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Sons of Justice 8: Lust to Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Brazille felt one palm against her lower back and another on her hip as she walked into the Filling Station. She caught her friends and their men eyeing over her, and then Cole and J.T. Lauren, Thylane, Kendra, Merica, and Talia. They all stared at her and the two soldiers who were flanking her sides. She had mixed emotions about this. One, she sure didn’t need to get involved with any men right now, especially with the unstable atmosphere at work and her needing to find another job. Two, she had her boss Carlotta to deal with, and his flirty comments as if he was setting groundwork to own her. Three, she didn’t know anything about Cole or J.T., who appeared lethal, fierce, and so damn mysterious, she knew in her gut that they were the real deal. They did more than intimidate her, and there were only two of them here. And finally, she knew how Repose worked. When a man, or group of men, showed public interest in a woman, it started a series of events that could lead to staking a claim, or at minimum engaging in some serious wild sexual fantasy.

  So as she got closer and greeted everyone hello, she noticed a few single guys at the bar check her out and squint at Cole and J.T., and she did what any woman in her position would do—she slid right up to the bar between the three men and ordered a drink, then began a conversation about spring coming soon, and the band beginning to start once the football game was over.

  A few minutes later, Merica gave her arm a nudge and she excused herself from a conversation with the three men and moved back to where her friends were.

  “So, spit it out, how the hell did you wind up walking in here with Cole and J.T.?” Merica asked.

  “Wait, what the hell is that?” Talia asked, and pulled her hand up to look at the bruising on Brazille’s wrist.

  “Well, that is actually part of what led them coming over in the parking lot and talking to me.”

  “Someone just did that?” Merica asked.

  “Did what?” Thylane asked, joining them with Lauren, Avana, and Tiana. Then Sam and Kendra walked over and the men gathered in small groups around all of them. “Nice and cozy,” she whispered.

  “Well, none of these men let their women stray too far,” Merica stated.

  “So, spit it out,” Kendra said.

  “Look at this,” Talia said and then showed them her wrist. They all started carrying on asking who did it, what happened and when, which then alerted the men who stepped forward and started asking questions. She looked at Cole and J.T., who stood there drinking bottles of beer and listening to her explain the story.

  “Your cousin is an idiot,” Thylane said, and they all agreed.

  “You be sure to let one of us know right away if that guy bothers you again. It doesn’t matter what he is to your cousin, obviously he’s a womanizer,” Rusty said to her and she nodded.

  “I promise.” She locked gazes with J.T., and then Cole, just as one of the football teams scored and everyone cheered. The crowds dispersed with little conversations going on, and somehow, she wound up between Cole and J.T.

  Cole’s large, warm hand slid along her waist, pulling her closer. “Want another drink?” he asked her.

  “Sure, but then that’s it. I have to drive home,” she told him, and J.T. ordered her another rum and cola. Cole slid his palm along her lower back, nearly to her ass as they locked gazes. He stared at her lips and then into her eyes.

  “You make sure that you take precautions at work, and seriously, if this guy bothers you again, I want you to call me and J.T. Our team will take care of things,” he said to her.

  “Cole, that really isn’t necessary. Definitely not a Sons of Justice matter either. Believe me. He’s just a jerk who thinks he can do whatever he wants and get any woman he wants. He was drunk and it was a bachelor party.”

  “So that makes it right?” J.T. asked, handing her the drink, and now she was pressed close between Cole and J.T.

  “No, of course not. It was a stupid situation, really. I was grabbing my things from the office and when I came out, him and a buddy were having sex with a woman, one of the dancers right in the hallway. He saw me and I gave him a disgusted look. When he wound up coming outside after me, I figured he was going to try and beg me to not tell Chanelle. Instead he looked at me seeing him and giving him a dirty look as jealousy. Like I would want to sleep with him. He’s a total asshole. I’m so sick and tired of the crap there, really.”

  “So then why don’t you leave?” J.T. asked firmly.

