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Banking On Love

Page 9

by Anna James

Emma reached forward and shook Ethan’s shoulder when he exited the highway. “Hey, this isn’t the way to my school.”

  Ethan regarded her in the rearview mirror. “I know you’re excited to get back, but we need to make one stop before we drop you off, okay?”

  “Where are we going?” Rachel asked.

  Her voice vibrated with concern. It had been risky to plan this outing and not tell her, but she’d never have agreed if given a choice. He understood her worry. Hell, he’d spent the better part of last night arguing with himself when the plan had formed in his head, but in the end, he’d decided to go ahead with it. Bottom line, he wanted to spend time with her, and Emma too, and not just an afternoon driving in the car. This outing had been the perfect solution. A few hours of fun before Emma returned to school. He wiggled his eyebrows and gave her what he hoped was a wicked grin. “You’ll find out soon enough.”


  He gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “Have a little faith.”

  A few minutes later he turned off the main road. The top of a giant rollercoaster, and some of the other large rides, came into view.

  Emma shrieked. “Oh my God! We’re going to Quassey Amusement Park?”

  Ethan grinned. “You got it.” They drove into the mammoth-sized parking lot a moment later, traveling up and down several isles before he found a spot and parked the SUV.

  “This is great! I love amusement parks!” She shoved open the passenger door and hopped out.

  Rachel didn’t move.

  Ethan turned to face her. “How mad are you?”

  She stared straight ahead. “I thought we were going directly to Emma’s school.”

  “Is that the only reason you agreed to let me come along?”

  “That’s not fair, Ethan. I had a right to know what you’d planned.”

  Emma’s knock on the passenger window distracted him. He turned his attention to her. “Come on, you guys. Let’s go.”


  She should never have agreed to have Ethan come along. The shareholders dispute wasn’t settled yet. “Keep your distance from Ethan Montgomery,” Jarrod had told her. And she’d gone and done just the opposite— again. Foolish, foolish, foolish. She couldn’t keep risking her future this way. Regardless of how much she missed him when he wasn’t around. And she did. More than she thought possible. “Ethan, we…”

  “We, what?”

  She swallowed hard. “We can’t see each other, after today, until the shareholders dispute is settled. And that includes Emma.”

  His lips tightened. “Fine.”

  They walked through the parking lot in silence, and Emma chattered. When they stepped through the main gate, Emma grabbed Rachel’s arm and pointed. “Can we get a picture? I want one to take back to school with me.”

  Rachel nodded. “Sure, honey.”

  “Come on, Ethan,” Emma called, seizing his hand.

  The photographer snapped three photos and handed Ethan a ticket. “They’ll be ready for viewing in a few minutes. You’ll find them in the building over there.” He pointed to a white hut across the way.

  Ethan put the ticket in his wallet and guided them to the small shop where they waited several minutes for their photos to appear on the overhead monitor.

  Rachel grinned when the first image flashed across the viewing screen, despite her annoyance with Ethan. She couldn’t help it. The picture featured a smiling Ethan with his arm draped casually over Emma’s shoulder. Emma glowed with happiness.

  “I want a copy of this one,” Emma declared enthusiastically.

  Ethan ruffled the hair on the top of Emma’s head. “Me too, kiddo.”

  The next portrait zoomed in on Emma’s face, her radiant smile curved up to reach her blue eyes, sparkling with excitement.

  “Another great picture. I’m going to have it framed and set it on my desk at the bank.”

  Emma pumped her fist in the air. “Excellent.”

  The last photo surprised Rachel. She hadn’t realized the photographer had taken it. The image captured her with a big grin on her face. She’d been laughing at the funny expressions Emma made for the camera.

  Ethan leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “I want a copy of this one, too. It’ll sit right next to Emma, and I’ll have my two favorite people with me. I can see your gorgeous smiling faces whenever I want, but I won’t put them out on display, not until you say it’s okay.”

  Oh hell. How could she stay mad at him when he said something so sweet?

