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Sons of Justice 8: Lust to Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Would one of you gentleman like to tell me where my clothes are? I can’t seem to find them anywhere,” she said with her hands on her hips. The top gaped open further, and suddenly Farrow’s words that she wasn’t going anywhere any time soon rang true in J.T.’s mind, as well.

  “You don’t need them,” he said firmly.

  She looked a little shocked, but quickly recovered and gave a little snort, letting her hands fall from her hips.

  “Well, you don’t expect me to drive home like this, do you?” she asked.

  “No need to rush out. Let’s have something to eat, and talk some more,” he suggested, and Cole stepped forward to pull out a chair. She looked at each of them as she walked a few steps deeper into the room and took a seat.

  “How about my phone? Know where that is?” she asked.

  “I’ll get it,” Luke said, and walked out of the room.

  J.T. moved toward the table and took a seat across from her. Farrow was to the left of her, Cole sat right beside her, and they started to make some sandwiches.

  “What would you like?” Cole asked her, and started cutting up a roll. J.T. watched her.

  “I can do it,” she said to him.

  “No, let me,” he replied, and she smiled and told him what she wanted.

  “Turkey, tomato, lettuce.”

  Luke reappeared with her cellphone and placed it down next to her.

  She didn’t look at it though. She just accepted some iced tea in a glass from Farrow, and then Cole brought up working out.

  “So, what do you like to do when you aren’t working?” he asked her.

  She had taken a bite of the sandwich and was chewing, then swallowed. She then took a sip of iced tea.

  She wiped her mouth and placed her hands on her lap. She was very ladylike, sweet, and reserved. A complete opposite to them. They were wild, untamed at times, rambunctious and hard.

  “I have a friend who’s a personal trainer. He runs his own little studio where a bunch of us go to work out. It’s high-intensity training.”

  “I bet it is,” Luke said and eyed her over.

  “A guy friend is a trainer?” Farrow asked as she took another bite of sandwich and she nodded.

  “You train with him alone?” he asked.

  “Sometimes,” she said, then took a bite of sandwich and then a sip of iced tea.

  “How long have you known him?” he asked.

  “A couple of years, why?”

  “He ever hit on you? You ever date him?” he asked.

  She stared at him.

  “How many women have you brought home to this house, had sex with in that bed for a need to have a drawer filled with condoms?” she asked him back.

  J.T. felt just as pissed off and jealous as Farrow did, but he wanted them to be relaxed and casually ask questions. What the hell was Farrow doing?

  “So you fucked him? On the mats, in the office? Where?” he pushed.

  She stood up and pushed the chair back.

  “If you want me to leave there’s no need to play games, pretend that you want me here now, or worse, try and piss me off.” She went to walk away and Farrow grabbed her hand and pulled her between his legs. She gasped and placed her hands on his shoulders and stared at him.

  “The last fucking thing I want is for you to leave this house. I’m not trying to piss you off. I want you here. I don’t want to think about the other men that want you, or where you’re going to be and who you’re going to be with.”

  “What are you doing then?” He slid his hands up to her waist, lifting her top and revealing her bare ass, and then lowering it down again. He massaged her ass and hips, and the shirt kept raising and teasing them with her sexy body.

  “The fuck if I know. I don’t know shit. I can’t think, okay. It pisses me off. I’m always in control and I don’t know how to handle this.”

  “What? The morning after thing?” she asked

  “Don’t,” J.T. stated firmly and stood up. She glanced at him.

  “It wasn’t some one-night stand, a fling or just sex,” Cole said.

  “Really? You want me to believe that? A drawer? A full fucking drawer of condoms?” she raised her voice at them.

  “They were from a joke gift from the guys in the troop to Luke. There were tons of them. We took a box and emptied them in the drawers in each of the rooms,” Cole told her.

  She squinted at them and then at J.T.

  “So there for show then? You’ve never had a woman here or on that bed?”

  She asked.

  “No. We’ve been here for a couple of months. We haven’t brought any women here,” J.T. told her.

  “But you’ve been with other women recently?” she asked.

  Farrow lifted her shirt and ran his hand over her ass.

  “Does it matter?” he asked, and J.T. wondered why he would let her think there had been other women when there weren’t. None of them had been with anyone for months, and since before coming here.

  “What makes this different?” she asked.

  “For starters, I’d rather have you for lunch than food. That’s a fucking first for me,” Farrow told her, and then pushed up her top and shoved it up off her head and body.

  Her large, full breasts stood out, and the sight of Farrow’s palm squeezing her ass while his other hand cupped her breast made J.T. hard all over again.

  “We can’t keep doing this. You’re avoiding conversation,” she said to him as he suckled on her breast. He released it and licked along her nipple up to her neck, and then chin, nipping here there.

  “No need to talk when I know what I want,” he said, and lowered his mouth to her breast and pulled her closer.

  Her cellphone rang. She pulled back and he reluctantly released her. She grabbed the cellphone. “Shit, it’s my boss.” She answered the phone and put the shirt back on then went to button her top, but Farrow yanked her between his legs again and onto his lap.

