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Tempting the Domme

Page 17

by Golden Angel

  “No one heard anything,” he said almost apologetically to Olivia, before turning his attention to Kincaid. “I’m not sure we’re going to be able to do much. The front desk said there are no cameras in the hallways and there are too many people bundled up against the cold coming through the lobby.”

  “I know,” Kincaid said sighing and running his hand through his dark hair. He rolled his head around his neck. “Get the video they have anyway and we’ll see if anything comes of it.”

  “Alright, well you’re all here, you might as well come inside,” Olivia said brusquely, but Luke noticed she looked a little calmer and she didn’t relinquish her hold on Lexie, keeping her arm around the other woman’s shoulders as she led the way.

  Luke paused next to Kincaid, keeping his voice low as the others followed Olivia into her apartment. “Is there any reason I can’t wash that shit off of her door tonight?”

  Kincaid shook his head. “Do it. We’ve got everything we can, which isn’t much unfortunately. She’ll feel better once it’s gone though. Are you going to stay again tonight?”

  “That’s my current plan,” Luke said, giving Kincaid a rather grim smile. “Hopefully I can convince her of it.”

  He’d need to make sure Molly still got her walks and breakfast, but his brother wouldn’t mind taking care of her again, especially considering the circumstances.


  When her friends had first walked out of the elevator, Olivia hadn’t known whether she was more relieved to see them or pissed that Kincaid had obviously ratted her out to Patrick. She didn’t need them there.

  Although, she had to admit, it was nice to have them.

  Especially Luke.

  He was doing an awful lot to assuage any lingering doubts she had about getting involved with him.

  While Patrick had gone around her entire apartment checking all of her windows (which was just silly since she wasn’t exactly on a low-level floor and she’d already checked everything—which she’d told him. Control freak), and Michael had started looking up information about security cameras on his phone, Ellie and Lexie had wanted to sit down in the living room and talk about who Olivia thought might be harassing her and how he’d found out where she lived. They were all kind of assuming it was a ‘he.’ In fact, they were all kind of assuming ‘he’ was Roland.

  During all that, Luke had gotten her a glass of water and some cheese and crackers from her fridge, put her purse on the chair she’d left it in the last time he’d been over, and gone to wash off the front door. A moment after realizing what he was doing, Patrick had followed him out there to help but she’d seen it was Luke who had quietly just gone to do what needed to be done. Taking care of something she’d already known she would find emotionally stressful to tend to. Knowing she didn’t have to was a huge relief.

  “Soooo… Luke’s kind of really awesome,” Ellie murmured, seeing Olivia’s eyes shift towards the closed front door again. Olivia glanced at Michael, but he seemed pretty engrossed in his phone. Plus, while he was a bit of a prankster, he and Ellie mostly stayed out of the gossip chain.

  “Super awesome,” Lexie said, picking up a cracker with cheese for herself. “He’s pretty bossy for a submissive though.”

  “Not in the bedroom,” Olivia said with a wicked smile, and then inwardly cursed as her friends immediately perked up. She coughed. “From what I’ve observed at the club.”

  “Liaaaaaaaaaar. I knew something happened when he stayed over!” Lexie whispered as the front door opened back up. “You are so getting grilled at Girls’ Night tomorrow!”

  Geez. She’d almost forgot Ladies’ Night was tomorrow. Relief spilled through her. She wouldn’t be alone tomorrow night. Although she’d have to endure a super girly interrogation. Might be worth it to stay home. If she’d thought she had a chance of that being the end of it, she might have seriously considered the option.

  “Olivia, what’s your plan for tonight?” Patrick asked, coming to a halt behind her couch. Luke headed to the kitchen, the bucket and sponges he’d grabbed in his hands.

  Hands on his hips, Patrick looked like he was ready to take charge if Olivia didn’t grab the reins of control away from him. If she let him start telling her what to do now, he wasn’t going to stop until the culprit was stopped. Hell to the no was she putting up with that.

