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5,000 Writing Prompts

Page 19

by Bryn Donovan

  famulusA noun meaning an assistant or secretary, particularly to a scholar or a magician.

  aegisA noun meaning support, protection, or patronage.

  lucidaA noun meaning the brightest star in a constellation.

  outréAn adjective meaning strange, unconventional, or “out there.”

  pluvialAn adjective meaning rainy or somehow related to rain.

  verdantAn adjective meaning green and lush with vegetation. It can also mean someone who doesn’t have much experience or good judgement.

  sangfroidA noun from the French, meaning the quality of composure or coolness under pressure.

  desideratumA noun for something wanted and/or believed to be necessary.

  hijinksA noun also spelled as two words, “high jinks.” It means horseplay, rambunctious activities, and shenanigans.

  mellifluousAn adjective describing something that is smooth and pleasant to hear.

  gossamerAn adjective meaning light, translucent, or delicate, like fairy’s wings.

  valetudinarianA person in poor health who’s preoccupied with their ailments.

  lodestoneA noun referring to the mineral magnetite. It can also refer to something that has a strong attraction.

  lacunaA noun meaning a missing space or gap. I’ve most often seen this refer to memory.

  diktatA noun meaning a harsh decree or order, particularly one imposed on a defeated party.

  parvenuA noun meaning someone who has recently become rich and/or important, and hasn’t yet adapted the manners, dress, or home to match.

  donnybrookA noun, archaic I think, meaning a brawl.

  martinetA noun meaning a strict enforcer of rules.

  somnambulistA noun meaning a sleepwalker.

  invidiousAn adjective describing something that tends to cause jealousy or resentment.

  maelstromA noun meaning a violent whirlpool; also used to refer to a turbulent matter.

  sapientAn adjective meaning full of wisdom.

  BacchanalA noun referring to a hedonistic and excessive party or celebration.

  supineAn adjective meaning facing upwards.

  moxieAn adjective meaning energy, determination, and daring.

  titivateA verb meaning to spruce up.

  volvoxA noun. It’s actually just a type of algae, but I think it’s a great word.

  renascentAn adjective referring to something reborn or gaining renewed energy.

  canardA noun meaning a widely shared but unproven belief. It can also mean a hoax or fabricated story.

  irenicAn adjective describing someone who advocates for peace or reconciliation.

  karstA noun. It’s a rocky landscape formed by erosion, characterized by towers, ridges, caves, sinkholes, and fissures.

  cartophileA noun meaning someone who loves maps.

  proteanAn adjective describing someone or something able to assume different forms, or describing someone or something diverse or versatile.

  sonoluminescenceA noun. I like the concept as much as I like the word. It refers to the light that some liquids give off when certain intense high-frequency sounds or ultrasonic waves pass through them.

  obstreperousAn adjective meaning loud, boisterous, or out of control.

  minatoryAn adjective meaning menacing or threatening.

  marmorealAn adjective describing something that’s similar to or related to marble.

  gasconadeA noun meaning excessive boasting.

  pervicaciousAn adjective meaning stubborn and refusing to change one’s mind.

  klaxonA noun meaning a loud mechanical horn—usually an emergency or warning alarm.

  laodiceanA noun referring to someone who doesn’t care much about religion or politics.

  verdigrisA noun meaning the green patina that forms on copper, bronze, and brass. It can also refer to that shade of green (which is a little blueish).

  aliferousAn adjective describing someone or something with wings.

  nocentAn adjective that’s the opposite of innocent! It means guilty or harmful.

  afterclapA noun. This is an unexpected negative consequence of an event that was assumed to be over and done with. Isn’t that a great word? I love it.

  sussurusA noun, meaning a murmuring, buzzing, or whispering sound.

  bricolageA noun meaning something put together out of whatever materials or ideas happened to be available.

  fantodA noun meaning a state of tension or irritability.

  torporA noun meaning a state of inactivity in which one is barely conscious.

  sacristyA noun meaning a room in a church where sacred objects are stored.

  prolixAn adjective meaning garrulous and tending to discuss things in too great of detail.

  lazarettoA noun meaning a hospital for patients with contagious diseases.

  madidAn adjective meaning wet or moist.

  paeanA noun meaning a song of praise or thanksgiving.

  uxoriousAn adjective meaning excessively fond of or devoted to one’s wife.

  letheA noun meaning oblivion or forgetfulness; derived from the river Lethe in Greek mythology.

  margaritomancyA noun meaning divination using pearls.

  pronoiaThis is a neologism, but I’m really fond of it. It’s the opposite of paranoia: the sense that people are secretly out to help you, and the universe itself is conspiring in your favor.

  lexiphanicAn adjective describing someone who uses fancy or obscure words in a pretentious way.

