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Blood of the Succubus

Page 30

by McGeary, Duncan

  Then he shook himself, gripped Naamah’s neck, and choked the life from her.

  Scarcely had Naamah’s body thudded to the floor when the Guardian turned to Agrat Bat. The two women had moved to his side and were holding their guns on her. But Agrat Bat simply stood there, unable to summon any emotion whatsoever.

  Her sisters were gone. She was alone for the first time. A vast sense of loss and emptiness filled her, but she consoled herself with the thought that she wouldn’t have to be alone for long.

  So this is how it ends, she thought.

  The Guardian came toward her, reaching for her neck.

  Self-preservation finally kicked in. She screeched her defiance, ready to tear him apart.

  “Not going to play fair?” one of the women asked, and calmly lifted her gun and shot Agrat Bat in the gut.

  She fell to the floor, unable to move. The man lay on top of her, his cock still hard, but he didn’t enter her.

  Like the sun passing behind a cloud, the light dimmed. Agrat Bat looked up at her lover—her killer—and she saw the rough face of Moros the blacksmith, the human she’d most liked, a human who had worshipped her and who had sacrificed himself for her.

  He smiled welcomingly.

  She was going to die, but she would live on. For the Goddesses were eternal, and as long as man existed, he would need them. And as the light dimmed, Agrat Bat remembered the benediction she hadn’t thought of in millennia.

  “We are here. Your prayers have moved us, and we will give you succor. For we are the natural mothers of all things, the powers of life, in our form, the Three…”


  When Rick emerged from the Bend Bed & Breakfast, he was no longer the young, vibrant man who had burst naked into the suite to confront the Three Daughters of Lilith. Serena blushed at the memory of his rampant appendage, huge and red.

  I can still be embarrassed, she thought in wonderment.

  Rick appeared older now, in his mid-thirties or so. He looked tired, but serene. He was dressed in an ill-fitting shirt and pants, and was barefoot. Two women in black leather followed him. They ignored the others and kept walking, then started up two Harley-Davidsons in a nearby driveway with a roar and drove away.

  Cary and Jeremy’s nakedness was hidden in the back of the van. The town’s inhabitants were awakening from their sexual abandon as the carnal energy dissipated like a cloud dispersing. Half-dressed people on the street stopped what they were doing, staring shame-faced about them before scurrying for cover instead of completing their carnal relations with total strangers.

  Rick took a gas can out of the back of the van and went back into the Victorian building. When he returned, flames were already flickering behind the gabled windows.

  “What about the owner?” Lucinda asked.

  Rick simply shook his head.

  No one spoke on the drive back to the Cambridge Hotel. Rick pulled up in front, allowing the engine to idle while Lucinda wrapped Jeremy and Cary in sheets and hurried them upstairs.

  “Why don’t you come in and rest?” Serena suggested. “We have an extra room. I’ll buy you lunch. It’s the very least I could do.”

  “No, thank you,” Rick said. “I kind of want to start my new life as soon as possible. Something simple, not too exciting.” He started up the van. Serena hesitated at the driver’s-side window.

  “The Blood will wear off after a while,” Rick said. “Enjoy it while you can. There is no more Blood of the Succubus to be had. Ever.”

  “Hooray!” Serena said, and he chuckled.

  “Thank you,” she began, then hesitated, wanting to say what was impossible to put into words.

  “Thank you,” he responded. “I could not have accomplished this without you. Truly.”

  She stepped back, and the van lurched its way down the street, backfiring and belching black smoke as it went.

  Only then did Serena finally relax. She fell slightly backward, knowing Cary had returned, dressed now, and would catch her, and as his arms enveloped her, she closed her eyes, and for the first time since his death, Serena was able to cry for her son.


  Brittany cheated on Abigail for the first time only a few weeks later. Worse, it was with a man, not a woman. They’d talked about the possibility of her straying, because she truly was a “horny bitch,” as she’d said, but it was always assumed by both of them that it would be with a woman.

  Even stranger, she thoroughly enjoyed it, though a penis had never held much interest for her before. She had so much energy after the affair that she immediately went to another bar and picked up another man, and instead of it tiring her, she came home jazzed.

  She waited for Abigail to get home from work, wondering whether to confess. When Abigail walked in the door, more cheerful and talkative than usual, Brittany recognized the signs. Abigail had gotten laid too. It had probably been a man, since she had that predilection.

  What’s happening to us? Brittany asked herself.

  Neither woman said anything to the other.


  Serena waited for the Blood to wear off, and took advantage of its effects as much as she could until Cary begged for relief, laughing. She often joked about him robbing the cradle, and new acquaintances were puzzled at the laughter it provoked in Serena, because to outward appearances, she looked a good decade younger than him, instead of the other way around.

  “You’re wearing me out,” he said a few months later, after they had made love for most of the evening. He said it as if he was joking, but there was an element of grumbling beneath it.

  Serena had no patience for it. She wanted more.

  She swung over onto him, and when he didn’t respond, she started to gently stroke his cock.

  “I think I’m done,” he said.

  She ignored him.

  Serena felt something stir inside her, a desire so strong that it seemed to pour out of her, and sure enough, his erection returned, harder than ever.

  She positioned herself on top of him and started grinding.

  “Enough, Serena,” he pleaded. “I need some rest.”

  She paid no attention and kept going until he grunted, almost in pain, and came for the third time that evening.

  Serena still didn’t feel satisfied, and she went down on him, licking and sucking him until he was hard once again, ignoring his protestations.

  She’d felt something the last time he had climaxed. It was as if a part of him had entered her, giving her a euphoric energy. Surely that couldn’t be a bad thing? Cary was being childish, denying her this pleasure. She knew that deep down he was enjoying it too; why else would he orgasm?

  She rode him, eyes closed, not noticing the look of fear that came over her lover’s face.

  She just wanted a little more.




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