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Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Alicia White

  “I’m sorry. My mind is focused on Chayton right now.”

  “Maybe you should get a good night sleep and then check in on him. You look like you’re about to pass out, honey.” Emma shook her head, rejecting that idea right away.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Youngblood, but I just want to see Chayton.”

  “Call me Bev,” the older woman chided her.

  “Bev.” Emma gave a weak smile. There was no way she was going to miss seeing Chayton. She would never be able to sleep. She glanced at Mahkah and pleaded with her eyes.

  “I want you to eat a little more, and I’ll take you to him.” He seemed to understand her need to see his brother. His tone was stern, but his eyes were full of understanding and compassion. Her heart did a little flip.

  Emma made a show of eating soup. The last thing she wanted was to offend Chayton’s parents. She did have questions for them, but now was not the time. Not when her love was fighting for his life. Chayton. Emma blinked rapidly, trying to hold the tears back. They lodged in her throat until the effort to hold them back became painful. A couple escaped to slide down her face and drip off her chin. She prayed desperately they wouldn’t notice.

  Emma was so exhausted. Her life had completely changed over the last twenty-four hours. Her entire relationship with Chayton changed the moment he told her about shifters and his desire to have her in a ménage with his brothers. She should hate the idea, should be upset that he could even suggest such a thing, but she wasn’t. She just kept wondering how it would work. Would she be with each of them on different designated nights? Would she be expected to move from bed to bed, or would all three of them want her together?

  Taking a deep breath, she counted to ten before letting it out. She braved a glance up. His parents were no longer in the room. She was left alone with Mahkah. He was watching her closely, concern etched on his handsome face.

  “Emma?” She waited for him to say more, but he only shook his head. Pushing out his chair, he stood and held out his hand to her.

  Emma grabbed ahold of him like a lifeline, and Mahkah pulled her to her feet. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her along beside him. No words were said, and she was grateful. She didn’t feel like talking with the lump in her throat. The house was empty as they walked through the huge family room, and she wondered briefly where all their friends and family were. On shaky legs, she walked up the stairs leaning into Mahkah’s side. She felt weak, and she hated herself for that.

  Once they finally reached the door where she assumed Chayton was, Mahkah stopped her and turned. Looking up into his beautiful eyes, she waited.

  “The doctor was able to remove the bullet from Chayton’s chest. There was a lot of blood, and he shifted back into his human form.” Nodding, Emma hung onto every word. “I’m hoping that when we open this door, he’ll be in bear form. When we are injured, it’s important to shift. It helps with the healing process. The longer he stays in human form, the worse off he’ll be. I just wanted to warn you.”

  “Thank you.” Emma swallowed hard and half turned toward the door. Her heart began to pound, and she could feel her pulse beating frantically in her neck. Blood rushed through her body, and she felt a bit light-headed as Mahkah put his hand on the doorknob and turned it. His moves seemed to be happening in slow motion.

  The door finally swung open. Only one light was on, and it highlighted Chayton on the bed. To her absolute relief, he was in his bear form. Walking away from Mahkah’s embrace, she went to the bed and stared down at him. His chest rose and fell, and a bandage covered his chest, a huge, white reminder of their horrible day.

  Emma took hold of his paw, needing contact. He looked so peaceful and comfortable. She ran her fingers gently through his fur. He growled, and she shivered. It wasn’t a scary sound, more of a sound of contentment. Emma climbed on the huge bed with her bear, her heart. She curled up to him and smiled. Within minutes she was yawning. She was home.

  * * * *

  Mahkah watched Emma with mixed emotions. Part of him wanted to pull her out of the bed and take her to his room. The other part wanted her happy and comfortable in her new home. She’d seemed so lost and sad during dinner, and although his parents tried to engage her in conversation, she was in her own world, closed off to them all. Leaning against the doorframe, Mahkah watched her interact with Chayton.

