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Blood Secrets: Fallen Motorcycle Club

Page 4

by Lorelei Woods

  “You had to.” She tilted her head to the side, then pushed the hair back out of her face. Every time she examined me, it felt like she was pulling me apart and looking to see all the things I kept hidden. Something about her rocked me and I fucking hated it—but I couldn’t pull away. It was as intoxicating as the first drink I shared with Piston when we were idiot kids nipping at the patched brothers’ heels.

  I’d expected tears and pleas, but instead she met me with a steady gaze and words of absolution. Again, I gave thanks for the fact that she was stronger than she looked. It meant we might have a chance of getting out alive.

  She put out her hand. Reaching out, I grasped it, noticed how much smaller than mine it was. Her bones were fine, delicate. Too delicate for a place like this. With a short tug, I pulled her into a sitting position.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I’m not putting a bullet in your head,” I said, wanting to reassure her of that fact right away. “Everything went to shit after you left. Manuel is using your death as some kind of test that I’m about to fuck up. Don’t get me wrong, Emmy, I intend for both of us to get out of here…but you have to do exactly what I say.”

  “I’ll do anything.” Her face had tightened when I’d called her Emmy, but she didn’t say a word. Smart girl.

  “For now, you need to get some sleep. Shifts change near dawn and I want to get out of here while that’s going down.”

  “Why? Isn’t that double the guards?” Her eyes were more intelligent than any of the sweetbutts I’d fucked since joining The Fallen. For some reason, banging women who climbed all over me at parties didn’t give me much of a charge. It was just a way to empty my nuts and the women knew it. They just wanted an orgasm or an ounce, even though I wasn’t handing out the second.

  This girl wouldn’t be the kind to accept an ounce or a bounce, I suspected. It was there in the clean lines of her hair and the delicate skin on her face. I doubted she’d so much as smoked a blunt. We lived a hard life and the women who ran with us didn’t have soap-fresh faces and lips like an angel. Hers were pink and curved, the bottom one heavier than the top. I wanted to pull her into my lap and nibble on it.

  “It’s early in the morning and they’re probably all still hung over from last night. We can grab the bike and take off before they notice. I hope.”

  “What if they notice?”

  “Then keep your head down, Emmy.” Her eyes flashed again and I felt my groin stir. Fuck, she was sexy. Too sexy.

  “Are you going to get in trouble for this?”

  “If I said yes, would you want me to leave you here?” She had to know that I was her only way out. The only thing that awaited her was a long dirt nap if she wasn’t on the back of my bike before Manuel woke to drag her out so I could shoot her, ending all that light and sparkle.

  She cocked her head to the side and looked at me, seeming to withdraw deeper into the sheets. My intention hadn’t been to scare her, but it was better she reconcile herself to the plan now. Hesitations got men killed. “No.”

  “Didn’t think so.” Once I got back, Piston was going to smoke me for breaking our truce with the cartel. He didn’t have much use for women, especially good girls. That’s if my Dad didn’t finish me off first. He’d been working with the Deleon Cartel his whole life without a misstep, and I fully expected to end up with his boot in my ass.

  “You should sleep until morning. It’s not going to do you any good to stay up all night worrying.” Unsure why I cared whether she got rest, I searched her face again. Beautiful, but nothing to elicit the kind of reaction I was having to her body, her sweet scent.

  “Thanks,” she said, and wiggled over so there was space next to her. When she moved, I caught a flash of her thighs and the shadowy area above. Fuck. “You can lie down with me, too.”

  “I’ll take the chair.” I sure as hell wasn’t going to top off what was probably the worst day of her life by trying to screw her, no matter how much my erection wanted me to hop in and grind against her. Would she part her legs just a little so I could shove down my jeans and slide against her swollen cleft? Would she dig her nails into my back?

  “You don’t have to.”

  “It’s for the best.” I saw the light dawn in her eyes at my dark tone. Then she smiled with a sexy twist of her lips that made it that much harder to leave her alone in that bed. Every time I thought I knew what to expect from her, she gave me something else.