  “I’m fine, Michelangelo. Yes, I got your message and it worked out fine. Alvin and Ramon were there with him so it didn’t go any further. He was drunk,” she said, and then looked at her wrist and they all knew she was talking about being harassed the other night at work. Some dick came onto her, and he would need to find out more about that and who it was.

  “Yes, sir. I appreciate that. I’m sure I can stay for dinner. Okay, we’ll discuss it then. Bye. No, I didn’t know he stopped by my place. That wasn’t necessary and I was fine. I didn’t have my phone on me and the battery died. I’m just seeing some of the missed texts and calls now.”

  She looked at them and then turned away.

  “I appreciate that, sir, but it won’t be necessary. I’m with friends now and very safe. Okay, talk to you tomorrow, and we’ll plan on dinner. Bye.” She ended the call and took a seat, then looked at all the messages on her cellphone.

  “Caring boss?” J.T. asked her.

  “Very. The four of them are and have been good to me. That was one of them. He heard about the other night, and had tried calling to check on me and make sure I was okay.”

  “How nice,” Cole said sarcastically.

  “And one of them stopped by your place to check on you?” Luke asked.

  “The one who intervened with the two bouncers. He called and texted first, and I guess got worried when I didn’t respond,” she said as she looked at her phone. “Oh God, I can’t believe I missed all this. Shoot, Daisy has a stomach virus,” she said and rambled on.

  “Who is Daisy?” Cole asked.

  “One of the strippers. I’ll need to call another one for the bachelor party scheduled tomorrow night,” she said, and scrolled through her phone and started texting.

  “Wait, strippers?” J.T. asked.

  She exhaled and put down the phone, then held her shirt closed.

  “Yes. I’m an entertainment coordinator and manager. I do a lot of parties and private events in adult entertainment besides traditional,” she said to them.

��Adult entertainment?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, Luke. Not really my thing, but the company I’ve been working for during the last several years has gotten deeply involved with that kind of business. Basically, if a desire is extreme and a client has the money, we can make it happen.”

  “Damn,” Cole replied.

  “You ever part of the entertainment?” Farrow asked her, eying her over.

  “Why do you ask that, Farrow?” she asked him in a snappy tone.

  Farrow yanked her chair closer to his, making her gasp and hold on to the sides so she wouldn’t fall off.

  Her shirt gaped open, and when she went to close the lapels, he grabbed her hands and placed them behind her.

  “Don’t move them,” he warned, standing up.

  J.T watched her, and she did as he ordered, then tilted her head back.

  “I’m not seeing anyone. I told you all I hadn’t had sex in two years. The opportunities are always there,” she said to them.

  “Don’t say a word. Not another word,” Farrow added after he eyed over her body. He straddled her hips and cupped her cheeks. “One fucking night, several times making love, and you’ve got me twisted inside.”

  “You have me twisted inside, too.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “I want and feel so much, but I’m scared that you all don’t want and feel the same.”

  “Fuck no, we want, and want, and want more, and everything,” Cole added.

  Farrow stroked her jaw, and then lower to her breast, cupping it.

  “I wonder if you can handle us? Our needs, our sexual desires, our commands and constant need to feel in control,” he said to her and pinched her nipple.

  “Oh, I can try. I just don’t want to be used,” she said and he stared down into her eyes, and stroked her cheek with his free hand.


  “Yes, used, cheated on, left behind, shitted on,” she added.

  “Never,” J.T. said to her.

  “Is that what your last boyfriend did?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, and I thought he was perfect. He wasn’t, and he cheated after we were together for a year.”

  “Asshole,” Farrow said, and pressed his lips to her chin.

  “He wasn’t meant for you. We are,” J.T said to her.

  “I think we’re going to be jealous, and angry a hell of a lot more the more we hear about this job you do and the friends you keep,” Farrow said to her.

  “I suppose, but don’t be jealous. Don’t let jealousy ruin something that could be perfect if we do this right,” she said.

  “Kind of hard, baby, when you look like you do,” he said and lowered down, kissing her. Cole and Luke pushed the dishes to the side of the table and cleared room as Farrow bent down and lifted her up and placed her onto the table.

  “Lay down, open those sexy thighs, and offer me, us, this body to possess and make love to,” he said to her, and she did just that. She raised her hands and arms above her head and opened her thighs wide.

  “Take me, Farrow. I’m yours,” she said, and Farrow gripped her hips, pulled her to the edge of the table, then slid his chair over with his foot. He took a seat and began to feast on Brazille right there at the kitchen table with J.T., Cole, and Luke watching and waiting their turns next. J.T. shook his head. Leave it to Farrow to be the one to become instantly possessive of Brazille and stake a claim for all of them to share her as their woman. Who the hell would have ever thought that?

  Chapter Two

  Turner ran his hand along his jaw and thought about the next move. He wasn’t sure how long the other two soldiers, Chris and Corey, would last before the military got them to talk. Yorn was out for himself now, trying to let his daddy’s pull get him into Sons of Justice, but really that dick just wanted more connections. The judge was a greedy fuck. Turner had given him just a nibble of the money made from the prostitution ring, and he was thirsty for more, and even thinking he could start his own side business. The judge didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, or who he was messing with. Organized crime guys were badass, then some. Especially these ones.

