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Gay Mechanic: Can a gay man be a tradie

Page 11

by Phillip Lesbirel

  The dinner consisted of a light consommé soup, followed by seafood platter for 2, including everything you could imagine. A sorbet was served in-between the soup and the seafood. Wine accompanied each course, and finally desert. It was a fruit flambé, with homemade ice cream; delicious. We sat on the balcony after the meal, with a glass of champagne, and savoured the meal and the wines. I was a little light headed, as wine was not my normal drink, but I could see Harry was getting fidgety.

  “What’s wrong Harry? You seam to be all a dither.” Harry looked at me and nodded.

  “Yeah, I am. You know I love you very much. I could not think of a life without you now. Since we became lovers, you have turned my life upside down; for the better I must admit. It’s just that I know there is a big age difference between us, and I cannot get the feeling out of my head that you could one day leave me for a younger man.” I looked at him, and could see tears in his eyes. I grabbed his hand, leaning forward over the table.

  “Harry, I never thought I would ever find a man I could love as deeply as you. I may be young, but I know when I have found my life partner. I knew it the first time we had sex together. Sure I had sex with others before we met, and most around my own age, but when I met you; I knew we had to be together. Your fears are just that, fears, and I know we will be growing old together, as that’s all I ever want.” Harry was in full flood now, as tears streamed down his cheeks. I loved him because he was so emotional, because he showed his love in so many ways.

  “Jerry, it was my intention to ask you to be my life long partner tonight, to celebrate it in an official ceremony and to wear my ring. Would you marry me Jerry? Will you be my partner for life?” I was stunned at first, but quickly recovered, and was so happy, I jumped up and grabbed Harry up from his chair and started to kiss him passionately.

  “Yes Harry, Oh God, yes. I would be honoured to be your life long partner. Oh God yes Harry, please, be my partner for ever.” Harry was sobbing openly now, and so was I. It was unexpected but the moment was right and the setting perfect. It would be a moment in time we would never forget.

  After we recovered from our momentous decision, we decided to go out and celebrate at the nightclub. And decided the evening dress was perfect for this occasion. Our friends from Toronto were there in the club, and when they saw us dressed to the nines, wanted to know what the occasion was. When we told them they were ecstatic, and ordered champagne to celebrate. But Harry was not finished yet. While dancing, he asked me if I would like to get married in 3 days time in Toronto Canada, as he had arranged everything before he left Cairns and everything was all ready to go. I could not believe this guy. He was so certain of my answer before hand; he had already arranged a wedding. Gay marriages in Canada were recognised, and although we could not be officially recognised in Australia, it legitimised our union in our eyes. Our Toronto friends were invited to the wedding, each to give one of us away to the other. They were Toby and Trent, Trent being very feminine in his mannerisms, but fun to be with. When we got back to our cabin, we both rang our parents, and Mum decided that she would come over to Canada for the wedding, as did Harry’s parents with help from Harry for their fares. Mum had a little tucked away, so could pay her own way, but Harry provided the hotel accommodation for her where we were staying.

  It was a simple wedding with a marriage celebrant, whom we met the day before to arrange the ceremony and vows. They were simple, and non-religious, and the wedding was to be held in a room at the Hotel, with a reception in the dining room after. We flew to Canada the same day we arrived in port, and arrived in Toronto’s Pearson airport at about 4pm. We were staying at the Day Hotel in the centre of Toronto in Carlton St. It was close to the shops and clubs, as well as gyms and saunas. Mum would enjoy the duty free shopping here. Gay village was just 100yards away from the hotel, and we were determined to check it out later. Mum and Harry’s family would not arrive till only hours before the wedding, and would have just enough time to shower, change and a few minutes rest before the ceremony.