  “Staying here.” She turned her head toward the kitchen before Patrick could do more than scowl, raising her voice to ensure Luke could hear her. “Luke? Would you like to spend the night again?”

  She ignored Lexie elbowing Ellie in the side, a smug expression on her face. Ellie was grinning, the anxiety finally leaving her expression completely.

  “Uh… yeah? I mean, yes, that’s fine.” Luke’s head popped around the doorframe. He looked almost comically surprised. She liked that he hadn’t assumed he’d be invited. “Great. Yes.”

  “I guess that’s fine,” Patrick mumbled. Olivia ignored him too.

  “I’ve emailed you about some security systems you should look into,” Michael said, moving around Luke to rejoin everyone in the living room. “Nothing crazy expensive, but just some basic stuff which might help us catch this asshole.”

  “Thank you,” Olivia said. Kind of nice to have her own little set of minions doing all the things she’d planned on. The guys could be so cute when they kicked into high gear, even if she wished it wasn’t necessary.


  By the time everyone else left, Luke had managed to maneuver himself onto the couch beside Olivia with her bare feet in his lap so he could give them a massage. She was laying back against the arm of the couch, an almost sleepy smile on her face, and a lot of the tension leeched from her body. Seeing her so relaxed, after being so anxious and upset, made him feel like a freaking king.

  “This is nice,” she said, rubbing the foot he wasn’t massaging against his leg almost teasingly. Her leg twisted, curving her foot around to caress the inside of his thigh. “I hope you like giving foot massages because you’re giving me ideas for date nights.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?” he asked, sliding his fingers through her toes and enjoying her pleased moan. His cock was already half hard just from this. Serving her, taking care of her like this, was a turn on for him even if he couldn’t exactly explain why. This was the easy part of submitting to her.

  “Movie and massage nights. I choose the movie of course.”

  “Shouldn’t the person giving the massage choose the movie?” he asked mildly, sweeping his thumb up into the ball of her foot and pressing. Her moan was almost orgasmic and his cock jerked.

  “I suppose it might be fun to let you try and convince me,” she said, teasing.

  Keeping the eye contact between them, he brought her foot up to his mouth and pressed his lips against the top of it. Heat and desire flared in her eyes, and she reached up to brush a lock of her flaming red hair off her forehead.

  “I think that sounds like a lot of fun, Scarlet.”

  Her lips pressed. Twisted slightly.

  Goal achieved.

  “Not tonight though,” she said, sighing as she reluctantly pulled her foot out of his hands. She glanced over at the clock and made a face. “It’s after midnight, I need to go to bed. We need to go to bed.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “We’re not going there tonight, cupcake.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he said again, standing and holding out his hand to help her up. He still liked the glint she got in her eyes when he called her that even if she stayed true to her word and didn’t do anything more than give him a very thorough kiss goodnight before curling up around him and falling asleep.

  It was a new experience being the little spoon.

  Luke decided he liked it.


  “Liar!” Lexie pronounced dramatically, pointing her finger at Olivia. “J’accuse!!!! Ellie and I both heard you admit it!”

  “I did no such thing,” Olivia said calmly, taking another sip of her…
what was she drinking? Sharon had made it and called it some kind of punch. Inside she was holding down all sorts of giggles, but on the outside she was cool, cold, calm, and in control.

  The four Cs.

  Was that a thing?

  It should be a thing.

  “Mmmm, I’m going to have to go with Lexie on this one,” Sharon said. Her petite curves were packed into a sock monkey pajama set, top and bottom, complete with footies and a hood with a sock monkey face on it. For some reason, which no one had adequately explained, both she and Kate were wearing matching ones. “That’s two nights you two have spent together. And we aaaaaall see the way you two look at each other. You cannot tell me you have not bumped uglies.”

  “If they’re both attractive is it still bumping uglies?” Angel asked, musing from her position next to Sharon, whom she was petting because the sock monkey pajamas were very soft. “Or are they pretties?”