  “You’re a good man.”

  “I’m not,” I told her. No reason she should have illusions about me. “But I’m not going to force you, either.”

  Emily nodded and curled up, her eyes still open. Light slipping in from the courtyard made them gleam in the blackness. I took up a seat at the table and listened for any sign that someone could be coming. Not a single doubt roosted in my mind that before we were gone, things were going to get much, much worse.


  I twisted again, unable to sleep. The sheets were tangled around me from all the moving I’d done since Flash entered the room. Frustrated, I pushed down the quilt, pulled off the top sheet and snapped it into the air, letting it flutter down over my body. Adrenaline had pushed its way back into me and my mind was done with sleep for the night. I wondered if this was how men on death row felt—keyed up and ready for the end.

  Flash was sitting sideways in the dainty chair, looking out the window at the courtyard. He was like a lion, all smooth grace and watchful eyes. Despite his height—he had to be close to six-and-a-half feet tall—he wasn’t awkward or gangly. Instead, rippling muscle covered his body, hugging his arms and torso clean down to his narrow waist.

  He made me feel safe.

  He also made me feel other things I neither expected nor wanted to feel in this place—though I’d have welcomed the red heat between my legs if we’d been elsewhere. I moved again, trying desperately to get my arousal under control and failing when the ache only grew. Since he’d taken off his jacket and I’d seen the muscles he kept hidden under the leather and cloth, I’d been wet. Needy. Aching for him to close the distance between us and touch me.

  But he wasn’t going to.

  Because he had honor.

  Maybe I’m cynical after everything I’ve been through, but honor wasn’t something I expected to find in a man who wore his 1% patch like a badge of pride. Flash was hardly the first biker I’d met in my life—not even the 50th—but those men were run down with hollow cheeks and sores on their arms. This man—the man who’d taken me out of the desert—he had smooth tanned skin, white teeth and a body that looked like it had never known chemicals.

  Unlikely, perhaps. But a girl could dream.

  If there was one thing on my personal checklist I wouldn’t compromise on, it was no more drug users.

  He said he didn’t want to force me, but it wouldn’t be force if something happened between us. After all the years I’d spent guarding my virginity like a treasure, I suddenly wanted it to be gone very, very much. I wanted him inside me, showing me what all those girls get so excited about at parties when they go home with half-drunk fraternity guys who wear neon sunglasses on at night.

  I used to watch those girls when I’d walk across campus after the night classes I started taking as a senior in high school. Their short dresses clung to perfect bodies like bright bandaids and they’d all had the same wide, toothy grins. More than anything, I wanted to be like them, happy and just…free. Now I knew it would never happen. The first time I’d left home in ten years and I’d almost gotten killed. Maybe Uncle Dale was right when he said I’d never survive without him.

  But for one night, I could have everything I wanted.

  As if he could hear the direction of my thoughts, Flash turned to me and ran his eyes over my still form. Shivers rocketed up my spine. “You aren’t sleeping.”

  “I’m too wound up.”

  “Well, I—.” He stopped abruptly and held up a hand, then pointed to the door. Under it, light had pou
red in as an unbroken streak from the hallway—until now. Behind the door was a shadow.

  Someone was listening.

  Flash’s face shut down. He stood silently and made his way to the bed. I sat up, trying to match his stillness, and he moved so that his lips were brushing my skin. When he spoke, his tone was so low that I almost couldn’t hear it, like wind whispering along the sensitive shell of my ear.

  “Follow along.”

  I nodded. All the fear that had evaporated was gathering again, a dark cloud that rose up like crows from a field during harvesting. The heat I’d felt was threatened by cold.

  “Suck me, bitch.”

  My eyes widened and I leaned forward, reaching for his belt with shaking hands. Regret twisted in his face when he reached out to clasp my hands together, shaking his head. “Moan,” he whispered.

  I did, opening my lips in an O. His pupils dilated at the throaty noise.

