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Off Season (The Blake Boys Book 15)

Page 3

by Rhonda Laurel

  “The little punk who said he’d break your records in two years?” She opened the bag of carrots and nibbled on one.

  “The one and the same.” Seth shook his head.

  “It was bound to happen. As soon as he came onto the scene they were touting him as a young Seth Blake.”

  “Really?” He scratched at his beard. “When did they say this? And why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You watch sports. I’m filtered entertainment news via Michelle. You know that as soon as someone made the comparison, she went ballistic on social media. Besides, you were too busy trying to win a fourth Super Bowl title. I thought that took precedence over telling you about some handsome new young buck high on his own rising fame.”

  “Good call, wife.” He smiled, then it faded. “You think he’s handsome?”

  “Sure. He does kind of remind me of you. But much rougher around the edges. He has those boyish good looks and a nice smile. A golden boy in the making, if he can keep his foot out of his mouth.”

  He put his hands on his hips. “Sounds like he has one fan already.”

  “I’m not blind; he’s cute.” She chuckled. “But I don’t have to ogle a knockoff. I have the original right here.” She put her arms around his neck and ran her hand through his hair.

  “I’m sexier than him,” he mumbled and brushed his lips against hers.

  “Way sexier. And smart and charming and good-hearted.” She nipped at his lip. “Stop me when I’m back in your good graces.”

  “You have a ways to go.” He swept his tongue into her mouth.

  Morgan reluctantly pulled away from him. “As much as I love your kisses, we need to get this stuff organized. The mob can get surly when food’s not at the ready.”

  “I know. After we put said mob to bed, we’ll have our own adult fun.” He caressed her face.

  “I’d like that. But play it cool. If the kids think we want a moment alone, that tent’s going to end up in our bedroom.”

  “So I have to pretend that I’m not into my own wife?”

  “Yeah.” She rolled her eyes in an exaggerated way. “So what did you say to T.K.?”

  “I wanted to tell him a flat-out no, but Daddy gave his steely John Jacob-esque gaze that implied I should give it some thought. So I caved and told T.K. that I’d mull it over.”

  “It would be a challenge, but if anyone could talk some sense into him, it’s you.”

  He shrugged. “I doubt that I’ll do it.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want—”

  Seth silenced her with another kiss. She loved and hated when he did that.

  “Babe, I’m fine.”

  He was now one of the greatest football players of all time and that meant he was constantly being targeted in the media by some young whippersnapper who wanted to make a name for themselves. He’d set the bar pretty high, but it took balls and arrogance to call out a four-time Super Bowl champ. But Riley had gone and done it and seemed like he was almost taunting Seth in the media. Sure, she wanted to wring Riley’s neck when she saw the braggart saying he’d surpass Seth’s legacy within a few years. But maybe Seth could really set the young man’s head straight.

  When they finished putting up the groceries, Morgan sagged against the counter. She felt like she’d run a few laps around the entire ranch. She looked up to see that familiar worried look on face.

  He caressed her cheek. “Are you OK?”

  “I was feeling good when I left, but I started feeling rundown as I walked around the market.”

  “Why don’t you get some rest?”

  “We still have a lot to do.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Don’t you think it’s time you made a follow-up appointment with the doctor?”

  “It’s nothing.” She shook her head. “We both know I didn’t rest as much as Dr. Fulton told me I should. I’d feel like an ass trotting in there because I only half listened to his instructions.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, if you don’t feel better in a couple of days, make an appointment for a follow-up.”

  “OK.” She kissed him and leaned into him. If she were going to be of any use tonight, she really did need a rest. “I think I will take that nap. The kids should be back around five. Make sure you wake me up before they get here.”

  “Will do.”

  * * *

  Seth laughed when his newborn nephews’ parents dropped them off and dashed out of the house like it was on fire. A half hour later, the kids barreled into the house with Channing and Cassidy in tow. The Blake brood looked tuckered-out, but he could tell they enjoyed it. They were all rattling on at once about the things they’d seen. Mackenzie must have really had a good time; the poor thing was asleep in Channing’s arms.

