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Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01

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by D. R. Rosier

  Dungeon Spawned

  Dark Dungeon: Book 1

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2017. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents
































  The two sisters walked into the nursery. They were both stunning. Hair as dark as night, that shimmered with points of light as if they were stars. Dark blue eyes, faces like angels. Their bodies were different, one closer to voluptuous, the younger of the two more athletic but still curvy.

  More than just looks, they had presence. Power and authority hung around them like a cloak.

  The younger sister looked nervous.

  “Are you sure about this. We can’t take it back.”

  The older sister’s beauty was marred by a snarl and dirty look at her younger far more innocent sister.

  “We have no choice, you’ve seen the signs. If we don’t do something, he will destroy us all when he grows up.”

  The younger bit her lip, clearly not convinced. She looked sweet and innocent, and in some ways, in a lot of ways, that was even the truth.

  “What if we cause it by trying to prevent it? The circumstances surrounding the fall of our family are unclear.”

  The older waved her hand, ignoring her younger sister’s prattling, and summoned the ebony crystal. She paused a moment as she looked down at the sleeping baby. He too had a cloak of power around him. She placed the stone on his chest, and summoned her power.

  The younger sister looked hesitant, but held her peace.

  The baby woke with a wail, as the cloak of power, and a wisp of golden essence rose from his body, and was contained within the jewel. Helpless and defenseless with his soul and power stuck into the gem, the baby had no way to stop the surge of power from his older sister, as his life and body were snuffed, and destroyed.

  The younger sister flinched, and then said, “How will you stop him from coming back? That crystal won’t hold his soul and power for long.”

  The older sister sneered, “He won’t be able too, not if I banish him to the mortal plane. He’ll be greatly weakened there.”

  The younger being felt a surge of power from her big sister, and the ebony crystal disappeared.

  The older said coldly, “There is no room in our family for a dark god. We had no choice.”

  The younger shook her head and whispered, “May our parents forgive us.”

  Lila looked down at the dark mage, with a sultry look that had a cruel edge as she sucked out the rest of his life force. She shuddered in ecstasy, as her body took in both his body’s and his soul’s essence, milking both his cock and soul until he was empty of life. The foolish mage should not have summoned one such as her, his circle had been amateurish, and easy to bypass. Then, she’d fucked him to death, literally.

  It wasn’t so bad, there were worse ways to go, and at least Lila gave her victims some pleasure before she killed them. Quite possibly the greatest they’d ever felt in their puny short lives.

  The succubus waited to be returned to hell, with the summoner’s death she’d be banished. She’d be content for years, as she integrated the mage’s soul and power within her own.

  Lila waited some more, and then tilted her head as she read the circle again, and laughed. The imbecile got the banishment wrong too! She jumped up and prowled about the room as she took a stunningly beautiful human form, her tail, horns, and claws disappearing. She needed clothes, and to get far from here before a competent mage, or worse, some cleric of a light god came along. She had no doubts what she had just done had rung like a beacon to anyone nearby with magic and a whit of perception. Souls didn’t go quietly.

  She grumbled as she pulled on a pair of breaches and a shirt, she’d have to find a sexy dress the first chance she got, or maybe some leathers. It had been a long time since she’d been free and unfettered on the mortal plane, thousands of years.

  She opened the door and slipped out with silent grace, there was a stairway up. She took it two stairs at a time, light on the balls of her feet. She opened the door at the top and saw a couch, some chairs, and a table. She was in a small house of some kind. She looked out the window, and discovered she was in a town or city, though she couldn’t tell how big it was yet. She held back on using her dark magic to search, any enemies would feel it as well. She’d made enough magical noise as it was.

  She slipped out the door, and looked to the right. The gate out of town was close, and she heard a horse around the corner. She looked left and groaned, her posture automatically turning seductive as a group of men with swords approached her, and worse, a cleric in a white robe.

  No time to saddle a horse, she ran for it.

  The cleric yelled, “Stop, in the name of Yphine!”

  The goddess of truth, fat chance, she didn’t even pause. She did however channel some dark magic into a shield around her. It was effective, mostly, as the spear of light struck her back. It hurt like a bitch, but she was still running and managed to slip by the gate before it was closed.

  Thank the dark for soldiers who were blind to magic.

  A ball of fire flew past her, and exploded, knocking her off course. She almost ran into a tree, but Lila was a very strong succubus. Still, when the hell had a fire mage joined the hunt? She weaved in and out of trees, and growled as she felt them still chasing her. She was sure there were others back in the town that were saddling horses, she needed to lose the ones on foot before the others could join the hunt.

