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Sons of Justice 8: Lust to Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Sons of Justice 8: Lust to Love

  Brazille doesn’t know what it is about the four soldiers, but whenever they are close lust rules her mind, and nothing else seems to matter but being one with them. Against the car, over the couch, on the kitchen table, it doesn’t matter, she needs them and desires them as they desire her.

  But what could come from a relationship based solely on lust? She needs them to talk, to converse, but Luke, J.T., Cole and Farrow are hardcore, cold hearted soldiers not used to being vulnerable. How quickly that changes once the woman they have fallen in love with becomes the target of danger.

  Jealous at seeing other men wanting what is theirs first hand soon makes them realize that it’s more than great sex they have with Brazille, it’s love, something they’ve never experienced before. When they finally let their guard down to tell her how they feel, Brazille becomes the center of danger, wrapped up in the middle of a mission they’re currently involved in and ultimately becoming the final victim of an illegal prostitution operation that leaves its victims shipped off out of the country or dead.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 61,197 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-694-9

  First Publication: October 2017

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2017by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Lust to Love.

  Brazille has loved before, been hurt before and isn’t too keen on getting involved with some other relationship. She works long hours, is constantly surrounded by horny guys with little respect for women and none quite ready to make a commitment. She’s been single for more then two years, and that’s fine with her. When she meets Cole, Farrow, Luke, and J.T. she starts feeling an attraction and fears what could happen.

  It’s Repose after all and when more then one man, a team, brothers, take interest in a woman, everyone thinks it’s an automatic rush to guardianship. Well she isn’t ready for that and nor are they. In fact, there’s a lot to say for a relationship based solely on lust, especially when trying to deny true, deep feelings, or the power of true love. Throw in some danger, and oh yeah, staking a claim of guardianship may not be enough to save Brazille, but the love they share and the strength, confidence and will to live could be the ultimate weapon.

  May you enjoy their journey.

  Happy reading.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy Lust to Love and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine







  Copyright © 2017


  Brazille Ford just wanted the night to end so she could go home and sleep for two days. She was exhausted and aggravated, and basically so fed up with her job at Lancasters, she knew she needed to quit. Money didn’t grow on trees though, and she had established a great reputation as an entertainment manager. The fact that her more recent jobs pertained to adult entertainment was pretty lucrative. In fact, tonight’s bachelor party was extra special. The prospective groom was about to marry into the Castrione family, a sort of organized crime family that did a lot of money laundering through the small companies they owned.

  She stood in the doorway and watched the exotic dancers serenade the groom. The women were the best dancers and had sensational bodies. Brazille worked out with a personal trainer, along with one of the women, Mercedes, who was currently doing a lap dance over the groom’s father, Fernando. That woman knew who had the big wallets and would tip well. His son, the groom, Luccanno was roaring and drunk off his ass. He looked like an obnoxious rich guy in his custom blue, shiny suit and matching dress shoes. He thought he looked sensational, and she thought he looked like some Dr. Seuss character.

  The second the hand landed on her hip, she tightened up and turned to the right. One of her bosses, Carlotta Buschette, stood there, gave her a wink, looked over her breasts that poured from the designer black dress she wore, and then into her blue eyes. She couldn’t move. Didn’t dare move, because the man intimidated her and he was an evil bastard. She swallowed hard. She had been looking into leaving Lancasters and putting out a few feelers for freelance work. She was awesome at her job and had a way of really making the clients feel cared for and liked, as she personalized everything for their events. She was also considered a very attractive woman and had even done some
modeling a few years back, until the agency started dabbing into pornography and sex tapes. She called it quits before she did something stupid, like signed a contract that entailed her being fully naked and pretending to have sex with multiple men. Her heart pounded inside of her chest. Why she thought of that situation whenever Carlotta or her bosses were around, she didn’t understand.

  He slid his palm along her belly and to her hip bone, locking her in place.

  “You did amazing as usual, Brazille. Fernando wants to personally thank you and give you something before the end of the night.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled, then tried to pretend that his possessive hold didn’t freak her out. She smiled and went to pull out of his hold, as if trying to face him to talk. “He can just leave whatever with you, Carlotta. I need to be heading out soon. It’s been a long twenty hours and I’m exhausted.”