  “It’s been one adventurous day,” Cassidy said. “I took plenty of photos.”

  “I bet,” Seth said as he took Mackenzie into his arms. “How did she like the rodeo?”

  Channing smiled. “Mackenzie was such a trooper. She got to touch a sheep and participated in a few of the activities. She’s really inquisitive. I thought she would have been afraid, but she dove right in with the rest of them.”

  “She’s on a learning curve here.” Seth laughed.

  “Jake got to participate in the one of the junior events and won!” Cassidy beamed.

  “Is that right, Jake?” Seth looked over at his son who held up his blue winner’s ribbon.

  “Daddy and Bo would have been proud,” Channing mused. “We hate to cut out early, but we have dinner plans with Autumn and Jared.”

  “No Bo and Summer?” Seth asked.

  “They went off on a romantic long weekend to de-stress from the wedding planning. The dueling weddings are starting to take a toll on everybody.”

  “What’s Courtney’s problem now?” Morgan said as she descended the stairs with the baby monitor in her hand.

  He felt for Bo and Summer. Giving Corbett and Courtney the space to have their wedding first had become their worst nightmare. Corbett and Courtney fought over everything from the reception menu to the new home they were having built. The house was a wedding present from Bo and Summer that Courtney was thrilled to accept, but Corbett, no so much. The strained relationship between the brothers hadn’t eased since Bo Sr. and Bonnie had begun dating again. Corbett hadn’t warmed up to the new extended family dynamic. After yet another request for them to push back their date, Bo and Summer put their foot down. Bonnie was stuck in the middle trying to appease both couples.

  “She found an even bigger venue that would hold more guests.” Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Morgan, don’t forget we have a fitting for the bridesmaids’ dresses next week.”

  “I have it in my calendar,” Morgan said. “Thank you for taking the kids out today.”

  “They love hanging out with Aunt Cassie,” Seth drawled.

  “What about me?” Channing said.

  “And the guy married to Aunt Cassie.” Seth laughed. “Just wait until you start your family. Daddy disappears whenever mommy is around.”

  “Unless it’s a girl and she’s refuses to say ‘mommy’ as an act of protest.” Morgan nodded her head Mackenzie’s direction.

  “Well, today’s excursion didn’t sour me on the notion.” Channing’s eyes sparkled.

  Seth smiled at them both. “You two have a good time tonight.” He and Channing had been having a lot of talks lately about children and what it would mean for him and Cassie. Channing had been bit by the baby bug.

  Seth and Morgan walked them to the door and bade them goodnight. Mackenzie started to stir in Seth’s arms, which meant she’d be awake any moment. They returned to the living room to see the kids had gotten a second wind. They were running around, snacking on food, and fighting over the remote. In other words, a typical day at the house.

  “It’s going to be a long night,” Morgan mumbled. “Think I should sneak into the kitchen and put away the cotton candy machine? I don’t think this bunch should hav
e anything else to make them more hyper.”

  “Too late.” Seth laughed. “I think Matt and Jack are fighting with those paper sticks to pass the time until you fire up that sugar-fueled gizmo.”

  * * *

  Seth rattled off his fifth campfire story, hoping to lull the energetic crowd to sleep. It didn’t help that after the cotton candy and the funnel cakes, Morgan got the fireplace going and made S’mores for them. It wasn’t an easy task to scare this bunch, which had him wondering if his spooky storytelling skills were getting rusty. They questioned the plausibility of half the scary scenarios he’d conjured up.

  Jake gave him a suspicious look. “The Boogie Man sure shows up in a lot of your stories dad.”

  “What can I say? He’s versatile,” Seth shot back.

  “Can we watch a movie now?”

  “I guess so.”