  She wasn’t afraid. Instead, she cuddled close and stroked him. He couldn’t wait to get to know her better. The joy he was feeling in his heart was becoming overwhelming with her, his mate, finally in the same house. It seemed the hardest part was over. Chayton had actually helped them all a great deal. He had told Emma everything, and she didn’t seem afraid. Maybe after she had a good night sleep, she would be more talkative and open with him and Takoda. His brother seemed to be having some difficulty, but this was a stressful time for them all.

  Her breathing changed, and he knew she slept. He eased over to the bed and peered down at her face. She looked like an innocent angel. He noticed under her eyes was purple from exhaustion. She had been through such an emotional ordeal. He really wanted to take care of her and comfort her, but he pushed those thoughts away. They had nothing but time now that she was home.

  He contemplated moving her to another room but decided to leave her next to Chayton. They needed each other. Mahkah looked around the room and spotted a comfortable chair. Pulling it to the side of the bed, he sat down and pushed the footrest up. It wasn’t an ideal place to sleep, but he wanted to be close to his brother and mate if either of them needed him.

  Mahkah watched over them until his eyes grew heavy. It had been a very long day. He ran a hand down his face and yawned. When he woke up and found Takoda gone, he assumed the worst. Nothing was as bad as this. He was living an absolute nightmare. Emma had been attacked and Chayton got shot.

  The clan was aware of the wolf pack visiting Anchorage, but they’d never had any trouble before. They usually stayed in their territory in Northern Minnesota. Mahkah wondered what the future held. He wanted his family safe and together in their home, but he had a bad feeling this altercation was only the beginning.

  Chapter 13

  Don’t look back. Keep moving. Don’t stop. Those words played in her mind like a scratched record…never moving forward, just jump and repeat. The forest was dark as she ran, never slowing. Snow littered the ground, causing her to slip, her footing unsure. Large stumps arose from the ground like living things. She tripped over fallen logs, slid on the ice and snow, yet managed to trudge forward…all the while her heart beat frantically in her chest. It was an effort to keep breathing evenly, but she managed somewhat.

  The unfamiliar scents flowing through her, her heart beating a staccato in her chest, her breathing coming in gasps…fogging up around her head like a halo…could only be described as heaven. She knew she should be frightened. Somewhere deep inside, she was aware her fear and anxiety were misplaced. After all, someone or something was chasing her, right? Then, why did she feel more alive at this moment than any other time in her life? Everything seemed to slide into place. This is what she was meant to do.

  A loud roar sounded from somewhere behind her. Her eyes widened, and she pushed herself harder, moving faster. Anticipation tickled her senses. Her cheeks stung from the frigid air as she sprinted away from the thundering footsteps in the distance. She was aware she would be caught. She also knew that he would chase her forever. She wasn’t sure where this knowledge came from, but it floated deep inside her, from the unknown reaches of her mind. He wanted to claim her. Only he wasn’t alone. There was more than one. Although her body was on board with the idea, her mind rebelled relentlessly.

  Her mind whispered something she couldn’t grasp. It was there, just on the edge of her conscience. You belong to them. She shook her head and continued on. She busted through to a clearing and stopped. Slumped over to catch her breath, she put her hands on her knees. Something seemed out of place here. She slowly straightened and glanced aroun
d. Something slammed into her from behind. Her scream was cut short when she twisted around only to land on something warm and solid. Air came out in a whoosh, and her hands made contact with hot skin.

  “Hold still.” His voice was slightly distorted.

  Her body obeyed him instantly, even though her brain rebelled. He flipped them over, and she opened her eyes. He was huge, and her breath caught in her throat. His eyes were solid black, and his breaths were low, rumbling growls. She realized immediately if she were sane, she would be afraid. Some instinct told her this man wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted him.

  “Arms above your head,” he grated, and once again, Emma obeyed without question. Loud footsteps moved closer, and she jerked her head to the side, watching as two men stepped into the clearing. She couldn’t see their faces, only their bodies rippling with muscles.

