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Sons of Justice 8: Lust to Love (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The man was about six feet tall, that dark hair with the dusting of grey made him appear distinguished, older, then add in the mustache and it gave him a European look, and she wondered what line of business he was in exactly. He was attractive, she couldn’t lie to herself, and she supposed since she was so angry at the men she couldn’t really think straight or get a gut reaction about this guy Otis. It was all business anyway, so what did it matter? She needed to be cordial. She wouldn’t ruin her professional career because she was hurt and jealous at seeing the men with those two women, and then telling her to take a hike. The pain in her heart and her gut was instant at the thought. She cleared her mind. Focus.

  “First, let me say how impressed I am with this party you organized this evening. It was a memorable event in many ways.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. He smiled and then stepped closer to the railing and looked down at the dance floor below, and the crowd of people who still lingered not wanting the night to end.

  “I have a club, it’s private, members only and part of a large building I own about an hour from here.”

  “An hour? I don’t think I can assist you, Mr. Ressling. Certainly, there must be an event coordinator closer,” she said and looked at Pallen.

  “You know Damian Lavonte has a cousin or something near Dallas that does business throughout the state. Perhaps he may be more suitable—”

  “No. I told Otis that you’re the best. He’s seen that for himself this evening, and even Fernando wants to use your skills for the private event he wants to have, which I’m supposed to set up with you, as well. I didn’t have him come over here too because he’s entertaining Chanelle with Turner.” She swallowed hard. Her cousin was getting in over her head. She saw Otis with her earlier, and she was pretty sure he was touching her and showing attention just as Fernando and that guy Turner were.

  She narrowed her eyes at Pallen. “I’m not Chanelle. She may be my cousin, but that’s the only thing we share in common,” she said to him.

  She felt the hand touch her hand and looked back at Otis. “Believe me, it is quite obvious you and her come from an entirely different level. I’m looking for a classy event, a special touch that I do believe you can deliver. I understand that Fernando is meeting with you on Tuesday to discuss a small event he’s having Friday evening. We can talk more then, and perhaps I can interest you in checking out the club for yourself, and getting a feel for what I’m looking for? Maybe in two weeks, let’s say?” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top of it as he held her gaze.

  “I’ll have to discuss things with my bosses and see. As I mentioned, your location is an hour from here. Depending on what you’re looking for in planning this event, the hour difference could cause problems. It’s a hell of a commute to make multiple times in a day, as well.”

  “No need to worry about that. We’d make comfortable arrangements for you, including a driver, and even a place to stay overnight if necessary, but I doubt you’ll have to do that. I get the feeling you are very efficient in what you do and will have things set and organized quickly. So let’s plan on talking Tuesday at Fernando’s event, and then set a date for you to come by the club the following week. Sound acceptable?”

  She really had no choice, and she was really tired right now, and emotionally spent. A headache was coming on, as well, and she needed to get some pain killers before it turned into a full-blown migraine. She rubbed her temples.

  “Okay, I’ll just need to confirm with my bosses,” she said and both men smiled.

  “Very good. Well, have a lovely evening,” he said and smiled, and when she looked past them she saw Chanelle with three men, including that guy Turner who looked at her and licked his lips while he held Chanelle’s arm. Chanelle was shooting daggers at Brazille as usual. She hoped her cousin knew what she was doing as Otis took her hand and the men all left, and Pallen headed in a different direct toward his blonde date.

  She rubbed her temples and thought about home and bed. She was going to sleep for the next forty-eight hours, and she could now. She obviously didn’t have a date with Cole, Farrow, Luke, and J.C. Tears filled her eyes and she felt like crying all over again. Why were men such pigs? She pushed away from the railing and prepared to head home as soon as possible.

  * * * *

  Turner answered his cellphone as he stood by the bar watching Otis and his men leave with Chanelle. He hoped the bitch pulled through, or she was as good as dead.

  “Hello?” he answered.