  Mr. and Mr. Brite

  We spent the next couple of days getting all the arrangements sorted out, hiring clothes for the wedding, arranging flowers, food and seating for a few friends of Toby and Trent’s who asked if they could join us. We met them at Toby and Trent’s home when we visited the night before the wedding. They had a 2-bed apartment in the Gay Village area, and Trent being an interior designer, had the place set in ultra modern steel and glass. It was stunning to see how a small unit could be made to look so big with the use of glass. There were several couples there, all had taken the plunge and had married recently, and all had the usual advice to give. However, Toby said it all in one sentence. ‘When you are married, move to Canada.’ With Canada recognising gay marriages, this in turn allowed such marriages all the rights in law of normal marriage. It allowed for legal Will transference, automatic superannuation entitlements, and death benefits, as well as recognition for spouse dependency where required. It also recognised child adoption for gay couples, and something Toby and Trent were seriously considering. The evening was filled with laughter and merriment, as we became friends with their other guests. It was wonderful to be in a community that did not fear being themselves; being open about their sexuality; openly being able to be emotional in public, able to hold hands like normal couples and give a kiss in public when required. These were important for heterosexual couples and equally important for gay couples too, something we were not able to do in Australia. It was not that homosexual conduct was not tolerated, but was highly restrictive.

  The big day arrived. After our usual morning glory fuck, we showered, and Harry left for Toby and Trent’s place. He would dress there, and come back as the bride with Trent as his ‘Maid’ of honour. Toby would come over to the hotel at around 2pm, and escort me down to the room set up for the wedding, as my best man. Mum would arrive at around 1pm, so we would only have a short time together, as I would pick her up with both of Harry’s parents, and drop them off at Trent’s. Mum would come back to the hotel with me. The wedding was at 4pm, so catching up with mum was short and sweet.

  “Oh Jerry, are you sure you are ready for this? It is a big step, and you are still only 18 years old. I know you both love each other, but was this really so necessary?” I knew mums concerns were just that. She loved us both, and would never have stopped the wedding, but a mother is always concerned for her children.

  “Yes mum, I am very sure. I love him dearly, and the thought of living with him as his lifelong partner is all I ever want. He just makes me feel so fulfilled when I am with him. When I am at work, I think of him all the time, but as soon as I get home and see him, I know why. He just gives me an ache inside I just cannot get away from, and being with him is the only way I know how to satisfy that ache. His being older doesn’t matter, it’s him, what he is, what he does for me inside that matters.” Mum took me in her arms and hugged me tight.

  “I always envisioned this day differently, but I would have it no other way. I will love Harry as much as I love you, and the rest of the family will too in time. Be happy Jerry. Live and love this man till it hurts, and there will be times when it will hurt so bad you will want to just run away, but you won’t. You will overcome the hurt, and love will take its place once again. Love him; love him so much that he will never ever question your love. Never let him have an excuse to question your love Jerry, for that’s when the hurt begins.”

  We had a drink together, and then Toby arrived to help me dress and make sure I got to the ceremony on time. Mum left to rest and freshen up, and dress in her special weddings’ dress she always had handy in the wardrobe. She never bought a new dress for each wedding; she was very frugal this way. Toby hugged and kissed me when he arrived, and his joy at being best man was a little overwhelming, but it was so great to have another gay man being so open with me in public. It was something new, something we would miss when we returned to Australia. I dressed in a white single buttoned dress suit, wi
th wide white satin lapels, a pink shirt with white bow tie. I had a pink carnation pinned where the breast pocket should be. I liked the look, smart, clean and crisp, gay without being over the top, white 1 1/2” heeled boots to give me a little more height to match Harry, and pink socks, just to balance the outfit. We had initially decided to hire the suits, but Harry decided he wanted us always to remember this day, and therefore we purchased the suits and all that went with them. I had not seen Harry’s outfit, as he said the groom should not see the bride’s outfit till the time of the wedding, so I waited in anticipation.