  “You aren’t even drinking,” Leigh said, looking at her somewhat aghast.

  “So? It’s a legit question! I don’t have to be drunk to ask legitimate, interesting questions!”

  “Is it interesting?” asked Jessica, tilting her head at Angel with a skeptical look on her face.

  “It is to me.”

  “Who is more interested in getting Olivia to talk more about Luke?” Jessica asked, shoving her hand in the air. Hands all around the room went up except for Olivia’s and Angel’s.

  Angel pouted. “Well fine then.” She tried to slump but was somewhat hampered by her belly.

  Sighing, Olivia took another drink of her punch. Fruity. Sweet. Probably hiding a shitload of booze, knowing Sharon. She might be tiny but she could drink large men under tables. Multiple men and multiple tables probably.

  The only people who weren’t drinking were Angel and Maria, who wasn’t feeling well but had made it out anyway.

  “Okay. This is the one and only time I’m going to say this,” Olivia said, straightening up. Immediately the room went silent, eyes growing wide with anticipation. “The first night he was over, we did play. A bit. There were no ugly or pretty bumpings. However there was mutual pleasure.” She knew she was over enunciating her words a bit as she tried to speak precisely with a tongue that was feeling fuzzier and fuzzier with every passing minute.

  “Woo!” Lexie lifted her glass in the air. “I knew something happened!”

  “But nothing happened last night,” Olivia reiterated. “Just cuddling. I spooned him.”

  “You spooned him?” Hilary asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side as if trying to picture it.

  “Patrick likes to be spooned sometimes,” Lexie whispered. Which had all of them cracking up at the visual. Lexie’s ass was going to be sooooo sore when Patrick found out she’d spilled that little tidbit. Didn’t exactly go with his hardass demeanor.

  Which reminded Olivia, she’d better warn Luke about what would happen to his ass if he ever spilled about her occasionally liking to be the little spoon. He didn’t know yet… but he would. If things worked out.

  “I think we should make a posse,” Sharon said out of nowhere, leaning back against the couch she was sitting in front of. Across from her, cuddled into one of the armchairs, Maria raised her eyebrows.

  “Aren’t we already kind of a posse?” Maria asked. She’d been pretty quiet, maybe even a little withdrawn up until now, which they were all chalking up to her not feeling well.

  “No, but like, a protective posse. Or a… investi- invest- a detective posse. We can find this douche stalking Olivia and give him a beat down!” Sharon made the motion of slamming her fist into her palm, but since her palm was holding her cup it kind of lacked the intensity she was probably going for—although she did manage to slosh some of her drink on herself. “Oops.”

  “I don’t need a posse,” Olivia said, sighing. “Whoever it is, they’ve only done two actual things and neither of them were actually all that damaging.”

  “Ah-ah-ah, no,” Angel said waving her finger at her. “Just because other people have had worse happen to them, does not make your situation not bad. This shit-gibbon is escalating.”

  “Shit-gibbon?” Jessica looked at Angel and then almost everyone’s head swiveled towards Hilary, who held up her hands to show her innocence.

  “I didn’t teach her that one!” Hilary had a tendency to use outdated words and phrases.

  “Michael got her a Shakespearian insult generator book for Christmas and gave it to her early,” Ellie confessed with a sigh. She’d been the only one who hadn’t looked at Hilary to blame. She shot Angel a look. “There have to be better ones in there.”

  “I like shit-gibbon. It’s fun to say.”

  Olivia didn’t think she’d ever be relieved to have an entire conversation go down the rabbit hole over the phrase ‘shit-gibbon.’ She didn’t want to think about her stalker, as Sharon called him. Not right now anyway. Tonight was supposed to be about getting away from all of life’s troubles.

  She’d much rather talk about proper insults any day.

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  Chapter 13

  Olivia scowled as she looked through the security system links Michael had provided her with. None of them seemed any more useful than the cameras already up in her building’s lobby, unless the shit-gibbon (yes, that seemed to be his official nickname now) actually tried to break into her place. In which case, it would be pretty obvious there was an alarm by the front door and he would still have the opportunity to escape.

