping it would give me some liquid courage for the night. I couldn’t believe Zane was at the party. My whole body felt alive when we made eye contact and I was glad that it was so dark that he wouldn’t have seen my face flushing.

  “Lucky?” I heard his voice and tried not to flinch as he touched me on the shoulder.

  “Hi.” I turned around slowly and tried to avoid his eyes as I smiled quickly.

  “I thought that was you.” He frowned, as he looked me up and down. “You look different.”

  “Yeah. I’m in a dress.” I quipped. “And I have on makeup that hasn’t melted off yet.”

  “And your hair is down.” He reached over and touched it. “It’s so soft and silky.”

  “Thanks to Chi,” I joked, and cursed myself inwardly. He probably didn’t even know what Chi was. “I have naturally curly hair, so I use it to calm down the frizz and straighten it.” I explained to him, wanting to kick myself at how boring I was being.

  “I see.” He nodded, looking as though he had no clue as to what I was talking about.

  “You should see it when it’s curly. It’s crazy.”

  “Well I can’t tell.”

  “I’m like the frizz monster.” I giggled nervously. Play it cool, Lucky. I took a deep breath and tried again.

  “You’re lucky. Your hair is always so straight and silky naturally.” I wanted to slap myself as soon as the words were out of my mouth. “I mean, that’s how it looks now, not in the past. I never noticed in the past.”

  “Thanks.” He laughed.

  “Do you use any special products?” Stop talking about hair care, Lucky.

  “No. I use Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner and that’s about it.”

  “Aw.” I looked around the room with a red face and waved my hands. “This is a really cool party, huh?”

  “It’s okay.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know you knew Mike.”


  “Mike Vegara. The guy throwing this party.”

  “Oh, I don’t.” I bit my lip. “My friend invited me. Don’t tell anyone, but I wasn’t really invited. I’m not really part of this crowd.”

  “What crowd?”

  “The rich and famous crowd.” And then I remembered how Zane knew me. “Well, you know that already,” I let out a weak laugh, “I wouldn’t be working at Lou’s if I was rich and made of money.”

  “Then I’m glad you’re not rich.” He smiled, a gigantic toothy smile and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning back at him. “Because I feel sorry for anyone who is a part of this crowd.”

  “Oh?” I looked at him in surprise.

  “It’s a long story.” He sighed. “I don’t want to bore you.”

  “I don’t think you have a boring bone in your body.” Why was I so obvious? I wanted to pinch myself.

  “There are many girls who would beg to differ with you there.” He laughed.

  “So who’s your date tonight?” I questioned looking around.

  “No date tonight.” He laughed, and I wiggled my eyebrows in surprised.

  “That’s got to be a first.”

  “I usually reserve Fridays for my dates.” He stared into my eyes. “I think you’ve met every woman I’ve taken out in the last few months.”

  “A different one every week.” I laughed, trying not to let my curiosity get the better of me. I wanted to know why he dated so many different women, but I knew it was none of my business.

  “Well, I have to get what I need.” He cleared his throat. “More importantly, don’t ever take Friday nights off. I’m not sure my dates would go as well if you weren’t there.”

  “I’m not sure I’m a good luck charm. I never see you with the same girl more than once.” I hoped he would pick up the hint and answer my unasked question.

  “What about you? You here with your boyfriend?” His eyes bore into mine intently. Even in the darkness of the room, his eyes sparkled a vivid blue.

  “No.” For some reason, I didn’t want to tell him that I didn’t have a boyfriend. I didn’t want him to know that, since he had been frequenting Lou’s, he was all I could think about.

  “I’m surprised he let you come out by yourself.” He continued, trying to fish an answer out of me.

  “I’m here with friends.” I smiled and looked around nervously.

  “So what does he do?” He persisted and I wondered why it was so important for him to know.

  “Who?” I frowned, pretending to be confused.

  “Your boyfriend.”

  “Oh, well, I don’t exactly have one right now.”

  “Aw, you’re rocking the single life?” He grinned and moved in closer to me.

  “You could say that.” I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re a beautiful girl, I’m sure there has to be someone you’re interested in.”

  “Not really.” Just you, and you’re a player, so no thanks, I thought to myself.

  “This isn’t the sort of party to meet a good guy though.” Zane spoke seriously. “I mean, a lot of the guys here aren’t the sort of guys I would recommend to a girl like you.”