  They purchased the pictures and then stepped out onto the midway. “Where do you want to go first?” Ethan asked.

  Emma beamed. “The roller coasters. The Wooden Warrior first, and then the Big Flush Water Coaster. They’re both on the other side of the park.”

  “Then why are we standing here?” Ethan grabbed Emma’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  “I can’t wait to show you my school. Oh, and you have to meet my friends Krista and Maddie. I told you about them, right? They ride with me. Did I mention Maddie is my roommate? Oh, and I almost forgot I want to take you to the barn. I’m dying to see my horse again. Wait until you meet him.”

  Ethan flashed Rachel a grin while Emma continued the chatter. Rachel grinned back.

  He returned his attention to Emma. “It sounds like we’ll have a lot to do once we arrive.”

  “We will. Psych! The line’s not too long!” She raced toward the coaster.

  Ten minutes later, they filed into the next car. Ethan draped his arm along the back of the seat and rested his hand at the base of Rachel’s neck and, dear lord, her skin tingled where his fingers touched her bare skin.

  Emma cheered. “Here we go!”

  The car ascended toward the first peak. Screams and laughter filled the air as they plunged down the first drop and whipped around the corner. The force threw Ethan against her on the next turn. He gripped her thigh.

  “Did I hurt you?” he shouted over the din of the crowd.

  “No, I’m fine.” She wanted the gentle pressure of his hand on her and the solid strength of him pressed firmly against her body. They rounded the next corner and Rachel slid against him. With the combined force of her body weight and Emma’s, she wound up with her bottom partially in his lap. She tried to move, but he wrapped both arms around her and held on tight for the remainder of the ride. When the car pulled up to the platform again, he released her. Her heart sank. She’d enjoyed being held in his arms. More than enjoyed it, and she wanted more of it too. Her mind floated back to the soft kiss they’d shared and… Stay away from the Montgomerys. Oh hell. It got harder to do with every passing minute.

  “I’ve decided I don’t want to go on the water roller coaster,” Emma announced. “Can we go on the Galleon Pirate Ship instead?”

  Rachel’s eyebrows arched up. “Does the ride swing back and forth or spin round and round?”

  Emma giggled. “It swings back and forth. The Tilt-A-Whirl goes round and round. You don’t like that one because you get sick from the spinning.”

  Rachel nodded. “You’re right. We can go on the pirate ship ride. Where is it from here?”

  Emma pointed to a spot off in the distance. “Over there.”

  Rachel frowned, “Over where?”

  “Near the Arcade. Can we go there, too?”

  Ethan nodded. “You got it, Em.”

  Rachel groaned when they passed the food stand serving fried dough. A heady aroma filled the air and smelled delicious.

  “Do you want some before or after the ride?” Ethan asked.

  Rachel’s lips curved into a big smile. “Are you kidding? Now.”

  “We’re making a quick detour.” Ethan guided them to the stand and ordered.

  The attendant handed each of them a large puffed pastry with generous amounts of powdered sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. Rachel closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. She ripped off a piece and placed it on her tongue, savoring the sweet flavors.

  Emma laughed. “M
om, you have some white stuff stuck on the corner of your mouth.”

  Rachel swiped a napkin across her lips.

  “You missed it. Here, let me.” Ethan lifted his thumb and brushed the powder away.

  The action sent frissons of pleasure shooting through her lasting long after they got off the next ride.

  At the arcade they played several rounds of Skee-Ball, air hockey and Frogger.

  “Betcha can’t beat me at Dance Revolution, Ethan,” Emma challenged.

  Ethan wiggled his eyebrows. “Bet I can.”

  Emma stepped onto the platform and deposited four quarters into the slot. The music blasted from the speakers in a rhythmic beat. “Game on!”

  A grid of floor sensors flashed random patterns of red, yellow, blue and green. The pace and tempo of the music increased with each song. Emma’s feet glided effortlessly over the sensors never missing a beat. When the music ended she stepped down and threw Ethan a cheeky grin. “Your turn.”