  She’d fight of course, if it came to that, but she’d rather spend more time in the mortal realm playing, than going out in glory in a fight. Sure, she might manage to take a few with her, but what was the fun in that? She yearned for the pleasure of sex, and the drinking of souls. Not simple death.

  She seemed to be pulling ahead, when there was a loud crack of thunder in the sky. Lila looked up at the sky and saw an ebony crystal the size of her fist falling. It was no doubt pretty, but that wasn’t what drew her eyes. It was the power in the crystal that pulled her attention. Even while knowing it was a mistake, she changed course.

  She wanted that stone. If she could tame that much power, she’d be unstoppable…

  Sir Gerald Lanweth, Paladin of Jodther, the god of honor, looked up into the sky in horror. He could feel the dark power emanating from the stone. He knew the dark sphere of magic wasn’t necessarily evil, but the reverse was often true enough. The evilest beings in creation usually wielded it, as opposed to the other five spheres of magic. Light, fi
re, earth, water, and air.

  He’d been tracking down some criminals for the crown with permission of the church, evil men who associated with fell demons, and who enslaved their fellow humans. He shook his head, that would have to wait. The stones powerful aura was like a beacon, he couldn’t allow it to fall into the wrong hands. He estimated where it would hit the ground, and using his magic graced from his god, he increased the speed of his movement and hardly felt the weight of his magical plate mail armor.

  He felt another aura, dark, and truly evil as he approached. He knew the feel of a demon’s magic when he felt it. He ran between the trees and into a small clearing, and gasped when he saw the demoness holding the dark crystal. His armor started to glow white to keep him pure from her aura, although even with just appearance he couldn’t help the surge of lust at the sight of the ripe and sexy succubus.

  He pulled his holy sword which bathed the clearing in white light, the demoness snapped her eyes up and looked at him in despair, even as she moved into an innocent and seductive pose. He was in luck. The dark being obviously hadn’t had time to form a link with the object, and couldn’t use its power yet.

  She turned with a cry and ran. Not directly away from him which was odd, until he figured out why, as a group of soldiers, mages, and one cleric entered the opposite side of the clearing. She was still fast despite his sword’s aura affecting her power, but not fast enough.

  He lunged with all the speed and magic he could muster, and ran his sword into her back, piercing her heart. He twisted the sword without pity.

  The demoness cried out in pain as her body started to dissipate, his sword couldn’t kill her permanently, but it would banish her back to hell where she belonged.

  Except, that didn’t happen.

  Her despairing wail against her fate continued, as her essence and power were pulled into and absorbed by the stone, and she was trapped within it. The stone was even more dangerous now. He reached down and picked it up, his sword counteracting the dark aura of it as he slipped it into a pouch.

  He frowned at the group, who looked at him, a few with covetous eyes.

  He swore then before his god, he would hide the stone for the remainder of his life, and beyond, if at all possible…

  Chapter One

  Darkness. Nothingness.

  I had no idea who I was, where I was, or even what I was when my consciousness awoke. At the time, I had no idea I’d been confined inside of a crystal for three hundred years, only now able to see beyond my prison, only now able to think no matter how simple those thoughts were. I had no idea that I’d been buried in a paladin’s family crypt, deep down in the catacombs with a holy sword to hide my existence for the last three hundred years.

  All I knew was, I was hungry for power, desired it above all else, and I desired to discover my surroundings. I had a thirst for power, and to learn, but I knew little else but instinctive feelings, and intrinsic knowledge that seemed to hover just out of reach of my conscious mind.

  What was I, was I safe? How did I get here? There were no answers, only questions.

  I felt the power of the holy relic, the light magic, and reached out with my hunger. The power of light was delicious, and I grabbed at greedily, feeding. I concentrated harder, and barely a trickle of energy came off the holy relic as slowly drank it in.

  It was frustrating.

  I turned my senses inward, and the amount of dark magic in me was staggeringly large, yet, I could barely perceive farther than several feet from my resting place. It didn’t make sense, and my frustration built as I looked to the structure around me, what held me.

  Instinctively, I just knew the Crystalline structure was all wrong, it was set up to completely keep my power contained. There was a small imperfection however, and that was what I could use to look without, to feed. I was even more frustrated now, incensed as I wondered who’d done this to me. I just knew that someone had to, this crystal was a prison.

  Perhaps it was the magic, could it be growing as time went on? Dark magic seemed to be my essence, and it appeared my soul created it automatically. Perhaps it had caused a fault, the pressure of it from building up over time. That fault in the crystal must have been when I woke up. But then, what would happen if that fault widened, and the crystal shattered? Could I survive? I didn’t know.

