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Robert Browning - Delphi Poets Series

Page 15

by Robert Browning

  So much was plain enough, but somehow struck

  Him not before. And now with this strange luck

  Of Tito’s news, rewarding his address

  So well, what thought he of? — how the success

  With Friedrich’s rescript there, would either hush

  Old Ecelin’s scruples, bring the manly flush

  To his young son’s white cheek, or, last, exempt

  Himself from telling what there was to tempt?

  No: that this minstrel was Romano’s last

  Servant — himself the first! Could he contrast

  The whole! — that minstrel’s thirty years just spent

  In doing nought, their notablest event

  This morning’s journey hither, as I told —

  Who yet was lean, outworn and really old,

  A stammering awkward man that scarce dared raise

  His eye before the magisterial gaze —

  And Salinguerra with his fears and hopes

  Of sixty years, his Emperors and Popes,

  Cares and contrivances, yet, you would say,

  ‘T was a youth nonchalantly looked away

  Through the embrasure northward o’er the sick

  Expostulating trees — so agile, quick

  And graceful turned the head on the broad chest

  Encased in pliant steel, his constant vest,

  Whence split the sun off in a spray of fire

  Across the room; and, loosened of its tire

  Of steel, that head let breathe the comely brown

  Large massive locks discoloured as if a crown

  Encircled them, so frayed the basnet where

  A sharp white line divided clean the hair;

  Glossy above, glossy below, it swept

  Curling and fine about a brow thus kept

  Calm, laid coat upon coat, marble and sound:

  This was the mystic mark the Tuscan found,

  Mused of, turned over books about. Square-faced,

  No lion more; two vivid eyes, enchased

  In hollows filled with many a shade and streak

  Settling from the bold nose and bearded cheek.

  Nor might the half-smile reach them that deformed

  A lip supremely perfect else — unwarmed,

  Unwidened, less or more; indifferent

  Whether on trees or men his thoughts were bent,

  Thoughts rarely, after all, in trim and train

  As now a period was fulfilled again:

  Of such, a series made his life, compressed

  In each, one story serving for the rest —

  How his life-streams rolling arrived at last

  At the barrier, whence, were it once overpast,

  They would emerge, a river to the end, —

  Gathered themselves up, paused, bade fate befriend,

  Took the leap, hung a minute at the height,

  Then fell back to oblivion infinite:

  Therefore he smiled. Beyond stretched garden-grounds

  Where late the adversary, breaking bounds,

  Had gained him an occasion, That above,

  That eagle, testified he could improve

  Effectually. The Kaiser’s symbol lay

  Beside his rescript, a new badge by way

  Of baldric; while, — another thing that marred

  Alike emprise, achievement and reward, —

  Ecelin’s missive was conspicuous too.

  What past life did those flying thoughts pursue?

  As his, few names in Mantua half so old;

  But at Ferrara, where his sires enrolled

  It latterly, the Adelardi spared

  No pains to rival them: both factions shared

  Ferrara, so that, counted out, ‘t would yield

  A product very like the city’s shield,

  Half black and white, or Ghibellin and Guelf

  As after Salinguerra styled himself

  And Este who, till Marchesalla died,

  (Last of the Adelardi) — never tried

  His fortune there: with Marchesalla’s child

  Would pass, — could Blacks and Whites be reconciled

  And young Taurello wed Linguetta, — wealth

  And sway to a sole grasp. Each treats by stealth

  Already: when the Guelfs, the Ravennese

  Arrive, assault the Pietro quarter, seize

  Linguetta, and are gone! Men’s first dismay

  Abated somewhat, hurries down, to lay

  The after indignation, Boniface,

  This Richard’s father. “Learn the full disgrace

  “Averted, ere you blame us Guelfs, who rate

  “Your Salinguerra, your sole potentate

  “That might have been, ‘mongst Este’s valvassors —

  “Ay, Azzo’s — who, not privy to, abhors

  “Our step; but we were zealous.” Azzo then

  To do with! Straight a meeting of old men:

  “Old Salinguerra dead, his heir a boy,

  “What if we change our ruler and decoy

  “The Lombard Eagle of the azure sphere

  “With Italy to build in, fix him here,

  “Settle the city’s troubles in a trice?

  “For private wrong, let public good suffice!”

  In fine, young Salinguerra’s staunchest friends

  Talked of the townsmen making him amends,

  Gave him a goshawk, and affirmed there was

  Rare sport, one morning, over the green grass

  A mile or so. He sauntered through the plain,

  Was restless, fell to thinking, turned again

  In time for Azzo’s entry with the bride;

  Count Boniface rode smirking at their side;

  “She brings him half Ferrara,” whispers flew,

  “And all Ancona! If the stripling knew!”