  The time arrived, and Toby and I went down the hall to mum’s room and picked her up. Sure enough she was wearing her weddings’ dress. It was in a light melon colour with white trim, with a fitted bodice and ‘A’ line skirt. She looked so beautiful and young in it. I kissed her, told her how great she looked, and Toby swooned over her too, making her blush. We headed off down to a reception room on the first floor. It was not big, enough for about 40 people to be seated. It was set up with about 20 chairs, 10 on each side in a half moon shape; baskets of carnations were spread around on stands, giving the room a wonderful smell. A small arch had been placed in the centre and a stand at the rear with a book placed on it. All Toby’s friends we had met the night before were already seated, and they all got up and came over to kiss and hug me, and mum too after I introduced her to them. Then we went and stood on the right side of the arch. Harry and Trent arrived about 5 minutes late. The celebrant, a gay minister from a gay Toronto church, had arrived and was standing in the middle and behind the archway. He was dressed in a normal lounge suit in a mid grey, and looked very smart. As Harry arrived, I gasped. He looked stunning. He had gone the total opposite to myself, and had on a light pink suit, white shirt, pink bow tie, pink shoes and white socks. He also had a white carnation pinned to his left side of his chest. His suit was identical in design to mine. Trent was a very flamboyant guy, and his yellow and black-checkered suit really suited him. Harry came up to my left side, and took my hand. I could feel him trembling, and looked at him; his eyes were moist and teary. I knew this would be a very emotional time for him, and we would not get away without a tear or two during this ceremony.

  The minister approached, and everyone settled down in his seat. A hush came over the room as the minister started to speak.

  “We come together this afternoon to bring together Jerry and Harry into a life long partnership. This ceremony is their way of sealing their love for one another in wedded bliss. Jerry, would you like to say your vows to Harry?”

  “Harry, when I first met you, I did not know we would be lovers in time, and partners for life. You were a family friend. Today you become a part of me and a member of my family. I love you truly, and cannot think of a life without you. Harry, under God, and in this City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, and in the presence of these witnesses, I ask you to be my life long partner, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part.” The minister then spoke again.

  “Harry, do you wish to respond to this request?”

  “Yes I do. Jerry, since we first became lovers, I knew I wanted to be with you for eternity. I knew you loved me, but when I asked you to marry me I dreaded your answer, for I knew that for you to say no, would mean my whole life was at an end. But you said yes, and made me the happiest man alive. I will strive to love you with every fibre of my body, to make your commitment today a commitment for both of us for life. Jerry, under God, and in this City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, I accept your offer of a life long partner, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till deaths do us part.” The minister moved forward again, and took both left hands. He then asked for the rings. Toby passed Harry’s ring to me, and Trent to Harry. We repeated the words after the minister.

  “With these rings I thee wed.” We both slipped a ring on each other’s third finger of the left hand, and repeated his words. They were identical rings in a plain gold band.

  “With the power vested in me by the Province of Ontario Canada, I pronounce you partners for life. May God sanctify this union. Ladies and Gentleman, please be upstanding and welcome our new married couple Jerry Brite and Harry Fairchild.” There was a big hooray from the crowd, and when I looked over them, there was not a dry eye in the room including Harry’s and mine. Mum was first, followed by Harry’s parents, and then our guests just went wild, kissing and hugging us both. After the congratulations, the minister asked us to sign the register, and for both Toby and Trent to witness them.

  After a glass of champers in the room, all the guests moved down to the dinning room, to a reserved booth, and we followed with Toby and Trent about 10 minutes later. Those 10 minutes allowed us to catch our breaths. I could not believe what had happened. I was now a married man, with the responsibilities that go with it. Oh I knew life with Harry would always be rich and rewarding, but for an 18 year old, marriage was a big step to take, and I had taken it. Although Harry was not rich in most people’s eyes, he was very well off, and wanted for nothing. His business was also increasing and I knew he was looking at taking on a partner. I just wondered what I would contribute to the marriage, certainly not as the breadwinner. I would find out in time.