  “Take it deep,” he said, pressing his forehead against mine before pulling back. His voice was harsh, aggressive. “That’s right. Harder.”

  One of his hands moved to my face and he popped his middle finger into my mouth. My eyes widened with shock as it passed my teeth, then he pulled it out and groaned. “Fuck.”

  Understanding the game, I nodded and opened my mouth again. His finger slipped back in and I sucked noisily while he breathed faster and watched the shadow under the door. Maybe I’m weak or crazy, because I didn’t hate what was happening. I loved the clean taste of his hands, the rough glide of his tongue over my skin. Unbidden, more sounds rose from my throat and spilled from my lips.

  I wanted to suck something else.

  His finger moved in and out of my mouth while I sucked on the warm digit until he finally pulled it out with an audible pop and groaned. “Yes, bitch. Fuck yes.” Flash groaned and I felt an answering ache between my legs. He took back both his hands and slapped them together. “Rest. I’m going to use you again soon.”

  He stood up and went into the bathroom, turning on the light before slamming the door shut. In bed, I whimpered quietly and saw the shadow under the door disappear. It made me sick that the bastard who sentenced me to death would send someone to listen, to make sure I was being violated—but even that didn’t kill the swirling desire Flash had lit in me.

  Moments later, he re-emerged and looked at the door immediately. Lowering himself to the ground, he peered under it and, satisfied, walked back over to the bed.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice soft.

  “I’m not,” I told him, reaching out to capture one of his hands in mine. “I want more.”

  “What?” His face was incredulous and I almost pulled back, but something steeled my spine, made me push forward.

  “Flash, I almost died today.”

  “That’s a damn good reason not to fuck a stranger tonight, Emmy.”

  I hate being called Emmy…except the way he says it is almost appealing. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “What? Sucked a guy’s finger?”

  “No. Sex with a stranger.” I wasn’t embarrassed about it, but I was going to have to tell him so he didn’t find out mid-coitus. “I’m a virgin.”

  “Why the fuck is the hottest woman I’ve ever seen a virgin?” I’m the hottest woman he’s ever seen?

  “Haven’t found the right guy.”

  “You aren’t seeing anyone?”

  “I was. Called him today and found out that he cheated on me. So I guess I’m not now.”

  “And you never fucked him.”

  “No,” I said, not wanting to tell him about Tommy’s descent into drugs and how my uncle had twisted him until he was a shell of the boy I’d once loved.

  “You’re saying what exactly?”

  “I want you to show me what I’ve been missing.” I brought my fingers to where the towel was tucked in on itself and loosened it. It slid down, giving him a glimpse of my breasts.


  “I’ve never even had someone else give me an orgasm,” I said, almost pleading. “Only myself.”



  He sighed. “I’m not going to fuck you.”


  “I don’t fuck virgins.” I slumped my shoulders and reached to tuck the towel back in. Defeated. It was a crazy thought anyway, that I’d find the sensual pleasure I’d dreamed of late at night here in this place. Flash knelt on the bed and reached for the towel, stopping me from covering myself.


  “I’m not going to leave you without giving you an orgasm,” he said, shaking his head. “I can’t guarantee we’ll make it out tomorrow and every woman deserves feel that at least once.”

  “Can you make me?”

  He nodded, his eyes full of wicked promise. That fire between my legs became an inferno.

  Chances were that I was in over my head, but I didn’t care. He knee-walked across the bed until he was straddling me, then used a hand to raise my face to his. Our eyes met for the merest moment before his soft lips pressed down on mine and I forgot that I needed to breathe.

  The kiss was like wildfire burning through my veins. Unlike the flaccid, warm kisses that I’d shared with Tommy, this was hot, gentle and strong all at the same time. I opened my mouth and felt his tongue sweep in, tangling with mine while I melted in the sheets and his hand slid down my back, pushing away the towel and baring my naked body to him.

