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Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Nicole Dennis

  “Blessings upon both of you,” Alex said.

  “Thank you, sir.” Etienne smiled at Isaac and drew his fingers through the soft hair.

  “Thank you, Alpha,” Isaac said and moved his bright-blue gaze to his lover, leaning into the touch. “You left me.”

  “You were asleep and I needed to move.” Etienne tapped his fingers against Isaac’s chin. “Sit and I’ll bring you coffee and breakfast.” He returned to the coffeemaker and poured two cups. He added the sugar for Alex and glanced to Isaac. “How do you take it?”

  “A lot of cream and two sugars, thanks,” Isaac said.

  “How much is a lot of cream?”

  “More than coffee,” Isaac said.

  “Still the same,” Etienne said with a chuckle. He poured half the coffee back in the pot from Isaac’s cup. After the fix, Etienne found creamer in the cooler and finished the cup. He set both in place on the bar. He kept his coffee black and strong, but wondered why he’d purchased the creamer at the store. Did a part of him remember Isaac’s love of cream and want him to visit?

  “Alex, would you like an omelet? I have enough fixings here,” Etienne offered again.

  “If it isn’t a problem, I would enjoy a fresh breakfast,” Alex said before he took a tentative sip. “Hmm. You brew a good cup.”

  “Italian roast, fresh ground, and I add a scoop of an African blend,” Etienne said. “I picked both of them up during my travels.”

  “Wow. It’s strong.” Isaac smacked his lips while he got used to the taste. “Even through the cream, I can feel the kick.”

  “I’m surprised you would even notice,” Etienne teased with a chuckle. He rubbed his hand over Isaac’s arm before he returned to the stove.

  “Hahaha,” Isaac said. “Kitty likes his cream.”

  “I take it there is a reason for your unexpected morning visit. I know it isn’t to help me clean,” Etienne said in a casual tone. He scrambled the eggs and poured the first omelet into the pan.

  “Since Isaac is here, this saves me an extra trip. I didn’t want to discuss this in my office. I know where you worked and about your skills. I need your talents,” Alex said.

  “I’m missing some points in this talk,” Isaac said.

  “Need-to-know basis, Isaac. Etienne’s whereabouts for the last sixty-plus years can wait, but know he’s skilled beyond most guardians. Understand?” Alex said with a glance at the other guardian.

  Isaac looked to Etienne’s back and to his Alpha. He nodded.

  “Good. Etienne?”

  “What do you wish from me? I can join the guardians,” Etienne said as he kept his attention on the cooking eggs.

  “I have an incoming contingent of a high-ranking family and their protectors today. They are searching for the youngest daughter. She was kidnapped from her clan’s lands,” Alex said.

  “Do you think the kidnappers are our rogues?” Isaac asked.

  “Given my uncle’s tendencies, I wouldn’t put it past him figuring or concocting a plan as wild as this one. He’ll do anything he can to undermine a clan and their leaders. I believe he’s determined to take down every clan Alpha and tear apart our society.”

  “Your uncle is one crazy cat,” Isaac said, dropping his chin in his hand.

  Ignoring Isaac’s side comment, Etienne asked, “Why are they coming here?”

  “They want to search the area for Naira, the youngest daughter of the sheik’s first wife,” Alex said.

  “First wife? How many does he have?”

  “I believe he took wife number five and has children with all of them.”

  “How can he have five wives?”

  “They’re a desert clan who held on to their beliefs of multiple marriages, including the sheikh. Most clans accept polyamory, but this particular clan went further with their personal beliefs.”

  “It’s an interesting tidbit of information. Where have they looked?”

  “They’ve visited every clan from their home in Arizona to Canada and are heading to interior clans. They’re adamant at how they will continue until they locate her. I want the pair of you to stick with them. I’ll set them up in the guest house next to the Alpha house.”

  “Which of the family are coming?”

  “I’m expecting the sheikh, his two oldest sons, and his oldest daughter. The children are traveling with him for support and connection.”

