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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

Page 17

by Trinity Blacio

  Sensations from all over robbed her of her breath. She screamed around Edward’s cock as magic and a very powerful orgasm rolled over her. Behind her, Lucas shouted her name as his seed erupted in both of her crevices from him and Edward’s seed hit the back of her throat as she swallowed every bit of him.

  If Beth hadn’t been leaning over the chair, she would have fallen to her knees. Edward pulled his cock free of her mouth and smiled down at her. “You look so beautiful there with your ass sticking up in the air, my seed on your lips and Lucas’s running down your legs.”

  She moaned and tried to get up, but Lucas was still inside of her. When Beth turned to look back, Isaac was helping Simon up off the floor. Her face heated as her gaze flew to Lucas’.

  He laughed and slipped out of her. “I would never have let him touch you if I didn’t already know about those little fantasies in your head, and yes, soon we will live out every one of them.” Lucas helped her stand, lowering her dress. “Now, let’s go eat shall we?” He held out his arm to her.

  “But I need to clean up?” Beth said and sucked her breath in when she noticed the corner of his lip curl up.

  “You will do no such thing. You are lucky I didn’t strip you and spray you with my seed For now, this will do.” He took her arm and escorted her into the dining room where everyone was seated and waiting for them.

  Her legs were sticky from his marking, but she gritted her teeth and allowed him to seat hear next to him and Edward. Dred and Rock sniffed the air and grinned.

  “Lancelot, our woman is starving, please bring her plate,” Edward said.

  She grabbed onto the glass of water in front of her and glared at him. “You don’t have to yell. I’m sure he knows to bring our plates.” Beth turned her gaze on Lucas. “You going to tell me what brought on the shadows?

  “I’m afraid that is our fault.” Simon said sitting down a few chairs away from them. “Lucas was explaining that he planned to take you to the old world. We had to inform him about his home and the planet itself. It’s just not safe for you there and I’m afraid his home is pretty much gone, destroyed over the years.”

  “I’m so sorry, Lucas.” Beth reached over and squeezed his arm. “Maybe we could rebuild it?”

  Already Simon and Isaac were shaking their heads. “There is nothing to rebuild.”

  Inside her head, Beth could see the pictures that were flashing through Lucas’ brain as he remembered his home. She sat back as Lancelot placed her plate of food in front of her. “You know we could…” Lucas’s glared, stopping her words.

  “Drop it for now, please.” Lucas snapped and took a bite of the deer.

  A couple chairs down, Claire cleared her throat and Beth looked up to see her wink at her. “So what do we do since we can’t go for the run tonight? Hey Dred, you have your guitar with you here? We could still have the fire, roast marsh mellows and sing songs. It’s supposed to be clear, no rain, so it’d be perfect.”

  “I didn’t know you could sing or, for that matter, play the guitar.” She looked at Dred and he moaned.

  “Damn it, Claire, you just had to bring that up. Fine we can have the bon fire and I’ll dig out the guitar, but I expect all of you to sing, not just me.” Dred grumbled and she smiled.

  For the next hour, Beth stuffed her face and listened to Claire tell story after story of Dred and Rock as kids. “I swear they got into so much trouble…” Claire was grinning from ear to ear as her men pulled her away from the table, threating to spank her butt if she didn’t shut up.

  All throughout dinner, Lucas had said little, just watching those around him. He stood and held out his hand to her. “I’d like to speak with you alone.”

  She placed her napkin on her plate and thanked Lancelot for the food before she placed her hand into his. Beth allowed him to escort her out of the room, knowing Lucas had already spoken to Edward, Dred and Rock as they went the other way.

  They moved down the ancient stairs to where the tombs were. “Are you going to talk to me?” She asked, looking up at him.

  “I wanted to see what items were in the vault and thought I’d show you a bit of my world, before it crumbled.” Lucas pushed open the door to his personal vault and stepped back to allow her to enter the chamber she’d opened this morning.

