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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 24

by Ben Winston

  Sean nodded. “I agree. Pass the word; all boarders are to be treated as an organized, enemy force.”

  “Will do.”

  “Sir, we’ve been boarded, marines have been dispatched!” Flight said, catching the message since her counterpart was busy.

  “We need to figure out how they’re getting on our ships with the shields up!” Sean said urgently. “I need some answers people!”

  “DL, I need a visual scan of the area outside of epsilon section decks twenty-seven through thirty-one!” the Tactical officer said.

  “Dispatching a maintenance drone for a visual scan of epsilon twenty-seven through epsilon thirty-one, Commander,” the AI replied. “Estimated time of arrival is two minutes.”

  “Thank you,” TAC said.

  “Sir, if the pods were small and slow enough, they might be able to get through the shields,” the engineering officer said from her console off to one side.

  “How so?” Sean asked.

  “Shield strength is mostly reactionary; it resists with the same amount of force being applied. However, if the pods or whatever didn’t push too hard, and their mass was low enough, they could slip past the shields.”

  Sean was aghast. “What ever happened to good, old, repulsion shields?”

  “They were replaced by these. These are lower power, easier to maintain, and far more durable than the standard force shields. Hell, we’ve been using this style for years, and this is the first time there’s been a problem,” the engineering officer replied.

  Sean was nodding. “I understand, and agree it was a good upgrade; however, we need to figure out a counter for this, because those bastards are using that knowledge against us.”

  “Admiral, I need flag approval to accept a sensor suite software upgrade from the Candor Mensa Research Facility. The attached note says that it’ll interface with point defense system,” Divine Light said. “It has not been tested.”

  “Admiral, we’ve been listening in. We didn’t have time to test this, but it should give DL the ability to track and destroy any and all objects larger than a suit helmet. If they get through that, he should be able to clean them off his hull as well.”

  As she looked at her on the screen, Sean couldn’t help but wonder at how far the pretty blonde had come from being a student on Earth, and driving Ariel's car. “What's the down side, Tara?”

  The girl glanced at her friend for support, but continued on. “It’ll temporarily take about a third of DL’s long range sensors offline while it uses them. You’ll still have long range scanning, just not at the present resolution. Once the close range scans are complete, the sensors will automatically switch back to the extended range matrix.” She checked her notes. “I should also mention that this will override the standard point-defense system because I had to give it a higher priority in the AI selection matrix.”

  “So don’t use it if there are inbound missiles, got it. Anything else?” Sean asked.

  “Just that it’s untested. Worst case is that it could take all of your long range scanning down, and freeze up the targeting/firing hardware for the point defense lasers.” In the background, Denise was nodding her approval of the upgrade.

  Sean nodded. “I understand, Tara. Thank you, this will come in very handy right now. DL, proceed with the upgrade.”

  The Engineer looked a little nervous but Sean waved her back. “Denise approved it as well, Harron. Otherwise, I would have had you look it over first,” Sean explained, much to the pregnant engineer’s relief.

  “Sorry ma’am, Podi kicked me in the stomach when he heard about the upgrade,” Engineering Officer Harron replied.

  “Well then, let us hope that was his stamp of approval. DL, what’s the status of the upgrade?”

  “The new system will be online in fifteen seconds. For the record, Tara writes very clean and precise code. I could hit a Callipson Flea on the rear thruster using a bow laser and not even scorch the paint.”

  “He’s right,” Harron said typing away on her board. “It’s just a cleaned up variant of our original code! She gave it a few more tricks, but it’s the same code! It’s way more efficient too.”

  “One hundred, twenty nine external hull anomalies detected in epsilon section. Three hundred and thirty-one more detected on various inbound low energy trajectories. Enabling point defense systems, and standing by to seal hull breach. Automated systems are engaging,” DL reported.

  “Sweet Lady! Those poor bastards don’t stand a chance. The PDS is just sweeping them away like dirt,” Tac-Ops said, watching in horror.

