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Two Wolves, a Man, and Their Woman [Werewolf Castle 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Cara Adams

  “Tired?” asked Uwe, staring down at her. But she noticed he’d taken his—admittedly much larger and likely much heavier—backpack off, too.

  “I’ll be fine in a few minutes. In an ideal world there wouldn’t be busloads of hungry tourists lining up for pottage and werewolf stew at eight each morning.”

  “Yes. I’ve wondered about that. I understand that some of those busses have come quite a distance, but do the tourists simply not want to get out of bed half an hour earlier to eat before they leave their hotel?” asked Stefan.

  He must have left the ledge and walked across to meet them while she’d been taking her backpack off and dropping to the grass.

  “That might be true for some of them, but others have traveled two or three hours to get to the castle so they’re hungry again. And still others deliberately don’t have breakfast where they stay because they want to try out the medieval food. It’s all good news for the castle of course, because we sell so many more meals. But it means there’s no such thing as a nice long sleep-in of a morning.”

  “Didn’t anyone think that when they started having midday banquets the morning sales might drop off?” asked Stefan.

  “I don’t know whether or not they did, but Evan has introduced quite a few new dishes to the menu, and some people really want to try several of them. That’s why the to-go boxes are popular, although that’s usually desserts, not werewolf stew.”

  She sat up and walked to the edge of the plateau, staring at the view. It was amazing in every direction, with the steep cliffs, the thick trees, and then the hidden valley.

  “Kady, you go with Stefan and sit under the overhang with him and Dom, while I put the backpacks away and then I’ll join you,” said Uwe.

  She followed Stefan onto the ledge, watching carefully where he walked, although it wasn’t a steep drop-off, but rather a slope for the first three or four feet, then a much more dramatic cliff for thirty or forty feet.

  The overhang was good shelter with the sun-warmed rocks behind their back and the ledge over their head, yet still an extremely good view of the trails up the mountain.

  “Is the other side of the plateau climbable?” she asked, jerking her thumb behind them, the only direction they couldn’t see.

  “Only with ropes and crampons and proper equipment. We check there each time we change shift, but neither of us thinks they’ll send professional climbers here, or if they do, someone will tell the Alpha about it,” said Dominik, who was so far back under the shelter he was almost invisible.

  They sat there peaceful and relaxed for another hour until the light began to fade. She’d smelled the wood smoke of a fire burning, then the delicious scent of roasting meat, before Uwe joined them saying, “Dinner will be ready in ten, fifteen minutes.”

  “Do you come back here and keep watch after dark? I mean what would you see, unless they were carrying flashlights I suppose?”

  “We don’t keep watch but we patrol every hour. We sit out here until we have our night vision, then do a complete walk around, watching and listening. But so far, there’s been no sign of any visitors, innocent or otherwise,” said Dominik.

  Kady was impressed that they were taking this so seriously, not like a glorified camping trip. Which reminded her. “Where’s your tent? I’ve walked across the entire plateau yet didn’t see it.”

  “No tent. We’re staying in a cave not too far away,” said Stefan.

  “A cave?”

  Well that explained why she hadn’t seen a tent. But it couldn’t be too far or she wouldn’t be able to smell their meal so clearly. And speaking of food, she was very hungry. It was a real shame she’d have to leave straight after they’d eaten. It would be a good eighty minutes down the mountain in the dark, very likely longer as she’d have to move more slowly, and she definitely wanted more than five or six hours’ sleep this time. She’d have liked to get her hands and mouth on them again, but it had been nice just to sit and visit as well. This place was truly worth the effort of the hike.

  Oh well, perhaps next time she could kiss and touch them. Too bad it couldn’t be tonight.

  “Let’s go eat,” said Dominik.

  She looked up into his face as he gave her his hand to pull herself up. His eyes were filled with lust.

  Maybe there would be time. Just for a few kisses. Or something.

  Chapter Four

  Dom’d had a lot of time this week to plan the seduction of Kady. Being a watchman, or guard, or whatever it was he and Stefan were doing, had to be the most boring job ever, on one level. Yet it was a position of enormous responsibility as well. If someone snuck past them and hurt their people, the blame would fall fair and square on his shoulders.