  “I don’t know why it feels like days since I’ve been in here. This day has been so filled with exciting things.” She grinned up at him, fingering a gold cup.

  “That cup belonged to my father. My Mother and Father sealed their bond with that cup, drinking the blood of a Usolat. It’s said the blood from this animal will bring fertility and health for both who drink it.” He touched the rim of the cup and glanced around the room till he spotted something.

  “This is what I wanted.” Lucas moved over to a large chest and bent before it. “The seal is still intact.” He ran his hand over the seal and the trunk creaked as it opened. Dust rose up in the air making her sneeze a few times and making him laugh. “Come here.” He held out his hand and Beth went to him.

  “This is yours. All throughout my travels to the other worlds, I’d pick up something to put in here for the woman that I claimed. This is your joining gift from me.”

  “What?” She looked into the trunk in wonder. Jewels, rings, material, figurines and many, many other items were stuffed into the box.

  “My God ,Lucas, this is amazing. Are you sure?” She picked up a small figure of a strange looking animal.

  “Yes, it is our way to give a gift to the one we bond with.” He reached over to the lid where something was taped to it. “Let me see your right hand, palm up.”

  She lifted her hand up and opened her fingers as he placed a small black object in the middle of her palm. “Don’t move.”

  The stone thing warmed in the middle of her palm to almost the point of pain when Beth noticed it moving. Little cracks started to appear on the stone, before a small worm like creature emerged from the stone. She was lucky Lucas held her hand still, because the little thing reminded her of a small snake and Beth hated snakes.

  “Lucas, I don’t do snakes.” Her gaze flew to his and he smiled.

  “Wait.” Then she watched as the little thing buried itself in her hand. Not one ounce of pain.

  “Why do I need some snake thing inside me?” Beth squeaked and tried not to flip out as Lucas helped her stand up.

  “It’s part of me. This is one of the reasons why I was so upset upstairs. Each of our males only produces one of these. They are called, The Stone of Zeon. It is part of my heart and my soul. In some sense you now hold inside you…” He placed his hand over her heart, “my life, if you die, so do I, we are now tied together forever.”

  Even with the thought of the thing inside her, tears filled her eyes and Beth wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. “Lucas.”

  “Are you ready?” Edward said behind them and Lucas nodded as he stepped back.

  “Strip Beth,” Lucas ordered as he and her other men cleared off a table that was in the back of the room. “We’re waiting, My Heart.”

  “Strip Beth…” She grumbled and did what he ordered as she watched in fascination as the table in question seemed to come alive. Steps came down the table as Lucas helped her up onto it as soon as she was naked.

  A soft brown substance now covered the table as she laid down on it. There was a place for her head, butt and every nook of her body. Things also came out of the table holding her into place. There was even a strap that went across the top of her head which really made her nervous.

  The tables split open at her legs, opening her up to their view. “What’s going on?” Beth tried to look towards Lucas, but she couldn’t move. But as if sensing her need to see him, Lucas leaned over and smiled down at her.

  “Relax, you’ll experience nothing but pleasure I promise,” he said.

  For the next hour, her men touched her, bringing her to peak so many times she lost count, but never once did they place their cocks in her. Instead, eac
h time she’d come, their seed would be released onto her body. The four of them coated every inch of her body with their seed, but no, that was not enough, they rubbed it into her skin like it was lotion. Not even her head or face was spared.

  “Please, no more,” she cried, out sore and sticky.

  “One more,” Lucas ordered as he buried himself into her. His cocks stretched the muscles in her ass and pussy as he took her hard. She couldn’t move to his thrust, but that didn’t matter to Lucas as he pumped in and out of her.

  “You are ours now, bonded to us. Others will touch you, but no one will mark you with their seed except us.” Edward said as someone pinched her nipples and clit at the same time. “Come for Lucas, squeeze his cocks and drain him,” Edward ordered.

