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Tempting the Domme

Page 20

by Golden Angel

  Everyone else ignored Adam’s muttering. They had all become pretty used to it after he met Angel.

  “Makes sense,” Patrick said, surprising her. He chuckled at the expression on her face. “Trust me, I know all about wanting to ignore something you can’t control.” Ah, well, he would. Although he and Lexie were a great couple now, he’d done his best to ignore her obvious attraction and interest in her—and his returned attraction and interest—until he could talk to her brother, who was also his best friend. Olivia had been pretty integral in pushing them together in the end.

  “It’s not exactly…” Her voice trailed off. Okay yeah, it kind of was.

  She couldn’t control the situation with shit-gibbon at all. Olivia was a proactive, sometimes even aggressive person. Something as passive as a security system didn’t appeal to her, in part because it reminded her there was very little she could actually do. It made her feel more helpless rather than less.

  “I already told Jared he could pick one out for me,” she grumbled, slouching back into her chair a little.

  “Might be a nice peace offering to see if Luke’s still interested in doing that,” Chris said, staring up at the ceiling rather than meeting her eyes as he made the observation. Olivia scowled in his general direction.

  “Well I’m not going to let him pay for it,” she snapped.

  “Fuck no.”

  “Hell no.”

  “Duh.” That last was Andrew, while the rest just uttered their preferred curse word and supported her declaration.


  Surprisingly, when Luke woke up the next morning he didn’t feel that bad at all. Which might have something to do with the water and pain pills Michael had pushed on him last night. He remembered being woken up for that.

  Next to him, Molly panted, wagging her tail when she saw he was awake.

  “Ready to go out, girl?” he asked, giving her ears a rub and making her tail start moving twice as fast. She made a little snuffling noise, trying to snuggle further into his body. His head hurt a little and he had cottonmouth, but overall, he was feeling pretty energized. It was time to get up. Get his shit together.

  Things to do, a lady to woo, and all that jazz.

  After all, he had a date tonight.

  At least… hopefully he still had a date tonight.

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  Chapter 15

  There were no flowers, no chocolate, no bouquet of sexy toys… instead there was just a pink envelope sitting in the center of her desk. Olivia cocked her head at it as she walked around her desk to her seat, setting her purse down at her feet as she sat.

  Pulling out the card, she raised her eyebrow at the sheepish looking donkey on the front of it. Flipping it open, she couldn’t help but snort when she read the inside message.

  Sorry I was an ass.

  Unlike the previous items he’d left on her desk, Luke had actually signed the card. She leaned back in her chair, looking at the simple message, tapping her finger against the side of the card.

  The little smile on her face didn’t go away when someone knocked on her door about two minutes later.

  “Come in,” she called. She knew before it opened that it would be him. Pulling a calm mask over her face, she pushed down her smile as he sauntered in.

  Ooo, he’d dressed up for her.

  He was still wearing jeans—and he looked good in jeans so she definitely wasn’t going to complain about that—but instead of his usual company t-shirt he was wearing a blue button-down shirt that brought out his eyes. The expression on his face almost matched that of the donkey’s.

  “No flowers or chocolate?” she asked, letting just a hint of teasing enter her voice.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. He came forward, but didn’t sit down in his usual chair; instead he stood in front of the desk looking at her with a serious expression. “Flowers and chocolates don’t make up for anything. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to start thinking I’d screwed up every time you saw a present from me.”

  “Well that’s good, because I didn’t get you anything and I screwed up too,” she said, her smile turning apologetic.

  “Oh yeah?” he leaned against her desk, half-sitting on it. With some men it might have seemed like they were trying to loom; with Luke, somehow it was clear he was just trying to get closer to her.

  He didn’t seem angry. But she still needed to apologize.

  “I overreacted and I did know you weren’t trying to use your position as owner of Marquis against me,” she admitted, feeling another twinge of guilt. He smiled at her though, looking both relieved and satisfied but not smug. Man she liked him. “I’ve had a lot of pent-up frustration and I took it out on you, I’m sorry.”

  “I’ve had a lot of pent-up frustration too, and I think I did the exact same thing,” he replied easily. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have questioned your commitment to your safety or tried to push you just because I was frustrated.”

  “If the offer is still open, would you like to research and choose a security system for me?” she asked, only a little reluctantly. Part of her still didn’t like asking, but she thought Adam was probably right that it would mean something to Luke.

  The way his eyes lit up told confirmed Adam’s theory. Not just Luke’s eyes, his entire face bloomed with the look of a submissive who had been given a task, something to do for his dominant—a way to serve.

  Aw. Her poor submissive man was more submissive outside the bedroom than he—or she—had realized. He’d been feeling the need to do something, to serve her—not just to protect her. No wonder they’d ended up butting heads. She’d been trying to keep her own control but also hadn’t given him any real direction on what she needed from him. So he’d ended up trying to find something on his own and inadvertently stepped on her toes.

  Olivia made a mental note to herself to make sure to give him more tasks in the future.