  Using military guys to do security on the side, and even be the muscle for the bosses and for himself, was brilliant thinking. Those soldiers wouldn’t want to lose their positions in the military, and certainly wouldn’t brag about what they got away with. Chris and Corey made a mistake fucking with Fernando Castrione’s property. The two women he was screwing and training for a new client should have known better then to have sex with the three women. It was a fucking shit show, especially when Fernando walked in on them.

  Turner was surprised that Fernando hadn’t killed the soldiers and the three women, but they all suffered. He figured it was an opportunity to send a message that no one fucked with Fernando’s operation. Chris and Corey would keep their mouths shut, or they would end up dead.

  Now Turner had to handle Yorn and his old man, the judge. Fucking guy got a little taste of the action and now the judge wanted in. Well, Turner wasn’t letting him in. Especially not now when Turner just made full contact with Cashmere, a wealthy businessman from Turkey who was willing to take the women who were used up and sell them for a little profit. It was a win/win situation for Turner and his associates. They could get their money’s worth out of the women while they used them for this underground prostitution ring, and then get rid of them, no evidence, no questions asked, and their hands clean. Now this dick judge wanted in and he was making waves. His latest was a fucking warning that if he didn’t get a piece of the action, that he would take the operation down.

  Fernando wanted the judge dead, but that would bring more heat and be risky. He was leaning toward taking out the judge himself now that he caught wind that the dick was trying to get his son, Yorn, a putz, into Sons of Justice. Like that would fucking happen. Turner was surprised he had gotten in, but it paid that he had an in, a man who definitely had a far reach in many areas.

  He looked at the pictures of the blonde. She was attractive, had a good body, and pretty eyes, but seemed a little prissy and stuck up. Not that it mattered, her attitude would be brought down a few notches. He looked at her background, business school, worked part time at a bar, and didn’t have much family at all. He checked her off and put her into the yes pile. He was working diligently to find the best women he could for the event for Otis Ressling in just a couple of weeks. He needed to keep that man happy, and if he found out about this dick judge, the arrest of the soldiers, and a potential investigation, Otis would pull out completely, and the event he was planning along with him wouldn’t occur, and Turner wouldn’t make the killing he was counting on.

  No, he needed to fix this. Perhaps taking out the judge was his only option after all. While at it, he would take out Yorn, too. That little fuck was nothing but problems, and it wouldn’t take much to bring this operation down completely.

  * * * *

  “More news on that one soldier whose father is a judge. The asshole actually called me, and had the nerve to threaten my position here,” Spartan told J.T.

  “What? Who the hell does he think he is, and what’s with the big fucking push to get his kid in SOJ?” J.T. asked.

  Hans chuckled.

  “Oh, it didn’t go over well for that guy, believe me. One fucking phone call and now this judge wants to have his son work out a deal to cooperate with the agents investigating this guy, along with the Texas Rangers. They handed over the case to the Rangers to work alongside with us. I figured it was important for Sons of Justice members to still remain involved with the investigation, because this dick Turner is up to no good and he was part of this organization,” Hans explained.

  “He also had access to some information that only soldiers with our security clearance could get. We have computer experts working on that, particularly Greco and Ricki. So I suggest we continue to also involve them in this, along with the two teams,” John added.

  “Not a problem. We get along great with them. S
o I guess we’re still on for Friday night then?” Luke asked.

  “You sure are. See who he is with, who he associates with, and maybe we’ll get lucky and some key players in whatever he’s got going on meet up there with him. The judge’s son will only give information if he isn’t charged, and can still get a position in SOJ or something similar,” Spartan explained.

  “Yeah, like that is going to fucking happen,” Farrow added.

  “Not a chance in hell, so we’re hoping you guys can get something more concrete Friday night. We don’t know if this kid has anything good or not, but his father is pushing for complete immunity in everything, including for himself, so makes me wonder what the judge knows. So play it cool, don’t get identified, and try not to look like badass soldiers ready to use lethal force,” Spartan said, and they all chuckled.

  “Kind of hard when it comes natural at this point, Spartan,” Luke said and they laughed.

  “On another note,” Spartan said and leaned back against his desk as they all gathered around the office. “I understand there was a situation at the Station the other night. Just making sure that things were handled accordingly.”

  J.T. remained straight-faced. “Nothing that Cole and I couldn’t handle.”

  Spartan stared at him with a firm, hard expression. “She’s a beautiful, professional young woman. I know things are still a bit new to you and your men with living in Repose, and how we approach things like this.”

  “Things like what?” Cole asked.

  “You know what the fuck I mean. You threw her over your shoulder, Cole, and carried her out of the Filling Station. You proceeded to make out with her in the parking lot, and Cole, you drove her car and she went in the truck with J.T. Now what I want to ensure is that you don’t hurt that woman by breaking her heart, now that you’ve made a public spectacle of her.”

  “That shit doesn’t fly around here. The dominant personalities are one thing, but using intimidation and coercion can be perceived as a negative to this organization,” Hans said.


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