  50 Writing Prompts Inspired by Tarot

  Tarot cards have long been a source of inspiration for writers and artists. The divinatory messages and timeless archetypes often appeal to creative minds. You don’t have to believe in the ability of Tarot cards to predict the future in order to use them to send your imagination in a new direction.

  For this list, I’ve used all of the major arcana and some of the minor arcana. I’ve taken a lot of creative liberties with Tarot card meanings, and with any of my writing prompts, I think you should do the same.

  The Fool: write about someone beginning a new adventure or journey, with no idea of where it might lead.

  The Magician: write about someone performing real magic or the illusion of it.

  The High Priestess: write about a female religious figure.

  The Empress: write about a powerful pregnant woman.

  The Emperor: write about a stern patriarch.

  The Hierophant: write about someone who insists upon convention or conformity.

  The Lovers: write about two lovers who face a difficult choice.

  The Chariot: write about someone taking a victory lap, literally or figuratively.

  Strength: write about someone fighting a wild animal.

  The Hermit: write about someone who has isolated himself or herself in search of some truth.

  Wheel of Fortune: write about a stroke of extraordinary bad luck.

  Justice: write about a guilty person’s punishment or an innocent person’s reprieve.

  The Hanged Man: write about someone who calmly makes a huge sacrifice.

  Death: write about the end of a life, relationship, job, or living situation that brings relief.

  Temperance: write about someone who uses patience or self-control in a difficult situation.

  The Devil: write about someone giving in to temptation.

  The Tower: write about a city or citadel under attack.

  The Star: write about the one thing that gives a character hope when things look bleak.

  The Moon: write about a disturbing dream.

  The Sun: write about an event filled with sunshine and joy.

  Judgement: write about a character who realizes he has a calling or a purpose to fulfill.

  The World: write about someone who’s on top of the world.

  Two of Wands: write about someone making a decision between two jobs or two creative ventures.

  Four of Wands: write about some type of homecoming.

  Five of Wands: write about five people arguing about how to achieve a goal.

  Seven of Wands: write about someone defending their property.

  Nine of Wands: write about someone who is exhausted but still striving.

  Knight of Wands: write about someone making a grand gesture.

  King of Wands: write about a leader giving a speech to rally the troops.

  Ace of Cups: write about a gift of love.

  Three of Cups: write about a small celebration with friends.

  Four of Cups: write about someone who absolutely cannot get motivated.

  Six of Cups: write about someone who is nostalgic for her childhood.

  Eight of Cups: write about someone who is abandoning a dream.

  Page of Cups: write about someone giving a toast.

  Queen of Cups: write about someone who’s uncannily intuitive.

  Two of Swords: write about someone making a decision when both options are bad.

  Five of Swords: write about someone who’s alienated his friends or family.

  Six of Swords: write about someone who is forced to move to a new residence or go on a journey.

  Eight of Swords: write about someone who feels trapped, but really isn’t.

  Ten of Swords: write about someone who’s been stabbed in the back.

  Knight of Swords: write about someone who makes a rash and extreme decision.

  Queen of Swords: write about an intellectual who’s lacking in emotion.

  Ace of Pentacles: write about someone who just got a great job offer.

  Three of Pentacles: write about a graduation.

  Five of Pentacles: write about someone who has become destitute or homeless.

  Seven of Pentacles: write about a harvest.

  Nine of Pentacles: write about someone enjoying the good life.

  Page of Pentacles: write about someone starting a new business.

  King of Pentacles: write about a generous billionaire.

  25 Prompts to Melt People’s Hearts

  Some of these might even make readers cry a little, since many of us are even more likely to tear up at kindness and goodness than we are at sad events. Readers are likely to remember a sweet moment in a story, and it can even make them feel better about life and about the world.

  Someone gives a lonely person a gift.

  A parent, friend, or significant other gives him a gift that reflects respect for his life choices or support of his dreams.

  A child gives her a piece of artwork that depicts her in a flattering or affectionate light.

  He helps or stands up for an opponent or rival.

  A person falls asleep cuddling with an animal.

  An animal cuddles with a stuffed animal.

  A dog or cat is adopted from a shelter and seems overjoyed to be heading home at last.

  Someone does an act of kindness in secret.

  Two people who have been married for sixty or more years are still romantic and flirty with one another.

  A person finally achieves her childhood goal…when she’s in her nineties.