  Especially when it came to things she didn’t want to do anyway. Luke would be more satisfied if he could be proactive about keeping her happy, and that in turn would definitely make her happy. That was how a dominant-submissive relationship should work.

  She was a little out of practice, since it had been a while since her last relationship, but they’d muddle through together.

  “So I guess we got the first fight out of the way before the first date,” she murmured, mostly to herself.

  Luke leaned forward more, flirtatiously. “Wanna kiss and make up?”

  Snaking her hand up, she grabbed him by the collar, appreciating the shock and delight in his eyes as she took control and did actually pull him down to press his mouth against hers. As they kissed, their tongues twining, lips melding, Olivia slowly stood. As she rose up, she could feel Luke’s demeanor softening, unconsciously submitting to her lead.

  The rest of him didn’t soften though.

  When Olivia pulled away, his eyes were hot and hard and she was pretty sure his cock was too even if she couldn’t see it right at the moment.

  “I didn’t think you’d actually take me up on that,” he said, his lips lifting in a grin.

  “On your knees, cupcake,” Olivia purred, letting go of his shirt.



  Not just yes but hell yes.

  Olivia often surprised him and he fucking loved that about her.

  He’d been prepared to grovel a little. Hadn’t expected an apology from her, in fact. After all, he’d felt at fault for pissing her off in the first place.

  Luke knelt.

  Basked in her approval as she came around the desk, facing him. “You must be practicing a lot and it’s really starting to show.”

  “It’s a surprisingly good work out, ma’am,” he said, completely honestly. A little hard on his knees when he dropped too quickly, but he’d found using a cushion at home helped. And practice kept him from feeling like an awkward water buffalo when surrounded by all the ladies in class who
were a lot more graceful than he was.

  She threw back her head, letting out a throaty laugh and he felt his half-hard cock swell to full erectness as her eyes came back down to focus on him. Silvery and seductive, filled with satisfaction at seeing him on his knees before her.

  “Mmmm… you have been a bit naughty, haven’t you?” she asked, putting a little bit of a growl into her voice, her hand sliding into his hair to take a firm grip and pull his head back. Luke’s dick jerked in reaction and he swallowed hard.

  From the smile on her face and the teasing look in her eyes, he knew she wasn’t serious. They’d talked in class about scenes where the submissive was punished for being bad, even if they’d done nothing wrong. Except he had kind of done something wrong, hadn’t he? Even if she’d apologized too.

  And for some reason knowing he deserved a bit of punishment turned him on even more.

  So he said “Yes, ma’am” without even a hint of irony.

  “Good, cupcake. Now let’s take off this shirt. Ah-ah… hands behind your back until I need them free.”

  It felt both strange and sexy to be kneeling while Olivia slowly undid his shirt buttons, her eyes following the trail of skin down his chest and belly as it was revealed. She was giving herself her own striptease of his body. Instinctively, he found himself tensing his muscles as her eyes roved over them, showing them off for her.

  Her smile of appreciation sent a wave of satisfaction through him, his skin tingling as she dragged the pad of one finger down the center of his chest, tracing his muscles.

  “You are very pretty,” she murmured, pushing the shirt off his shoulders.

  Luke scowled as he dropped his arms so he could remove the shirt completely. “I am not pretty.”

  She laughed again. “The guys don’t like being called cute by their ladies, you don’t like being called pretty by me, but that doesn’t make any of you less cute or less pretty.”

  “I’m not pretty,” he insisted. “Or cute.”

  Olivia bent and slid her fingers into the waistband of his jeans, making him suck in a breath as her fingers dipped low and grazed the tip of his cock. The tightness of his belt kept her from being able to touch him more firmly and he felt like whimpering as his hips automatically jutted forward, trying to create more stimulation, more contact.

  “Or are you whatever I want you to be?” she asked, gray eyes dancing.


  Nope, nope, nope.

  He was not going to say he was pretty.

  Her eyes widened with hot anticipation and she practically licked her lips as the hand not currently teasing his cock moved to his chest and she started to—very, very lightly—draw little patterns on his chest with the pads of her fingers. Luke groaned, shoving his hands behind his back and holding onto himself for dear life because it was the only way he was going to be able to keep from reaching up to grab her. And he for damn sure knew she wouldn’t like that.

  Those lightly moving fingers brushing over the head of his cock, drawing teasing circles around his nipples, were far more effective than any painful torture could ever be. Luke could feel his resolve weakening.

  They were just words after all.

  He didn’t have to mean them.

  But pretty? Really?

  Then she slid down to her knees so she could lean forward and begin following the tracing of her fingers with her tongue and Luke’s head fell back.


  Her tongue glided over his skin, making his legs tremble, teasing him even more than her fingers were. For some reason he’d never noticed his chest being so sensitive before, but now it was like the nerve endings had a direct line to his cock, which was begging him to just give her whatever she wanted so she’d play with the throbbing member.

  “Okay,” he rasped out.

  “Okay what?” she asked, licking close enough to his nipple to make him shut his eyes against the need surging through him. Watching her tongue him wasn’t exactly helping.

  “Okay, I’m pretty.”

