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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 8

by Ben Winston

  Chapter Nine

  “Okay, so now that we have scared the hell out of all my friends here, can one of you, please tell me what the hell is going on?” Ariel asked once everyone was back in the house and seated in the large dining room.

  Hs’ean seemed to bow her head. Ariel briefly wondered where the cast-iron bitch everyone warned her about had gone, especially because of her next words.

  “My Lady, there are a few things I need to explain before we can get to the heart of the discussion. First off, by Imperial law, no one can tell you what to do within the boundaries of your own household; not even the Emperor, though that could get a bit sticky if it came down to it.

  “For our purposes here, the entire planet is to be considered part of your House. So, as long as we are here, we have to abide by your wishes. I may be your superior out there,” she pointed up. “But down here, I am only your guest.” She pointed to the floor.

  “You are the head of House Parker, which, by itself, gives you the title of ‘Lady,' which is why I now refer to you as such. Do you understand?” When Ariel nodded, she continued.

  “So, if you command me to tell you the whole story, I will be forced to withdraw from your household. I have been commanded by Imperial decree not to show everything to you. The Emperor wants to do that in person.”

  “I understand, Admiral. I hope you can be patient with me while I get used to it. If I ask you something you cannot answer, please feel free to say so, and that goes for everyone,” Ariel said looking around the room. Even the techs stopped whispering with Tara long enough to nod at her. “So, the Emperor is coming here, for reasons you cannot disclose. What needs to be done?”

  “We have made such arrangements as we can, but there are still security issues that need to be addressed here. I took the liberty to bring some of my techs along to design and implement some of them. We should have everything taken care of except for the Imperial Guard. They refuse to bow to the necessity of dressing to blend in on this planet. They insist on wearing their battle-armor, and be fully armed. We can think of no way around this,” Hs’ean explained.

  Ariel thought for a moment, “Admiral, may I know the name of the Guard Commander?”

  “Certainly, My Lady, his name is O’trell; Colonel O’trell.” Hs’ean replied.

  “Cole, can you connect me to Colonel O’trell, of His Majesty’s Personal Guard, please?” Ariel asked sweetly, and out loud. “Please tell him I am calling to discuss security for the upcoming visit.”

  “Connecting now, Ariel. You know this is exactly what Hs’ean wanted you to do, don’t you?” Cole asked.

  “Obviously, and I agree with her wholeheartedly. Can you project this into the room so everyone can listen?” Ariel thought back to him. To her guests, she smiled. “Please excuse me for a moment; I think this must be taken care of right away.”

  Hs’ean grinned like a cat in cream. “Of course, My Lady. We understand completely.”

  Everyone went completely quiet when a voice came out of thin air. “Colonel O’trell. How can I be of service, My Lady?”

  “Colonel, I’ve been led to believe that you plan on using armed and armored marines for the upcoming visit to my house?” Ariel asked again her voice was all sweetness.

  “Of course, My Lady. In order to properly protect His Majesty, we need to have all our assets available in the case of an emergency,” the man replied.

  “I see, I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed about the status of my home planet, Colonel. No one here has ever heard of crysteel battle-armor, or laser-pulse rifles. The last I heard, they were not supposed to hear of them either.

  “So here is what you will do while you’re here; I will provide a suitable description of what body-guards for a head of state are wearing here. The troops you will have stationed inside or on the grounds will wear that at all times.

  “You may of course, keep a platoon or two on the ship suited up as an emergency response force. However, if I see so much as a non-terrestrial side arm, I’ll kick the lot of you off this rock so fast you’ll think I installed a hyper drive in your ass! Do I make myself clear on this Colonel?” Ariel said all trace of sweetness gone from her voice.

  “My Lady,” O’trell said condescendingly, “I don’t think you understand...”

  “Colonel, that was not a request. Comply with the code of conduct for this planet or you can explain to the Emperor why I’ve rescinded your landing clearance, understood?” Ariel said, with no hint of compromise in her voice.