  He didn’t let her escape his grasp, but instead allowed her to turn and face him as his hand went to her hip and then lower back, pulling her closer to him, and causing her back to hit the doorway frame, blocking her in. She stared up into his dark brown eyes as he licked his lips and stared at her mouth.

  “You can hold out a little longer, and then crash at my place. I’m so close,” he said and reached up and stroked her jaw.

  She raised one of her eyebrows up at him, and gained her attitude that had kept her from being one of the whores he bedded.

  “Carlotta? Seriously? Come on now, how long have you known me?”

  He squinted at her, that dark slicked back hair, the debonair smile that caught all the dumb women he seduced, and suddenly squeezed her closer.

  “Exactly. I’ve known you for years, Brazille. Years, and not once have you allowed me to kiss you, to get a little taste of what surely has to be the sweetest of temptations.”

  She took a steady breath, used to when he drank too much, and to the fact he wished he could bed her. “I thought you weren’t going to drink tonight? You said you had an important meeting with Clarkson Slone,” she said to him.

  He squinted at her and his nostrils flared as if her response upset him. He should know by now she wasn’t a whore, an easy lay, and wasn’t interested in sleeping with him.

  He eyed her over and stepped back. Then he looked away and smiled and waved as Fernando yelled to them to have a drink and join them. He looked back at her straight-faced.

  “Plan on staying at the house. You aren’t driving home. It’s already nearly three in the morning.’

  “I’m fine to—”

  He raised his finger, cutting her off.

  “You do as I say. Carmine and Michelangelo will be pissed if you don’t. Now come on, our guests need us to mingle, and Fernando is important people. You know this.”

  He guided her away from the doorway and smack into the middle of the chaotic bachelor party. All the men eyed her over, and he brought her exactly where she didn’t want to go, to Fernando and his circle of six men. Specifically, near Pallen, her cousin Chanelle’s latest lover. Her cousin wanted to land a rich man. It was her purpose in life. She didn’t like working, except on her body, including getting ass implants because she was told her ass wasn’t big enough. Her cousin aggravated her, but she was family, and family looked out for one another. So in order to keep the peace, she accepted the hug and hello kiss from Pallen as he stood up to greet her. But when his hand went over her ass, she quickly shoved it away, stepped from his grasp and greeted the other men with handshakes.

  Pallen gripped her hip and pulled her close to sit beside him. He was drunk, he was a criminal, and he was definitely not faithful to Chanelle. For crying out loud, Brazille was her cousin.

  She shook her head.

  “I can’t sit, sorry but I’m getting ready to call it a night soon and there’s things to get done in the office,” she said to him and turned toward Fernando.

  “I hope everything was to your liking, sir,” she said to Fernando.

  “Come sit, Brazille, please. One drink as we talk about the evening, and I want to personally give you an additional tip on top of the one I already left with Carlotta,” he said. She glanced at Carlotta. “I was going to tell you later. We’ll discuss it at the house.”

  “I’m not staying at the house. I’m fine traveling home.”

  “It’s forty-five minutes from here,” Carlotta stated firmly, as if he had the last and final word.

  “You need to drive home and it takes forty-five minutes? Nonsense. My driver will bring you,” Fernando said to her.

  Her eyes widened. “That won’t be necessary. I do the trip every night I work here, sir. Please, I’ll be fine and I truly appreciate your generosity,” she said, and he patted the seat for her to sit.

  Fernando looked at Carlotta. “I hope you nip this in the bud quickly and watch over this special young woman. She’s a goddess, Carlotta. One who needs to be well taken care of,” he said, and then took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the top. His eyes then went to her breasts. She knew the dress was sexy. It was one of the requirements of working as an entertainment manager. She needed to always look like a model, professional, well-groomed and sexy. It had landed her several high-profile gigs, including the one this Friday night at Benzinger’s outside of Ausberry. She had gotten several front row tickets and backstage passes for the after party, and was planning on taking her friends. She hadn’t told them yet. Talia and Merica were going to flip when she told them about the passes.