  He and Stefan had discussed how they’d manage their shifts so each of them received enough sleep to be alert when on duty. They’d also talked about the Alpha’s offer that they could ask someone else to help them if they wanted to. But really staying awake and on guard all night served no purpose at all. If professional climbers came up the back of the plateau they’d make plenty of noise with their rock picks and they’d be sure to hear them and be ready to meet them. And no professional climber would be stupid enough to attempt that at night.

  If ordinary people came at night they’d need flashlights and likely make quite a lot of noise. By patrolling each hour at night they should be able to see someone coming from a long way off. Even the heavy tree cover of the valley would not hide the light of several flashlights. So a third person wasn’t needed. Although, being honest, if Uwe wasn’t working at the castle likely he’d have joined them. But Dom saw no need for a third man now.

  So between patrolling his area, and taking care to stay on the rocks and dirt as much as possible and not leave a trail in the grass, he thought about their next date with Kady and making it special for her. It’d taken him quite a while to get to the decision, but he’d finally come to the conclusion that simply sitting together and looking out over the valley was probably one of the best ways of them bonding as a group. It wasn’t just something he and Stefan were supposed to be doing, it was also something they all enjoyed doing. They all loved the mountains and they all found staring in the distance and absorbing the peace and harmony of the scenery beneficial and relaxing.

  The next step was planning a delicious meal, which Uwe had chosen to do for them. That made sense as well because he knew the foods Kady liked best, from working with her each day. If either he or Stefan had cooked the meal they would have either had to hope she enjoyed the meal, or ask her a million questions, and that would have destroyed the relaxed atmosphere they’d generated.

  On one of their daily trips down the mountain for food and water, he’d also picked up condoms and lube. He was by no means sure they’d get to use them, but he hoped they would. He certainly wasn’t going to rush her or do anything she didn’t want, but he really hoped that tonight she’d stay the night with them and they would show her how very good making love to three men would be.

  If tonight went to plan, the next step would be introducing her to BDSM sex. He’d had a few thoughts about that, too, but there was no guarantee she’d let them fuck her tonight, so he had to remain patient until she was ready. This was all about her.

  The campfire was actually just inside the cave, where the smoke would be dissipated out through the thicket of bushes hiding the entry. Uwe served them all plates of food, then took his meal and went and relieved Stefan on watch, so Stefan could eat with Kady and him. Dom was grateful for his brother’s thoughtfulness. In one way, it was the fair thing to do, because he’d walked her up the mountain and would be walking her back down again. But on the other hand he’d already done his day’s work and was now sharing in Stefan’s job.

  He’d cooked a damn good meal, too. They could all cook, and Anastasia was very talented at it, but Uwe was an excellent cook as well. There wasn’t much chatter as they ate, because all of them were hungry, but it was Kady who summed up his own thoughts perfectly. �
�That was so good. Sometimes the most simple meals are absolutely the best.”

  “Do you get tired of eating medieval stuff?” asked Stefan.

  “No, but that’s because I get to taste all the new things Evan trials. Some of them go through several stages of evolution before they make it onto the menu. Maybe if I didn’t work in the kitchen I would get bored though.”

  Dom tidied up the remnants of the meal, then took her hand and led her back to the bed he’d prepared for them all earlier today. He’d pushed their two insulated sleeping mats together, and opened out their sleeping bags. On top of them he’d laid a soft blanket and left the second blanket ready to put over them later.

  “What happens next is completely up to you. It’s your decision entirely. No pressure,” he said, looking deep into her eyes and trying to know what she was thinking.

  “But?” she asked with a teasing note in her voice.

  Damn. He loved that about her. She instantly cut through to the main point of a discussion. She was smart and pretty, a lethal combination indeed.

  “We were hoping you’d choose to stay with us tonight. Let us love you properly the way you deserve. All three of us demonstrating our desire to please you.”