  Seth picked up the remote for the plasma and scanned the cable menu guide until he found the latest kid-friendly movie about animated dinosaurs and pressed play. “Your mom and I will be right upstairs. Call me on the walkie-talkie if you need anything.”


  As soon as the six pairs of eyes were glued to the screen, Seth went into the kitchen to get a few things, then sprinted upstairs. Morgan was gently closing the door to the nursery.

  “They’re asleep.” She gave him a thumbs-up. “So how did it go downstairs?”

  “They’re watching a movie.” He held up the items he’d taken from the kitchen. “It’s time for a slumber party of our own.”

  “I already ran a bubble bath.”

  They scurried into the bathroom and set the goodies on a tray, stripped, and sank into the warm tub. Seth poured the champagne into the flutes and handed one to his wife. Morgan took a sip, then nestled against Seth’s chest.

  “Cheers to another successful sleepover.” Seth clinked his glass to hers.

  “I heard the boys giving you a hard time about the campfire stories. You need a new villain. The boys decided a long time ago that if the Boogie man showed up they were going to beat him with a baseball bat.”

  Seth kissed her neck. “I do have to come up with some new material.”

  Seth put their flutes back on the tray, then turned Morgan to face him. The water shifted with his movements, giving him glimpses of her full breasts. He pulled her close and encircled her waist with his arms. Morgan wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He loved the taste of those full, pouty lips, and sometimes he ached when he couldn’t be with her. Each time they kissed, it was like the first time. She was more beautiful than the day they met on that island. Her shy smile was still electric. Her eyes still shined with an innocence that gave him courage and strength.

  She was the key to the happiness that had unfolded every day of his life since the fateful meeting on that island. It was the day his world changed and went in a direction he’d never thought possible. He parted her lips with his tongue and delved deeper into her mouth. He loved the way she purred when he stroked her nipple and caressed her butt under the water. Seth picked her up by the waist and sank her down onto him. There was no greater feeling than being inside her.

  “Morgan.” Seth closed his eyes and groaned.

  It was perfect until the door handle jiggled. Seth and Morgan froze. They looked at each other, then at the door. It jiggled again but this time the knob was doing a full turn. Seth squinted at the doorknob. The little button in the middle wasn’t in the lock position. Morgan gasped.

  “If we’re quiet, maybe they’ll go away,” Seth murmured into her ear.

  “I don’t think playing possum is going to work.”

  Seth groaned again, this time in agony, when she gave him a quick hard kiss and lifted off of him just before Colby came in and marched up to the tub. Morgan scrambled to strategically place the suds so he couldn’t see anything.

  “Mom, where’s Geri?” Colby yawned. He needed his favorite stuff animal to fall asleep.

  “Check your room.” Morgan gripped the sides of the tub and stilled herself in an effort to stop the water from swishing about. “I cleaned him up after you spilled milk on him this morning and put him back on your bed.”

  “OK,” Colby said and was on his way.

  “Hey Colby, can you hit the latch for your dad?” Seth yelled, but it was too late. His son had closed the door.

  “You forgot to lock the bathroom door?” Morgan said.

  “I can remedy that.” Seth moved to get out of the tub, but the handle turned again. This time it was Connor. Seth plunked back down and splashed water on the tiled floor.

  Connor rubbed his eyes. “Can we have some juice?”

  Seth gave his son a suspicious look. “I gave you juice before the movie started.”

  “I’m thirsty again. Matt and Jack want juice too.”

  Morgan interrupted. “There are juice boxes ready to go on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Everybody gets one, and we’ll do another march to the bathroom before you get tucked back into your sleeping bags.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Connor smiled and headed for the door.

  “Connor, can you do your dad a solid and—” He almost got it out, but Connor had shut the door. Another son had totally tuned him out. Morgan’s giggles brought him back to the matter at hand. “This is funny?”

  “Tremendously.” She turned her ear in the direction of the door. “Wait for it.”


  It was Jake’s turn to visit. He had the baby monitor in his hand.