  “We have a potential problem. I got a call from a friend who works in the judge’s office, and he was on the phone working out a deal to get his son full immunity if him and the son were to talk and tell them what they knew about some sort of inside operation run by soldiers.”

  “Fuck. Are you fucking kidding me?” Turner asked.

  “No. So you know, I have eyes on both men. The son, Yorn, is getting drunk off his ass with a woman I planted on him two hours ago. The father, banging some mistress in a motel in Cortly.”

  “Take care of them. I want them gone, no mess, make them disappear,” he said and ended the call. His heart was racing, and he worried that this was going to be the beginning of the fucking end. His operation with Fernando would need to come to an end sooner than later, despite the money they made. Fernando would be pissed, especially if he found out about the judge and Yorn. He would have to eliminate that threat and work out a deal with Cashmere to take all the women after Otis’s event in another week. He could close up shop after that, and wait a little, then reopen in a year when things cooled off. Cashmere could help him out. It would cost him some, and maybe a few things Turner would have to rip off from the military, but Cashmere would come through.

  He looked around the place and caught sight of Brazille. That woman was so fucking hot. He hoped that Otis didn’t become obsessed with having her. She definitely would resist the training, even if it was training she would only use with Otis. The man had a sick need for power and control over a woman’s body, and would think nothing of keeping a woman chained in a room with little space to go anywhere but the bathroom and the bed. He was a sick fuck, but a wealthy one who paid triple what anyone else would to ensure the parties he threw were safe and he wouldn’t get caught. No, he needed to start planning ahead, tonight, his gut clenching as he felt like this was the beginning of the end, and perhaps Brazille could be the farewell gift to Otis to get him to cooperate when the business closed down temporarily. Yes. She could be a gift to Otis for all the good business. Why the hell not? Otis could take her out of the country if he wanted to, or keep her locked up in one of his multiple mansions or sex clubs. It could work out fine, he just needed to figure out how to keep Fernando happy and unaware of the potential danger. He would put Pallen on that. He was scummy enough, and he desired Brazille, too. Perhaps letting him have a taste of her would be a fair reward indeed?

  * * * *

  “Let’s go. Now,” Otis said, and wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her out of the club. Once they were in the SUV and seated in the back, he pulled the blindfold out and snapped it in front of him. She jumped, obviously aware somewhat of what would be coming next. If she survived it, didn’t pass out, or resist, then maybe he’d keep her around for a little while. With that thought, he looked at her.

  “Come here. Kneel facing forward in front of me,” he ordered, and she slowly, seductively lowered to the small space in front of him and the passenger seat in front of him.

  “Eyes closed,” he said, and then he placed the blindfold onto her eyes and tied it in the back. He closed his eyes and inhaled, but what Otis hadn’t expected when he closed his eyes, was seeing Brazille, her stunning blue eyes, and sexy body. It was a first for him, and as he stroked Chanelle’s skin and then lifted her dress to her hips, he imagined Brazille, and the thought began to form in his head. He had a plan, and one that would keep him happy for quite some time, but would also make him a lot of money. He smiled, then whispere
d into Chanelle’s ear as he stroked her from behind.

  “Obedience is key to be rewarded for. Obey, and pleasure will be at your fingertips.”

  He then spoke to his security guys.

  “Make the call. Let them know we are on our way, and that I’ve brought them something very special for dessert this evening,” he said, and Chanelle tightened up.

  * * * *

  “Okay, so the first guy with Turner was Fernando Castrione, a member of the Castrione family, who have connections to organized crime, number rackets, multiple business franchises and bars. He, however, is the black sheep of the family. A big mouth, very disrespectful to women, had had numerous charges of assault brought up against him, all of which he’s gotten out of. He was locked up on a small money laundering charge, but served no time. He owns a couple of bars. He also has connections to the location where those soldiers were beaten up, and where Turner was in the backroom supposedly screwing some woman while his friends got their asses kicked. He’s definitely a man we need to keep an eye on. Spartan said the investigators already placed someone on him,” Rossi told him.