  The room seemed to move, it grew darker as she heard Lucas’s roar and felt his warm seed pour into her body. Her strength gone, Beth took a deep breath and closed her eyes, all of a sudden so tired.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Edward leaned down and kissed his Little Witch’s nose while she slept in Edward’s arms, as he made his way back to their quarters. “I feel like I’ve run miles. My legs are weak, but for the first time in years, I feel complete.” Dred said behind them.

  “That is part of the old ritual. Not only did we mark her with our seed, but we gave her our strength and endurance. We have completed the circle no one should be able to break it. I might not be mated to the three of you, but you are now part of my immediate family. If you are hurt, I will be there for you.” Lucas said.

  For the first time since his awaking, Lucas was relaxed as he walked next to them. “I noticed you said should? You think there is a chance someone could separate us from her?”

  “I have no idea what or who is working with this uprising, but I know it’s not human. This thing or whatever it is knows me personally, knew I was fighting with the shadows and was counting on this to join their cause. If it knows so much about me, it could also be aware about the old ways and how to break our circle of protection that we have given her.”

  Behind them, Dred snarled. “By any chance would making the announcement about your bonding send any of their men running? We could really use any advantage we can get.”

  The guards stepped aside as they went down into their personal living space. “It might frighten a few, but I refuse to take our personal life out to the public. Plus, it would undermine Edward's ruling and I won’t have that. No, I still think keeping me in the background would serve better. I’d like to start a rumor going.” The four of them walked to the bathroom where they would clean and dress her.

  “I have to agree. I think the less they know about you, the better.” He waited as Dred stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the garden tub, before handing over Beth. “How are your powers since rising?”

  Smiling, Lucas stepped into the water, moaning. “My powers are fine, they never falter, but before I went to my resting place, I knew there were those that would try and take over so I kind of hinted that my gifts were diminishing.”

  Not wasting any time, Edward stripped out of his clothes and sank into the Jasmine water where the four of them washed their moaning mate. “She’ll wake here soon.” Edward placed a kiss on the top of her head and allowed Lucas to hold her as they waited for her to wake up.

  “I think you are right. We should allow this rumor to run, maybe even add to it by saying your energy level is low. Maybe you used it all up waking. The less they know, the better, but we need someone inside.”

  Rock stood and moved to get out. “I could do it. Say that I was thrown out of our family since I wasn’t powerful enough?”

  “No!” Beth growled and tried to jump up, but she slipped and would have fallen if Lucas hadn’t caught her. “You will not leave me!” Big tears rolled down her cheeks and her lower lip trembled. “Please, Rock, plus we’re getting married, remember.”

  “I have to agree with Beth, plus I believe we all need to be close to each other. We start to split up now, it makes us weak. No it has to be someone we haven’t seen in a while. Someone that has been out of the picture…” Edward stood and stepped out of the tub. He held out his hand to Beth and she took it, stepping into his arms.

  “We’re not leaving you. You’ll have that wedding. Now let’s get dressed and go to this bonfire. Then I think we all need to rest.” Edward took the towel Dred handed him and they proceeded to dry her body.

  “I hate to mention this and, Avril will most likely hate me, but what about his father, Governor Broward?” He could have a reason after demoting Avril to my personal assistant. Even though I hope he’s happy being with me. He is a General and I’m sure they would love to enlist his help.”

  He stood and stared down at her. “You amaze me each time you open your mouth.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she laughed, slapping his arm.

  “Stop that! Nothing is going on tonight. I need to rest.” His Little Witch made her way into their bedroom and moved to the closet.

  “You know something, the General would be perfect. He’s been retired now for how long?” Dred asked following her into the closet and lifted a long sleeve sweater dress up for her.

  He leaned against the doorframe and watched her shake her head. “No, I want my jeans tonight and my favorite sweater.” She bent down and grabbed a red-black sweater and a pair of worn jeans with her black cowboy boots. “Don’t forget to get your guitar.”

  She squeezed past him, but not before kissing his chest and looking up at him. “You know I haven’t seen you in jeans yet? You always wear dark dress pants.”