  “They’re the triplets, first cubs of the sheikh and his first wife,” Etienne said.

  “The group includes a few protectors. I believe those are his personal bodyguards. They arrived by a private jet. I sent guardians to pick them up.”

  “You want us to take over watch while they’re in our territory?” Etienne brought back one oversized, stuffed fluffy omelet on a plate and set it in front of the Alpha.

  “Yes. This looks delicious, thank you,” Alex said.

  “Seems simple,” Isaac said with a glance at Etienne, who raised an eyebrow.

  “Too simple. Which desert clan are we talking about?”

  “The Brankovich family of the Sand Moon clan in Tempe, Arizona,” Alex said.

  “They’re the sand jaguars. Do you want us to protect Sheikh Brankovich and his children of the royal sand jaguar family?” Etienne placed his hands on the bar top.

  “Yes. I promised the sheikh I would assign guardians for his daughter and she would be protected.”

  “We’re protecting his daughter. You don’t want us in charge of the entire family?”

  “No, Lady Ekaterina will be under your watch. The rest of the family will be covered by others while they search. If one daughter was taken, the sheikh fears the other will be vulnerable while away from the desert.”

  “What are sand jaguars?” Isaac asked.

  “You never did pay attention in class,” Etienne said as he knocked Isaac’s braced elbow to the side.

  Isaac stopped himself before his cheek bounced off the marble. “Hey? No, someone was always distracting me.”

  “Bad excuse,” Etienne said as he returned to the stove and pushed the second large omelet on a plate. He picked up the mug and took a sip. Pouring the last of the egg mixture into the pan, he let the third one cook a little long. When it was fluffy, he scooped the remaining veggies on one side and let it go.

  “Must you?” Alex asked.

  “What? He was cute,” Isaac said. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Unbelievable.” Alex shook his head. “The sand jaguars are a smaller cat than ours by two feet in length. They resemble an Asian sand cat with their markings, which are black against a pale sandy-yellow color. They don’t have many marks, a few black bars on their legs, tail, and dark ears. Unlike us, they prefer the desert climate.”

  “Why did you call him a sheikh?”

  “Didn’t pay attention to anything?”

  Isaac grinned.

  “Remind me to not schedule you for teaching the cubs.”

  “I wouldn’t want the job anyway. It’s too much responsibility to handle those kits. I could never remember all those facts.”

  Alex rubbed the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

  “Is this too much for you to handle, Alpha?”

  “I think you’re taking lessons in how to annoy me from Collin and Luca.”

  “With pleasure since they’re so good at it.”

  The Alpha groaned.

  Waving a spatula at Isaac, Etienne folded the sides together to enclose the veggies.

  Isaac propped his head on one hand. “Why are they sheikhs?”

  “The sand jaguars originated in the African and Arabic deserts and take their name from the normals. You do know about them?”

  “Yup, I watch movies.”

  “Do you want to remain sitting upright?”

  “Sorry, Alpha.” Isaac ducked and tilted his head to his Alpha.

  Alex flicked his fingers against Isaac’s throat in warning. “What do you know?”

  “I know about desert cultures and their powerfu
l sheikhs. So the sand jaguars adopted this for their Alpha leaders?”

  “They did so in order for them to blend into the area. The name held when they migrated to our American deserts.”

  “Can we call you?”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Alex warned.

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Etienne chuckled as he settled on a stool. He placed plates in front of them. He rose, picked up the coffeepot, sugar, and creamer, and set them nearby so everyone could top off. “Why do I feel there is a catch?”

  “I’m not sure how the lady will handle extra guardians. I want her protected. With the danger the rogues present, I don’t want to take a chance,” Alex said.

  “Understandable. I doubt she’ll want to remain inside a house. We could see what she’s interested in doing.”

  “Why do I feel we don’t know all there is about this clan?” Isaac asked, his fingers drumming on the granite countertop.

  “I know a way to get more info,” Etienne said and pulled out his phone. He clicked the number he’d dialed last night. He put the phone on speaker.

