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Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 19

by Nicole Dennis

  “Obey us. Keep them open.”

  She moaned under his touch.

  When Etienne opened her legs, it revealed the warm, fragrant slit shiny and damp with her natural moisture. Isaac situated himself until he fitted his shoulders between them. His fingers stroked the sensitized skin where pelvis and legs met, along the edge of the dark pubes until he made her skin rippled with shivers. He leaned down and brushed his chin against those curls. She whimpered at the touch.

  “Do you want him to kiss and lick the wetness from your folds? Do you want to know what it feels like?” Etienne murmured, teasing her with his voice and a flow of gentle power.


  Etienne nodded to give permission.

  Isaac bent forward and took one lick along her center. She cried out in pleasure as Etienne played with her nipples. She grew slicker and wetter while Isaac teased his tongue over the folds and ripples. When he captured her clit and suckled on it, she screamed and arched against them. He flicked his tongue on the sensitive nub before he plunged his tongue deep inside the place no male had gone before.

  The two males continued to thrum her body higher. Her thighs quivered and her body arched and fought against their hold. She came sharp and quick with a forceful cry of pleasure, screaming their names as she shattered. Isaac lapped her natural moisture to clean her and helped her through the powerful orgasm. He kissed up her belly, captured her lips in a kiss, and placed another on Etienne’s mouth to share the taste of her with him. Together, they moved her limp body on the bed between them.

  Her eyes fluttered, but closed with exhaustion. Her honey-toned skin was covered in light sweat.

  Smiling, Isaac rolled off the bed and gathered a warm cloth to clean her. He went to her bedroom and found a fresh pair of panties. The men dressed her with care in the silky cloth and Etienne’s shirt. Isaac brushed the tangled locks. Drawing his fingers through the knee-length hair Isaac brushed oh so carefully, Etienne smiled as he swept the ends below his nose to capture her scent. He released the lock when Isaac French-braided her hair.

  “She’s so beautiful, so strong, so caring,” Etienne whispered.

  “Hmm. I do love watching her when she’s lost in passion.”

  “She’s ours, Isaac. My cat wants out to snuggle, mark, and love her.”

  “Mine, too.”

  They changed into sleep pants, turned off the lights, and lowered on the bed. Etienne leaned over Kate to kiss Isaac.

  “Night, love,” Isaac murmured.

  “Hmm. Night, my darling.” Etienne settled next to Kate, moved his hand to find Isaac’s in the dark, and fell asleep.

  Chapter 27

  Early the next morning, all three remained cuddled in bed. No one was interested in moving, not even to make coffee. The soft musical play ringtone rang from the nightstand. Etienne murmured as the music played again. He tapped his fingers on Isaac’s head.

  “Hmm…What?” Isaac asked in a sleepy tone.



  The phone rang again.

  “Oh, you get it,” Isaac said.

  “Yours or mine?”

  “Yours. Mine is the Looney Tunes theme.”

  “It would be.” Etienne rolled the other way, found the cell, and saw the number. “Stay with her. I’ll take care of this.”

  “Works for me.” Isaac wrapped an arm around Kate, who snuggled deeper in the pillow. “I won’t leave her alone.”

  Etienne thumbed across the screen to activate the call. “This is Etienne.”

  “It’s Gage. Sorry to wake you, but we have some news. Can one of you return to the Center?”

  “I’m on my way.” Etienne exchanged the sleep pants for jeans. From the dresser, he chose and tugged on a simple Henley shirt over his head. He stepped into shoes, pocketed his wallet, clipped the double back holster to his waistband, and holstered both Glocks. He glanced at the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Isaac asked in a sleepy tone, opening one eye to find his partner.

  “I gotta return to the Center. There’s news.”

  “Need us.”

  “No, I can handle it.”

  “’Kay. We’re not moving,” Isaac said. “Be here when you get back.”

  “Love you both.” He placed his hands on the edge and smacked a kiss on Isaac’s exposed temple and a gentler one on Kate’s cheek. He shoved a hand in his pocket as he studied them.

  “Same here, handsome.” Isaac smacked his lips to pantomime a kiss.

