Book Read Free

Misery Doesn't Always Love Company

Page 2

by Mark A. McDonald

  So lovely

  Oh no! Where did those rocks come from?

  We’re going to crash! Take evasive action . . .”


  Sing to me


  Unleashing passions in me

  Thought long ago released

  Stirring up emotions in me

  Thought long ago deceased

  My siren of resurrection

  Bringing about emotional insurrection

  This shouldn’t be happening

  It seems so unreal

  But I love the way

  You make me feel!

  Sing to me


  “Have your cake and eat it too?

  No, no, no!

  Naughty, naughty!”


  I’m very happy I met her

  I’m very sorry I met her

  I’m happy I spoke to her

  I never should have said a word to her

  Isn’t it funny that the only hope for happiness

  In my life

  Lies within the embrace of

  Another man’s wife?

  “There are some experiences that are worth living over and over again

  Fortunately we have memories”



  I felt as if the world was mine

  Felt passion so sensual, so divine

  Living a life that should be lived by

  Only the most deserved of men

  Experiencing pleasure again and again


  My emotions were racing wild

  Emanating with the innocence of a newborn child

  My heart was pounding quite heavily within my chest

  My heart reigned among romances greats; Lord Byron, Shakespeare

  Among the best


  Was everything I experienced real?

  Or am I destined to develop wounds that will never heal?

  How long will these feelings I have last?

  Or are they ordained to, once more, collect dust in my past?


  I feel good because of



  I’ll worry about, sometime later

  But not now.


  The challenges in life we must face

  The pain, as a result, we cannot erase . . .

  “Do I go to the left?

  Or to the right?”


  Where do I go now

  Which path do I take

  What a horrible feeling

  Finding out that I’m mediocre

  I have no life to give

  Because I’m living a lie

  I have no life to take

  Because I’m afraid to die

  I hate my life—Oh I forgot

  What life!

  So comfortable, yet

  So hard

  I seem to move forward an inch

  Only to plummet back a yard!

  “Are we so much different from our forefathers?

  From our founding fathers?

  Sad to say but

  I think so”


  What are you willing to die for?

  Give your life in return for?

  Maybe your country

  The land of your birth

  Is the quest for its freedom

  Your life’s worth?

  Would you fight for the right

  For your children to be free?

  Or would you turn and run away

  Live to fight another day

  To somewhere else, maybe overseas?

  Why should I die, risk my health

  My new opportunities, my new found wealth?

  When my child can be free at someone else’s expense?

  Something to think about? God bless America!!

  “For every attempt we make in life we put ourselves at risk

  Of being disappointed

  So what do we do, stop trying?



  How many times can one take

  Disappointments drain?

  What’s left inside after being let down

  Again and again?

  Sooner or later I imagine time will take its toll

  Then only a cold lifeless shell of a man will remain

  I can’t think right now, it hurts too much.

  “You can’t usually tell what a person’s life is like

  By their outward appearance

  What situations they’re going through

  Please be patient”


  I met another one today

  She had a wonderfully strong demeanor

  I could see drive and determination in her

  Another mother left to fend on her own, by herself

  Another wife abandoned, thrown to the elements

  Without any help

  Battered, bruised

  With nothing left to lose

  Betrayed by the one who promised

  To have and to hold

  Now that story’s old . . .

  She has to pick up the broken pieces

  Her chance for a new life now increases

  Another story begins anew.

  “Is there a reason why we’re drawn to crowded places?

  Why do we have to be with our so called friends?

  Is there something we’re running away from?”

  My Sovereignty, a dilemma

  What will be the end result

  Of this plight of the lonely?

  Manic depression? Anti-social behavior? Suicide maybe?

  What about psychosis, wouldn’t you inevitably

  Lose touch with reality?

  Well look at me

  Tell me what you think

  Do I seem to be PSYCHOTIC?

  Do I appear to be in a panic?

  Don’t wave around your conjectures as if you’re wielding a sword

  Substantiate your opinions before uttering one word

  YES I do find time to acquire objects of love, hate

  While secretly needing to find someone with whom I can relate

  But then I wouldn’t be able to thrive in this kingdom of self-pity

  I’ve managed to create

  Yes! This is my realm, I need nothing else to make me elate

  Death to anyone who dares to topple my empire, who dares to


  So leave me be, I’ve earned this countenance I’ve attained.

  I’m free of malice, hate, envy—HA! I HAVEN’T LOST, I’VE GAINED!

  It will be a pleasure to keep away from this morbid world

  Remain abstained

  But what about love, happiness, tranquility, relationship

  Without which we’ll all be deeply scarred, stained?

  Just four words and the foundation of my dominion is already strained!

  OK, I’ll think about it.

  “What would you do if all your wants and desires were fulfilled?”

  The Deciding Factor

  Where were you

  When I needed you?

  When all my wants and desires

  Cried out to you?

  Please be near me

  Embrace, envelope me

  Every fiber of this body

  Beckons to thee

  I tho
ught you loved me

  Or at least liked me

  O, if only you would

  Bring salvation to me

  So close

  Though safely out of reach

  Please . . .

  Don’t tease . . .

  I beseech.


  Please God don’t make my punishment too bad

  For all these impure thoughts I have had . . .

  “Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!

  Just think happy thoughts . . .”


  Depression, and thy cohort frustration

  Thou art formidable foes

  Thou shall not be victorious

  Though once again I am as mallard

  Brought down from the sky

  I shall turn the other cheek

  I shall not die!