  “How about Pallen? What did you get on him?” J.T. asked over the phone as they stood outside of their trucks in Brazille’s driveway.

  “Interesting enough the guy is definitely a player. He does a lot of business with Fernando, and the other man you sent pictures of, Otis Ressling. Now that guy is loaded, comes from an oil family and is into various businesses, including several pricy clubs, two that are members only. From what we gathered, it’s a men’s club. The investigators initiated a watch over him because there was a connection we found to him and a woman who runs an escort service.”

  “Escort service?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, and a well-known one in the Dallas area. They’ve been investigated before when a woman claimed that her daughter was abducted and forced into working for the agency, and was being prostituted out. Nothing ever came of the case, and a month later the charges were dropped by the woman.”

  “Do you think there’s more to that, Rossi?” Cole asked.

  “Shit yeah, and I’m wondering what those soldiers were involved in that they were nearly killed, and what this guy Turner was into.”

  “I agree, too, and I say look into him more deeply, and see what missions he was assigned to over the last five years. If nothing comes up, then dig deeper. Go back farther. He has fifteen years in, surely something will come up if there’s a connection to anyone he came in contact with over the years from serving,” J.T. suggested.

  “Will do. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks, Rossi.” J.T. ended the call.

  “I got Quantico calling now,” Farrow stated.

  “Hey, Spartan, what do you got? You’re on speaker,” Farrow told him.

  “Okay, so your woman is clean as a whistle. She’s had a tough life, no relationship with her family except for Chanelle, her cousin. Now that one is a piece of work who basically looks to screw rich men for money. She’s pretty set with five hundred grand in the bank, and a few other investments as well as toys. If I didn’t know better, I would think she was some high-priced hooker, but it seems every man she’s been involved with, she was with for long periods of time. However, considering who she was keeping company with tonight, we’re going to keep a close eye on her.”

  “Yeah, she definitely looked loose. Anything more you can tell us about Brazille and these men she was talking to?”

  “She’s on the up and up. Paid for college herself, worked numerous jobs bartending, managing a restaurant in the area, was involved with one guy, a Brian Berkley, that she shared an apartment with for a year. The lease was broken early and she bought the place she lives in now after months of heavy credit card debt. Apparently, those credit card bills were from the ex-boyfriend, who used her card even after they broke up. She went after him in small claims court and got everything back. She’s been working for Lancasters for two years. Her bosses, all pretty much clean as whistles, running legitimate businesses, and even investing in legitimate businesses. The only one of them that is questionable is Carlotta Buschette, but I don’t think it’s anything. Hans is going to dig a little more just in case. It seems to us that this Otis Ressling and Fernando Castrione are ones to keep eyes on. We’ll handle digging deeper. Perhaps you could get more information from Brazille,” he suggested.

  “Maybe, we first need to make up with her. We kind of had to blow her off tonight and pretend we didn’t know her,” J.T. said.

  “Oh shit, why?”

  “To not blow our covers. She was talking to Otis, Fernando, and Turner. Was introduced to them, and the last thing we needed was for her to introduce us as soldiers.”

  “Shit. Sound like you pissed her off, perhaps it would be a smart decision to apologize and ask for guardianship of her? You know, unless you don’t care for her and want her as your woman?” Spartan asked, and J.T. knew what he was doing. These were the rules of the town, of Sons of Justice, as well.

  “We need to clarify things, Spartan. We don’t know if she’s involved with this or exactly what other criminal activities are going on.”

  “You’ll figure it out fast. She got the four of you to make a commitment, and to also stake a public claim. She’s no criminal, if anything, I would think you all would feel even more protective because of these criminals around her. Now keep in touch and we’ll touch base as more info comes in,” Spartan said.

  “Thanks, and talk to you soon.”