  She looked way up at him. The man was super sexy, hardcore attitude, beard, deep blue eyes, and when he spoke her body reacted, hell, her entire being did. She was pretty sure he was the leader of the four men. She didn’t know why she was thinking about them as a team. This was not a good idea at all. Her silence had him pressing closer, and he ran his palm up her arm to her shoulder, then under her hair where he held her possessively. Her heart raced, and her pussy clenched. No, no, no, she was completely attracted to him and to Cole, too, who pressed up against her back and just kissed her bare shoulder.

  “I think you need looking after. Tell me more about this place you work at, and the danger that’s obviously there and making you want to leave.”

  She almost started blurting out everything. How stupid was that?

  “No.” She stepped back, pressed against Cole who gripped her hips.

  “We aren’t the bad guys. Talk to us, we want to get to know you better, Brazille. A lot better,” Cole said, and she looked up at J.T.

  “You’re so beautiful, and your eyes are stunning and telling.”

  She gulped.

  “And you’re both very good at seduction,” she said and lowered her head. She reached for her drink and took a sip, causing J.T.’s hand to fall from her neck.

  J.T. brought her hand and bruised wrist to his lips and held her gaze. “Is that what we’re doing? Seducing you?” he asked.

  She squinted her eyes at him, and that superior, soldier attitude that filled this place to capacity and then some.

  “Having a good time. Enjoying hanging out with friends.”

  “Making new ones,” Cole said to her and caressed her back.

  She shivered with desire. This was a shock to her, having two men pressed close and her imagination taking her into various sexual directions. Perhaps she was just horny. It had been a couple of years since she had sex. Hell, she hadn’t even fooled around a bit, but no man, or men, had led her to want sex. Not since Brian just about two years ago. Oh man, before that was Lucca, and boy, college was an incredible time indeed! Two lovers and she had no experience with sex really. She also had no business flirting with Cole and J.T. It would only lead to trouble.

  “Hey, you three, smile for the picture,” Lauren said, and they turned to look. Cole and J.T. pulled her close and she smiled.

  “Great, I’m putting together a whole bunch of pictures of everyone so we have them to look back on in the years to come. Enjoy,” Lauren said, and then continued taking some more pictures of their friends.

  “Tell us about work. What exactly do you do?” Cole asked her as she got comfortable on the bar stool between them, and started telling them all about the various things she was responsible for.

  “Money can get you a lot of things I guess,” J.T. said to her.

  “Oh, you have no idea how extravagant people can be,” she told them, and began to explain about some parties she had recently planned, including one she was planning for June that had a beach theme and would be taking place on some multimillionaire’s estate, where she was bringing in truckloads of sand to create a beach around the man’s extraordinarily large swimming pool that contained waterfalls and slides.

  “Seriously?” Cole asked.

  “What does he do with the sand afterward?” J.T. asked.

  “He already hired a company to come clear it all out when the party is over. He went to the extreme on everything. In fact, he already had the invitations made by a company I suggested. There’s this woman, Tina, who handmakes all her cards and adds popup pieces to th
em. His will have actual sand, an umbrella, and chair with a cocktail on it. They’re adorable. Everyone who attends, including staff working the party, has to wear bathing suits.”

  “You have to, as well?” J.T. asked, eyeing over her body, specifically her breasts, which she knew stood out.

  She exhaled. And played with the straw in her drink as she twirled it around.

  “Yup, and not looking forward to it. I’m thinking I can get away with a sarong or something around my waist at least, and point out that people need to identify me as the coordinator so they can find me quickly. He then suggested I wear a bathing suit of his choice.” She chuckled.

  “He’s hitting on you,” Cole said to her in a snappy tone.

  “He is such a character, this client. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Are you kidding me? You have to do that? It’s obvious the guy is hitting on you,” J.T. said fiercely.

  “J.T., these clients we get are very extreme and extravagant in their thinking. They believe themselves to be the richest, most amazing, and wonderful person in the world. That attitude and belief has made them millions.”