  How was it possible for a man to make me feel this way with just his mouth? I knew I was wetter, needier now, could feel my sex pulsing between my legs, begging for his fingers or tongue or the erection I could feel hard against my belly. Desperate. I’d never been desperate before.

  Just when I thought the long, drugging kiss was over, Flash reclaimed my mouth. It was electric between us, like lightning running through my limbs and shooting out the top of my head. His mouth tasted like hard liquor, just the hint of it when he sucked my tongue between his lips and my world shattered. Needing more, I pressed my body against his, straining up until my swollen nipples brushed the leather of his jacket.

  Strong hands guided me down to the mattress, where he tucked me back against the pillows and moved down to kiss my neck, sucking lightly on the spot where my pulse pounded. I shivered at the contact and saw the smallest hint of a smile before he dragged his velvet tongue over my nipple. “You taste fucking phenomenal,” he said, before returning his mouth to my body.

  Unbidden, my hands went to the back of his head and pulled him closer to my breast. I wanted that feeling, like everything was coming apart when he touched me. I wanted it more than anything in my life. His mouth was devastating and I thought I might come just from the way he sucked my pebbled bud between his lips, using just enough pressure to make me arch from the mattress.

  “Part your legs,” he said, one rough hand tracing the curve of my limbs where they were pressed together. “I want to kiss your sexy pussy.”

  His raw words ripped through me and, though it was hard to expose myself, I did as he asked. I moved them apart, drawing up my knees while he rocked back on his heels and looked at the most intimate part of me. Flash’s eyes went large as he stared, then one of his hands reached out and traced the line of my slit, gently parting my lips while pleasure at the contact exploded all over my body and I sucked in my breath.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, slowly drawing moisture up to my clit and circling it with his fingers. I felt my muscles tighten like they do when I make myself come with a vibrator, but he wasn’t done yet. Slowing, he leaned in and licked my pulsating core, groaning against the wet flesh while my body undulated under him.

  “Fuck, you’re like sugar here.” He licked again, longer. His tongue dragged over my pink, swollen flesh while I fisted my hands in the sheets. “I’m never going to get enough of this.”

  Good, I wanted to say, but I couldn’t get the words out. All I could do was throw back my head and spread my legs wider, giving his mouth
more access.

  His facile tongue laved my flesh and it was all I could do to keep breathing. My hands clawed at the sheets on either side of my body while he traced the line of my pussy with his tongue and then delved into my opening. He groaned against my skin and when I would have drawn back, he reached up and grabbed my hips, securing me in place.

  “Don’t move,” he said. “Don’t move.”

  But I couldn’t help it. The sensations were overwhelming, like I was coming apart. My hips undulated against his face while he moved up to suck hard on my clit. When one of his fingers probed the entrance to my body, I tensed, but the thick digit penetrated me and it felt amazing. My body stretched around his finger, clinging to it while his mouth devoured me.

  Soon I felt my climax approaching. I wasn’t going to be able to stop.


  “What?” he asked, immediately returning to my clit.

  “I’m going to come soon.” I was so scared he’d stop, but I needed him to know what he did to me. Just him. His mouth. His touch. I couldn’t get enough.

  The quick, steady flicks against my skin and the unyielding motion of his finger in me pushed me over the edge. I reached down and tangled my fingers in his hair while my back bowed off the mattress and my lips opened in a silent scream. Too much. It was too much heat and pressure and sensation and then he was using his free hand to keep me still, continuing to lick my pussy as I came and came and came.

  It was nothing like using my vibrator.

  “God, Emily,” he said when he finally pulled back with one last kiss on my center.

  The ecstasy he’d given me burned me to cinders in that bed. I was a different woman when my body finally stopped shaking. And I wanted him.


  Without a word, she’d ripped me open until I was nothing but tatters and then stitched the pieces back together in a new pattern. Reminded me of my mom tearing and sewing fabric together to make crazy quilts when I was a kid. I’d given women orgasms before. Too many women to remember. This was the first time I gave a fuck.


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