  Everyone could hear the man snap to attention. “Yes Ma’am, I understand completely, Ma’am. Will there be anything else?”

  “No Colonel, that will be all,” Ariel said, and the breaking of the channel was audible.

  “I owe you a drink for that, My Lady, thank you,” Hs’ean said.

  “Unless it’s a formal occasion, or you need to make a point again, please just call me Ariel, Admiral. This duality of roles is going to give me a headache,” Ariel said grinning.

  Hs’ean bowed her head in gratitude. “Then while we are here, please call me either Hs’ean or I understand Sean is an acceptable name for this world?”

  Ariel nodded. “It is, Sean. Welcome to our home.”

  Tho’ren also spoke up. “Can we stick with my original name of Thorn? I’ve been trying to condition myself to respond to that. Remember, I’m supposed to be training you to be a Guardian.”

  Ariel grinned. “I’d like that, Thorn.”

  “Other than the impending arrival of the leader of the galaxy, we needed to discuss installing a control center under your home. Your idea about the buoys was a good one, and we are implementing it as we speak.

  “However, the buoys need a central point to report to. Since this is your sector, this is the logical place. We would also like to train the members of your house, and add a couple people to it, to maintain and monitor the network,” Sean said. “To that end, may I introduce Engineering Commander D’vrese.”

  The young woman that had been whispering with Tara, suddenly looked up and blushed. She stood and bowed to Ariel, “I... I’m pleased to meet you, my Lady. My apologies for not paying better attention.”

  Ariel smiled at the flustered looking woman. “Welcome to our home, D’vrese. If you are going to be staying on here, you will need to learn the language, and take a local name. May I recommend either Darcy or Denise?”

  “Denise sounds closest to my real name, My Lady. Thank you for the suggestion,” the newly named Denise replied.

  “Again, unless it’s formal, please call me Ariel.”

  Denise shot a panicked look at Sean, who nodded to her. “I... I will try, My la... uh, Ariel.”

  Over the next two hours, they discussed the remainder of the security details for both the Imperial visit and the control center. Ariel asked Wendy and Nichole to prepare rooms for everyone, and offered the water park in the backyard for off duty recreation. She reminded everyone that if anyone was working outside, to be careful because of the heat.

  As the meeting broke up, and people were shown their rooms, Ariel invited Sean, Thorn and Alex into her study for drinks, and to relax. Betty had said dinner would be ready in about an hour. Taylor asked Betty if she needed any help, and followed the other woman into the kitchen.

  Once in the den, Ariel sat Alex down and handed her the plans for the house. “Alex, this was supposed to be a surprise for you, but in light of our recent discussions, I thought I should bring it up. That house will be finished in a little under six months. Dame Estelle started the project over two years ago. I believe she was planning on asking you to move there with her.”

  Alex looked through the drawings and tears slowly fell from her eyes. Ariel hugged the older woman. “Never doubt that she loved you, Mom. She had her duty, but you were her world.”

  “I think I better pass the word that this installation should be temporary then,” Sean said. “Otherwise the techs will have a few choice words. May I ask exactly where the new re
sidence will be?”

  Ariel pulled a map of Nevada off of a shelf and rolled it out on the desk. She pointed to a mark she had made near Lake Mead. “It’s not actually near the lake, but built into a butte overlooking the lake a couple of miles away. It’ll mean a drive to get to campus for the girls and me, but I think it’ll be worth it. Mr. Chambers, of the construction company building it, emailed me some pictures and it looks absolutely beautiful out there.”

  Sean made her calls and got the Divine Light to do a geological survey of the area surrounding the new house. She also asked for them to run a security evaluation of the site. One of the main problems with the Las Vegas house had been the proximity to so many government installations. The area was simply saturated with electronic emissions designed to spot anything in the air above one hundred feet.