  Anon the stripling was in Sicily

  Where Heinrich ruled in right of Constance; he

  Was gracious nor his guest incapable;

  Each understood the other. So it fell,

  One Spring, when Azzo, thoroughly at ease,

  Had near forgotten by what precise degrees

  He crept at first to such a downy seat,

  The Count trudged over in a special heat

  To bid him of God’s love dislodge from each

  Of Salinguerra’s palaces, — a breach

  Might yawn else, not so readily to shut,

  For who was just arrived at Mantua but

  The youngster, sword on thigh and tuft on chin,

  With tokens for Celano, Ecelin,

  Pistore, and the like! Next news, — no whit

  Do any of Ferrara’s domes befit

  His wife of Heinrich’s very blood: a band

  Of foreigners assemble, understand

  Garden-constructing, level and surround,

  Build up and bury in. A last news crowned

  The consternation: since his infant’s birth,

  He only waits they end his wondrous girth

  Of trees that link San Pietro with Tomà,

  To visit Mantua. When the Podestà

  Ecelin, at Vicenza, called his friend

  Taurello thither, what could be their end

  But to restore the Ghibellins’ late Head,

  The Kaiser helping? He with most to dread

  From vengeance and reprisal, Azzo, there

  With Boniface beforehand, as aware

  Of plots in progress, gave alarm, expelled

  Both plotters: but the Guelfs in triumph yelled

  Too hastily. The burning and the flight,

  And how Taurello, occupied that night

  With Ecelin, lost wife and son, I told:

  — Not how he bore the blow, retained his hold,

  Got friends safe through, left enemies the worst

  O’ the fray, and hardly seemed to care at first:

  But afterward men heard not constantly

  Of Salinguerra’s House so sure to be!r />
  Though Azzo simply gained by the event

  A shifting of his plagues — the first, content

  To fall behind the second and estrange

  So far his nature, suffer such a change

  That in Romano sought he wife and child,

  And for Romano’s sake seemed reconciled

  To losing individual life, which shrunk

  As the other prospered — mortised in his trunk;

  Like a dwarf palm which wanton Arabs foil

  Of bearing its own proper wine and oil,

  By grafting into it the stranger-vine,

  Which sucks its heart out, sly and serpentine,

  Till forth one vine-palm feathers to the root,

  And red drops moisten the insipid fruit.

  Once Adelaide set on, — the subtle mate

  Of the weak soldier, urged to emulate

  The Church’s valiant women deed for deed,

  And paragon her namesake, win the meed

  O’ the great Matilda, — soon they overbore

  The rest of Lombardy, — not as before

  By an instinctive truculence, but patched

  The Kaiser’s strategy until it matched

  The Pontiff’s, sought old ends by novel means.

  “Only, why is it Salinguerra screens

  “Himself behind Romano? — him we bade

  “Enjoy our shine i’ the front, not seek the shade!”

  — Asked Heinrich, somewhat of the tardiest

  To comprehend. Nor Philip acquiesced

  At once in the arrangement; reasoned, plied

  His friend with offers of another bride,

  A statelier function — fruitlessly: ‘t was plain

  Taurello through some weakness must remain

  Obscure. And Otho, free to judge of both

  — Ecelin the unready, harsh and loth,

  And this more plausible and facile wight

  With every point a-sparkle — chose the right,

  Admiring how his predecessors harped

  On the wrong man: “thus,” quoth he, “wits are warped

  “By outsides!” Carelessly, meanwhile, his life

  Suffered its many turns of peace and strife

  In many lands — you hardly could surprise

  The man; who shamed Sordello (recognize!)

  In this as much beside, that, unconcerned

  What qualities were natural or earned,

  With no ideal of graces, as they came

  He took them, singularly well the same —

  Speaking the Greek’s own language, just because

  Your Greek eludes you, leave the least of flaws

  In contracts with him; while, since Arab lore

  Holds the stars’ secret — take one trouble more

  And master it! ‘T is done, and now deter

  Who may the Tuscan, once Jove trined for her,

  From Friedrich’s path! — Friedrich, whose pilgrimage

  The same man puts aside, whom he ‘ll engage

  To leave next year John Brienne in the lurch,

  Come to Bassano, see Saint Francis’ church

  And judge of Guido the Bolognian’s piece

  Which, — lend Taurello credit, — rivals Greece —

  Angels, with aureoles like golden quoits

  Pitched home, applauding Ecelin’s exploits.

  For elegance, he strung the angelot,

  Made rhymes thereto; for prowess, clove he not

  Tiso, last siege, from crest to crupper? Why

  Detail you thus a varied mastery

  But to show how Taurello, on the watch

  For men, to read their hearts and thereby catch

  Their capabilities and purposes,

  Displayed himself so far as displayed these:

  While our Sordello only cared to know

  About men as a means whereby he ‘d show

  Himself, and men had much or little worth

  According as they kept in or drew forth

  That self; the other’s choicest instruments

  Surmised him shallow.

  Meantime, malcontents

  Dropped off, town after town grew wiser. “How

  “Change the world’s face?” asked people; “as ‘t is now

  “It has been, will be ever: very fine

  “Subjecting things profane to things divine,

  “In talk! This contumacy will fatigue

  “The vigilance of Este and the League!

  “The Ghibellins gain on us!” — as it happed.