  “Why in the dark moon are you calling me again?” Paul asked in an irritated tone.

  “Haven’t had your coffee?”

  “No, because some idiotic cat got my ass up as 3:00 a.m. and left me cranky and awake.”

  “Sorry, Paul.”

  “No. No, you’re not. What do you want?” Paul asked after a yawn stopped him mid-conversation.

  “I’m here with the Alpha, Alex Thurston, and another guardian, Isaac Deforrest,” Etienne said. “Fellas, this is a friend and information contact, Paul.”

  “Damn, kid, you work fast,” Paul said with a chortle of laughter before he said his hellos. “What can I do for you fellas?”

  “What do you know about the Sand Moon clan, Sheikh Brankovich, and the missing daughter?” Alex asked.

  “Dark moon, it’s some bad news about the daughter. Got a lot of info, they’ve been under some surveillance for odd things going on between the sheikh, his protectors, and other clans,” Paul said.

  “Hang on a moment.” Etienne pulled out a pad and pen from a bag. “Okay, I got something to take notes. Go for it.”

  There were various noises on Paul’s end of things being pushed or tapped on as Paul talked about the desert clan. In his personally created version of stenography, Etienne moved the pen backward across the paper as he jotted notes and Alex’s questions.

  After an hour, Etienne thanked his friend and hung up. He looked at the others as he tapped his pen against the pad.

  “There is more to this kidnapping,” Alex said.

  “Even to the point of possible greed on the father’s end. What kind of father would do such a thing?” Isaac asked.

  “One who shouldn’t be either a father or an Alpha,” Alex said and glanced at Etienne. “Keep your attention on this possibility during their visit. Anything goes wrong, report to me. I want to know everything these sand jaguars are doing.”


  Chapter 5

  The two black SUVs pulled to a stop in front of the Alpha’s house where Etienne and Isaac waited along with Alex and several more guardians. Etienne leaned against the nearest post, arms crossed over his button-down black shirt, and crossed his ankles. Behind the black sunglasses, he kept careful watch over the entire area as Alex stepped down with a pair of guardians following him for protection detail.

  “You should have shaved for an official visit,” Isaac said as he rocked on his feet, unable to remain still for long.

  “I don’t give a damn,” Etienne murmured back.



  Isaac turned his head, lifted the dark glasses to stare, crossed his eyes in a playful fashion, and dropped the glasses.

  “Hmm, my point has been made.” Etienne turned his attention back to the SUVs.

  Two powerful males in black Henley shirts with a white embroidered marking on the left pocket and black slacks stepped out from the passenger side of the leading SUV. After they looked around, one opened the door to the back.

  “Who the hell are they?”

  “Protectors. They’re the personal bodyguards of the sheikh, but don’t give a shit about the rest of the clan. It’s a pretty dicey way to deal with security issues. Look at the embroidery on their shirts, it’s the Arabic word for protection,” Etienne said.

  “How do you know all this?”

  “I pay attention.”

  Isaac grumbled.

  Under the careful protection, a regal-looking man in long, flowing robes stepped out. It was an image one might see when they walked through the Arabian Desert. He smoothed his hands over the robes before he greeted Alex. The protectors followed, flanking him on either side as they ignored the others in the SUVs.

  “I offer the greetings of the moon and the Goddess, Sheikh Alpha Vlatko Brankovich of the Sand Moon Clan. I’m High Alpha Alexander Thurston of the Fire Moon Clan. Welcome to our territory,” Alex said in the formal greeting.

  “Blessings of the moon to you, High Alpha Thurston,” the sheikh said as he touched his hand to his chest, chin, and forehead before letting it flare out. “I thank you for allowing my family and me to stay with your clan while we search for my youngest daughter of my beloved first wife.”

  “Please accept my condolences on this troubling time for your family. I hope we can assist in your search. No parent should lose a child,” Alex said.

  “No. It isn’t a good thing to not know where your child, a piece of your heart, is and if they’re in danger.” The sheikh cleared his throat and waved a hand as three others stepped out of the second SUV without assistance.

