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The One I Need (Snakes Henchmen MC Book 1)

Page 20

by Alivia Grayson

“We were too late,” I tell her quietly as I rock my daughter, who simply lies her head on my shoulder.

  “For what, sweetheart?” Coral strokes my back gently.

  “To save her.”

  “No,” She whispers in shock. I turn to look at her. How do I tell this beautiful woman that her best friend was murdered in exactly the same way as her baby sister? Wasn't losing Cindy enough?

  She's crying. I'm not great with emotions, there was no one there to teach me how to comfort another person through grief when they needed it.

  Coral and I are quiet for an age. Ember has fallen asleep, but I haven't lain her down. Coral is sitting beside me with her head on my shoulder. She hums softly and it's oddly comforting.

  After a while of nothingness, I ask her, “How do you do it?”

  “What?” She asks quietly.

  “Carry on when they're gone.”

  She sighs deeply.

  I don't mean to bring up the past and make her relive all that hurt, and I'm not saying my pain comes close to hers, but I can't bear this feeling inside of me. I can't bear the pain my parents are in. My big brother, my little brothers, and my baby sister. I just found my family and now they are torn apart, never to be put back together again.

  “You just have to, Nova. It won't feel like it now, or even in the weeks to come. But it will get easier. With Tank's help, you'll get through this.”

  “Is that how you got through losing Cindy because you had Stryker?”

  “I couldn't've carried on one day without him by my side. Don't push Tank away, you need him now more than ever. Don't hold your feelings inside where they'll fester, let them out, Nova. Cry and scream and ask why as much as it takes to get it out. And I promise that there will come a day where you wake up and it won't hurt to think about her. There will come a day where it's easy to talk about her and to remember the beautiful, beautiful person she was.”

  “We didn't have enough time, Coral. We didn't have enough time.”

  I cry in her arms for the sister my siblings and I have lost, for the daughter, my parents will never hold again, and for the girl who was loved by everyone and everything she touched.

  God, I'm going to miss you, Willow. I will never forget you for as long as I live. And I hope you know that you were loved.

  “Everything is gonna be alright, brother.”

  “Is it? She's lying in that room fightin' for her life, Tank.”

  Yes, she is.

  We managed to get Willow to Doc Davis within minutes. The old bastard works on commission for us, for the mob. He does as he's told when he's told. The closest place to bring her was the safe house. Doc met us here.

  My brother is covered in blood, Willow's blood. He hasn't moved from the seat he sat down in when we arrived and I'm worried about him.

  Doc Davis had Jett and Hammer take Willow to the infirmary at the back of the house. A small hospital Apollo had built years ago for when a brother needs patching up. We don't want the cops breathing down our necks when shit goes down. Even though we really should have taken Willow to the hospital we couldn't risk it. As bad as that sounds.

  My brother didn't let go of Willow's throat until the last moment when Taylor took over. Blackjack is a damn quick thinker, picked her up on the way, knowing' she'd be needed.

  Between Taylor, couple nurses that work with the Doc, and Doc Davis himself, they managed to stop the bleeding and fix whatever the hell Crack slit inside Willow's throat. She was then stitched up and put under strong sedation to keep her asleep for the next twenty-four hours.

  Not one man has left yet, none of us could rest if we did. Stryker collected Lynette, both she and Shepard, along with Jett are with Willow right now. Their kids are with Tammy, according to Stryker. But god knows where Nova is.

  She called me to give me what for earlier. I told her about what happened and the phone went dead. I thought she'd've made her way here, but two hours later and she's nowhere to be found. I really should check on her, god knows how and what she's feeling right now.

  “She's a fighter, Hammer. If anyone can come through this it's Willow.”

  “But what will this do to her, Tank? You think she's ever gonna be the same after this?”

  I can't, in all honesty, answer that, because I just don't know the answer. I'll never lie to my brother, he's the only blood-relative I have on this earth. I won't sugar-coat shit for him either. He wouldn't want that.

  I kiss my brother’s head and get out of my seat. “I'm here if and when you need me, brother, but right now I need to find, Nova. If you need me for anything at all, you call me.”

  He nods through his heartbreak. And as much as I don't want to leave him, I have to.