  “Well, since this is working so well, let's get it sent out to the other ships,” Sean looked at the Hologram of the Captain beside her at the tank. “This is starting to feel far too much like warfare. At this rate the fucking slavers are going to be building warships.”

  “Ma’am, Fleet reports fifty-seven slaver ships destroyed or retreated. None are allowing capture,” the Flight Ops officer said.

  “If they were doing that, then why would they be throwing all these experienced crews away like this?” Gr’eis asked. “Horrible attrition rate.”

  “You know, one of these days, we really need to do something about all these damn slavers and smugglers. We know where they’re coming from, I just don’t see why we can’t just go there, and take care of the problem, once and for all!” Sean was acting, and she hoped she hadn’t been over doing it, but Gr’eis didn’t act like she was acting.

  “I know, Hs’ean. I agree with you, and so does Her Majesty, but there’s nothing we can do about it right now. Did you ever get that message to the Emperor?”

  Sean nodded, knowing full well her crew were listening closely to her words, both here and on the command bridge. “Yes, I did. He replied just as I said he would. He doesn’t dare go against the senate at this time. Jesus! Is he the Emperor, or what?” She sighed. “This isn’t the time or the place. We can talk more later over dinner.”

  Luke walked back into the base, and to the hangar where techs seemed to be crawling all over the sleek form of the smaller craft. Catching a young woman that was hurrying past, he yelled over the loud din, “Excuse me, do you know where I can find Master Chief Brittle?”

  “In the Squad Room, I imagine,” she gestured to one of the many doors leading out of the large hanger. “But it’s Bri’tell; Brit-tell. He’s Anthorian, mispronouncing their names is an insult,” she said.

  “Thank you, very much! I really appreciate your help!” Luke yelled. The girl winked at him, and hurried on about her business.

  Luke walked through the oversized door, and down a short hallway to the doors marked 'Squad Room.' There was another line of characters under the words on the door, and Luke thought it might be a different language.

  Pushing open the door, the sight momentarily stunned him, seeing nude males and females, walking back towards the shower, or sitting on benches with the lockers. It was clear he was looking for someone, and trying very hard not to notice all the skin. One very muscular, yet oddly attractive woman walked up to him. She was wearing a skintight jumper that while she had obviously sweated a great deal in it, only made her look more attractive.

  “Can I help you, Sir?” she asked in a strangled accented contralto voice.

  “Yes, I was told that the Master Chief might be in here?” Luke asked.

  She offered him her hand. “I’m Tech – Lieutenant Condel, the platoon’s medic. I just finished checking him over, and sent him off to shower. He’s kinda of stiff and sore, so he might be a little while. These hot showers beat the armor off the infra-sonics we have aboard ship.”

  “That’s okay; I’ll track him down later. I suppose I should get back to the house before someone figures out I’m missing,” Luke said.

  She grinned at him. “If you got this far, Sir, I’m pretty sure you’re authorized to be here. The doors don’t work unless you have clearance.”

  “Well, I'm one of the folks you rescued out there, so if I have clearance, it
must be a mistake,” Luke said smiling at her.

  “Marines don’t make mistakes, sir; we got the navy for that!” Condel replied, returning his grin.

  Luke chuckled. “Amen to that, Doc.”

  She looked at him appraisingly. “You were in the Corps.”

  He nodded. “I was in the 2nd Special Operations group. I didn’t like some of the stuff they were asking us to do, so I got out, got a regular job, and raised a family.”

  “Even on Earth, a person can get outta the Corps, but you can never get the Corps out of the person. What can we do for you, Ambassador Janis?” Bri’tell asked as he limped up to them. He was only wearing his shorts, so Luke could see the smooth pink skin on the lower half of one leg.

  “What happened to your leg, Master Chief?” Luke asked.

  “Thanks Condel, I’ll take it from here,” Bri’tell said as he waved Luke along with him.