  Harry had arranged for a photographer for the after wedding photos, which were taken in the gardens of the hotel. We finally made our way to the dinning room, and sat at the head of the table with Toby and Trent next to us. As they too were married, we allowed them to sit together instead of either side of us. The food was magnificent. Nova Scotia Salmon graced the entrée on a light bed of saffron rice with hot butter sauce, steak medallions in red wine sauce melted in your mouth, and served with oven roasted vegetables. Desert was a soufflé, light and melt-in-your-mouth, with a side of lemon sorbet. Wine and Champagne flowed freely as did the light banter from the gay crowd. Mum and Harry’s parents appeared to be getting on well with our new gay friends, and were happily chatting away. After the meal, and a few minutes of chatter, Toby stood up and asked for silence.

  “I have here several telegrams for the happy couple. The first is from Jerry’s employer Joe. ‘Give you a holiday, and what do you do? Get married and not invite me you bastard. Boy have I got some dirty jobs waiting for you when you get back. PS Congratulations, you could not have picked a greater guy to hitch up with. Joe.’

  Second telegram is from George. ‘Great to hear of your wedding Harry; and to that great ass from the garage. There is a party on the night you return from Canada in both your honour, at my place, and all your friends are invited, so don’t be late. George.’

  The third is from your brother Collin, Jerry. ‘I always thought I would be your best man both of you, but as this could not be, I wish you both the best of luck, and hope you will both be happy together. Steph and I will celebrate with you both on your return. Collin.’

  Finally from your father Heath, and your brothers’ Mitch and David. ‘We all wish we could have been with you both on this happy day, but time was against us all. We wish you both the best, and we will all celebrate this happy union when you return. Signed Dad, Mitch, Anne, David and Carole.’

  “Please be upstanding for a toast.” Everyone stood up, glasses in hand. “To the happy couple; Jerry and Harry”.

  “To Jerry and Harry.” Said in unison.

  “Now for Jerry to say a few words” Toby sat down, and Jerry rose.

  “Well, ah, I am not sure what to say, but thanks on behalf of Harry and myself. The last few days have been such a blur, it is hard to believe I am a happily married man, and I am sure Harry feels the same way. But I would not have it any other way.” Jerry began to tell the story of how they came together in the bathroom, much to the delight of the gathered group, and Jerry could see Harry blushing, but he continued, as he knew Harry would not want him to stop. He told of how he caught Harry staring at his ass while he was bending over the shower, and how things progressed from there. He als
o told of how they met Toby and Trent, and how in just a short time, they had become life long friends. He also talked of how free they both felt in Canada, and how they had discussed the possibility of residing here. A big cheer went up at that. Finally Jerry thanked them all for being their only friends at such a momentous occasion for them, and they hoped all would be friends for life too. Jerry then sat down, and Harry kissed him.

  The party then got going with dance music and all got up for the bridal waltz. Toby grabbed mum, and Trent grabbed Harry’s mum. From then on, mum and Harry’s mum never had a moment’s peace, dancing with just about all in the room, including Harry and myself. The party went on till about 1am, and gradually left just mum, Harry’s parents, Toby and Trent, Harry and myself in the room. We had decided not to have a wedding cake, so that part of tradition was abandoned. We thought we would maybe do something back home. We said our goodbyes and thanks to Toby and Trent, as they would be at work the next day when we left, but we promised to keep in touch and visit again soon. We then took mum and Harry’s parents up to their rooms, said goodnight, and finally found our way to our room. As we approached our room, Harry stopped at a room 2 down from where we had been the last 2 nights, and drew a key out from his pocket. I turned and smiled. It was the bridal suite. He had arranged for our things to be moved over while the ceremony was happening, so all our belongings were waiting for us in the new suite. The suite was much larger than our other one, and the bed was huge. Great for playtime and that was exactly what we both had in mind. Our plane did not leave til 4pm, and we had plenty of time to enjoy our new married experience.


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