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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

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by Ben Winston

  Tides of Mars

  Book I - Ascension

  Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

  Ben Winston

  Published by Blue Space Publications, 2014.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 16, 2014.

  Copyright © 2014 Ben Winston.

  Written by Ben Winston.

  Also by Ben Winston

  Tides of Mars

  Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

  Ascension - Book I

  Conflict - Book II


  Pollux Paradox

  Watch for more at Ben Winston’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Ben Winston


  Ascension – Book I

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Conflict – Book II

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  About the Author

  About the Publisher

  Although the author believes in the possibility, if not the existence, of intelligent non-terrestrial life-forms; he has not (to the best his knowledge) actually met any. Therefore, any similarities [in this story] to real people or events are solely the product of the reader’s imagination. In which case, they should give writing a try, or possibly run for public office.

  This story is fictional in its concept as well as its context. To the best of the author’s knowledge, none of the advanced, non-terrestrial technology has any basis in true science, at least on this planet. No Humans, Aliens, Insects, or small, cute, furry animals were harmed in the creation of this story. However, several Hot Pockets and cases of Mtn. Dew were utterly destroyed.

  I would like to thank my family and friends for their support while writing this book.

  Ascension – Book I

  Ariel Janis was a normal college girl until she attended the reading of a will. She inherited much more than she bargained for as she discovers more and more about her new estate. Not only is she now one of the richest women in the United States, she learns she has inherited the legacy of being a Guardian to a Galactic Empire she’s never heard of. Just as she thinks she gets a handle on that, she gets a visit from a very important, very special guest from way out of town.

  Chapter One

  Ariel Janis sat in stunned silence. Three days before, she’d received a letter from a lawyer named Alexis Moran. In the letter, Ms. Moran requested that Ariel attend the reading of the last will and testament of Dame Estelle Parker. Dame Parker was one of the richest women in the country, and as far as Ariel knew, outside of CNN, she had never heard of her before.

  Ariel had been adopted as a baby by her parents Luke and Karen Janis. With the help of her adopted parents, Ariel had searched for her birth parents and found their graves. She had been the only survivor of a car accident that had ended their lives. Social services did search for any relatives to take charge of the infant, but none had been found. She was adopted by the Janis’ six months later.

  After graduating high school, Ariel chose to go to UNLV. Unknown to the girl, Dame Parker had lived in Las Vegas. If Ariel had heard correctly, Dame Estelle Parker just bequeathed her entire estate to a girl she had never met. Ariel didn’t even know what the title ‘Dame’ stood for, but everyone called her that, so Ariel did as well.

  “Ms. Moran, please don’t think I’m not grateful, but I’ve never met Dame Parker. I didn’t even know who she was until I received your letter the other day. How could she leave me what sounds like an incredible estate?”

  “Miss Janis...” The lawyer sighed and set most of the paperwork off to one side. “Please, call me Alex; Dame Estelle did. May I call you Ariel?” When the girl nodded, Alex continued. “There is so much you don’t know, and I promised Dame Estelle I wouldn’t tell you. May I ask if there is anything else you have planned for the day?”

  “Not really; we’re on summer break at the school, but I was taking some summer courses. I have a bit of homework from that, but nothing else. Why?”

  “I would like to take you out to your new house and show you around. There are a few things you should see, and perhaps more questions that I can answer for you,” Alex said. “And some people you need to meet.”

  Ariel agreed, but almost laughed when Alex called ‘for a car.' “Alex, I have a car downstairs. I could give you a ride to where we need to go.”

  Alex smiled. “Ariel, the car I called for is your limo. Trust me here, at least this time, let’s take the limo. It’ll make talking easier and won’t run the risk of us crashing when you get surprised.”

  “How much more surprise can you hit me with? You already told me how much money I now have.”

  “Well, better to not risk it,” Alex said.

  “Um, do you think we can pick up a sandwich or something? I’m getting kinda hungry,” Ariel admitted.

  “I can order anything you wish, and we can pick it up,” Alex said reaching for the telephone again.

  “Actually, I was thinking of a turkey club from Subway. I don’t think you can order that over the phone,” Ariel said smiling.

  “Are you set on Subway, or can I surprise you with one from my favorite deli?” Alex asked.

  “That would be fine; remember college kid... Subway is cheap?”

  “I can remember, except we didn’t have a Subway when I went to school. Burger King or McDonald’s were our only choices,” Alex chuckled and ordered the sandwiches.

  Ariel liked this woman lawyer. She didn’t actually know anything about lawyers, but if Dame Parker trusted her, Ariel thought she could too. “Alex, did you manage all of Dame Parker’s business affairs?”