  Ethan stepped up. The music began.

  Rachel watched his lithe body move in time with the music, hypnotized by the flexing and stretching of sculpted muscles, gorgeous, sexy muscles. Oh my. He gave a flawless performance and when the music ended stepped down.

  “I guess we’ll have to play another game since there’s no winner.”

  Ethan leaned back against the wall. His breaths came in short, sharp pants. “No way. You’re going to have to settle for a tie.”

  Emma pointed to an overhead bin. “Can you win one of those giant stuffed animals for me?”

  Ethan thrust forward from the wall and dropped his arm around Emma’s shoulder. “You lead the way.”

  He grabbed Rachel’s hand, too, and she let him drag her along to the next machine.

  “What do I have to do to win?” he asked Emma.

  “You have to get five basketballs in the hoop and you have six tries.”

  Ethan snorted. “Piece of cake. I used to play basketball in college.” He picked up the first ball and aimed it. The ball went in as did the next two. On the fourth shot he closed his eyes and tossed.

  Emma cheered. “It went in. It went in.”

  “Show off,” Rachel chided.

  He gave her a mischievous grin.

  He tossed the last ball and made the shot. “So…Which stuffed animal do you want?”

  Emma threw her arms around him. “The floppy dog. He can sit on my bed with Bear.”

  Ethan threw her a startled glance, and Rachel nodded. “She still has him after all these years.”

  “I can’t believe it.”

  The attendant jostled the toy animals around in the bin with a long stick until he maneuvered the one Emma wanted into a small hole. It dropped down and he handed it to her.

  She grinned. “Thanks.”

  “What are you going to name him?” Rachel asked.

  Emma hugged the toy to her and smiled. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll ask Maddie if she has any ideas. But for now I’ll call him Dog.”

  Rachel laughed. “Dog and Bear will make a good team.”

  After several more rides and a stop for an airbrushed tattoo, they began to make their way back to the car. Lively music filled the air.

  “What’s going on in the pavilion?” Emma asked when they passed by.

  “I’m not sure. Why don’t we go in?” Rachel surveyed her surroundings. German flags and banners hung from the vaulted ceiling. Wooden beer barrels sat decoratively stacked at the far end of the area. Women decked out in traditional Bavarian dirndl dresses and men in lederhosen with hosentrager, cotton shirts and hut hats served the many guests sitting at the tables lined up on the floor. “It must be Oktoberfest weekend.”

  The crowd thinned when the four piece Oompah band announced a fifteen minute break. “I found a spot where the three of us can sit. Over there,” Emma announced and pointed to the far corner of the stage.

  Ethan turned to Rachel. “You and Emma sit down and save the chairs. I’ll go to the counter and get us something to snack on.” A few minutes later he placed a plate with kielbasa, sausage and warm German potato salad on the table for the three of them to share. “I got lemonade for you, Emma.” He positioned the glass in front of her. “And red wine for you, Rach. I figured you’d want wine instead of beer.”

  She smiled up at him. “Perfect.”

  The music started up again, and their conversation ended. Ethan grabbed Rachel’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s dance.”

  Rachel gave him a disconcerted look. “I’m not very good at dancing the Polka.”

  “Neither am I. We’ll wing it.”

  They watched other couples for a few moments in an effort to learn the steps.

  “This is easy.” Ethan pulled her into his arms, and they moved around the floor in time with the music.

  When the song ended a few minutes later, they returned to the table, their hands linked together.

  “Emma, what about you, will you dance with me next?” Ethan asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Rachel extended a hand to her and gently pulled her to her feet. “Oh, come on you’ll have fun.”

  “But I can’t dance the Polka.”

  “I couldn’t either, but I did okay. Ethan made it easy.”

  Emma grabbed the hand Ethan offered.

  Rachel watched them and smiled. They made quite a pair. Ethan towered over Emma and had to hunch over while they moved around. She laughed when Emma stumbled and fell against him. He caught and straightened her in one fluid motion without missing a beat.