  “Well I will try and remember that.” I was unsure if his comment was meant to be helpful or disparaging.

  “I’m sure you will meet a Mr. Wonderful soon.” He paused. “I guess that’s what you women want, right? A Mr. Wonderful to sweep you off your feet and promise you a forever?”

  “You could say that.” I answered honestly. “Though I’m waiting patiently. I know the right guy is out there somewhere.” I’m hoping he’ll come sooner rather than later, but there was no way I was going to tell him that.

  “So, Lucky. What else do you do asides from working at Lou’s.”

  “I’m studying history at UM. I know it sounds a bit boring, but I love it.”

  “History, huh?” His eyes glowed. “Know anything about the Civil Rights Era?”

  “It’s my specialty actually.” I spoke enthusiastically. “I’m actually focusing on that period of time for my thesis.”

  “I can tell that you enjoy it.” He smiled gently and reached over and stroked my cheek softly. “There’s something wonderful about a woman who is passionate about something.”

  “I’m a ….” My breath caught and my cheek burned under his touch.

  “Lucky, there you are.” Leeza ran up to me and squealed. “I was so worried you weren’t going to come.”

  “I’m here.” I smiled and did a little twirl. I saw Zane laugh at my little dance and I smiled back at him warmly.

  “I want you to meet this guy.” She grabbed my arm enthusiastically.

  “I’m actually talking to someone.” I smiled at Zane apologetically, and he grinned back at me.

  “Oh?” Leeza turned around and stared at Zane, her blue eyes nearly popping out as she looked him up and down. “Hi, I’m Leeza, Lucky’s best friend. And you are?” She flung her blonde hair over her shoulders, and it took everything I had to smile and not roll my eyes. She was a shameless flirt and she never met a man she didn’t want to make fall under her spell.

  “Zane.” He smiled at Leeza briefly and then looked at me. “I’m a friend of Lucky’s.”

  “You never told me about any Zane.” Leeza stared at me with accusatory eyes.

  “Well, we’ve just been getting to know each other recently.” I started.

  “Now now, Lucky.” Zane slid his arm around my waist. “What do you consider the last three months? The honeymoon period?”

  “Well, you know.” I was left speechless by his little act and his hand lit a fiery trail on my back as he moved it back and forth.

  “You two are dating?” Leeza hissed. “You have got to be joking.”

  “Why?” Zane questioned her. “Did Lucky not tell you about our marathon sessions in the bedroom? I think we nearly broke her bed the other evening.”

  “Zane.” I laughed and hit him in the arm. “Leeza’s my roommate.”
r />   “Well, darn it. It was worth a try.” He grinned at me and his nose brushed mine as he leaned in to talk to me. For the next few seconds, we just stared at each other and all I wanted was for him to kiss me.

  “It was good seeing you, Lucky. Have a good evening.” Zane pulled away from me slowly and I felt that sharp sting of regret that I hadn’t moved in for the kiss. Before I could say anything, he turned around and disappeared back into the crowd. I felt disappointed, but tried to hide my frustration as I turned back to Leeza. It was probably better that I didn’t spend too much time getting to know Zane better; I didn’t want to end up as one of his Friday night dates.

  “He was cute.” Leeza grinned. “But he seems like a psycho.”

  “Why does he seem like a psycho?”

  “I don’t know. Just something about him seemed off. And his crappy joke.”

  “He’s a nice—”

  “Come on Lucky, let me introduce you to Evan.” Leeza cut me off and flung her hair over her shoulder again. She was wearing a super tight lack mini dress and I was slightly worried that her boobs were going to pop out each time she flung her hair.

  “Who’s Evan?” I asked disinterestedly. I looked around the room to see if I could see where Zane had gone.

  “Just come.” She grabbed my arm and pushed through the crowds of trendy people until we got to the stairs and then she let go. “All the cool guys are hanging out in the music room.”

  “Uh, okay?” I frowned. “Isn’t the party at the bottom of the stairs though?”

  “Don’t be a buzz kill, Lucky. Everyone knows the best parts of a party don’t occur in the public part of the party. All of the cool people like Evan hang out separately.”

  “I’m not cool and I don’t want a cool guy.” I sighed.

  I’m sure you will like Evan.” Leeza pleaded.

  “Leeza, I’m really not in the mood for this.”

  “He’s a hottie, and he’s rich.”


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