  “Her personal affairs, yes. She had a team of lawyers for the corporate stuff. I did help her oversee them, but she actually had a pretty good set-up,” Alex replied as the two women walked to the elevators.

  Ariel wished she could talk to her parents, but knew her dad would only congratulate her, and tell her she had to handle it on her own. Her
parents would make sure no one thought they were taking advantage of her good fortune.

  “Alex, I’m way out of my league here. I don’t know the first thing about being rich, or investing or any of this. I would like you to stay on and help me. I don’t want to change anything yet. I’m afraid I’ll be asking a lot of questions along the way, but that’s the only way I can think of to learn,”

  “I’d be honored to help you, Ariel, and thank you for asking. I really did like Dame Parker. She was a good friend,” Alex said. Ariel thought she heard something else in her voice, but chose to ignore it.

  When the two women got to the front of the office building, there was a long black limo waiting for them. A beautiful, blonde goddess in black slacks, vest and wearing a chauffeur’s cap was holding the door open for them.

  “Tara, this is Ariel Janis. Ariel, this is Tara Coleman, your chauffeur,” Alex said introducing the two women.

  Ariel shook the woman’s hand and asked her if she was hungry.

  “Yes Ma’am, but I was going to wait until we got back to the mansion,” Tara replied.

  “Alex, since we’re stopping by the Deli anyway, can we get her a sandwich too?” Ariel asked.

  Alex grinned, “Sure! What would you like from Walter’s, dear?”

  “Oh, Ms. Moran, Ms. Janis, I couldn’t!” Tara said.

  Ariel smiled. “Tara, who’s your boss?”

  “You are, Miss.”

  “So, what would you like for lunch?”

  Tara finally smiled and told Alex what she wanted, Alex climbed in the back. “Tara, once we pick up the sandwiches, I want you to find a place to pull over, so you can join us for lunch,” Ariel said and climbed in after Alex before Tara could protest.

  “So, what was Dame Parker like?” Ariel asked.

  “She was pretty, like you are. From what I’ve seen so far, you are a lot like her. She didn’t believe in class separation either. Inviting Tara to lunch with us is very much something Dame Estelle would have done. She had a kind and caring heart. However if someone she knew was hurt, she was right there, ready to fix the problem. She was very protective of her friends and her privacy. I think I was her closest friend, and she honored me with her trust, but she seemed to keep everyone else at arm’s length, like she was afraid of getting too close to any of them. She never married, though I do know she had lovers in her life,” Alex explained and a tear slid down her face. “She was a good friend, and I will miss her very much.”

  Ariel realized that Alex had been far closer to the late Dame Estelle than she was admitting. She took the other woman’s hand. “I’m sorry for your loss, Alex.”

  “Thank you,” Alex said.

  “You said she had lovers as well?” Ariel asked. “Why weren’t they in the will?”

  “I know one was very special to her, but she never spoke of him very much. I never met him, and she made no provisions for him when we wrote the will. I tried to ask her about it, but she only said he would be taken care of. I got the impression that there was something... Funny, about their relationship though,” Alex shrugged. “Like I said, she didn’t talk about it much”

  Tara stopped at Walter’s Deli and Alex went in to get the sandwiches. The three women drove to a nearby park, sat at a table and ate. They chatted and got to know one another. Tara was beautiful but painfully shy. She had wanted to go to college, her family couldn’t afford it, but made too much money for her to get financial aid. Her Aunt and Uncle, who worked for Dame Estelle at the mansion, asked Dame Estelle if she would consider the girl for the driving job. She got a job just in time for Dame Estelle to pass away; Ariel assured her she was in no danger of losing the job now.

  They continued their jaunt to the mansion and Ariel was truly amazed. The house was huge. The staff was outside to meet them as they pulled up, and Ariel decided that Estelle had a soft spot for young, pretty women. Alex introduced Nichole, Wendy and Taylor as maids, and the older couple, John and Betty as ground's keeper and cook.

  Ariel told them all she was glad to meet them, and shook all of their hands. All of them were friendly, but it was clear they missed their former mistress. “I don’t know how Dame Estelle did things here, but I want you all to know that I don’t believe in you being servants. You’re not. You are here to help me keep this monster clean, looking good, and to keep us all fed. If any of you have a problem, I don’t care what it is, come to me, and we’ll see if we can get it figured out.”

  Alex and Betty led her into her new house, and gave her a tour, it was a long tour. There were suites of rooms on the upper floors, and the master bedroom was palatial. It had a huge, very comfortable looking bed, walk-in closet that was twice the size of Ariel’s dorm room, and a bathroom that didn’t actually qualify for the name. A glass walled enclosure with eight showerheads and benches along the walls classified as the shower, but the room also had a ten person hot-tub. A huge built-in vanity with four sinks next to the door to the closet/dressing room, and last but not least two massage tables with a full assortment of oils and lotions. Dame Estelle knew how to live.