  Someone brings flowers or a treat to the person he loves for no particular occasion.

  Someone waits a long time in a car or a waiting room for the person she loves.

  He remembers how she takes her coffee or tea.

  She re-creates a holiday or special event because they missed it.

  When she’s taking a shower, he puts her bathrobe in the dryer and wraps her up in it as soon as she gets out.

  He sings a goofy made-up song to his kid.

  Someone hugs someone who doesn’t expect it…and who realizes he loves it.

  The people in a workplace, school, or community join together to do something kind.

  He visits his grandma or great-aunt regularly.

  She starts a standing ovation for her friend’s performance or speech (which, to be honest, is only okay).

  He gets flustered—and touched—by an unexpected compliment.

  He repairs someone else’s item after it got broken.

  She makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to make a big sacrifice for someone else.

  He’s a tough guy, but he’s brought to tears for a sentimental reason.

  She returns to the place she was the happiest.

  50 “Meet Cute” Ideas

  “Meet cute” is a screenplay writing term in which two people, destined to fall in love, meet for the first time. Sometimes, the meeting is awkward; in fact, many, many meet cutes involve the characters actually bumping into one another.

  A scene that brings two perfect strangers together can be funny and memorable. First encounters are just as important in fiction.

  This list isn’t limited to romance. You could also use these prompts to think about how two future best friends meet—or take things in a more sinister direction, and use them to introduce future enemies, or a future predator and his or her victim.

  She mistakes him for an intruder.

  He mistakes her for his online date.

  She keeps contacting tech support because nothing’s working since she installed the upgrade on her computer. He’s the tech support guy.

  Their dogs seem to be attracted to one another.

  He leaves his hot dog unattended for a moment, and her dog eats it.

  They both recapture or subdue a wild animal or creature on the loose.

  She kicks off her shoes—and one hits him.

  She’s a real estate agent, and the woman shows up for her open house.

  He works for the admissions department, and he’s giving her a tour of the university.

  They attend a meetup or political rally and no one else is there—not even the organizer.

  They’re both pulled onstage by a performer.

  She accidentally spills a beer on him at a concert or sporting event.

  He drowns his sorrows at a bar after discovering that his girlfriend’s cheating on him. She’s the bartender.

  It’s his day to move into the apartment. She’s not finished moving out of it yet.

  He sees her struggling to move a piece of furniture—or a large and unusual item—into her new apartment, and he lends a hand.

  She’s his new neighbor, and she knocks on the door asking to borrow an unusual item.

  She responds to his online ad for an unusual item for sale.

  They’re bidding against one another at an auction.

  When they were small children, he had a big crush on her and passed her a love note in class.

  She comes over to get her friend’s belongings from his apartment after he and her friend break up.

  He meets her at the restaurant, believing she’s asked him on a date. It’s really an elaborate setup of her grandmother’s, who knows him and thinks he’s a nice boy.

  At a party, she asks him to pretend to be her date so a guy who’s been pestering her will leave her alone.

  After a party, he contacts her to apologize on behalf of his best friend, who was drunk and rude.

  After a party, she asks the host for the number of a guy she enjoyed talking to. The host, confused, gives her the number of a different guy.

  They spar in a martial arts class.

  They’re assigned to be partners in a dancing or cooking class.

  He finds and returns her lost item.

  She chases after him to return something he dropped. He was leaving it behind on purpose for the other secret agent to pick up.
  He’s in the ER after his daredevil behavior led to an accident, and the other man is the doctor.

  They both become volunteer firefighters at the same time.

  They both decided to rob the store, house, or museum on the same night.

  She’s a police officer who mistakes him for a fleeing suspect.

  A tyrannical judge arrests a feisty prosecutor in contempt of court, and he’s the deputy who reluctantly removes her from the courtroom.

  At the City Council meeting, one of them speaks up in favor of a proposal, and one speaks out against it.

  He always likes to dip his fries in barbecue sauce, so he’s disappointed the restaurant doesn’t have any. From the next table, she hands him the small bottle of it she carries in her purse.

  He’s an awkward guy in general and at a dinner party, he makes a reference that no one else gets—except her.

  They share a ride to or from the airport.

  He plays a violin in the subway, and he’s so good, she has to stop to listen.

  She’s a workaholic who comes into the office before dawn. He’s the new security guard who lets her in.

  They’re cheering for their children at a soccer game or recital.

  She’s the face painter he hired for his child’s birthday party.

  They seem to have purchased tickets for the same seat at an event…

  Or they’ve somehow made a reservation for the same hotel room, bed and breakfast suite, or rental cabin.


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