  The survey revealed that Estelle had chosen an excellent place for the new house. Not only was the area ideal for underground construction, it was all but electronically silent. The surrounding hills shielded a good portion of the low level signals, and it was remote enough that the risk of someone actually seeing anything was greatly reduced. Sean and Cole estimated that it would take a month, and an army of remotes, to build the underground hangers and control center. There was even room to build a place for a ship as large as the Imperial cutter.

  The visitors from the Divine Light also introduced the household to one other custom of the galactic society; nudity. Apparently, no one was deterred by a lack of swimming apparel. They simply stripped out of their clothes and dove in, much to the surprise of the residents of the house. The only one that seemed to have a problem with the practice was Betty, until Sean stripped off her uniform and asked the other woman if she would like to swim with her. Betty blushed, but started to take her clothes off to the surprise of her husband, who hastily joined her.

  The three of them spent the evening playing together in the water, and Ariel again wondered where the bitchy Sean had gone to. About ten-thirty, people began disappearing to their rooms, leaving Alex alone with Ariel.

  “I think the others might have a good idea. I’m beat. G’night Alex,” Ariel said, smiling at the woman.

  “I think you might be right, rest well, Ariel.”

  “Ariel, we have at least a week and a half before the imperial cutter makes planet fall. Emperor Cr’ale isn’t traveling alone; unfortunately. The Council is sending two ‘advisers’ to make sure he doesn’t make any decrees that are not approved by The Council. They are Baron Altrov of the Dolian Free Trade Alliance, and Duchess Hanya Frai of the Ophuchi Cluster.” Sean explained. “Hanya is a friend to both the Empire as well as the Guardians. Baron Altrov wants the Guardians disbanded and believes that the office of Emperor is kept for ostentation. Unfortunately for the most part, he is correct.”

  “Dolian; aren’t they the ones that built the ship I thought most likely to have damaged the Commander’s?” Ariel asked.

  “Yes, and they are also the most probable of the private corporate conglomerates to have developed cloaking technology. There is another matter I need to discuss with you before they arrive, Ariel. It’s about the Guardians,” Sean said. “I think we might have misled you about the organization during your studies. It isn’t the great elite fighting force it once was, patrolling space and protecting the citizens of the Alliance.

  “It’s become a farce; our ranks are filled with the rich, spoiled, children of the nobility. It has become nothing more than a baby-sitting group that gives the nobility a safe way to claim they served in the military. However, as far as we can tell, only the nobility carry the genetic markers needed for the neural interface, and enhancement.

  “There are a few of us that still believe in the way it should be, but for the most part, being a Guardian is a joke to the rest of the Alliance. The title of Guardian has become synonymous with ‘spoiled noble brat’.”

  “I’m still amazed that only noble children are scanned for this genetic marker. If there are so few of us, I think it would be more important than ever to scan everyone for it,” Ariel said. “As for the spoiled brats; why does the Emperor allow it, or high command for that matter? I can understand a few getting through because of political connections, but you make it sound like most of the force is made up of the idiots.”

  “Not any more, most of the force is made up of those idiots. There are about two hundred Guardians like us, the rest are noble brats that are taking bribes and bullying populations to do their bidding,” Sean answered. “We can’t catch them at it of course, and even if we did, the Council would simply pardon them. They’ve taken much of the power away from the Emperor.”

  “But the Imperial Charter was endorsed by the Alliance when it was formed!” Ariel said.

  “It’s also mostly ignored now. The Council has made up their own constitution and ratified it. The Empire is now a government by the nobles for the nobles. Everyone else is there to serve them,” Sean explained.

  “It sounds like the Alliance is primed for civil war, which is the last thing we need right now. The Kragan would roll right over us while we fought each other,” Ariel said.

  “Oh a civil war won’t happen; not with forty-eight hundred Guardians making sure of it. The AI’s aboard those ships have reported on many occasions that the nobles’ children have openly threatened worlds on the verge of revolt.