  “Damn! I love this bathroom! I’ll have to see about hiring a masseuse!” Ariel chuckled.

  Alex smiled. “Wendy is a very skilled massage therapist and has been teaching Taylor.”

  “Wait until you see the backyard, Ma’am,” Betty said, grinning and waving her out the now open patio doors. “We can walk through them in a minute, but the best view is from up here.”

  Ariel walked out on a balcony that also had doors out of the bedroom. From that vantage point, she could see what could only be called a small water park surrounded by wonderful trees and flowering plants of many different varieties. There was a small pool house, and off to one side was another small house that Betty told her was where she and John lived. The girls had suites on the first floor near the kitchen.

  Beyond the park with the waterfalls and smaller bathing pools was a large open yard easily the size of a football field and at the very back of the property was a large steel building that looked an awful lot like an airplane hangar without the big doors.

  “What’s in that?” Ariel asked pointing out the building.

  “We don’t know. Only Dame Estelle ever went into it; usually as she was leaving for her week away. We figure it has a car, and whatever else she thought she needed in it, but none of us was allowed in there,” Betty said. “I admit, we are all curious, but there are no windows, and it has a very elaborate lock and security system, so none of us has been able to peek,” Betty admitted.

  “Well, I guess I’ll find out what’s in there soon enough,” Ariel said.

  “Ariel, Dame Estelle asked me to show you the den last. She was explicit that I was to unlock the safe, show you a few of the items in it, then leave you alone to look over it. If you would like, you can have Tera drive you back to your dorm tonight, or I can arrange for your personal things to be packed and brought here,” Alex said.

  “Do you work tomorrow, Alex?” Ariel asked.

  “That depends on you, Ariel. You’re my only client,” Alex admitted.

  “Oh! I didn’t realize... I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Ariel said, flustered.

  “That’s all right, dear, I understand,” Alex said. “You’ll eventually get the hang of this.”

  “Uh, why don’t we get my stuff moved, and I’ll come get my car tomorrow. I’d kind of like to get to know this place a little better,” she said as Alex led her down the steps off the patio. The den was right under her bedroom.

  “That sounds like a good plan. Why don’t I stop by about eleven and see how you’re doing?” Alex offered.

  “That does sound like a good idea. It’s a good thing we’re on break from school or my roommate would have half the college over here for a party. Do you think we can keep this under wraps for now?” Ariel asked.

  “Sure, but what are you going to tell the rest of your friends, and your boyfriend?” Alex asked.

  “I don’t have that many friends,
and a boyfriend would distract me from my studies. I really don’t need that right now. Granted, there are a few cute guys out there, but the classes I was taking pretty much demanded all my attention,” Ariel explained.

  Betty drew the blinds and curtains on the patio doors then headed for the exit into the house.

  “Well, I’d prefer to stay and chat, but I’ll be back tomorrow,” Alex said as she moved to the wall safe. “But, Dame Estelle was very insistent that this is handled today.”

  “Alex, why did she have that title? I mean what exactly does ‘Dame’ mean anyway?” Ariel asked.

  Alex looked thoughtful for a few minutes. “I think it was mostly a nickname from her childhood. Remember how I told you she was always rescuing people and defending the innocent? Everyone just called her Dame Estelle. But I don’t know the origin for certain.”

  “It really does sound like she was a remarkable woman; I’m very sorry I never got a chance to meet her,” Ariel said.

  Alex smiled at the girl as the safe clicked open. “I’ll leave you now. Do you mind if I have Tara take me back to my office? Perhaps one of the girls would care to ride along and drive your car back for you?”

  “That would be stellar! Would you ask one of them, please?” Ariel said as she tossed her car keys to Alex.

  “I believe there’s a DVD and an envelope for you in the safe, as well as some cash. Estelle wanted you to watch the DVD first. She was very clear that you should put the disk in the laptop on the desk. Give me a call if you need anything before tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Alex. Feel free to stop by anytime you want. I feel like we are becoming friends, and as I said, I don’t have a lot of those.”

  Alex smiled at Ariel as she locked the door and closed it behind her.

  Ariel slowly sank down into one of the comfortable overstuffed chairs and relaxed. It had been one hell of a day; she had inherited this house, untold billions of dollars, and the goddess only knew what else. It was a lot to adjust to. Whoever Dame Estelle Parker had been, she had been very nice to Ariel.


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