  “You left this downstairs.” Jake handed Seth the baby monitor. “I heard Owen making noises, so I went in to check on him. He went back to sleep.”

  “Thank you, baby.” Morgan smiled. “Did your sister fall asleep yet?”

  “Yeah. I put her in my sleeping bag with her bear.”

  “We’ll come down and get her in a little bit.”

  “OK,” Jake said as he sprinted out of the bathroom.

  “Jake! Can you—”

  It was too late.

  “I’m afraid they’re going to keeping coming in here until we get out and go tend to them.” Morgan waded through the water and rested her chin on Seth’s chest. “You get an A for effort, though.”

  “I refuse to let it end this way.” Seth got out of the tub and in all his wet, naked glory opened the bathroom door, stomped through their master suite and locked that door.

  “You’re learning.” Morgan came into the room with a towel wrapped around her.

  “You’re beautiful.” He removed the towel and placed her gently on the bed.

  She held up her hand. “Wait for it.”

  “For what?” He parted her legs with his knee and lay on top of her.

  “Just wait for it. If we don’t see that door handle jiggle in the next three minutes, we are home free.”

  “I think the coast is clear.” He pulled a nipple into his mouth and sucked while he carefully ran a thumb over the other one.

  Morgan’s delightful groan was music to his ears as he plunged inside of her and started a slow steady rhythm of deep thrusts. The feel of Morgan’s soft hands caressing his body made him shiver a bit. She cupped his ass and gripped him hard, an indicator that she wanted to go faster.

  After all these years of loving her, he still couldn’t get enough. No taste or touch would quell the passion for her within him. He loved that she was perfect for him in every way. After the third ass grab, he picked up the pace and began manic, spastic thrusts, going deeper and deeper while coiled tension came to the top for much needed relief. He put his thumb between them and massaged her clitoris. She gasped and began to climax. Seth pumped into her again and let out a loud yell as he released into her. They lay there for a while enjoying the quiet, thankful there were no kids knocking on the door.

  “That was fun.” Morgan caressed his chest. “I wonder if the kids are OK.”

  “I don’t smell fire, and nobody’s crying. I’m going to say they’re fine.” He
kissed her on the lips and pulled her closer, ready for round two.

  “Remember when we used to better parents?” Morgan giggled.

  “We’re just giving them room to be responsible.”

  “Yes, that too.” She snuggled closer to him. “I’ve been thinking about that favor T.K. asked of you. I think it’s a good idea for you to mentor Riley Sloane.”

  “First of all, after the good loving we just shared, T.K. should be the last thing on your mind. Secondly, that little weasel Sloane talked trash about me in an interview last month. If the kid thinks he knows everything, let him stumble and fall like all idiots who think they’re invincible. If he’s smart, he’ll learn some humility and get back to playing football instead of being a celebrity quarterback.”

  “You were kind of a celebrity quarterback.”

  Seth moved to get a better look at her face. “Are you saying I was just like Riley Sloane?”

  “No. Of course not. But I can see why T.K. wants you to talk to him. I think everybody fawns over Riley because they see greatness in him, but right now he’s his own worst enemy. You told me once that part of being a good quarterback was knowing how to stay grounded and ignoring the hype. Well, he’s ready to float away because gorgeous women are now giving him the time of day and people want to pay him to endorse their products.”

  “So you want me to tell a vain young man who’s getting all the women and money he wants to ignore all that and concentrate on the game?” He laughed.

  “Actually, I think he has self-esteem issues.”

  “How so?” It didn’t look like Riley was suffering whenever he saw him on camera. If anything, he was a ham who was too self-aware.

  “The biggest difference between you and Riley is that the camera loves you. It’s clear that Riley loves the camera. Your self-worth was never wrapped up in the need for public adoration. If he were more confident about his abilities, he wouldn’t want his face plastered everywhere as a form of validation. It’s going to hurt T.K.’s team in the long run. You would be doing something good for a family friend.”


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