  When they returned to the table a few minutes later, Emma’s eyes sparkled.

  “Didn’t I tell you you’d have fun?” Rachel asked.

  “I really did.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m parched. I’ll get us another round of drinks.”

  A few minutes later someone tapped on Rachel’s shoulder. She turned and peered up at the man looming over her. Oh God, oh God, oh God. Curtis Johnson, Ethan’s assistant from the bank, stood behind her. She swallowed hard. “Curtis, what are you doing here?”

  Curtis extended his hand and Rachel shook it. “Funny, I was just about to ask you the same question.”

  Rachel gave him a nervous laugh. “This is my daughter, Emma. We’re on our way back to her school and decided to make a quick stop here for one last day of fun.”

  “May I join you?” Curtis asked.

  No way. Ethan would return at any moment, and she couldn’t let Curtis see them together. “Actually, Emma and I were getting ready to leave. It’s almost five thirty and we’ve got an hour’s drive before we reach her school.”

  “But, Mom…”

  Rachel shot Emma a stern look. “I told you we need to leave—now.”

  “We can’t. Not yet. What about—”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she observed Ethan making his way toward them. “Now, Emma. I mean it.”

  She turned to Curtis and flashed a smile. “Kids.” After gathering her purse, she motioned for Emma to follow. “It was nice seeing you, Curtis. Please take our seat and enjoy the band.”

  “I will. Thanks. Hey, did you happen to run into Ethan Montgomery while you were here? I thought I noticed his car in the parking lot. Although, I can’t for the life of me, figure out what he’d be doing here.”

  Rachel shook her head. “Nope.”

  Emma gasped. “But, Mom…”

  Rachel glanced up. Ethan would be here any second. “We’ve got to get going. Bye.” She yanked Emma’s hand and pulled her toward the exit. As soon as they were outside the pavilion, she texted Ethan and told him to meet her at the car. Damn, that was too close for comfort.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ethan drove along the interstate highway, heading back to Rachel’s home in Greenwich. He tried to gage her mood. She’d barely spoken since they left the amusement park several hours ago. How could he convince her they belonged together if she wouldn’t agree to see him aft
er today? He gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “I had no idea Curtis would be at the amusement park today. If I had we wouldn’t have gone. I wanted to take you and Emma somewhere where the three of us could have fun together. She didn’t get to do much over the last two months because of her injuries.”

  Rachel sighed. “I know. We’re lucky Curtis didn’t see you. I don’t want to even think about what might have happened if he’d seen us together.”

  “You don’t have to worry about him. He’d never say anything.”

  “I’m not sure about that. Don’t you find it odd he went there on the same day you decided to take us?”

  “Not really. Although he has no children of his own, he’s very involved with his nieces and nephews. This is the last weekend the park is open for the season. He probably brought them there for one last adventure.”

  Rachel shrugged her shoulders. “I guess.”

  “Did you at least have some fun today?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and so did Emma, although she ate way too much junk food.”

  “But you didn’t. All you’ve eaten today is fried dough and that was hours ago. Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “I’ll stop at the next restaurant.”

  “Make it takeout. I don’t want to risk running into anyone else today.”

  Ethan exited and pulled the car into the deserted parking lot of a small diner. “There’s no one here. You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us together.”

  They sat in an empty booth, and a waitress placed menus and glasses of water in front of them.

  “I’ll have a turkey club sandwich and fries.” Rachel handed the menu back.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  “We’ve been here before, haven’t we?” Rachel asked, her brows drawing together in a deep V.

  Ethan nodded. “You and Ryan and Sandra and me. We came here on our way back from leaf peeping in New Hampshire a few years back.”

  “I remember. You and Sandra got engaged that weekend.”

  Ethan swallowed hard. Why the hell had he picked this place to pull into? He wanted a place where they could sit and talk for a while, not relive old, painful memories.

  “I didn’t mean to bring up a bad subject.”


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