  “No matter how you behave towards others

  Always be true to yourself”


  Come on

  Get your act together

  And do not give me your usual

  Nonchalant answer “whatever”

  You must try

  Have you ever thought of quitting?


  Did you just lie to me? Yes

  Honest, but not too clever

  Sometimes it’s better to lie

  This isn’t one of those times however

  Don’t let go of your hope, don’t ever!

  “Wouldn’t it be nice to actually live

  Than just to survive?”


  I want to live forever

  So what’s to keep me from getting together

  With that ever after eternal bliss?


  The incurable disease

  The effective paralyzer

  The sedate tranquilizer

  It stops me from getting near

  I won’t be able to go there.

  “Some tasks just aren’t worth doing

  No matter how much you get paid!”


  Look at you lying there


  Should I have been in your place

  Should I have been the betrayer in your stead?

  I would say that, at least

  You’re in a happier place

  But even in heaven you would

  Have had to live in disgrace

  I wonder how many realize that

  If you did not betray

  Millions of souls would probably be lost today

  How painfully ironic because

  Even if it is true

  The label of traitor is eternally linked to you

  To think, the dishonor also spills over to our names

  It could have easily been “The Book of Judas”

  Instead of the “Book of James”!

  I’m sure Jesus isn’t angry with you

  He knew what had to be done

  The roll of betrayer had to be played by someone

  That someone had to be you I suppose

  What a horrible task for a person to be held responsible for

  What a horrible task to impose

  I’m sorry though, that it had to be you

  Nevertheless, I’m happy to meet you

  Go find peace in this darkness that never ends

  I hope this will help your broken soul to mend

  Another time, another place, we may have been good friends.

  “After some decisions made

  Wouldn’t it be nice if someone awoke you and

  You realized it was all a bad dream?”

  My Shame

  30 pieces of silver

  It wasn’t even gold

  I threw the lamb to the wolves

  To the enemy, his life I sold

  My name will always be held in contempt

  Or so I’ve been told

  It’s getting so dark

  I feel so cold

  I’m sorry master, I should have done better

  I shouldn’t have lied

  I should have resisted the temptation

  Or at least tried

  30 pieces of silver

  Even if it were gold

  Could I have been more righteous?

  Been more bold?

  No, I’m sorry for what was done

  I was misled

  Look at my body, there

  Lifeless, broken

  I’m glad I’m dead.

  “There is a God . . .”


  Without faith it is impossible to please God

  To the uninformed this might seem quite odd

  How can you trust something you cannot touch

  Something you cannot see?

  Is it wise? It isn’t even clever

  I might as well believe in whatever!

  That’s a bit much

  Even for me

  Have faith in God

  In God we trust

  I have to acknowledge the present

  A must!

  But I’m supposed to disregard things as such

  So what is the key?

  “How can something so beautiful cause so much pain?

  Look but don’t touch!”

  The Rose

  Oh the beauty!

  My eyes doth see

  Beauty created so perfectly

  Be it a meadow or in a garden be

  Who placed you there so lovingly?

  Oh, the beauty

  My eyes doth see

  Beauty created so perfectly

  So simple, so calm, please tell me

  Can you be compared

  To the Lily of the Valley?

  Who was scorned, rejected, crucified but yet

  Was beauty incarnate?

  No, I say! Though leaved and thorned

  Only in death will you be scorned!

  In life you were adored, your beauty did show

  Perhaps the triumph of the lily one day you will know

  But until then, although I stand in awe

  I can only lament on the beauty my eyes saw.

  “No matter how much to the contrary it seems

  We have a choice

  I believe that the choices we make

  Ultimately determine our fate”

  Master of My Fate

  Get outta here




  Ever wavering

  Ever un-giving

  Life undisciplined

  Servant of God!


  Do you hear me?

  Yes, but I listen not

  Do you fear me?

  Yes, but serve you I cannot

  But you must or you’ll die

  I know, I try

  Days of progress destroyed

  By one second’s lie

  I love you still.


  How the ghosts of ‘what ifs’ or

  ‘What might have been’ continually haunt,

  So conveniently explained, but why can’t we get

  Everything we want?

  “For most of us it’s easier to remain in our present horrible situations

  Than to endure the pain of change

  Change for a better life”


  Look into my eyes

  Go ahead

  Look again

you see the taint on my soul

  Describe to me, tell me

  What you see

  How can I be made whole?

  Look into my heart

  Do you feel betrayed?

  Tell me

  Is it love or

  Is it hate that’s conveyed

  Or even worse . . .


  Should I have left

  Even though I stayed?

  Be good, why even try

  When all this time I’m living a lie

  Tell the truth.

  “Sometimes nothing is more damaging or misleading

  Than someone else’s perception of you

  Try to be yourself”


  Maybe what my mother said is right

  Maybe I’m no better than a mangy dog

  No cleaner than a filthy hog

  Maybe she said it out of spite

  Maybe what my mother said is right

  Maybe the way I feel towards my father is wrong

  Maybe like him I’m destined to become

  Just another penniless, shameless bum

  I try to be different, try to be strong

  Maybe the way I feel towards my father is wrong

  Maybe there’s a real reason why I feel like this

  Maybe I was born to be used

  To finally end up tossed aside like well worn shoes

  Somebody put me on God’s sh*#t list

  Maybe there’s a real reason why I feel like this.

  Maybe crying isn’t so wrong

  Maybe not if it helps to alleviate the pain

  To remove from my soul this scarlet stain

  It may be better than saying “so long”

  Maybe crying isn’t so wrong.

  “And today is the first day of the rest of your life!


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