  She gave Fernando a small smile and nodded. “Don’t worry about me, sir.”

  “It’s Fernando, now come and sit,” he said, and then snapped his fingers. Slater, one of the bartenders, brought over champagne and glasses. He popped the top as Fernando stared at her, and Carlotta stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

  The cork popped and everyone cheered as the champagne spilled from the bottle, hitting her arm. She went to wipe it, but Fernando grabbed her wrist and stopped her. She stared into his dark brown eyes and knew better than to push him away. The man was dangerous. Almost as dangerous as her bosses were. When he leaned over and pulled her arm closer to his mouth, she tightened up.

  “Fernando,” she said his name and he exhaled.

  “Stay still,” he said, and then lowered down and licked her arm. She cringed, and behind her Carlotta squeezed her shoulders tight. Was he enjoying this, or was he pissed off? She didn’t know, and she didn’t care. She needed to gain some control here. She pulled her arm back.

  She held his gaze as he smiled, then looked to the crowd of men just staring at her and eating her up with their eyes. It pissed her off and scared her at the same time.

  “To Brazille. There is no other like her.” They all cheered and he downed the champagne.

  “Drink up,” Carlotta said, and she took one small sip; it tasted like poison. She didn’t need this shit. To be treated like some object. Her thoughts seized as Fernando leaned closer.

  “Come closer,” he said to her and she swallowed hard. “You got your cut, plus bonus for taking such good care of my son and the family. The party, all the extras, everything, Brazille, was amazing. This is just a little extra something, just from me to you,” he said. He brought a tight roll of bills toward her between his thumb and pointer. He leaned closer. “I’ll be in touch for a private event coming up soon,” he said. When she went to reach for the bills and he shook his head and licked his lips, while staring at the deep cleavage of her dress, she knew immediately what his intentions were.

  Carlotta squeezed her shoulders the moment she began to ease back and away, forcing her to hold still, but also warning her not to piss off Fernando. She froze as he slid the roll of bills down between her breasts and let his thumb graze her one breast as he pulled back.

  “I’ll call you in a few days,” he said.

  She didn’t know what he meant. Was he trying to stake some sort of public claim on her, or indicate he wanted her to be one of his mistresses? He was out of his damn mind. />
  “Sure thing, Fernando, just call the office. If I miss the call, just leave a message and we’ll discuss the business you’re interested in explaining.” He didn’t seem to like that response but she didn’t give him the opportunity to push. She took a sip of champagne, shrugged Carlotta’s hands off her shoulders, and stood up.

  All the men rose.

  “Have a wonderful evening, gentleman,” she stated, and then walked away.

  She hurried through the crowds of men, avoiding their yells for her to join them and do a lap dance for the groom. As if. The moment she got into the back office, she exhaled and then turned on the lights. The place illuminated and she went right to her desk in her office. She sat down in the chair and pulled the roll of bills from her breasts. “Asshole,” she whispered, and then unrolled it to see two grand.

  Five years ago, she shrugged perverted rich guys off for doing this shit and she focused on the money. She made a shit load. Invested money, banked a bunch, and when Chanelle was caught stealing from the Castrione family, Brazille had to go to Carlotta, Carmine, and Michelangelo, her bosses, for help so her cousin didn’t wind up dead. Instead, she was forced to stand there and watch Vincenzo Castrione rough up Chanelle. Which behind closed doors, eventually led to Chanelle favoring Vincenzo whenever he called for it. That’s how she met Pallen, her latest lover and money provider.

  Brazille swallowed hard. She hated this life, and being around these types of people. She hoped that Damien Lavonte, who owned Midnight Hour Entertainment, would offer her the position as lead entertainment manager for his multimillion dollar operation. It would mean some traveling, but she was more than willing to do that and to get away from the criminal element here. Not that she was stupid and thought there weren’t other criminal elements involved with Damian’s business, but there were more regular wealthy people who were willing and ready to pay a heavy amount of money for the stupidest things. She would even deal with rich bitch sixteen-year-old princesses having sweet sixteen parties and wanting their favorite bands to play for them. Big bucks and that meant big money for Brazille.


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