  “Sure thing, Master Chief. Good to meet you sir,” the big woman said as she turned for her locker.

  “To fully answer your question, sir, would require a very long explanation that should wait for your daughter. But suffice it to say, it got shot off a couple of weeks ago.” He scratched at it as he sat in front of his locker. “What can the Imperial Marine Corps do for you, sir?”

  “To be honest, Master Chief, I’d like some answers before my daughter gets here and glosses everything over. I learned long ago if I want the truth, I need to ask a fellow marine.”

  Bri’tell nodded his understanding. “That’s true, Sir. But, there honestly are things I can’t tell you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Luke nodded. “I understand duty and honor, Master Chief.”

  “That’s a real good thing, Sir, because that’s all this story is anyway. Duty and Honor, and how your daughter teaches all of us, the true meanings of those words every single day.”

  As Bri’tell and the rest of the squad got dressed, they told him what life was like in the Empire, and how an individual's rights had become almost meaningless, and that the common person was worthless to those in power. The Empire venerated the Emperor, and it was widely believed that he was fighting a losing battle for the people of the empire.

  Then, the Emperor’s granddaughter and heir takes a Guardian post in the most dangerous spot imaginable in order to raise an heir that would value the people above all else. When the woman dies at the hands of a band of slavers, the fate of the entire galaxy suddenly falls on a young, beautiful, college student that doesn’t even believe in the existence of aliens.

  However, not only does she accept her role, she is quickly becoming a legend in her own right. The day after accepting her status as a Guardian trainee, she takes her ship, one she doesn't even know how to fly, on a mission to rescue her trainer.

  In the process of rescuing him, she discovers proof that the slavers are using advanced technology that the military doesn’t even have yet. Once the Emperor discovers she hadn’t actually been raised by his granddaughter, he comes here himself to visit and tell her of her status. He publicly names her his heir.

  They go on to tell Luke about her feats of bravery, skill of arms, and how, above all, she stands up for the people against all comers. By the time, Bri’tell lead Luke back to the Villa, Luke was satisfied he had gotten exactly what he’d wanted from the Master Chief; a candid look at what his little girl had accomplished.

  Luke was not only bursting with pride for her, he was also scared for her. She had made herself the primary target for the slavers guild and was rapidly gaining the love and trust of not only the people, but the armed forces as well. If things continued as they were, Ariel wouldn’t have a revolution, she would trigger a coup d’état that would roll right over the existing power structure of the Empire.

  Luke decided that he first needed to have a long private talk with his wife. Second, he needed to do a ton of research into the nature and history of the empire, and third... he sighed. Decide if she was doing the right thing or if she was going to destroy everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “How goes it up there?” Alex asked.

  Ariel sighed. “It’s weird; the slavers are attacking the fleet ships, by dropping loads of boarding pods. Then the ships head for Earth. It’s like a massive slave raid, and illegal trading mission. But what’s with the attack on the ships? They have to know there’s no way they can take them; not with marine detachments on each one. How are my folks doing?”

  “Pretty good, considering neither one of them got upset when they found out I was really one of your biological mothers. Your mother and I have been talking almost since she got here. I think she’s going to be a very good friend. Once your father found out what’s happened to you, and that you were okay, he wandered off to get a good look around. He found his way into Marine Country and spent a couple of hours talking to the grunts. It’s really odd, they immediately treated him like he had been one of them all along,” Alex replied.

  “In a way, he is one of them,” Ariel replied. “He was a Marine on Earth, back before they adopted me. I think he was in some special branch, because he would never talk to us about those times. He never told us why he’d gotten out either, but Uncle George was in with him. Once a year, they get together, go out, and get so drunk they need a taxi to get home.”

  Alex chuckled. “I would say he has a whole bunch of new buddies, now. Tech – Lieutenant Condel has both of them over in medical getting checked out. Bri’tell has even put in a request for weapons certification for both of them. I got the impression that at the minimum Luke will receive training on imperial weapons regardless of permission. So, I just approved his request to make it official, I hope that was okay?”