  Etienne rushed downstairs. He didn’t hear anything until a heated blast rocketed through his home. Metal and wood splinters and other material filled the air. The force lifted Etienne off his feet, threw him back until he slammed into a wall, and dropped him to the floor.

  * * * *

  Upstairs, Isaac was snatched out of sleep. Jerked by the adrenaline rush, he crouched on the floor when the house rocked. He held a hand over Katie’s mouth to quell a scream. “Ssh, wake up, Katie.”

  “What?” Opening her eyes, she looked at Isaac and to the empty spot on the bed. “Where's Etienne?”

  “I don’t know. He left for the Center.” He found his phone and dialed the Center.

  “The Center. This is Gage.”

  “It’s Isaac. There’s been some kind of explosion at Etienne’s place.”

  “Sweet dark Goddess, what the hell happened over there? We heard the blast all the way over here.”

  “I have no idea. Kate and I were asleep.”

  “Shit. Alex’s on his way with help along with Xavier and his nest. Where is Etienne?”

  “He was going downstairs to meet you, but I don’t know.”

  “Sweet Goddess. Okay. Do you have a safe place to hide? You need to protect the princess.”

  “I know my job. He’s our mate.”

  “Protect the princess. She needs you right now. Alex and Xavier will find Etienne.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Isaac shoved a hand through his hair, his heart clenched in fear at the thought of their mate hurt, bleeding, or worse. He looked around the room. “Kate and I are locking ourselves in the master bathroom.” Isaac motioned to Kate to grab clothes and move to the bathroom. He found a T-shirt to go with his sleep pants, locked the door, and shoved a dresser in front of it for additional protection. Remembering an earlier conversation with Etienne, he stopped at one closet to grab a large black duffel bag. He followed Kate into the bathroom, locked it, and shoved another piece of furniture across it.

  “Are you armed? Do you have any idea what we’re facing?”

  “I’ll be armed in a moment. Etienne is well prepared. No clue, but they could be the ones after Etienne. Contact Paul for details.”

  “Paul? Do you have his number?”

  “Hold on.” Isaac fiddled with his phone until he found the number and called it out to Gage.

  “I’ll call him.”

  “Get Doc ready. I don’t know about the other houses.”

  “Everyone’s alerted. Protect Kate. Contact me if the situation changes.”

  “Check.” Isaac ended the call and dropped and opened the bag. He pulled out several large rifles, multiple handguns, holsters, and knives.

  “What in the name of the dark moon?” Kate wiggled into a pair of pants, but kept on the T-shirt. She wound her braid and secured the band around the bun. She crouched next to him.

  “Etienne’s personal arsenal from whatever the hell he did. I didn’t question, remembered the location of the bag.” Isaac yanked on a Kevlar vest and a shoulder harness, and strapped both around his body. He tossed another vest to Kate. “Put it on. It’ll be tight, but I want you protected.”

  “Is he alive?”

  Isaac moved through the metaphysical connection created under the cool glow of the Goddess’s moon. “I can feel him.”

  “Is he hurt?”

  “He could be, but we need to stay put. If we leave, we’re going to add to the chaos. We stay here until help arrives.” Isaac
concentrated on the arsenal. He dug for the various clips of bullets and loaded everything. He noticed the rifles used the same ammunition and all the handguns were the same Glock .45 style.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Do you know how to use one of these?”

  “Point and shoot, my brothers taught me.”

  He chose a smaller Glock version and he taught her how to toggle the safety, handle the clips, and secure a round in chamber. “Keep your finger here on the guard until you’re ready. Squeeze the trigger. Don’t jerk. These are molten center bullets and will kill shifter or normals.”

  “Okay.” Kate let him help her into the shoulder harness. She holstered both guns and added more clips.

  “I want you behind me inside the shower stall, the glass is shatterproof. I’ll stand in the opening.”

  “Don’t let them hit you, please.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Desperation was within the kiss and her tone. “I want my dance with both of you.”

  “You’ll have your dance.” He cupped her cheek. “You’ll dance with us under the moon and through the fire.”

  “Promise me!”