  * * *

  “She had a bit of a breakdown. Blaming herself for things she had no control over. She just really needs you right now.”

  I think Coral needs Stryker right now. Girl looks like she's having a breakdown of her own. I pull her into my arms and let her cry. “Don't be sad, darlin'. Willow is going to be just fine soon enough.”

  She pulls away from me, eyes scanning me. “She's alive?”

  I narrow my eyes, then close them in realization. Damn Nova, why didn't she let me finish before she slammed the phone down?

  “She was badly hurt and it was touch and go there for a while, but Doc Davis managed to keep her alive.” Tears fall from Coral's eyes as she closes them. This girl has been through so much in her life. I can't imagine what was going through her head thinking Willow had been killed.

  “How long's she been asleep?” My girl and our daughter are fast asleep on Coral's couch, Ember on her mother’s chest.

  “About half an hour. Tank, she thinks Willow died. You need to explain things to her. She's a strong girl, a powerful one. She told me what went down at the warehouse. But she's still capable of being frightened and hurt.”

  Nova shouldn't've told Coral anything!

  “Stryker,” Pulling away from me, she sidesteps me to get to her husband. He must have followed me here.

  “It's okay, baby, I got you.”

  “I'll be out of your hair in just a few, brother. I just need to wake my girl and tell her Willow isn't dead.” He nods – the man never says much – and takes Coral from the room.

  I look down at my girls. Ember is so oblivious to all of this right now. I wish Nova was.

  I crouch down beside them and stroke Nova's cheek with the back of my hand. Her eyes open instantly. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” She parrots back. “Are my parents okay?”

  “They're with Willow.” She nods while biting her lower lip. “Willow's alive, Nova.” Her eyes widen. “You didn't let me finish what I was telling you on the phone.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She will be. She's going to be sick for a while, but we're all here to help her.”

  “I want to see her.”


  Coral and Stryker agree to keep Ember for the night while I take Nova to see Willow. The whole ride over, she clings to me tightly. She clings tight to my hand as we walk into the house and out back to the infirmary where Willow still is and will be for the next couple days. Doc doesn't want to move her just yet.

  Jett opens the door when I knock it.

  Nova says nothing to anyone in the room, she just walks silently toward the bed that Willow is sleeping on.

  She hardly looks like Willow right now. Her usually immaculate brown hair is limp. There are dark circles under her eyes, cuts, and bruises all over her face. There's a cast on her arm. I had no idea she'd broken anything. And, of course, there's the gauze and plastic protective covering around her neck, covering what could become infected.

  I watch my girl, we all do, all speechless as she sheds her leather jacket and her boots while humming. She pulls herself onto the bed next to Willow. Lynette reaches out just in case Nova hurts Will in any way. She won't. Shepard grabs Lynette's hand and shakes his head.

  Nova wraps one arm around Willo
w's stomach and folds the other under her own head, and then rests her head against Willow's. “Everything is going to be okay, Will. I've got you now. No one can hurt you ever again, I promise. I promise.”

  There are no words to describe how much it hurts to hear the woman you love in so much pain.

  “It's okay, baby girl, it's okay.” Nova simply nods as Shepard strokes the back of her hair.

  “This can never happen again.” Jett's right, it can't. “Never again will another motherfucker get his hands on a Snakes girl. No matter what it takes, Tank.”

  “No matter what it takes.”

  One Month Later...

  I'm a changed woman these days. I keep myself out of trouble. I'm not planning on taking on any Exorcist jobs now or in the future. I'm not saying that I never will again, but for right now, it's put to rest.

  Tank and I have put our wedding on hold for a while. Just until Willow is well enough to be a real part of it all. She's getting better every day, stronger. She and I are bonded now in a way no one could ever have imagined. I spend time with her every day, and I make sure she knows that I will always be here for her, no matter what.

  My relationship with my dad is stronger than ever. After everything that happened, I came to the conclusion that life is too fucking short to be petty over the silly things. Or anything,

  My little girl is walking. Walking! How did that happen so quickly? I know they say if you blink you'll miss how fast your child grows, but I didn't realize how true that was until Ember suddenly rushed toward me one day without falling over.

  Ember's adoption came through two days ago. Tank is now officially her father, her name changed for the world to see. Ember Leigh Marshall. And she loves her daddy.