  “Makes them assholes, too,” Cole said and she chuckled.

  J.T. leaned against the bar and looked at her top, then reached over and stroked her jaw while squinting at her. “You shouldn’t have to expose yourself, your perfect body, just to please a client.”

  “Hmm, well, unfortunately it’s the name of the game in this business. I was up against seven other entertainment coordinators, including a woman who was a close friend of his relative, and I still beat them all out and landed the job for the company.”

  He looked her over. “Of course you did. You’re gorgeous, sexy, have a great personality, and a body that belongs in magazines,” he said to her and her cheeks flushed. She looked away, and when she glanced back at him, he was staring at her, eyes crunched together. Cole caressed her back.

  Before she could come up with any type of response, Big John and Tiny approached saying hello, and talking about some sort of upcoming training on campground.

  Thank goodness they did, because her conversation with Cole and J.T. was about to go to a whole other level, and she didn’t know if she wanted it to or not.

  * * * *

  Cole and J.T. were talking to their buddies when Cole spotted Brazille, Talia, and Merica talking to a few cowboys. He was jealous. Felt it in his chest, and actually was barely paying attention to the conversation around them.

  He caught J.T. glance that way, too, a few times, and then there was a burst of laughter and they all turned to see some big, tall cowboy lift Brazille up over his shoulder and cheer and fist pump. They were all yelling and laughing, but Brazille slapped his ass and demanded him to put her down. When he did, he bowed down before her like she was a goddess, and the guys hooted and hollered.

  “You two need to nip that shit in the bud and send a message that you want her,” Tiny said to them, and of course, the other guys added their two cents, getting Cole and J.T. all riled up.

  “Who said we want her?” J.T. asked them and took a slug from his beer, but couldn’t help but glance back at the scene across the way.

  “Any God damn fool who watched you walk in here with her earlier. Don’t make a mistake and wait. It could make you lose the opportunity,” Big John said to them.

  A few other men now joined Brazille and her friends, and one of the guys took her hand to kiss it, but she pulled it away and shook her head. When she turned, he made a sexual innuendo with his hands as he thrust his hips behind her. His buddies laughed.

  Cole went to walk over there when J.T. grabbed his arm.

  “Not so fast. She’s a big girl and having fun with her friends. She knows where we are, and is smart enough to figure out from our earlier conversation exactly where we stand,” J.T. said so confidently and firmly, Cole narrowed his eyes at him.

  “He had her over his shoulder, his hand nearly to her ass. That other guy was thrusting his hips behind her without her knowing.”

  “She got him to put her down. They’re drunk over there,” J.T. said, and when he looked he saw Brazille reprimanding the cowboy who was still trying to get back into her good graces by bowing down before her. When she looked past him, shaking her head as her friends laughed, she locked gazes with Cole and he felt it straight to his gut.

  “Fuck this,” Cole said, being the warrior soldier he always had been. He glanced over his shoulder.

  “Meet you outside,” Cole said.

  “Cole, what the fuck are you doing?”

  * * * *

  “Oh shit, Cole is pissed, huh?” Big John said and snickered.

  “Nice, it’s your fault if he scares that girl,” J.T. said, standing and placing money down on the bar.

  “Bro, that ain’t no girl. She’s all woman and then some,” one of the other guys said, and they all started egging him on, too.

  J.T. heard the gasp and looked up to see Cole bend down, lift Brazille over his shoulder, his hand on her ass, and walk out of the bar with everyone cheering and rooting him on. J.T. shook his head. Cole just proved he had a few screws loose and can be just as fucking crazy as Farrow and Luke. The man had no fear.

  * * * *

  Cole was all riled up, and add in the feel of Brazille’s sexy body over his shoulder, and the fact she wasn’t kicking and screaming, and he knew his next move. He placed her down right by his truck, held her face between his hands as her gorgeous turquoise blue eyes widened and he kissed her. He pressed his lips to hers, plunged his tongue into her mouth, then hugged her to him as they battled for control of that kiss. She kissed him back and he sensed his brother coming to join them and turned her sideways. She tightened a moment.