  “I promise, Katie-cat. On my honor, we’ll be there to dance with you.” He lifted his other hand to cup her face. “Go and hide. Remember what I showed you.”

  She nodded between his hands, leaned to kiss him several times, and blinked past the tears. She moved to hide in the shower stall.

  “Be brave for Etienne, Katie-cat.” Isaac motioned her further back. Shoving the knives in place, Isaac gathered the rifles and moved to the front of the shower stall, lined with thick marble. He set everything in place to grab and fire. He crouched into a comfortable shooter’s position with a rifle. “Be alive, my Etienne, be alive. Sweet Goddess, keep him alive so we may dance under your touch and blessing.” He would hold his position until assistance arrived. “They better get their asses here.”

  * * * *

  With bells ringing in his head, Etienne growled as he pushed himself up from the floor. He felt a heavy boot pressed down on the center of his back.

  “Don’t move, bastard. I heard about the move you pulled on Kaveh,” a man said. The tone was deep, gruff, and filled with anger. “I’m here for his vengeance. You’ll join him in hell. The rest of you search the house. Kill his lovers. I want him to hear their cries, to know he couldn’t save them, before he begs for death.”

  The sounds of more boots raced up the stairs.

  “You son of a bitch! How dare you enter my home and threaten my family?” Etienne recognized the voice from one who had shouted at the club all those months ago. His cat roared forward, giving him strength, and he twisted hard underneath the man. His claws sank into the leg as he threw the man through the air. He pounced and drove his knee into the chest, his hand wrapped around the man’s neck. His claws dug in on either side, ready to pierce the deep veins.

  “Kill me or save your lovers,” the man said, managing to squeak out the words.

  “My lovers can save themselves.” Etienne grinned at the sound of a single rifle fired and the answering cry of a cat.

  “They can’t hold out forever.”

  “They don’t have to since we're never alone within this clan.” Etienne squeezed harder and leaned down. “How did you find out my location?”

  The cat wheezed and grinned.

  Etienne tightened his grip and shoved his knee harder against the solar plexus. “Tell me and I’ll make your death quick.”


  “Allow me to assist.” The wave of night energy washed over him as Xavier appeared.

  “No! Don’t let him rape my mind!” The cat struggled under Etienne’s weight. “No!”

  “Tell me what I want to know.”

  “Keep him away.”

  “If you tell me I will.”

  “I fuck the bitch who works for the Operations Department for the Conclave Guardians. The bitch is the freaking admin to the guy and has access to anything. I get her drunk, fuck her, and she spills all. Marlene hates the bastard,” the man screamed.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Ivan, cat, freaking hell, my name is Ivan. I escaped from the damn guardians with her help and plan. She passed on the information I needed to find you.”

  “Damn dark moon. Keep him immobile, but alive. The Conclave will want him.” Etienne pulled out his phone and moved away.

  “Whatever you wish, guardian, I'll play with him for a bit.” Xavier gave the cowed feline a suave smile.

  “No. You said you’ll keep him away.”

  “I lied.” Etienne cursed when he saw the broken screen. He heard a feminine scream. “Kate! Isaac!” He leapt halfway up the stairs, shifted, and jumped to another landing. His jaguar screamed as he clawed and tossed the rogues over the railing. He heard them fall to a satisfying crunch near the gathered vampires. When he rushed at the last two men facing the master bathroom area, guns in their hand, he stopped as two shots ripped out of the broken door. The men collapsed on one another.

  Etienne sniffed to make sure the limp pile was dead. He shifted back as the bathroom door was opened with his lover in the doorway. “Isaac? Kate?” He watched Isaac hand off a rifle and rush to embrace him. Etienne stumbled back at the force, but his hold didn’t falter.

  “Etienne, damn dark moon, you're safe,” Isaac said, nuzzling his face against Etienne's neck.

  “I'm here. I'm here.”

  “Etienne! You’re alive!” Kate screamed as she raced out.

  The men opened their arms and gathered her between them. Etienne didn’t give a shit about how he was stark naked. His beloved mates were in his arms and he wasn’t letting them leave.

  “You're alive, you're here,” Kate said.