  “That would mean I’d have to get up at a horrendously early hour of the morning. There’s an eighty- or ninety-minute hike just to get off the mountain.”

  “That’s true. But we can put you to sleep ninety minutes earlier than you’d usually go to bed to make up for that. Everyone knows they sleep better after a nice big orgasm,” replied Stefan.

  Dom hid his smile at the look on her face. She licked her bottom lip, fidgeted her body a bit, and gazed down at the hard-packed dirt floor of the cave.

  “Very well. I agree.”

  “Thank you, my sweet,” he said softly, brushing a kiss over her cheek.

  “I thank you, too,” said Stefan turning her and taking her into his arms for a kiss.

  “We can’t do anything more until full darkness has fallen and Uwe comes back. If you wait here with Stefan, I’ll go and do a patrol of the plateau now.”

  Dom hated to leave right then, but it must be very nearly full dark, and it’d take him a few minutes to get his night vision back before he could scan the trees and see into the distance properly.

  * * * *

  As soon as Uwe and Dom had returned they’d all silently gotten undressed and lay down on the bed. Kady wasn’t at all sure how this would work. She wasn’t even sure why she’d agreed to participate. Except that there seemed to be an invisible rope tying her to these men. She wanted them, almost needed them, and was more than ready to take this next step. For some unknown reason the cave seemed cozy and homelike, the flickering firelight made her feel at ease, and the rough rock walls and hard-packed dirt floor gave her a feeling of being connected to the mountain, as if it approved of her taking this step.

  The soft night noises of the mountain animals and trees surrounded her, lulling and soothing her. No hotel room would have been half as enticing and romantic for her as this cave. It called to her on the same soul-deep level as the men did. Kady relaxed back on the fluffy blanket and feasted her gaze on the hard muscles of her men. Her men. Her three men. Yeah, that was still a bit of mountain she needed to climb—that there were three of them. But really, they belonged together and she wanted them, so she’d damn well have them. All three of them.

  Just like by the lake they began kissing and touching various parts of her. And just as she did then, she stroked arms and backs and sides, whatever she could reach. When a dark head bent over her breasts and began teasing her nipples she grabbed a handful of the black hair, knowing instantly it was Stefan. His hair was longer and thicker than that of his brothers. Uwe’s was the shortest, and Dom’s had the faintest hint of a curl to it. But in this dim light from the fire, it was impossible to tell the slightly differing shades. All black, but Dom’s a rich blue-black, Stefan’s ink-black, and Uwe’s more of a darkest brown-black.

  Dom rolled her onto her side, and began to tease her ass. Kady gave a shiver and smiled to herself. Oh yes. They were going to double-fuck her, maybe even triple-fuck her. This was about to be her lucky night indeed.

  “Have you been fucked here before, Kady?” Dom asked her.

  “It was a long time ago. I haven’t had a serious boyfriend all summer.”

  Actually it was almost a year ago that romance had been broken up, when her summer-long boyfriend had returned to college where, according to him at least, he would soon gain the qualifications he needed to start his own four-star restaurant.

  “This will be better than you’ve ever experienced before,” said Dom in his assertive manner. But she believed him. Every move these men made set her nerves tingling and her pulses pounding. Even if they didn’t do anything more than touch her with their mouths and hands like last time, she was confident she’d explode like a stick of dynamite. In fact, what they were doing right now was certain to send her over the edge if they kept doing it.

  She was highly aware of all the hands on her body. Kneading her breasts, holding her pussy lips apart, teasing around and inside her back door. And the mouths, licking along the base of her spine, nibbling her pussy lips, sucking her nipples.

  Kady petted and stroked hard, muscular chests, backs, and arms, and threaded her fingers through heads of black hair. From time to time mouths were offered to her and she enthusiastically responded to kisses, and nibbles, and tongue dances. But all the time she was very much aware this was just the prelude. Soon the main party would begin. Well, she hoped it would be soon. She didn’t want to come just yet.

  Almost imperceptibly the men changed the position of their bodies until Stefan was pressed against her belly, Dom was tucked into her back, and Uwe was crouched by her head.