  The light magic swirled through the fault, but so slowly. It was like trying to drink an ocean through a pin hole. I recoiled, suddenly afraid I stopped feeding, what if the new magic made the fault even worse? For a long time, I contemplated the crystal’s structure, perhaps years, I couldn’t say. Those early days in my existence were timeless.

  The structure itself couldn’t be rebuilt, with the magic inside of it anyway, it would shatter if I tried. Yet, I could extend my will beyond the crystal. Eventually I came up with an idea, and used that light magic I’d gathered to create a new layer around the crystal. This new layer would be porous, designed to absorb, hold, and use large amounts of light magic.

  Through the small connection, the imperfection, it would still be a part of me, yet, outside of the prison of crystal I found myself in.

  I stopped almost as soon as I started. My being seemed to make the dark magic at the rate I could push it out the crack. That seemed more important, I didn’t want to… I wasn’t sure. But I had the feeling it would be bad if I shattered.

  The first layer would be a lattice to hold dark magic, a layer that would automatically siphon it from my prison and stabilize things. Once it had built up, I’d be able to use large amounts of it at once. Once again, I used the light magic, and started to build the more porous and stable structure to absorb and store dark magic.

  Time… passed…

  I’d had to stop several times, and absorb more light magic a little at a time, to finish the layer, and sighed with relief as my dark magic flowed out without any effort on my part. I could still feel it, I could use it. Control it.

  Then I got started on the second layer, and used light magic to build another crystalline layer for absorbing light magic. This didn’t take nearly as long, since once the layer started, I was able to immediately use that section of it to increase my feeding off the holy artifact, and the layer grew faster the faster I could absorb the magic.

  It still took a long time, the first layer had a healthy amount of dark magic by the time I finished, and I was able to drink from the artifact. It didn’t seem that the source of light magic would ever run out, the object of power seemed to replenish itself almost as fast as I could absorb it.

  I stretched with my magic, and took another look around. This time, much farther.

  My immediate area was a tomb, with a skeleton in it, dressed in armor and clothing. The sword was in there as well, and I was surrounded by stone. The armor was steel, but also had magic in it which made me curious, I decided I’d have to take a closer look at it later as I moved my senses out even further. There were also precious metals and jewels attached to a number of things, the sword, armor, and even the cloth.

  Outside of the tomb was empty, with a long hallway with holes dug on the side and holding skeletons, though there was some flesh as well. There were more precious metals and stones, though I couldn’t identify them by name, I somehow knew they held value. Underneath the floor was nothing but rock and dirt, straight up was more hallways filled with skeletons and tombs. I could see two floors of it above me, and then above that it changed.

  There were several more floors above, and then I felt the wind, and the air. There was power there as well, up in the air, and down in the stones, but it was faint, diffused. Nothing like my internal darkness, or the powerful light magic of the artifact.

  I reached further in each direction, just to be sure, and there was nothing else up, but far down in the ground there was rushing water. An underground river. That too had power, better than air and earth, but not nearly as good as light or dark.

  Fire. I didn’t know how I knew, but this type of magic was missing

  I considered creating four more layers, one for each element, but then stopped. What happened if I wanted to thicken a layer? I already couldn’t thicken the dark layer, or it would shatter the light layer above it. I was stumped for quite a while before I stumbled across an answer.

  I built bands instead. The Crystalline structure for Earth and Air, and for Fire and Water was incompatible. So, I built six bands to englobe the crystal. Well, four bands, and two rounded caps. Dark on top, the same on the bottom with light. Between them, connecting them, I arranged it so Dark connected with Earth, Earth with fire, fire with Air, and Air with Water, which connected to light.

  That way, I’d be able to slowly add layers, ever expanding the amount of magic I could safely contain in all the spheres of magic. Of course, I had no access to fire, but I didn’t want to rule out that changing. I’d purposely made the light and dark a larger area, because their sources were much larger.

  As I enlarged myself, the inner crystal was further reinforced, and I started to absorb magic of all kinds save fire. I wasn’t sure why I could absorb all, use all, but intrinsically I only created dark. It just was.

  I kept building, not even sure what I’d do with the power. I did experiment a little, and discovered I could duplicate gems and other crystalline structures with light, and precious metals and even base metals with earth magic as far as my senses reached. I wasn’t sure at all what to do with air or water, but I kept absorbing the magic anyway.

  It was strangely satisfying.

  It also took a long time to build those banded layers, again I had no real time reference in the beginning, but I’d guess it took many years before she woke due to my activities.

  It was a strange sensation, I felt my internal magic being drained, taken away from me. I refocused back internally, and saw the dark magic as it left my power. That’s when I realized I wasn’t alone, I wasn’t the only soul in the crystal.


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