  “What the fuck is the point of this?” she muttered, frustration winding around her.

  So far the shit-gibbon hadn’t actually done anything but write stuff at her. Yes, when she’d come home and seen the message on her door she’d freaked out a little, but this was obviously the work of a coward. A sneak. Someone who wanted to make her fear but didn’t seem to have the courage to do anything else.

  She almost wished he would. Then she could give him the beat down Sharon had suggested. Okay, so Krav Maga wasn’t supposed to be used in that manner but… he’d already issued threats. She could consider it self-defense.

  The problem was she had a lot of pent-up tension from a lot of different sources and nowhere to fully vent any of it.

  Watching Luke do more scenes with Lisa on Sunday and Tuesday had sucked. And been kind of hot. He’d relaxed more into it, especially when she was watching but even when she wasn’t. Afterwards he’d changed back into his normal clothes and then came looking for her in her office. They’d chatted as she’d gathered up her things and then he’d walked her to her car.

  She’d given him a hot kiss which left both of them wanting both times. On Tuesday she told him he could take her out on Friday, and then left him with a bemused expression on his face. An expression which had made her chortle more than once when it popped into her head again. There was something absolutely delightful about taking control outside the bedroom with him, leaving him scrambling to catch up.

  So she had plenty of pent-up sexual frustration to go along with some jealousy about Lisa being the one to scene with him, and then all her anger and helplessness with the shit-gibbon too. Which made it all rather hard to concentrate at work, which only added to her rising levels of anxiety.

  Her friends were helping some and not-helping some. They were all just as anxious as she was. She could barely go an hour without receiving a text message from someone ‘just checking in.’ Patrick had asked her permission to access her ‘find phone’ app so he could check on her during her commute, and for her to text him whenever she was leaving or arriving to and from home and work. He’d done so politely enough and it seemed a reasonable enough safety precaution that she’d agreed. The one time she’d taken the time to go to the bathroom after arriving at Marquis instead of texting him immediately, he’d completely freaked out and blown up her phone with texts and calls. It hadn’t helped that he hadn’t seen her on the club’s security feed either, since they didn’t have one i
n the bathroom. Olivia had set her foot down when he’d suggested it might not be a terrible idea, and fortunately she’d called him back before he’d actually gotten the police involved. Still, it was a measure of how freaked out her friends were, which in turn agitated her even more.

  If only her date with Luke tomorrow was at Stronghold… Olivia was dying to play with him again. Still, at least she could look forward to having a date with him at all. It still made her feel a little nervous to be going on a date with one of her ‘bosses’, but she was pushing past her doubts.

  A knock on her office door had her jerking her head up. “Come in.”

  For a moment she thought the man standing there was Luke, but it only took her a moment to identify the younger Davis brother.

  “Hey, sorry to bother you… but we’re having a bit of a kitchen debate downstairs and we need an impartial judge. Would you mind coming to play taste tester?” he asked, giving her the same charmingly affable grin his brother had. Too bad he wasn’t submissive and she wasn’t into harems.

  With thoughts like that, she knew she definitely needed to get laid. Yeesh.

  “Taste testing sounds awesome,” she said, closing her laptop. She could look at security systems to get more useless video of the key-and-paint-happy shit-gibbon later. Seriously, if he didn’t break into her apartment, there was literally nothing any of the systems could do. And if he did break into her apartment, the neighbors were more likely to call the police over the noise faster than the security system would do anything. Especially since they were now all alert. None of them liked feeling vulnerable.

  Olivia wanted to be safe, obviously, but she wanted actual safety, real safety, not the illusion of it. Which was all she felt the systems actually in her price range were offering.

  In the meantime, food was never a bad thing.


  Taste testing with Olivia was kind of a date, right?

  Luke grinned when he saw her coming into the kitchen behind his brother. He figured if Nick made it more official-like, she was more likely to come down.


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