  “I'm okay, Katie. Are you two okay?”

  “We're good.

  “As much as I appreciate a fine ass, I don’t think your mates will appreciate my staring,” someone said in a cool, sarcastic tone.

  Etienne moved his hand in time to catch a pair of jeans tossed by Christophe. He noticed the man held the rifle and the duffel bag. Stepping back, he yanked on the jeans and buttoned the fly. He grimaced at the pain radiating across his back, but ignored it. “How did you get in the bathroom?”

  The vampire placed the bag on the bed. “Same way any vampire enters a house. We appear out of thin air,” Christophe said and waved his fingers. “Like magick.”

  Etienne snorted.

  “Scared another year out of my cat, but, dark moon, he saved our asses. Did you know he could direct my shot through the door and into targets?” Isaac shook his head. “Without him, I don’t know. They were about to blow open the door. I could smell the C-4.” He kicked at one dead thug, who flopped over and revealed the small bar of explosives with a timer attached. “Sweet dark moon, shit, it’s live!”

  Before anyone else, Christophe picked up the bomb, fiddled with the timer, and yanked a wire free. “Disarmed. We’re safe. Stupid morons could have blown themselves instead with the shoddy work.” He dropped it back on the body.

  Etienne hugged his mates tighter. He gave Christophe his attention and held out his hand. “Thank you, Lord Christophe, for saving my mates.”

  “You’re lucky to have such beloveds,” Christophe said as he shook Etienne’s hand. “I wish I could find my heart-mates.”

  “When you least expect it, you will.”

  “Been over a thousand years,” Christophe said.

  “Dark moon, a long time to wait, but don’t lose hope,” Etienne said. “Are you okay?”

  Christophe turned his head to the side as his gaze drifted off for a moment. He cleared his throat and nodded. “I apologize, my lord would like to inform you of the arrival of Alex and several more guardians and a medic.”

  “Good to know they made it,” Etienne said and looked around. “Phone! Crap, sorry, sir, but I need a phone.”

  “What happened to yours?” Isaac asked.

  “Dead from the

  “Better than you knocked around by the blast.” Isaac gave his phone to Etienne. “What will happen to us next?”

  “I don’t want to know.” Fumbling with the unfamiliar screen, Etienne dialed a number. “Paul, yeah, thanks for the heads-up.” He rolled his eyes. “He heard about the possible attack three hours earlier, but couldn’t verify it in time.”

  “Son of a bitch! Sweet Goddess, this communication issue needs to get fixed,” Isaac said as Christophe’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah, yeah, we know. Anyway, Paul, get the admin for the Commander of Operations in custody. Yeah, one called Marlene is the leak with a rogue lover.”

  Entering the bedroom after checking on the situation downstairs, a cell phone held to his ear, Alex stopped short when he overheard the last of Etienne's conversation with Paul. His eyes widened at the significance. He nodded to Christophe, who didn’t leave.

  “I’ll pass on more when I know. Her lover escaped, thanks to her, and led the attack. He spilled his guts and is ready for custody. My phone is dead so reach me on Isaac’s number. Yeah, Alex and others are here to help clean the mess. I'll contact you later. Bye.” Etienne tossed the cell back to Isaac. “Sir, is everything okay downstairs?”

  Ending his conversation, Alex lowered the phone and nodded. “Just confirmed with Gage, Zach found the sniper, about sixty yards in the forest. Damn bastard was in a homemade ghillie suit which masked all scent. Zach took control of the rifle and ammunition. We can use the carbine beauty once we figure out who’s the best shot. The ammunition matches the bullets we dug out of the restaurant so we know he's the shooter.”

  “At least there’s another peg in place,” Etienne said.

  With a nod, Alex studied the down bodies and kicked them with his boot. He noticed the homemade bomb and lifted an eyebrow. “What the hell is that? Is it a bomb?”

  “Yup, the idiots created a so-called bomb out of a timer and C-4 bricks. It could have exploded in their hands or when thrown or it could have been a dud. Either way, it’s disarmed and should be moved carefully,” Christophe said.

  “Thank you, Lord Christophe.”


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