  She closed her mouth over his nipple, the wet heat of her mouth engulfing the sensitive bud and making him feel dizzy.


  Yes it was a small thing, but it pleased her to make him say it. Because he hadn’t wanted to.

  Besides, he was pretty on his knees, his hair in disarray, shirtless, hands behind his back. She never understood why men thought they couldn’t be both masculine and pretty. Luke was proof it was easy to be both.

  Smooth, hard muscles sprinkled with dark hair and the furry little trail down into his jeans, begging her to follow it. His dark brown hair and blue eyes, firm jawline, high cheekbones… Pretty. At least to her.

  Pulling back, she smiled with satisfaction at the rising whimper in the back of his throat. He leaned forward towards her as she stood, but not enough to fall over.

  “On your feet, cupcake,” she said.

  Some dominants who played with men used the endearment ‘boy’ for their sub, but that wasn’t the type of man or submissive Luke was.

  No, he was a delicious, decadently sexy man and his submission was just the icing on the top of her dessert. ‘Cupcake’ suited him very nicely.

  “Would you like any assistance, ma’am?” he asked, as she went to work on his belt, a little smile hovering on his lips.

  “Not at the moment, but in a minute, I’ll let you be the one to take off your shoes,” she said.

  What? She liked the feel of pulling a man’s belt through the loops of his pants, how the front of his jeans popped open to make way for the bulge it had been holding back. Sliding the fabric down off of his hips, she smiled at the way he groaned as his cock was freed, bobbing gently beside her face. The straining length was thick and dark pink with the blood filling it. Amusing herself, she leaned over to give the side of the tip a little lick.

  Luke made a gurgling sound, his hips thrusting forward as his body strained for more.

  Standing with a slow, sinuous movement that completely captured his attention, Olivia smiled sadistically at him. “Take everything off and then bend forward and place your hands on my desk.”

  His mouth opened.


  Lips firmed. Softened.

  She raised her eyebrow at him.

  “Yes ma’am,” he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse with lust and frustrated desire. Even with his hands behind his back, his pants and boxers bunched around his mid-thighs, he managed to look imposing. Olivia sighed with satisfaction as he began to do as she’d commanded and she went to her desk drawer to pick out some of the toys she’d been keeping there.

  His movements slowed as she began to set them on her desk and she raised her eyebrow at him, but his attention was too arrested by the plug set he’d given her.

  “Problem, cupcake?”

  “No, ma’am,” he managed to say, a bit faintly, before returning to undressing.


  He probably should have realized she’d want to use the kit he’d bought. Although he hadn’t known she’d been keeping it in her office.

  The problem wasn’t that he wasn’t ready.

  The problem was his entire body tingled with excitement when he saw them. He swore his cock had gotten even harder. Which… he was still a bit confused by, maybe even still a little ambivalent about.

  But he wanted her.

  He wanted this.

  He just needed to own it.

  Kicking away his jeans so they were atop his shoes, underneath his usual chair, Luke completed her instructions by placing his hands flat on her desk. Because of his height, that bent him forward a fair amount even though he wasn’t standing very far away from her desk. As he watched, Olivia took the smallest of the plugs, spreading lube liberally over its pale, flesh-colored surface. His anus tingled, balls tightening, with the memory of her fingers and the ice…

  “Is the plug my punishment?” he asked, unable to stay quiet while he watched her prep the toy for use. For use on him, in him.
  “Oh no, cupcake,” she said, smiling widely, gleefully. “Waiting is your punishment. The plug is your reward for the very nice apology you made.”

  And here he’d thought sadism was all about spankings, crops, and whips. Olivia was teaching him more here in her office than he’d learned in all his newbie submissive lessons. Then again, she wasn’t his instructor there, and Mistress Lisa making him wait like this would definitely not have had the same effect. She was very adept at giving him the experience to know what implements he did and didn’t like and giving him an idea of things he might like to try, but it was only with Olivia that he truly felt like he was being dominated.

  Dominated, enthralled, claimed.

  The possessive look in her eyes was one he’d seen several times during classes when he’d caught a glimpse of her expression, but it had never been so blatant, so encompassing.

  Standing up, she walked around the desk, and he instinctively clenched.

  Her hand pressed against the middle of his back, pushing him forward. “Bend over, cupcake. And try to relax.”

  Easy for her to say.

  But he bent forward, making himself completely vulnerable to her. Bending the way he was forced him to shuffle his feet apart to stay on balance, which made it harder to clench his ass shut.

  Which was probably part of why she’d had him do it.

  He felt completely exposed as he leaned forward, her hand stroking down his back soothingly, a physical reassurance that he was doing well.

  “Good, Luke,” she said, her voice adding to the calming effect. “That’s in, bend just a little bit more.”


  He dropped his head to the desk, his forearms resting against her blotter, giving in completely and offering her access to the area she was after. Even as he tried to squeeze his buttocks, just because he felt so unprotected, he felt the cool, wet tip of the plug press against his rosette.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” he muttered under his breath.

  “As soon as you let me slide this plug in you, yes,” she replied, sounding almost amused.


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