  The ripping of clothes got her attention, and Emma stared at the man above her with shock. He’d sliced open her clothes to strip her, snarling and growling while she stared at him in a daze. He stood up for a minute and tore his jeans from his body. For a moment, she wondered why he was wearing only jeans in the cold, but that thought faded when she glanced at his hardening length.

  He positioned himself over her, bending down to kiss or lick, moving a hand or a knee. Something was happening that she didn’t understand. This wasn’t just a random act. This was some sort of ritual. The two other men circled them, but they didn’t make a move to touch her.

  As he moved above her, she was tempted to go to her hands and knees in front of him. She wanted to tilt her neck, to present it to him and show her submission. He dragged his rough tongue across her nipples and she arched her back, feeling wet.

  “Turn over,” he commanded, and Emma immediately obeyed, wanting to please him.

  He growled, and she knew that she’d pleased him. Shifting her hips, she waited for him to touch her, anticipation making her slick. She ached. She felt empty, needing to be filled. Large hands caressed her hips, moving up her back, and finally cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples. With a gentle push, he pressed her shoulders against the ground. She laid her head on her jacket, and relaxed her body. He was going to claim her, mark her.

  Slowly, taking his time, he pressed two fingers into her, and Emma stayed still, panting.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He groaned.

  “Yes…take me, please,” she begged him.

  “You don’t have to beg, ciqala. We’re all going to claim you.” Hearing him call her Chayton’s pet name gave her pause. She knew it wasn’t him though. It wasn’t just the voice, it was the way he touched her.

  She felt the head of his cock touch her pussy, and Emma held her breath, preparing for the invasion. She knew he was huge, and although she was wet and ready, she was a little scared that he might hurt her.

  “Calm yourself. I’m going to go real slow.” With that last sentence, he pushed his cock into her, giving her time to adjust to each inch.

  Emma came awake slowly. She stretched and rubbed her eyes, amazed she’d woken up before her annoying alarm clock. She blinked slowly and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the energy to move. After the dream she’d just had, she wanted nothing more than to stay in bed all day with Chayton. That thought brought a smile to her lips. Emma rolled toward him in the hopes of doing just that.

  Her hand landed on his chest. She gasped and jerked back before realizing he was still in his bear form. Everything came flooding back in a kaleidoscope of images. Emma rolled to her back and lay perfectly still. He was breathing easy and wasn’t hot to the touch. Relieved, she closed her eyes and relaxed her body. She was determined she’d lay there with him until he opened his eyes.

  “Emma? Are you okay, baby?” Mahkah’s hand touched her shoulder, and she jumped. She opened her eyes and stared at him. His voice took her back to her earlier dream, and she couldn’t help but picture him taking her on the ground. Embarrassed at her thoughts, she felt her cheeks flush with heat.

  “Think he will wake up soon?” Emma fidgeted, hoping he couldn’t read her thoughts. She tried to concentrate on Chayton getting better.

  “When he’s strong and healthy enough to shift back. His body needs time.”

  “Oh.” That was all she could manage.

  “You need to eat, Emma.”

  “I’m not going to leave him.”

  “You don’t have to. Takoda is bringing you something right now. As long as you eat and take care of yourself, you can stay with him, okay? You’re not doing him any good if you fall ill. You have been through an ordeal yourself. Don’t forget that. We can’t afford you getting sick also. Do you understand?” She hated his authoritative tone, but she grudgingly agreed.

  “You’re right.”

  “Good. Come over here and sit down. Takoda will be here in a minute with breakfast.”

  She hated walking away from Chayton even for a moment, but at least they weren’t asking her to leave the room. She knew she shouldn’t be angry with Mahkah or Takoda. It wasn’t their fault they were in this position. She blamed herself. That was the real issue. She should’ve headed right home after work. Instead, she was feeling sorry for herself. Chayton had gotten shot because of her. With a heavy heart, she climbed out of bed and went to the small makeshift table that Mahkah had obviously set up for her.