  “This, by the letter of our charter is within their power, but not for these reasons,” Sean said, sadly. “We’ve actually had AI request reassignment out of the Guardian force because they can’t stand some of the things they’ve been forced to do. Two actually shut themselves down, killed themselves, because the guardian they were assigned to ordered them to fire on civilians.

  “The civilians were tired of being treated like slaves, and refused the ultimatums; they got their hands on some hand held weapons, and tried to throw their oppressors off the planet.”

  “Cole, how much free processing power do you have available right now?” Ariel asked out loud so Sean would hear her.

  “About fifty-three percent at present, do you have another task for me?” Cole asked.

  “This is a request of mine, and not high enough in priority to supersede any other projects. Can you scan the people of this planet in the surrounding area for the genetic markers required of Guardians?” Ariel asked.

  “Certainly Ariel, but it’ll be slow, maybe only ten or so at a time, and only those within three of your miles,” Cole replied.

  “How many people are in that area, Cole?” Sean asked through her own interface.

  “Currently Admiral, forty-eight thousand seven hundred; that number is constantly changing as people arrive or leave the area in question. I can extend the range if I use my remotes,” Cole replied.

  “No, that should be sufficient for the experiment I had in mind,” Ariel said. “If even one person is found to have it, I’ll have proved my point.”

  “Which brings me back to the start of this conversation,” Sean said, grinning. “Altrov and Hanya are accompanying the Emperor. You should ask Cole for as much background information on those two as he has. Don’t let him send for it, just review the information he has or can get from the Divine Light,” Sean said. “Any accessing of the central database will send a security flag.”

  “Okay, may I ask why?”

  Sean grinned. “When you’re getting into a pond, wouldn’t you like to know how big the man-eating fish are?”

  Chapter Ten

  “Lady Ariel, I have finished with the scans you requested,” Cole reported two days later. “I had actually finished yesterday, but the results are so surprising, I spent an extra day to gather more information.”

  Sean raised an eyebrow at Ariel as Cole shared the information with her as well.

  “Well? Don’t keep us in suspense, Cole. What did you find out?” Ariel asked.

  “Of your household, Betty, Wendy and Taylor scanned positive for the genetic markers. I should mention that even though she doesn’t h
ave the genetic markers for enhancement, Tara is showing a remarkable grasp of our technology, and is learning at a rate that is almost equivalent to an augmented person. Of the larger area scans, I scanned a total of sixty-two thousand, four hundred and thirty-four people, of which, seventeen thousand, one hundred and twelve scanned as positive for the genetic markers,” Cole reported excitedly.

  Sean looked pale as she heard the results of the scan Cole had run. “Cole, with Lady Ariel’s permission, you are not to share this information with anyone. As of right now, this information is classified ultra-secret, and is not to be transmitted in any form without permission from myself, Lady Ariel, and the Emperor. The only exemption is the death of one of the persons so named. In the event we are all killed, you may share the information with Commander Tho’ren, but no one else. Please seal the file now.”

  Ariel looked thoughtful for a few minutes, then nodded slowly in agreement. “Yes Cole, seal the file. I think we need to have a private conversation with his Majesty when he arrives.”

  “Yes,” Sean said. “A private conversation aboard your ship sealed and shielded against listening devices with just the three of us.”

  “I doubt Betty would be interested, but Wendy and Taylor might be interested in a change of careers. Should I ask them to join my training with Thorn?” Ariel asked.

  “Perhaps we should simply ask the young ladies first. I know I was very unhappy with my father for enrolling me against my will. Granted it was the best thing that ever happened to me, but it didn’t turn out at all as he had hoped. Still, I think we should ask them, provided they can keep it a secret,” Sean said.

  Even though Ariel had studied martial arts since she was a kid, studying with Thorn was a rude awakening. Though she could hold her own against him for a few minutes, he would invariably defeat her.

  “You have to remember, Lady Ariel, that if you are in a fight hand to hand, it is most likely a fight to the death. If you lose, it will most likely cost you your life as well. Always fight like your life depends on it; because it does,” Thorn instructed her.


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