  “All done, sweetheart.” I kiss the top of Willow's head. Lynette helped Will bathe and dress, and I've just blow dried and braided her hair. She can do all these things for herself, but she's on so much pain medication and anti-inflammatory's for her throat, that she's a little clumsy, if not shaky at times. Plus, she does find it hard to brush her hair when she has to stretch so far.

  We probably drive her crazy, but everyone is extra helpful of late. We almost lost her and it affected each and every one of us in a way I can't even explain.

  Jordan hasn't been the same with Willow since she was found. Don't get me wrong, he's here for her, helping her in every way a man should help his sick woman, but something is missing for both of them. She's distant with him, but then, no one could blame her for that, she's been through so much. He just needs to give her a little time.

  But then, he's distant too. I can't put my finger on it, but he's different these days. I'd never say this to my sister, but I think Trace is cheating on her. She almost died and he's cheating on her. If I find out that's true I'll kill him!

  “He still hasn't been to see me.”

  That's the same thing she's said every day since three days after she was rescued. That was the first and last time Hammer came to see her. Every day it gets harder to hear the heartbreak in her voice. I know she's in love with him. And not because he saved her life, but since she was a little girl. Not fair to Trace, but she's never admitted her feelings for Hammer because I know she wouldn't do that to Trace, she loves him too. But I'm not sure it's the same.

  I know Willow feels like Hammer is staying away because he can't bear to look at her and see the girl she is right now. But that's not the case at all. Seeing up close Willow's throat being cut like that must have felt like Deja vu to him. Cindy all over again. The man thinks he's cursed. And he thinks by staying away from Willow, he's protecting her. When in reality, he's hurting her so much.

  Tank's tried to talk to him, but Hammer says nothing. He refuses to talk about what happened and how it affected him. He really needs to talk about it. But he's a stubborn man. Ain't they all the same?

  “He'll come see you soon. You just need to concentrate on getting well again.”

  “I miss him, Nova. I've known him my whole life. I thought we were friends.”

  “You are friends, Willow.” I sit beside her on the small couch in her room at our parent's house. Willow moved back home for a while so Lynette could take care of her. Trace is busy with the club and Lynette didn't like the idea of Willow being stuck home alone in the house they share all the time. Plus, I don't think Willow could bear being back in the place she was kidnapped from.

  “You almost died, Will. In exactly the same way as Cindy. Can you imagine what that did to him? He's struggling a little right now, but he will come around.” She nods and leans her head on my shoulder, I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

  I smile as my man walks into the room with our little girl. “Illow!” My sister lifts in her seat and chuckles. It always makes us laugh when Ember tries to say Willow's name. Tank sets Ember on her feet and she rushes to Willow. She loves her aunt.

  I walk over to my man and smile before kissing him.

  “How's she doing?” He asks.

  “Missing your brother. She thinks he's disgusted with her.”

  “That's not the case, baby.”

  “I know.” I lean my head against his chest.

  “Think my mom will take Ember for the night?”

  He chuckles. “Why? Planning to ravage me all night?”

  I look up at him with a smirk on my face. I want much more than to ravage him. “That, along with sucking your cock until you explode down my throat before I ride you, fucking your brains out.”

  He groans down my ear and pulls me tighter against him. I've been so damned horny for him all day, I think I've waited long enough. God, I've been like a nymph all week! I'm surprised he hasn't got friction burns on his cock.

  “Naughty girl.” He growls.

  “You know, I can hear you, right?” We all laugh. And hearing her laughing gives me hope that Willow will be just fine. Whether or not things work out with her and Trace remains to be seen. But the heart wants what the heart wants, and hers wants Hammer.

  Not that I can blame her, the Marshall brothers are everything men should be, hot, sexy, brooding bad boys. But not all girls are as lucky as me, not all girls have a Tank slam into them and turn their lives upside down.

  The End!


  Alivia Grayson is an author of bad boy romances. As a deaf author, she has overcome the stigma that she couldn’t do all the things a hearing person can do. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

  Originally from London, England, Alivia is a teacher of history, a tattoo artist, and an author. With a busy life, writing is her get away from it all. This is Alivia’s first novel, and we hope you enjoy :)




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