  Old Azzo and old Boniface, entrapped

  By Ponte Alto, both in one month’s space

  Slept at Verona: either left a brace

  Of sons — but, three years after, either’s pair

  Lost Guglielm and Aldobrand its heir:

  Azzo remained and Richard — all the stay

  Of Este and Saint Boniface, at bay

  As ‘t were. Then, either Ecelin grew old

  Or his brain altered — not o’ the proper mould

  For new appliances — his old palm-stock

  Endured no influx of strange strengths. He ‘d rock

  As in a drunkenness, or chuckle low

  As proud of the completeness of his woe,

  Then weep real tears; — now make some mad onslaught

  On Este, heedless of the lesson taught

  So painfully, — now cringe for peace, sue peace

  At price of past gain, bar of fresh increase

  To the fortunes of Romano. Up at last

  Rose Este, down Romano sank as fast.

  And men remarked these freaks of peace and war

  Happened while Salinguerra was afar:

  Whence every friend besought him, all in vain,

  To use his old adherent’s wits again.

  Not he! — ”who had advisers in his sons,

  “Could plot himself, nor needed any one’s

  “Advice.” ‘T was Adelaide’s remaining staunch

  Prevented his destruction root and branch

  Forthwith; but when she died, doom fell, for gay

  He made alliances, gave lands away

  To whom it pleased accept them, and withdrew

  For ever from the world. Taurello, who

  Was summoned to the convent, then refused

  A word at the wicket, patience thus abused,

  Promptly threw off alike his imbecile

  Ally’s yoke, and his own frank, foolish smile.

  Soon a few movements of the happier sort

  Changed matters, put himself in men’s report

  As heretofore; he had to fight, beside,

  And that became him ever. So, in pride

  And flushing of this kind of second youth,

  He dealt a good-will blow. Este in truth

  Lay prone — and men remembered, somewhat late,

  A laughing old outrageous stifled hate

  He bore to Este — how it would outbreak

  At times spite of disguise, like an earthquake

  In sunny weather — as that noted day

  When with his hundred friends he tried to slay

  Azzo before the Kaiser’s face: and how,

  On Azzo’s calm refusal to allow

  A liegeman’s challenge, straight he too was calmed:

  As if his hate could bear to lie embalmed,

  Bricked up, the moody Pharaoh, and survive

  All intermediate crumblings, to arrive

  At earth’s catastrophe — ’t was Este’s crash

  Not Azzo’s he demanded, so, no rash

  Procedure! Este’s true antagonist

  Rose out of Ecelin: all voices whist,

  All eyes were sharpened, wits predicted. He

  ‘T was, leaned in the embrasure absently,

  Amused with his own efforts, now, to trace

  With his steel-sheathed forefinger Friedrich’s face

  I’ the dust: but as the trees waved sere, his smile

sp; Deepened, and words expressed its thought erewhile.

  “Ay, fairly housed at last, my old compeer?

  “That we should stick together, all the year

  “I kept Vicenza! — How old Boniface,

  “Old Azzo caught us in its market-place,

  “He by that pillar, I at this, — caught each

  “In mid swing, more than fury of his speech,

  “Egging the rabble on to disavow

  “Allegiance to their Marquis — Bacchus, how

  “They boasted! Ecelin must turn their drudge,

  “Nor, if released, will Salinguerra grudge

  “Paying arrears of tribute due long since —

  “Bacchus! My man could promise then, nor wince

  “The bones-and-muscles! Sound of wind and limb,

  “Spoke he the set excuse I framed for him:

  “And now he sits me, slavering and mute,

  “Intent on chafing each starved purple foot

  “Benumbed past aching with the altar slab:

  “Will no vein throb there when some monk shall blab

  “Spitefully to the circle of bald scalps,

  “‘Friedrich ‘s affirmed to be our side the Alps’

  “ — Eh, brother Lactance, brother Anaclet?

  “Sworn to abjure the world, its fume and fret,

  “God’s own now? Drop the dormitory bar,

  “Enfold the scanty grey serge scapular

  “Twice o’er the cowl to muffle memories out!

  “So! But the midnight whisper turns a shout,

  “Eyes wink, mouths open, pulses circulate

  “In the stone walls: the past, the world you hate

  “Is with you, ambush, open field — or see

  “The surging flame — we fire Vicenza — glee!

  “Follow, let Pilio and Bernardo chafe!

  “Bring up the Mantuans — through San Biagio — safe!

  “Ah, the mad people waken? Ah, they writhe

  “And reach us? If they block the gate? No tithe

  “Can pass — keep back, you Bassanese! The edge,

  “Use the edge — shear, thrust, hew, melt down the wedge,

  “Let out the black of those black upturned eyes!

  “Hell — are they sprinkling fire too? The blood fries

  “And hisses on your brass gloves as they tear

  “Those upturned faces choking with despair.

  “Brave! Slidder through the reeking gate! `How now?

  “‘You six had charge of her?’ And then the vow

  “Comes, and the foam spirts, hair’s plucked, till one shriek

  “(I hear it) and you fling — you cannot speak —

  “Your gold-flowered basnet to a man who haled

  “The Adelaide he dared scarce view unveiled

  “This morn, naked across the fire: how crown

  “The archer that exhausted lays you down

  “Your infant, smiling at the flame, and dies?


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