  “Seems to me like Brazille might be caught in the middle of these assholes and not even know it. I think we’re going to have to fully explain what’s going on,” Cole said to him.

  “Not sure how much info we should give her, only because if she knows, she could let on to something when those men are at an event she’s at. Then what? We’d be putting her in further danger,” J.T. said.

  “True, maybe just ask her questions about all the men, but not indicate what the investigation is about. I think we can give only partial information. I just want past this, and hope she forgives us for what we did to her,” Luke said.

  They all felt the same way, and a few minutes later they heard the car approaching and saw the lights. What J.T. hadn’t expected was for her to pull right into her garage and hit the button for the door to close on them. She was definitely pissed off.

  * * * *

  Brazille was so angry. How dare they show up here like this and after what they did? What a bunch of assholes. She closed the garage door immediately, walking inside to the kitchen and placed down her purse. She heard the knock on the front door and the doorbell ring, but she didn’t respond. She walked over to her refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. The banging continued and her cellphone buzzed. She glanced at it. Farrow texted her to open the door now.

  “Really? Screw you,” she said aloud. Her stomach grumbled. She was starving. She didn’t eat a thing tonight. How could she? She reached for the granola bar and debated about what she could whip up. She didn’t want that. She was shaking now. They were soldiers, and they were cheating assholes. What if they broke into her house and—

  “Did you seriously think four highly trained Marines couldn’t get into your house?” J.T. asked as the four of them walked right into the kitchen from the living room. She stepped back.

  “Marines? How dare you even call yourself Marines? How dare you break into my home when I don’t want to see you, or talk to you? You’re a bunch of lying, cheating, manipulative assholes. Get the hell out. Now!” she yelled and pointed toward her door, but her hand was shaking and the sight of them all sexy, attractive, standing there did her in. She adored them, and this hurt. She could possibly love them, had given them her heart and her body after two years of nothing and they lied to her, were cheating on her. Tears fell.

  “Baby, please let us explain,” Luke said to her as he reached out to pull her into his arms and she shoved his hands away and stepped to the left, away from them. Farrow came around the
island on one side and Cole on the other. She shook her head.

  “How could you?” she asked and cried. Farrow pulled her into his arms and she reacted. She smacked his chest and he gripped her hands and pulled them behind her back, holding them with one hand while he used his other to hug her to him and kiss her neck. “Baby, please,” he said to her, and Cole pressed up against her back and rubbed her arms and her shoulders.

  “Let us explain. It isn’t what you think,” he said to her. She shook her head, looked up at Farrow, that cold, hard expression, his grip loosened on her wrists and then released them. He ran his palm up under her hair and gripped a handful as he stared down into her eyes.

  “We were working undercover, trying to watch who this one guy was keeping company with. The last thing we expected was to see you there.”

  “Obviously, and what, the blondes were helping you?” she snapped at him.

  “No, they started flirting with us and we took the opportunity to let it look like we were with them in order to protect you,” Cole said to her.

  She glanced at him. “You expect me to believe that?” she asked.

  “It’s the truth,” Luke said to her.

  “The guy we’re watching was a member of SOJ, and is believed to be involved with an incident where three soldiers were beaten up and left unconscious. The three soldiers in custody aren’t talking, but are believed to be involved, as well, or at least have information they aren’t willing to divulge. When the commanders found out about a fourth soldier, one involved in SOJ, we were asked to assist. Could be that soldier used connections he made in SOJ with criminals to get involved in some sort of illegal operation. The three soldiers had a wad of money on them and some drugs. We were sent in to simply monitor who this guy engaged, hoping it could lead to some names,” J.T. said to her.

  They were all around her and she turned and leaned against the sink, and the four men stood around her. Farrow kept a hand on her hip. She pushed it off of her and crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at them, but then he put his hand back on her hip and Cole reached out and stroked her cheek. Another tear fell, he clenched his teeth and then wiped it away.


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