  Takoda walked through the bedroom door carrying a heavy tray full of food, and Emma pulled out a chair and sat down. He sat the tray on the table and began pulling plates off before he sat down as well. The room was relatively silent, except for the clattering of silverware. Emma picked up her knife. I could cut the tension with this. She wondered if they felt it as well.

  “Thank you, Takoda. It’s been a long time since I’ve been served breakfast in bed, I mean in a bedroom.” She smiled slightly, and he only nodded in acknowledgement.

  Exhaling a bit, she picked up her fork and began nibbling on small bites of egg, pancake, and sausage. It was easy to deal with the silence when she was eating. She could pretend to be focused only on her food instead of the obvious tension in the room. She wanted to say something, but she was lost for the right words. It seemed that Takoda was upset with her, and she knew why. It was her fault that his twin had been shot. Guilt choked her, and Emma found it hard to even swallow her food.

  * * * *

  Mahkah looked from Takoda to Emma and shook his head. What was happening with the two of them? He really needed both his brothers to be on the same page where their mate was concerned. Instead, Chayton was lying in bed unconscious and Takoda was giving Emma the cold shoulder. This was not working out the way he’d hoped. Mahkah ran a hand down his face and stood. He glanced at the two of them with more than a little agitation and walked to the bed. At least Chayton was being reasonable, like he had a choice.

  Mahkah placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder and willed him to wake. He sighed in his sleep but didn’t stir. Come on, Brother. Open your eyes. Mahkah understood Emma loved Chayton. He had no doubt she would come to love him as well. Takoda was a different story. There may have to be some intervention before the ice cracked.

  Mahkah strode back to the table and kissed Emma on the forehead. She looked up at him for a brief second before ducking her head. Something flickered in her eyes before she masked it. He wondered if he’d imagined it. He met Takoda’s eyes over her head. No words passed between them, but his brother’s nod was evidence he got the point. Takoda needed to be the bigger person here. He had been conditioned for this his entire life. This was all new to Emma. They couldn’t expect her to take all this in without some resistance. He dropped another kiss on top of her head and left the room.

  Mahkah went down the stairs with no particular destination in mind. His thoughts were consumed with Emma. The silence that greeted him was deafening. He paced the room in sure quick steps. It felt strange not to have a full house. His parents and other clan members were usually in and out at random times, daily. They were obviously giving them time alone wi
th Emma, to assure them privacy to bond with her. A lot of good that was doing. She didn’t seem to be showing any interest.

  Mahkah had felt an instant connection to her when she’d first arrived. It was immediate, and he knew that she’d felt it, too. He also understood she needed time to adjust, but damned if he wanted to wait. If Emma was a shifter, she would recognize them as her mate and come to them on her own. His skin began to itch. He needed to get out of here before he marched back up there and let his alpha take control.

  Mahkah threw the door open and took a deep, cleansing breath before stripping out of his clothes. He needed to run. If he didn’t get himself under control, he would possibly do something he’d regret later. He walked slowly forward and growled low in his throat. He threw his head back as the shift took over. Power surged through his body. It felt good to let the bear take over.

  He liked taking the change slowly, feeling his muscles grow and lengthen. Fully a bear now, Mahkah headed toward the tree line. Once out of view, he broke into a run. He could feel the tension pouring out of him in waves. Life was so much easier in bear form. You were free to roam, hunt, and live the best of both worlds. When you reached adulthood, you searched for the one who completes you. Your mate.

  Hearing that Chayton found Emma was the most amazing news. He’d experienced several emotions in the same breath. It was a bit overwhelming. Riding on the tail of that, was fear. It was acceptance of changes to come. He couldn’t forget she was human. They were delicate, fragile creatures who needed to be treated with infinite care. His mother being human was of little consolation, but it helped.

  Mahkah had so many unanswered questions. He hated the unknown and wasn’t the most patient man in his clan. Perhaps he would leave her with Chayton. Maybe in time, his brother could soften her heart toward them. Once again it was a waiting game. Who knew how long that could take, and Chayton was healing at a snail’s pace. Worry for his brother caused his heart to squeeze. He would be okay. He had to be.


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