  Two young males stood behind him and wore the same flowing robes. Behind them, a young woman moved into position, dressed in a dark robe, her hair covered by a dark scarf and hood.

  “I would like to introduce my cubs. These are my twin sons, Darko and Malik. This is their litter sister, Ekaterina. They are triplets by my first wife and older siblings to my missing child,” the sheikh introduced.

  “Greetings of the moon to all of you and welcome,” Alex said.

  After the twins exchanged glances with one another, one stepped forward. “I offer the blessings of the moon, Alpha Thurston. Thank you for allowing us to stay and search,” Darko said as he repeated the same hand movement.

  “Alex, please call me Alex. Alpha Alex if you must be formal. Alpha Thurston reminds me of my father and we’re dealing with issues and traumas he left behind,” Alex said as he held out his hand for the twins to shake.

  “I’m Darko, the oldest of the three and heir,” Darko said.

  “Malik, but call me Mal. I’m the middle,” the second twin said.

  “I’m the baby of the triplets. Please call me Kate,” the young woman said as she stepped forward and held out her hand.

  Alex kissed the back of her hand as befitting her station. “I offer greetings of the moon and our beloved goddess, Lady Kate.”

  “I’m sure my father wishes for me to have a private detail during our stay,” Kate said with a glance to her father.

  “Ekaterina, you must be kept safe if you don’t wish to remain home with your mothers,” her father said and hissed a few words of a different language.

  Kate spoke back in the same language while flipping back the cloak to reveal a simple dark blue dress. She placed a hand on her hip and tilted to the side. The discussion didn’t stop until Kate huffed, yanked her robe closed, and turned away from her father.

  “What did they say?” Isaac whispered to Etienne.

  Fluent in the language, Etienne tilted his head as he listened. “You don’t want to know.” He tugged one corner of his mouth in a smirk as Isaac huffed.

  After a few more spats, Kate broke off the argument. “I don’t wish to be stuck inside a house for the entire time. I wish to be helpful. Where am I staying? Who is watching over me like I’m a child?”

  Alex cleared his th
roat and waved a hand to Etienne and Isaac. “Umm, yes, the option was requested and I agreed. I asked these guardians to become your personal guards. The one dancing on his toes is Isaac Deforrest. The taller one with the scruff is Etienne de la Fontaine.”

  Isaac nudged Etienne’s side. “Told ya how you should shave.” He grinned at his partner, who lifted an eyebrow in annoyance. Ignoring him, he held a hand out to the lady. “Greetings of the moon, Lady Kate. I’m Isaac.”

  Etienne nodded to the lady. On first glance, she seemed like a pampered princess in her appearance and demeanor. His opinion changed while he listened to her argument with her father. Their argument gave him the notion she wasn’t about to stand by while others looked for her sister. She didn’t approve of the way the search was being handled. He realized this wasn’t a protected, pampered princess who was more concerned with her nails and hair and ignored the danger to her sister.

  “Blessings of the moon to you both,” she said. “Where am I staying? Will I be kept in a tiny suite where I can’t leave without your permission?”

  “Ekaterina, you’ll behave or be returned to the desert,” her father said in a warning tone.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Father, no matter what you demand. You insisted on personal protection everywhere we go. I’ll handle this situation the way I want. I’m capable of handling myself. Darko and Mal made sure I knew how to fight,” she said, waving a hand at her father to dismiss him.

  Etienne glanced at Isaac and cleared his throat. “It was the original plan, but I believe we can alter things.”

  “Are you Etienne? Did I pronounce your name correctly?”

  He spoke his name to give her the correct French pronunciation.

  “It has an elegant flow,” Kate said.

  “Thank you, my lady. My grandparents were from a French clan before migrating and joining the Fire Moon clan. My parents followed the tradition to give their cubs French names. It makes us a little unique.”

  “So much better than boring Isaac. It’s two simple tones.” Isaac moved his hand in a flat wave as he said his name in a low, dull tone.


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