  Ariel nodded agreement. “That’s fine; in fact, I think you should consider taking the training as well. Considering everything that’s going on, you might want to know how to use a pistol.”

  “I’ll ask the Master Chief if I can join the class too,” Alex replied, agreeing with Ariel’s suggestion. “Are you going to be making it home tonight?”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t think so, but I’ll call and talk to them later this evening. Have you gotten any idea if they're going to accept the position of Ambassador?”

  Now Alex shook her head. “No clue. I don’t think they’ve had much time to talk about it either...” Alex paused as someone off camera distracted Ariel.

  “Damn! Sorry Alex, duty calls. I’ll try to call you later as well.”

  Alex smiled her understanding. “Just be careful, sweetheart.”

  Ariel winked at her as the screen went dead. As Alex stood up, she thought she should go see how the Janis' were doing. She really liked Ariel’s mother, Karen. Even though Alex knew Karen wasn’t Ariel's biological mother, she couldn’t tell it by looking at them. Ariel looked like a slightly younger version of Karen. They actually looked like sisters, meaning Karen was beautiful.

  Luke was beyond handsome also. He was showing a little gray at the temples, but his loose, business-casual wardrobe utterly failed to hide the fit, muscular, marine body under them.

  I.T.C. Merchant’s Profit Heavy Freighter,

  Sahara Desert, Algeria (near border with Mali)

  Northwestern African Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector.

  Captain Argus Tyrr stood at the rail, and tried to locate the hidden sentries he’d ordered posted. This was the first time he’d landed here, and he didn’t want to take any chances.

  Although it was hellishly hot when the local primary was up, it was breathtakingly beautiful at night. The heavenly vision once again pulled his sight up to the seemingly huge, bright, full moon, and the millions of small pinpricks of light that were the stars. The moon was so bright that, once the eyes adjusted, one did not need a hand torch outside the ship.

  Giving himself a mental shake, he lifted the Special Ops sniper rifle to use the scope to look for his guards. His crew was okay, but the so-called troops the Guild used had no discipline at all. Of course, to do some of
the crazy shit the Guild asked of them, they couldn’t be very smart either. No one in his or her right mind would attack an Imperial warship with no back-up. It was suicide, plain and simple.

  Of course, he often wondered about the intelligence of the Guild leadership as well. This raid was about as dumb as he’d ever seen, and he’d seen plenty of dumb! Instead of setting up a rendezvous on one of the outer planets, where the raider ships could unload and go back for another load, they ordered him to the planet as well. Now, all it took was for one of those idiot raider crews to be tracked bringing a load in, and the Merchant’s Profit was toast.

  Granted, so far the Duke’s plan seemed to be working, but the cost! The guild leadership should consider abandoning this system. There was an entire battle fleet here! It felt like they were raiding one of the fuckin’ core worlds! The twice-damned heir lived here! If the Duke stayed this course, he was going to wind up stretching his neck on the gallows with the rest of the guild swinging right beside him.

  When Argus did not find the guard posts, he turned around and looked at the two ships off-loading their cargo. The flat top design of the medium freighter promoted slaving traffic. It had a large enough area to land several raiding ships at once, and it needed very few guards since the force field ‘safety net’ caught anyone who jumped. There was nowhere else for jumpers to go, except down into the cryo-processing area and then into stasis for the trip to market.

  Argus loved his ship. In three more galactic years, he would own it free and clear. Then he could tell the Slavers Guild to go orbit a quantum singularity. Hauling slaves was good money, but it was dangerous. Not only could he lose his life, he’d lose his ship!

  Nodding to the guard by the airlock, he headed for his cabin. His ‘slave,’ Jessica, promised him a special dinner tonight. The beautiful woman had been a gift from his patron, Baron Otwold, for bringing in record numbers of healthy slaves.


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