  Dom stroked her shoulders and back, sending those nerve tingles racing up her spine again. “Are you ready, my sweet?”

  “Yes,” she said firmly. “I want all of you.”

  Stefan held her hips and slid into her. It wasn’t until he was deep inside her she realized he was wearing a condom. She had no idea where it had come from, or when he had put it on, but she appreciated that they were taking precautions. Not that she thought they’d give her any diseases, but it was nice to know they cared enough to take this step.

  Dom lifted her upper leg high over Stefan’s hip, and began to rock his way into her ass. The first inch or so burned, but then he slid in, and her passage widened, opening up to let him go deeper. All three of these men were big. She’d seen their cocks up close and personal in good daylight, and she knew that, but somehow, both men were able to be inside her at once. Her body seemed to have been designed specifically for them. Her cunt stretched wide then held Stefan tightly. Her ass permitted Dom to come inside, then gripped his cock and held it fast.

  When Stefan and Dom were both ready, it was Uwe’s turn to shuffle closer and closer to her until his cock rested at her mouth. She freed her upper arm from the tangle of bodies and gently cupped his balls as he fed his cock into her mouth. From this position she wouldn’t be able to take him very deep, but she hoped to be able to please him nonetheless.

  Dom and Stefan began to withdraw slowly from her as she sucked the head of Uwe’s cock. She scraped her teeth over his cockhead, rolled his balls in the palm of her hand, and then sucked his head into her mouth again, as Dom and Stefan pushed back inside her.

  Kady concentrated on giving pleasure, but it was extremely difficult to keep her mind on Uwe when so many other things were happening at once. Hands were stroking her skin, mouths pressing kisses to her shoulders and random pieces of skin. And Stefan and Dom were pumping into her more strongly and definitely now, pushing deeper and harder, moving faster.

  She tried to match their pace as she sucked Uwe, but it was too hard to think. All her body wanted to do was feel. And it surely felt mighty fine. Someone was stroking the back of her knee. She would never have thought that was an erogenous zone, but it de
finitely was. Fingers were teasing her nipples. The buds were hard and tight from her intense arousal, but the fingers stretching and pinching them were driving her ever higher.

  She tipped her head back to take a little more of Uwe into her mouth, trying to give him as much pleasure as the three of them were giving her. Already he was leaking pre-cum. She’d noticed last time they all tasted quite different. Uwe was the spicy one. Perhaps from all the spices they worked with at the castle. Whatever the reason, she knew she’d be able to identify him by his flavor at any time. Although she really ought to look at the cocks more closely one day and make sure she knew them as well as she knew their faces. She’d been too impressed with their length and girth last time, and in too much of a hurry, to suck them to release. But next time, she promised herself she’d get to know them better. Meanwhile she bit lightly along the side of Uwe’s shaft, then licked his balls, before pulling the head of his cock into her mouth once more, hollowing her cheeks, and sucking hard.

  Her body was rocking backward and forward between Stefan and Dominik now as they pounded into her. Their cocks drove into her, filling her beyond full, then pulling out and leaving her empty and longing for them again as they pushed into her. It was a damn smart technique. There was just enough time between each stroke for her to be longing for the next one. She went from overfull and stretched wide to gut-wrenchingly empty in a heartbeat, then back again.

  She was fast losing her ability to think at all. In fact she might not even be able to suck Uwe soon. The orgasm building inside her core was going to be enormous. Her fingers felt thick and clumsy. Her tongue was sticking to the roof of her mouth. She was breathing hard and heavily, and she wanted to tell them all how amazing they were, how special this was to her, but she couldn’t make words form logically in her mind.

  Then her body shattered around her. Her eyes snapped shut, her hand dropped from Uwe’s cock, and her legs seemed to melt into whoever’s were under hers. Her cunt clenched tight on Stefan’s dick and her ass gripped Dom’s and she came with an orgasm like a tsunami crashing through her body. She couldn’t move or think or speak, as wave after wave of release roared through her, leaving her like a piece of limp seaweed thrown up on a beach. A very happy, fulfilled piece of seaweed.


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