  “Feel better, Cole?” J.T. asked.

  “Mmm.” He moaned into Brazille’s mouth, and as he slowly released her lips and suckled along her neck, J.T cupped her cheeks, turned her sideways, and kissed her on the mouth next. They were petting, stroking, and rocking together when she started pulling back.

  J.T. released her lips and the two men held her between them.

  Her lips looked full and lush, and Cole stroked under her sweater against her ribs. He so badly wanted to do some major exploring of this woman’s body, but he didn’t know how far he would get.

  She stepped back and fixed her sweater, making him lose his hold on him, and J.T. stared at her.

  “Feel better now?” she asked, catching her breath.

  J.T. chuckled, but then reached out and pressed a strand of hair from her cheek.

  “Not quite. How about you, Cole?” he asked, but didn’t look at Cole.

  J.T. slid that hand to her neck and head and drew her in for another long, deep kiss. This went on, back and forth for several minutes until she leaned back against the truck, lips parted, swollen and wet.

  Both men kept a palm against the truck right above her shoulders on either side, as if afraid she might run off now. Cole used his other hand to hold hers and kiss her knuckles while his eyes remained on hers.

  “Not quite, darling. I think we need some more alone time. Why don’t we follow you home?”

  She stared at him and looked him over and then J.T.

  “Do I look like the kind of woman that would just go home with two men I hardly know?”

  “You know you want to do some exploring of your own, so don’t lie. We don’t like liars,” J.T. snapped at her firmly, and it didn’t surprise Cole one bit.

  J.T. was always in charge and always under control, but it seemed this sexy brunette made their leader come undone. As Cole thought about that, he thought about Farrow and Luke. Their eyes always land on Brazille whenever she’s around. They even complimented her body, never mind her fancy sports car.

  Cole kissed her knuckles and then along her wrist as he held her gaze. “Unless you rather go to our place. I’m sure Farrow and Luke will be thrilled to see you,” Cole said, and she pulled her hand back, then gave Cole a shove to his chest.

nbsp; “Cole, how dare you say that to me? Like I’m just some piece of ass you can seduce and bring back to your place to screw your entire team? Seriously?” She shoved at him again, and then J.T. wrapped an arm around her waist as Cole tried to recover from her response. He insulted her. Fuck.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you,” he said, but it didn’t matter. J.T had her wrapped up in his arms and pressed up against the truck. He held her gaze.

  “Look at me. Look into my eyes. When the fuck have you ever seen us leave with any women?”

  She stared up at him as if trying to read his mind.

  “I’m not around enough to tell.”

  “Bullshit. You and your friends talk. All of you are close and you’ve discussed us, your attraction, our interest in you.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Bullshit. We met you and it was instant. I saw it in your eyes and my men’s eyes as each of them met you, shook your hand hello, and then the last few times we were all together with friends, they sought you out and so did I. So cut the bullshit. You’re scared? Know we won’t hurt you. If nothing comes of this, we aren’t the type of men to blab it all over the place. Now there’s only two choices here because we want more. More kisses, more exploring this sexy body, and getting to know more about you. So our place or yours?” he asked firmly.

  “Are you out of your mind? You’re not my leader, not the boss of me.”

  He stared straight at her and Cole didn’t know how this was going to go.

  “Not yet,” J.T. said and swooped down, kissing her on the mouth and lifting her up to straddle his waist. The two of them were making out and rocking against one another. As J.T. moved his mouth from her lips to her neck, she gripped his shoulders as he suckled on her collar bone.

  “Where are your keys? Cole is taking them and driving your car. I’m not letting you out of my reach or my sight, woman. You got me all fired up, and tonight we stop the bullshit and we see where this leads.” He pressed his mouth to hers again, and Cole wasn’t sure how this would go until he saw her hand go to her purse that was on her wrist. She reached inside and held the keys out to Cole as J.T. continued to kiss her.


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