  “Really, well we’ll have to take care of that,” Edward said and reached behind him, grabbing a pair of jeans out of thin air. “How are these?” He held them up and she rolled his eyes.

  “It figures you don’t own any.” She rolled her eyes and stepped into the room. “Now Lucas I could understand, but you, no.” Beth threw her cowboy boots on the bed along with her clothes, before turning to him. “I need panties tonight, Edward.”

  He shook his head. “No you don’t. You can wear the jeans, but I want you bare underneath.” Edward yanked her into his arms and squeezed her butt cheeks. “I want to be able to slid my hand into your jeans and touch your bare skin. I love the feel of your skin against mine, it’s so soft and warm. You always smell so good. Get dressed before I take you here and now.” Edward spun her around and slapped her bare ass.

  “Hey!” She rubbed her butt and grabbed her jeans. “You’re going to tell me about the ceremony earlier. I mean I enjoyed it, but it was so intense.” Lucas reached for her shirt and stood in front of her.

  “It’s an old ceremony. It sealed our family unit, giving you and all of us an extra source of protection.” He tugged the shirt over her head, trapping her arms. “In a way, it was also us marking you. Our scent is now over every inch of your skin. Anyone who came within a few feet of you would recognize our scent.”

  “In other words, the four wanted to make sure any male that came near me knew I was spoken for. No matter what your age, all men are alike.” She poked her hands through the sweater and kissed Lucas’ chin while standing on her tippy toes. “But that’s okay. I kind of like the he-man act. Now let’s go. I want smores, a big fire and lots of songs!”

  “You four go ahead, I’ll meet you out there. Right now I want to speak with the General. Your idea has merit, but if we are going to do this, we need to be very careful. With everyone at the bonfire, it would be a perfect time for me to speak with him.”

  Lucas nodded. “They’ll be watching and listening though so you might want to write down what you want to say and start a fight there tonight. The only question is do we inform this Avril?”

  “Of course we do.” She popped a boot on and started to walk to the door where Deception and the other creature waited. Before getting to the door, Beth glanced over her shoulder. “I have a blood bond with Avril, he knows what I know.”

  “You what?” Edward was on her in a flash. He
r back up against the wall he lifted her up to stare into her face. “Why and when?”

  “Edward, you’re hurting my arms.” she whispered and waited till he lowered her down.

  “I’m sorry, but you know better than to allow anyone a blood connection,” Edward stepped back and glared down at her. “Do you know what they could do to you if they take Avril?” He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Now that she carries my blood, no one will be allowed to penetrate her thoughts but us. There are a few good things about being committed to me, but you right to be furious.” Lucas looked at the sofa, then at him. “I believe a good spanking is in order here and then we should have a talk with this man. He shouldn’t have allowed the blood link.”

  Her eyes widened as he turned to sit on the sofa. “Come here, Little Witch, and drop the jeans.” Edward sat down and patted his knee.

  She shook her head and backed up. “Edward, he’s my friend now, I had to know I could trust him,” Beth’s lower lip trembled.

  “Beth…” He didn’t say anymore just waited as he watched the play of emotions cross her face. Her mind was a whirl of sexual arousal while at the same time scared, but he did nothing to ease those emotions. She had to come to him and trust him.

  Step by step, Beth inched forward till she was standing before him. Taking a deep breath, she unfastened her pants and lowered them to her knees before she placed herself over his lap, ass up. “I’m sorry, Edward, I needed to trust him.”

  He ran his hand over her round butt cheeks. “But yet to do this, you broke my trust. You went against my wishes. Do you know how disappointed I am right now?” He brought his hand down hard on her ass and she jumped, but he held her in place.

  “We love you, Little Witch. We make decisions that ensure your safety and those around us.” Two more hard slaps to her cheeks. “If something happened to you, we would not survive. Think of the chaos that would ensue. Hundreds would be killed all because you didn’t listen.” Four more slaps to her ass before he lifted her off his lap and pulled up her pants.


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